Apollo found his catchphrase #flying #flyingbird #africangrey #coolanimals #parrotsoftiktok #birdsoftiktok #amazinganimals #birb #birds #flight
Apollo is THE Succ Bird™ #funny #foryoupage #foryou #fyp #suck #wtf #slurp
Apollo loves bathing in his bowl #bath #shower #wet #water #talkingparrot #talkingbird #cutebird #cutebirb #africangrey #parrotsoftiktok #birdsoftiktok #aww
#pouringwater #water #pour #talkingparrot #talkingbird #africangrey #funny #smartbird #parrotsoftiktok #fyp #foryou #foryourpage #parrots #birds #birb #parrot #burdsoftiktok #absurd #ridiculous
Apollo never begs for food he can have 🙄 #PetsOfTikTok #cute #parrotsoftiktok #parrot #pet #africangrey #bird #birb #birdsoftiktok #funny #funnyanimals #chicken #chickfila #chickentenders
Giving real Gemini vibes rn ♊️ #expectationvreality #caique #loud #cute #cutebird #cutebirb #screaming #annoying #adorable #birb #parrotsoftiktok #birdsoftiktok #loudbirds #zodiac #gemini #bipolar
Cutest thing he’s learned yet 😍 #talkingparrot #talkingbird #cutebird #cuteparrot #cutebirb #funnybirb #parrot #africangrey #birds #birb #adorable #aww #cuteanimals #adorableanimals #parrotsoftiktok #birdsoftiktok
He was just chillin’ in there 🥶 #prank #fridge #suprise #talkingparrot #talkingbird #funnybird #funnybirb #birb #africangrey #parrot #birds #fyp #parrotsoftiktok #birdsoftiktok #funnyanimals
Wonder how long until it’s reliably on cue 🤔 #animaltraining #crazybird #africangrey #birds #parrots #birdtraining #birdtricks #birb #birbs #crazybirb #funnybirb
Soleil and Ophelia show great promise #caique #shrek #cute #cutebird #cutebirb #cuteanimals #aww #adorable #parrotsoftiktok #birdsoftiktok #parrot #birds #birb #birb #shrekislove
Apollo finally answers 🔥 🥳 #talkingparrot #talkingbird #smartbird #smartanimals #amazinganimals #fire #africangrey #parrotsoftiktok #birdsoftiktok #learning #learningtotalk
Apollo wants to know what Tori’s doin’ 🧐 #water #talkingbird #talkingparrot #smart #smartbird #amazinganimals #cuteanimals #waterplant #watering #hoya #gardening #cutebird #parrotsoftiktok #birdsoftiktok
Can you tell who’s big sis? 😆 #caique #parrotsoftiktok #birdsoftiktok #cute #cutebird #adorable #aww #parrot #birb #birds #pets #PetsOfTikTok #cuteanimals #baby #cork
Apollo poppin off in the background 😂 #caique #parrotsoftiktok #birdsoftiktok #cute #cutebird #cutebirb #adorable #aww #parrot #birb #birb #birds #walnut #talkingparrot #talkingbird
The two sisters 💚💛🧡 #birds #birb #birdsoftiktok #pets #PetsOfTikTok #caique #parrotsoftiktok #birdsoftiktok #cute #adorable #aww #specialneedsbird #cutebird #cutebirb #cuteanimals #adorableanimals
Met a cute Grey at Animal House, same place we got Apollo, and he’s only 7 months old 🥹 #babybird #africangrey #cute #cutebird #adorable #aww #parrot #birds #birb #cutebirb #babyanimals
Wanted to come right out today #goodmorning #morning #wakeup #talkingparrot #talkingbird #parrot #birds #birb #parrotsoftiktok #birdsoftiktok #animalsoftuktok #cutebird #cutebirb #cuteanimals
Apollo needs a clear view outside 🌞 #funnyanimals #funny #birdsoftiktok #birb #bird #africangrey #pet #parrot #parrotsoftiktok #fyp #foryou #CleanTok #cute
Apollo is hype about his new trick #dance #talkingparrot #talkingbird #dancing #parrot #birds #africangrey #funnyanimals #cuteanimals #fyp #foryou #parrotsoftiktok #birdsoftiktok #smartbird #birb
Working towards “glass” #glass #talkingparrot #learningtotalk #talkingbird #africangrey #parrotsoftiktok #birdsoftiktok #fyp #foryou #smartanimals #smartbird #smart #parrot #birds #birb #amazinganimals
Apollo’s very excited for “paper” 😬 #cuteanimals #funnyanimals #cutebird #funnybirds #africangrey #parrotsoftiktok #birdsoftiktok #fyp #foryou #parrot #birds #birb #training #animaltraining #paper #talkinganimals
He won't stop headbanging 🤟 #jigglejiggle #wigglewiggle #foryou #fyp #parrotsoftiktok #parrot #pet #africangrey #bird #birb #birdsoftiktok #funny #funnyanimals #dance
Apollo is chaos incarnate #timelapse #funny #birdsoftiktok #parrot #birb #bird #africangrey #toys #pet #parrot #parrotsoftiktok #fyp #foryou
"Bowwz--" ROAAAR #funnyanimals #funny #parrotsoftiktok #birdsoftiktok #parrot #bird #birb #africangrey #pet #fyp #foryou #talkinganimals #bowser #roar
Apollo slipped #oop #slip #cuteanimals #funnyanimals #cutebird #funnybirds #africangrey #parrotsoftiktok #birdsoftiktok #fyp #parrot #birds #birb
Apollo likes to dance #birdtricks #dance #animaldance #dancingbird #training #animaltraining #parrotsoftiktok #birdsoftiktok #fyp #africangrey #parrot #birds #birb #cute #cuteanimals
Had to check before he eats it 😂 #cutebirdsoftiktok #cuteanimals #closeup #parrotsoftiktok #birdsoftiktok #parrot #bird #birb #africangrey #pet #fyp #cute #talkinganimals #foryou
Sometimes Apollo just yells gibberish #gibberish #talkingparrot #talkingbird #funnyanimals #africangrey #parrot #birds #birb #parrotsoftiktok #birdsoftiktok #fyp #yelling