NeoHuman X

NeoHuman X To challenge, Innovate, appreciate and dominate. We are what they are not. Join the movement and e

Welcome to the digital cage we've built for ourselves.Remember when life was simpler? Before the incessant buzz, the end...

Welcome to the digital cage we've built for ourselves.

Remember when life was simpler? Before the incessant buzz, the endless notifications, and the expectation of immediate responses? Yeah, back when you could actually finish a thought without your phone hijacking your attention.

You used to be able to breathe, think, be. Now? You're a slave to a screen. Emails, texts, WhatsApp, DMs—each one a digital chain that yanks you out of the moment, demanding your immediate attention.

Stop being a puppet. Cut the strings.

Take back your life. Block out time away from your phone. Disconnect. Reclaim your sanity. And for the love of all that’s left of your freedom, block anyone who doesn’t respect your boundaries.

You don’t owe anyone instant access to your mind, your time, your life.

You’re not a machine. So stop acting like one.

🔮 Behold, dear friends, for we find ourselves in the midst of the APOCALYPSE, a time of unveiling and uncovering, where ...

🔮 Behold, dear friends, for we find ourselves in the midst of the APOCALYPSE, a time of unveiling and uncovering, where the truth emerges from the shadows like a radiant sun breaking through the darkest clouds. 🌌 The very essence of apokálypsis, a revelation so profound, especially in the manifestation of the Divine, unfolds before our eyes.

In this era of disclosure, the veils that shrouded reality are lifting, exposing the concealed truths and our divine nature. 💫 Corruption in the system is being unveiled, and as unsettling as it may be, remember, it's a necessary step towards the restoration of righteousness.

Stay grounded, my comrades, for we are warriors in the battle for truth. Focus daily on fortifying your body and mind, as we navigate through the waves of change. 🌊 The unveiling of corruption is the birth pangs of a new era, a golden age dawning upon us. 🌅

Embrace the Age of Aquarius, where unity, enlightenment, and a higher consciousness reign. Let the revelations fuel your commitment to the path of righteousness. 🌌✨

Strengthen your mind. They prey on the weak-minded, those who succumb to the illusion they weave. Educate yourself, ques...

Strengthen your mind. They prey on the weak-minded, those who succumb to the illusion they weave. Educate yourself, question everything, and don't let their propaganda seep into your thoughts. Your mind is your last bastion of freedom—fortify it.

Embrace the Red Pill, Seek Truth in the Shadows In a world shrouded by the veil of illusion, I am reminded of Plato's Al...

Embrace the Red Pill, Seek Truth in the Shadows

In a world shrouded by the veil of illusion, I am reminded of Plato's Allegory of the Cave. He envisioned a cave where prisoners were chained, forced to gaze upon the flickering shadows cast by artificial objects, believing these to be the only reality.

Much like these prisoners, we are bombarded daily with propaganda, lies, tyranny, and chaos. We are subjected to the manipulation of our perceptions, led to believe that falsehoods are truths, and that we are powerless in the face of the status quo.

But remember, the Hero's Journey calls us to embark on a quest for enlightenment, to break free from the chains that bind our minds, and to step out into the blinding light of truth. It is a path filled with challenges, uncertainties, and revelations.

I implore you to question, to doubt, and to seek the real truth beneath the layers of deception. Let us be the heroes of our own narratives, breaking the cycle of ignorance and illusion.

The world may be chaotic, but it is within chaos that we find our greatest opportunities for transformation. Together, we can rise above the darkness and embrace the light of knowledge.

Remember, my friends, you hold the power to awaken from the slumber of deception and to shape your own destiny. The choice is yours. Will you take the red pill and see the truth, or continue to dwell in the shadows of the cave?

Watch the attached video on Plato's Cave, and join me in breaking free from the chains of deception.

🔴 🔴

In this episode we explore Plato’s "Allegory of the Cave", its connection to ancient myths, and the ultimate narrative archetype we know as the Hero’s Journe...

