LIVE: Conspiracy Dave VS. ChatGPT
Join us LIVE Wednesday March 15th 6:30pm PST as our favorite Conspiracy Theorist Dave Takes on ChatGPT. We will as the AI about some of his favorite theories, how they could play out if true and what will be the out come. #chatgpt #conspiracy #conspiracydave #livestream
LIVE: Digging into what's going on in Atlanta #stopcopcity
Tonight we are going to dive into this whole Stop Cop City movment in Atalanta. How it starteed, what’s behind it, and what we can do about it.
#atlanta #stopcopcity #unclehammy #acab
LIVE: True Crime and Strange Story Reacts
It’s a cold rainy day where I am at, so sit with me and listen to some of the internets strangest stories.