Absence of ECE in our Education System
Early childhood learning is very vital for children aging from 0-8 years of age. During this period, their minds are very sharp to pick up things. Whatever they observe and hear, they imitate. And the more they get exposed to the environment and activities that they find themselves in, the more they get used to them which eventually become part of them.
Early childhood learning is the foundation where important VALUES, ATTITUDES, KNOWLEDGE and SKILLS should be cemented in these young brains. So when they enter Grade 1, they go in with all the quality values, for example, already inbuilt into them.
Have you EVER WONDER why our Education System never captured ECE in it's structure, especially ages 4-6 as Kinder 1, 2 and Prep but only considered 7 years old for Grade 1 upwards?
We were given an incomplete Education System with a SHAKY FOUNDATION because of lack of ECE in it.
How could our education system engineers at that time ignore this important group of people? Were they ignorant? Or was it because those involved didn't want our nation to succeed? Think about it. We all are the products of that Education System back then.
The state in which our country is in right now, with all the corruption going on, is because of that incomplete Education System back then. All these attitudes that should have been addressed and quality values cemented in ECE were never done. So we can see the output right before our eyes!
Now with Standard Based Education, it is important that ECE must be established in ALL OUR WARDS in all the Districts. Parents must be educated on the importance of Early Childhood learning. Communities must be aware so everyone must conduct ourselves well infront of these little children.
Change must start in our homes, then into the communities, Districts, Provinces and this Nation as a whole. We cannot turn a blind eye on ECE anymore.