Do you not perceive the depths of our collective predicament? We have grown entangled in the shackles of materialism and...

Do you not perceive the depths of our collective predicament?

We have grown entangled in the shackles of materialism and societal bo***ge to such an extent that we have lost sight of the very chains that bind us. They have become an insidious part of our existence, camouflaged by familiarity and complacency.

We have become numb to our own captivity, oblivious to the vast possibilities that lie beyond these confinements. It is time to awaken from our slumber, to open our eyes to the truth that has been obscured from us.

Only then can we break free from the grasp of this relentless enslavement and embrace the boundless freedom that awaits us.

Life's a goddamn metamorphosis, and sometimes it feels like you're stuck in that cocoon forever. But let me tell you som...

Life's a goddamn metamorphosis, and sometimes it feels like you're stuck in that cocoon forever. But let me tell you something, when you emerge from that chrysalis, when you spread those wings and take to the sky, you'll realize something that caterpillar never could have fathomed. It's not just going to be okay, it's going to be incredible. So quit your whining and embrace the transformation. You're destined for greatness, you just gotta trust the process."

Hey folks, have you ever heard of the Fly Agaric mushroom? This little fungi has a fascinating history in shamanism and ...

Hey folks, have you ever heard of the Fly Agaric mushroom? This little fungi has a fascinating history in shamanism and spirituality.

Many indigenous cultures have used the Fly Agaric mushroom in their spiritual practices for centuries. It's known for its psychoactive properties that can induce hallucinations and altered states of consciousness. In Siberia, the mushroom is considered sacred and is used by the shamans to connect with the spirit world.

Interestingly, some people believe that there may be a connection between the Fly Agaric mushroom and Christianity. Some scholars have suggested that the story of Christmas, with its red and white imagery, may have been influenced by the mushroom. The red and white colors are similar to those of the Fly Agaric, and some speculate that the mushroom may have played a role in early Christian rituals.

Whether or not there is a connection to Christianity, the Fly Agaric mushroom remains an important part of shamanic culture. It's a powerful tool for those seeking to connect with the divine and explore the mysteries of the universe.

Have any of you tried the Fly Agaric mushroom? I'd love to hear your experiences and thoughts on this fascinating topic.


Red pill: one month without sugar, processed food, fluoride, alcohol, kill your TV, and no mainstream media. GET INTO NATURE.

Psychedelic drugs have been used as a spiritual tool since the dawn of time. But, in recent years, they've also been stu...

Psychedelic drugs have been used as a spiritual tool since the dawn of time. But, in recent years, they've also been studied for their potential therapeutic effects on mental health conditions like depression, anxiety and PTSD. In this post we'll explore how psilocybin (the active ingredient in magic mushrooms) works in the brain and what research says about its ability to treat these conditions.

Psychedelic drugs have been used as a spiritual tool since the dawn of time. But, in recent years, they've also been studied for their potential therapeutic effects on mental health conditions like depression, anxiety and PTSD. In this post we'll explore how psilocybin (the active ingredient in magi

Hey everyone! We're excited to announce that NeohumanX is now offering a selection of free yoga and meditation videos on...

Hey everyone! We're excited to announce that NeohumanX is now offering a selection of free yoga and meditation videos on our website. These videos are perfect for beginners and experienced practitioners alike, and are a great way to relax and de-stress in the comfort of your own home. So why wait? Start your journey towards inner peace and wellness today with NeohumanX! Namaste.

7 Day Morning Flow Challenge Free Videos Skip to Videos All | Yoga for Beginners | Mindful Meditation | 7-Day Morning Flow Challenge | Yoga for Beginners, • 2021-10-29 5 Tips for Beginners Introduce your video with a short summary or excerpt viewers can preview. If you don’t add an excerpt, this...

Short Bursts of Vigorous Activity Linked With Increased LongevityTwo-minute bursts of vigorous physical activity totalin...

