So small story time. I took the last couple days off to play through my other copy of Pokemon. Since it's been so long since I've played through this region I wanted to get a refresher on what Pokemon were where and such so it wasn't just me mindlessly trying to figure out how I should encounter each route.
Well after a day and a half of grinding, failing, and a little bit of cheese I have finally finished the Pokemon league. I remember this PL was pretty difficult, but this one is on a whole other level. With that being said I'm terrified on how this nuzlocke is going to go once I reach that stage, but we are going to press on and try to beat that challenge. The approach will be different from here on out so there may be some downtime during streams that I apologize I'm advance for, but I really want to complete this challenge. If we fail too many times I may just stream a normal playthrough so you can at least see the game.
With that being said I hope everyone enjoys their Thanksgiving. There will be no streams this week so I can spend time with family and friends. The next stream will be Monday! See you all there!