Big Pig Productions and Big Pig Music, L. L. C.

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Big Pig Productions and Big Pig Music, L. L. C. Recording Studio Info
$100 per song. This is where my music happens. I create it, in my own twisted brain. Like it or hate it, it is what it is. E.

You can either pay up front the whole amount, or choose to pay half down and pay the other half when the project is complete.
1-989-327-4251 I also record, write, and produce for other artists. This is my independent record label. PRIVACY NOTICE: Warning - any person and/or institution and/or Agent and/or Agency of any governmental structure including but not limited to the United States Federal

Government also using or monitoring/using this website or any of its associated websites, you do NOT have my permission to utilize any of my profile information nor any of the content contained herein including, but not limited to my photos, and/or the comments made about my photos or any other "picture" art posted on my profile. You are hereby notified that you are strictly prohibited from disclosing, copying, distributing, disseminating, or taking any other action against me with regard to this profile and the contents herein. The foregoing prohibitions also apply to your employee , agent , student or any personnel under your direction or control. The contents of this profile are private and legally privileged and confidential information, and the violation of my personal privacy is punishable by law. UCC 1-103 1-308 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED WITHOUT PREJUDICE

Recordist and Studio Experience
40 years ago, I began recording using two cassette tape machines with a cheap ribbon microphone. At the time, I was 8 years old. (These turned out, as I later discovered, to be sound experiments where I was testing the limits of the equipment and methods I was using.)
Recorded first band known as Exanadoo (a tribute in some small way to the Canadian prog rock band Rush), using the above equipment configuration. That recording got us one gig, which was my first public appearance playing bass in a band. At this point, over dubbing is challenging, tape editing using a razor blade and keeping time with watches is something else.
I took time between Exanadoo and my next band effort to grow as an instrumentalist and learn as much about music theory as I could learn from my dad and many textbooks. I did play trumpet in the grade school and high school bands at the time.
My next band was Cinema Edge, for which there were several versions before the outfit was finished. The guitarist of the Mark II version of C. turned me on to the wonders of the TASCAM 4 TRACK TAPE RECORDER, I later grew so fond of. Over dubbing became a full time job, after performing for the tape machine with the band - on 4 songs. We over dubbed the four part harmonies later that evening. I love the magic of the track bounce!
In 1986 I graduated high school. Following the break up of Cinema Edge, were endless jazz quintet gigs with myself on bass, my dad on various woodwinds, Vince Gaskew on drums, and the late Charles T. Brown on electric piano, some saxophone, and the rare vocal. This effort literally paid for my first double bass, because we toured all over the state of Michigan performing at Mutual Savings 101st Birthday celebrations. My studies of recording, engineering, mixing, and mastering continued. Also, my son was born in 1993. After many college courses, I found I needed a short break. I moved to Detroit.
Mixed Generation was the next band I was to work with, thanks to the recommendation from a friend, and subsequent audition, which I won. These guys really immersed this relatively white man to the vast realm known as funk. I learned the slap and pop and how to use them. As bassist, I also recorded the Mark I and II versions of this band with whom I also did my first forays into writing for a band. One of these songs I still use today.

Following the finish of the Mark III version of Mixed Generation, I not only continued my private studies of recording, but I also did some more college, and joined the reformed band known as The Swaggering Rogues. At first, I played the bass. I recorded the beginnings of this band using a cheap two track tape machine. I finally replaced that with the Tascam 4 Track Tape Recorder. At that point, I had graduated to the lead guitarist position. It was shortly afterward that I finally invested in the digital audio workstation based on a Dell Dimension 8600 Desktop Computer using the program Cakewalk SONAR Producers Edition 3, and after a bit of experimentation, I felt comfortable enough to record The Swaggering Rogues. It was my first time in digital world for someone besides myself, and I was determined to do a great job. We recorded enough material for a full length CD.
At this point I was still in The Swaggering Rogues. Classic Graffitti asked me to join as bassist. I recorded 3 of their CD’s whilst simultaneously playing their rather complex progressive instrumental music on bass guitar. This was my biggest challenge up to that point, not only in discovering the world of “producer speak” and keeping communication lines open with everyone regarding how things ought to be mixed, is that in groups its often not an easy balance to maintain. Keeping a sense of gentle humor about things is the best medicine for keeping/bringing folks back into the “open mode,” creatively.
After The Swaggering Rogues and Classic Graffitti finished, I worked with my cousin Craig Curtice in Curtice/Markley. I recorded and wrote all the music played on all the instruments for all the songs while Craig was responsible for the lyrics and their corresponding melodies, and thus the name. At this point was when I first had hands on use of the program Pro Tools, with a ton of microphone experimental learning. This outfit morphed into Curtice/Markley & Motown Station, and then X-Ray-Ted, before 2/5 of the band retired.
The vocalist, myself, and the bassist continued forward looking for a drummer. We eventually discovered one Jeff Sehn. We became Chosen By Fate, that day. The band came together in 2012, and then the name came the following year. This is my current project. I am in preparation to record the full length album on my own equipment as we speak, once were all finished writing it. Thanks for reading!