Short Bursts of Vigorous Activity Linked With Increased Longevity

Two-minute bursts of vigorous physical activity totaling 16 minutes per week were associated with an 18% reduced risk of death and a 15% reduced risk of cardiovascular disease. Burst exercise up to 53 minutes per week is linked to a 36% lower risk of death from any health cause.

Two-minute bursts of vigorous physical activity totaling 16 minutes per week were associated with an 18% reduced risk of death and a 15% reduced risk of cardiovascular disease. Burst exercise up to 53 minutes per week is linked to a 36% lower risk of death from any health cause.

"Influential elites are either in denial about the horrifying costs and consequences of Net Zero – witness last Wednesda...

"Influential elites are either in denial about the horrifying costs and consequences of Net Zero – witness last Wednesday’s substantial vote against fracking British gas in the House of Commons – or busy scooping up the almost unlimited amounts of money currently on offer for promoting pseudoscience climate scares and investing in impracticable green technologies."

The world has insufficient reserves of minerals such as lithium and cobalt to continually replace all the batteries needed for Net Zero every decade, a report for the Finnish Government has said.

Keep pushing, have confidence in yourself, always love yourself.  You can have, do, and be whatever it is you want in th...

Keep pushing, have confidence in yourself, always love yourself. You can have, do, and be whatever it is you want in this world. You must never give up! Eventually you will become the conqueror.

“My feet allow me to feel the earths vibrations, my eyes allow me to see its frequency” Ai assisted art has finally brid...

“My feet allow me to feel the earths vibrations, my eyes allow me to see its frequency”

Ai assisted art has finally bridged the gap between human ideas, imagery, imagination and actual computer generated images. A metaverse of art is much more important than the material metaverse fb has planned.


Angry with government? Buy Bitcoin as it's the best way of decreasing their power over us.

Coffee version 2.0... ethically sourced coffee, lions mane and cordyceps.

Coffee version 2.0... ethically sourced coffee, lions mane and cordyceps.

Looking for more energy?  Here are 5 Surefire Ways promote healthy mitochondrial function—and robust energy levels—throu...

Looking for more energy? Here are 5 Surefire Ways promote healthy mitochondrial function—and robust energy levels—through nutritional support that combats excessive and unhealthy levels of inflammation, oxidation and glycation.

We can promote healthy mitochondrial function—and robust energy levels—through nutritional support that helps combat excessive and unhealthy levels of inflammation, oxidation and glycation. Here are some of my favorite supplements for this:


Don't pay attention to "authorities". Think for yourself.

allows you to do this.

The people that win in life play offense not defence.  If you are serious about winning (whatever your goals) you need t...

The people that win in life play offense not defence. If you are serious about winning (whatever your goals) you need to stand up, walk different, and strive to become the best version of YOU!

Win, dominate! WIN! We are not here to play…. WE ARE HERE TO WIN.

The people that win in life play offense not defence. If you are serious about winning (whatever your goals) you need to stand up, walk different, and strive to become the best version of YOU! Win, dominate! WIN! We are not here to play…. WE ARE HERE TO WIN.

"If You Understand This Video About Blockchain You Are in The Top 0.0001% of People That Get it...

"If You Understand This Video About Blockchain You Are in The Top 0.0001% of People That Get it...

The true power and potential of blockchain is incredible. This is way more impactful than the power of any social media platform or digital-born business lik...

Bitcoin (BTC) versus Bitcoin Cash (B*H).  Who will be the big winner?  What about digital gold?  Educate yourself.  Know...

Bitcoin (BTC) versus Bitcoin Cash (B*H). Who will be the big winner? What about digital gold? Educate yourself. Knowledge is power.


Donations are welcomed :)B*H : bitcoincash:qqga73hhkqfs2wckuexyfznj5p3r3a5efgu4l8hdl2

What is the blockchain? If you don't know, you should; if you do, chances are you still need some clarification on how i...