Congratulations to  on a fine performance of Love Reign O’er Me. Also, special thanks and kudos to  on the piano as well...

Congratulations to on a fine performance of Love Reign O’er Me. Also, special thanks and kudos to on the piano as well as for hitting an E5 at the young age of 81! 🥂

Please like/share/fav/comment if you are feeling it!Piano intro by Loren Gold Love Reign O'er Me by Pete Townshend, performed by The WhoLoren Gold...

Chosen By Fate


Eric (that's me, if you've not already guessed) has been very busy the last few days listening back to all the rehearsal recordings made for Chosen By Fate since the band went from a four piece down to a three piece band.

There are tons of nice riffs/grooves/chord progressions that have surfaced as a result. Its nice to have more than enough of all three of those when writing a full length album, because no one wants to be caught lacking one nor any of those during precious studio time, as it costs lots of 💰.

Keep an eye on our band page for up to the moment news/gigs/facts.

Coming to a place near you. Their mission is to startle you into being fully awake. Come see them to know what this means. You won't regret it.


Here is to wishing everyone great success in their day!


Good day, friends!

I started back at my day job Monday morning, making it necessary to slow down on the production bit.

Its honestly not a bad thing, considering my plate is full with my portion of responsibilities involved in continuing working with my band, Chosen By Fate, on top of the day job as well as studying for my masters of music music theory, music history, and ear training entrance exams, at Wayne State University.

Click here to support Christina's Study Abroad Trip by Christina Camps

Please help my cousin Christina to afford to study abroad! Here is her gofundme link;

Hello Everyone! My name is Christina Camps and I am a former foster youth currently in my last semester of college at California State university San Marcos studying communications. I will be walking in May but to complete the degree I must finish up Spanish over the summer. Although Spanish was...

Keep your campaign pledge to respect state ma*****na legalization laws. | We the People: Your Voice in Our Government

On February 23, Press Secretary Sean Spicer indicated the Department of Justice might begin "greater enforcement" of federal law in states that have legalized ma*****na. But during the campaign President Trump repeatedly pledged that if elected the federal government would respect the rights of stat...


From Laura Mendoza

"I am so grateful for all of the support I have received over this incident. We are not playing the Hamtramck Music Festival, but please do not ask to boycott it. The other bands and venues involved should not suffer because of this. We need to stand together and support each other, always.

Please share."


A post from a fellow musician friend of mine;

"To my community:

If you care about me and are my really friend, you will share this post as much as you can. I am also begging you to do so. I have never laid down to my community as I am now and begged for mercy. Please do not take this lightly as it is my livelihood, my health and everything I have worked for.

As a woman and a feminist, I have been fighting the frontlines for years. I have been sexually harassed, sexually assaulted, discriminated and mistreated in the rock scene in Detroit and abroad. When I lived in Santiago, Chile (My mother is from there, I am Latina), I was the only woman in my entire class of 120 students. My professors discriminated against me and sexually harassed me, but still I persevered. It was not acceptable for women to sing or play rock and roll in Chile and I persevered regardless. I came back to the United States and started my band, White S**g. Again, I found myself being mistreated for being a woman in the rock scene to the point where I wanted to give up. I persevered. I have mentored and taught young girls, boys, women and men in music and have inspired not just women, but men as well. I have written feminist anthems such as "Bleed" which is about the constant struggle of proving myself as a woman in the music scene. I wrote die for me "Die for Me" (and I have never shared this, because I have been ashamed to) about a decision I had to make about keeping a child or not when I was a younger woman. Those of you who know, know that when I rock, I rock hard and I want every woman to feel comfortable doing that on stage. That is why I do what I do.

I'm sure you have heard about all the terrible rumors going around about my band. When I met my guitarist, 10 years ago, a friend brought to my attention his prior conviction. I was extremely concerned at first. Although, I am a very intuitive and empathetic person and my gut kept telling me to go do my own research. I ordered court documents so I could make my own deduction of what had happened and I realized, that what this person did was inexcusable, but it was not fair to judge him or remove him from my life (and if you want my opinion on the matter, please feel free to private message me or email at [email protected]). I also found it a shame to judge someone that had to take a plea instead of going to court and fighting the fight for financial reasons (Sidenote - I suggest you watch The 13th with Oprah Winfrey for more information on that). I never felt unsafe around him either, even though he didn't know I knew about his conviction. He had also very clearly done his time and I didn't feel it was right not to play in a band with him because he used poor judgement in his past. Everyone deserves a second chance.

Unfortunately, this has reared its ugly head 10 years after my guitarist served his time and fellow bands and women are saying terrible things about my band. These are things that I've had to turn over to an attorney and pay for with money I do not have. I'm sure you all saw that I was in the hospital the other day for a heart attack, which was actually an anxiety attack due to all of the stress from this madness. Since then, I have seen my fellow women call me a "r**e apologist" and friends and fellow bands turn their backs on me and drop out of festivals we are on. I tried to reach out to these people at first because I wanted to talk with them, but the only person who I managed to have a conversation with was irrational, hateful and judgemental. It was very clear that my fellow feminists and Detroit musicians were not willing to hear my cry. Since I went to the hospital, I have been sent physical threats by my fellow females and musicians (which I've had to involve the police) and have been witch hunted continuously on forums in the community that have kicked me off so I don't even have a voice. The venues and festivals we are on are getting bombarded with emails to have us dropped or kicked off. My friends and fellow bands that have defended us have been threatened as well. I have been shunned by my fellow musicians even though I was praised by them not long before they made their judgements about what they don't know. All of you who know me, know that me and my band do NOT deserve this. We are good people who have stood up and supported this community for years. This is hateful, judgemental and hurtful. It is not right to say that my guitarist, or anyone for that matter, who has a prior past to be shunned from ever having a normal life again, especially if they are doing everything to have a normal life.

If this is a matter of safety and someone feeling unsafe, I ask that you email me or contact me with your concerns. Your name will be protected. I don't want ANYONE to feel unsafe!!! I will see to it myself, as a woman and a Latina, that you do, if that is the issue!! The door is open!

I know that this is probably going to open me up for more harassment, but I cannot stay quiet anymore. I tried to ignore this, but no longer can. I'm sure I will be shunned by the fellow female community as well as the music community for this even though I have been fighting the frontlines for women and Latinas in music for so long. Not just sitting behind a computer and posting. My talent, my music, my band- it speaks for itself. This is supposed to be about music. Let's keep it that way.

I will not give up. I haven't up until now even after all of that and won't ever!

If you know me and respect me, you will share.

Laura Mendoza
Lead singer and bassist of White S**g"


Always working on mixes....


Orange Amplifiers

WISH GRANTED! We're giving away $10,000/£8,000 worth of Orange gear this holiday season! Simply tell us what you want in the comments. Share it to double your chances!


Drive home from Horton, MI.


In mix mode with the music of
Chosen By Fate

Chosen By Fate

Looking forward to rehearsal this weekend, with Chosen By Fate!

Coming to a place near you. Their mission is to startle you into being fully awake. Come see them to know what this means. You won't regret it.


My phone is not cooperating with its video camera so the live feed will have to wait for a few until I can get my actual video camera hooked up to my laptop and test the connection for the live feed. Arrggghhh...


In working these early mixes on our songs (Chosen By Fate, Chosen By Fate) Ive found a few stepping stones along the way that Id like to share with you.
The following discussion is regarding where the bass guitar and the double kick drums will be located in the percieved 4 dimensional stereo spectrum of a mix.
So far, the best solution Ive found is to pan the kicks 100% far left and right, keeping the bass guitar roughly dead center between them at zero, thus leaving enough sonic space for all three in the mix. I dont like using EQ to make that happen, because I prefer keeping the original source sounds as natural, unaffected, and unedited as humanly possible. This is just a general rule, and rules do have merit as well as exception.
Im going to try doing a short facebook live feed showing me working on one of our most recent mixes. Ill be dealing mostly with the kick drums and bass guitar....


We are proud to announce our commitment to recording the Chosen By Fate full length cd!


HI everybody! Eric here. Just thought I'd drop by for a has been locked down on the Chosen By Fate full album project. There's no title on the work as of yet, but we've got lots and lots of really great ideas already recorded. The boys are working on lyrics as this is being written....



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