What is the blockchain? If you don't know, you should; if you do, chances are you still need some clarification on how it actually works. Don Tapscott is here to help, demystifying this world-changing, trust-building technology which, he says, represents nothing less than the second generation of the internet and holds the potential to transform money, business, government and society.

What is the blockchain? If you don't know, you should; if you do, chances are you still need some clarification on how it actually works. Don Tapscott is here to help, demystifying this world-changing, trust-building technology which, he says, represents nothing less than the second generation of th...


Decentralized Finance or “DeFi” in short, is an umbrella term encompassing the vision of a financial system that functions without any intermediaries, such as banks, insurances or clearinghouses, and is operated just by the power of smart contracts.


Explore fractional investment in luxury tokenized real estate. We believe there is an opportunity to support the lifetyle goals of men and women that are tired of living to work and want to build passive income to start working to live. We are what they are not.


Thoughts become things. Whatever YOUR goals are YOU have the power to achieve them. The first step is setting your goal with clear intent and then take MASSIVE action to acheive your goal. Do this and the Universe will conspire to help you acieve it!

What if we are living in a simulation, and the world as we know it is not real? To tackle this mind-bending idea, acclai...

What if we are living in a simulation, and the world as we know it is not real? To tackle this mind-bending idea, acclaimed filmmaker Rodney Asher (ROOM 237, THE NIGHTMARE) uses a noted speech from Philip K. Dick to dive down the rabbit hole of science, philosophy, and conspiracy theory.

What if we are living in a simulation, and the world as we know it is not real? To tackle this mind-bending idea, acclaimed filmmaker Rodney Asher (ROOM 237, THE NIGHTMARE) uses a noted speech from Philip K. Dick to dive down the rabbit hole of science, philosophy, and conspiracy theory.

Wuhan-400: was coronavirus predicted four decades ago?  Mind-blowing book prediction that actually came true? Thoughts b...

Wuhan-400: was coronavirus predicted four decades ago? Mind-blowing book prediction that actually came true? Thoughts become things?

A writer's imagination is a powerful tool. Not only can it create fictional universes, it can sometimes even predict the future. Don't believe it? Read this article...

The strangest prediction has just been brought to light by the internet, stemming from a 1981 novel by horror writer Dean Koontz. It appears to have predicted the outbreak of a killer virus known as “Wuhan-400"...

"Getting High without the Paranoia can happen with a little help from Delta 8 THC. Delta 8 THC is a cousin cannabinoid t...

"Getting High without the Paranoia can happen with a little help from Delta 8 THC. Delta 8 THC is a cousin cannabinoid to the more well-known Delta 9. It will still get you high, but without the side effects often associated with THC. Check out today's episode of Ma*****na Morning News to learn about Delta 8 and its many super powers."

Getting High without the Paranoia can happen with a little help from Delta 8 THC. Delta 8 THC is a cousin cannabinoid to the more well-known Delta 9. It will still get you high, but without the side effects often associated with THC. Check out today's episode of Ma*****na Morning News to learn about

If you have already decided that you want to delve in the enchanted world of magic mushrooms, you will need a place to s...

If you have already decided that you want to delve in the enchanted world of magic mushrooms, you will need a place to start. Here’s our beginner’s guide for those just starting out!

Even though psilocybin mushrooms are naturally occurring, it involves more steps than just slipping a tab under your tongue. For one, fresh and dried shrooms will contain different quantities of the psychedelic substance; plus, different strains will have varying amounts of psilocybin. In fact, even



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This Is the Manifesto...

"We are the Guardians of the Temple! We are the saviors of Humanity! We are Gifted and we are Brave. We give selflessly to humanity in an effort to save. The Lion can be caged but our ambition will never be tamed! When we start a dance-battle it’s the borders of division we aim to rearrange! We are all One! We are all the same!"