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Former Governor John Kasich of Ohio stated that, “he had to search my conscience before agreeing to speak at next week’s...

Former Governor John Kasich of Ohio stated that, “he had to search my conscience before agreeing to speak at next week’s Democratic National Convention in support of presumptive nominee Joe Biden.” Kasich expanded upon this action by replying, “The reason I didn’t support Trump the last time is I was afraid that he would be a divider and not a unifier- and our best leaders historically have been unifers, Republicans and Democrats. But unfortunately, as I’ve watched him over the last three-and-a-half years now, he’s continued to do that and I don’t think the country does well when we are divided. And so, I had to search my conscience. When the Democrats asked me to speak, I had to think about it, and I believe that we need a new direction. We just can’t keep going the way that we’re going.” When questioned about a possible backfire, Kasich replied: “...leaders should be ‘prepared to walk a lonely road.’ If you’re not prepared to walk a lonely road and do the things that your conscience tells you to do, then how do you think about yourself when you look in the mirror? I mean, I’m comfortable with the decisions I make. Of course, there’s blowback...This is not an unusual palace for me to be. I’ve been a reformer almost all of my life. I’ve been very independent and I’m a Republican but the Republican Party has always been my vehicle but never my master. You have to do what you think is right in your heart and I’m comfortable here.” I think this is interesting, especially with how polarized our country is right now, that a notable figure in the Republican Party is going to be a speaker at the Democratic National Convention. We will find out how the public responds to this new addition to the Convention in November.

Lauren Mazzatesta
Republican Coordinator

Adobe has declined several ads from the Republican Attorneys General Association portraying the risks of the “defund the...

Adobe has declined several ads from the Republican Attorneys General Association portraying the risks of the “defund the police” movement due to the fact that the ads illustrate “violence or dangerous activities”. The association notes that the public has already viewed the content through the media. Adam Piper, executive director of the association stated in a letter to Adobe, “After reviewing your company email, one of two conclusions can be made. Adobe agrees with RAGA’s position that rioting, looting and violence in Democrat-run cities is not “perfectly peaceful” as described by Democrat Attorney General Association co-chair and Oregon Attorney General Ellen Rosenblum, and Adobe is equally disturbed by the reality that ‘America is burning’ or Adobe is blatantly shielding national Democrats from both the mob of lawless liberals they seek to protect and from criticism about these National Democrats and their failures to protect their constituents in their cities and states where violence is unfortunately surging.” Adobe declared that it would cease running political ads starting August 30th, but the Attorney General Association disputed that the ads should run until then. Adobe decided after Twitter prohibited political ads; as well as Facebook and Google including limits to political ads on their programs. This is not the first time that censorship on conservatives has been thrown around. However, will it be the last? We will find out in November.

Lauren Mazzatesta
Republican Coordinator

WNBA players revealed all matching shirts supporting Senator Kelly Loeffler’s opponent, Raphael Warnock. The Senator’s c...

WNBA players revealed all matching shirts supporting Senator Kelly Loeffler’s opponent, Raphael Warnock. The Senator’s co-owned team Atlanta Dream, Seattle Storm, Chicago Sky, and Phoenix Mercury donned shirts that stated, “Vote Warnock.” The Atlanta Dream’s coach, Nick Collen explained that, “It’s funny I was them as they got off the bus. How many of them can’t vote in the state of Georgia? There’s some irony in that. Their camaraderie saying they are in this together. I certainly didn’t have any part in that. That’s something the players came up with themselves and wasn’t alerted until I saw the T-shirts come in. Didn’t have anything to do with players association and league in any way. That’s the players doing that. It’s their way to remind people that Black Lives Matter.” Atlanta Dream’s forward, Elizabeth Williams, discussed their decision to wear the T-shirts in a recent tweet: “We are players, but like the late, great John Lewis said, we are also ordinary people with extraordinary vision. has spent his life fighting for the people and we need him in Washington. Join the movement for a better Georgia at Warnockforgeorgia.com.” I think this is an interesting move from the team, as there has been nothing like it previously.

Lauren Mazzatesta
Republican Coordinator

Governor Larry Hogan of Maryland has stated that President Trump is, “not doing a good job of reaching out to the voters...

Governor Larry Hogan of Maryland has stated that President Trump is, “not doing a good job of reaching out to the voters we’re going to need to win elections in the future.” However, the Governor noted that he has “been very careful not to ever go out of my way” to criticize President Trump. Governor Hogan has not been silent about his critique on the administration’s performance, relating to the COVID-19 crisis. As well as he has been remarked as a potential candidate for the White House in 2024. Governor Hogan mentioned that, “I’m not afraid to stand up when I disagree. I don’t think every Republican should have to just march in lockstep and agree 100 percent of the time. I don’t think people should be afraid to stand up and speak out when they disagree. I’m the chairman of the National Governors Association. So my job of representing Democratic and Republican governors all across America is to stand up and push back when we feel like we need more help or when we think the president is off track. And I thank them and praise them when they’re doing something that we think is helpful.” Additionally, the GOP’s direction under President Trump has Hogan criticize that, “...is that the president does a pretty good job of speaking to a portion of the base. He’s not doing a good job of reaching out to the voters we are going to need to win back elections in the future.” Governor Hogan expanded upon this idea that, “...Donald Trump is not going to be the president and not going to be the leader of the party. The party is going to take a hard look at itself and at what direction we are going to head. I’m not sure what direction it’s going to go, but I want to be part of the discussion. I want to talk about returning to some of our traditional Republican roots and about a time when Ronald Reagan would work across the aisle with Tip O’Neill and get things done, about how we won over Independents and Democrats and we won suburban and things that we’re not doing anymore.”

Lauren Mazzatesta
Republican Coordinator

Contrary to the information provided by the polls, enthusiasm for President Trump’s re-election has increased since 2016...

Contrary to the information provided by the polls, enthusiasm for President Trump’s re-election has increased since 2016. Republican National Committee Chair, Ronna McDaniel, stated that, “I’m traveling the country, I’ve seen it through our volunteers. I’ve seen it through our donations.” McDaniel explains that Biden has an enthusiasm issue with his campaign. However, Biden dominates the battleground states of Michigan, Minnesota, and Pennsylvania. His supporters include a strong response from women, non-white voters, and those living in the surburbs. McDaniel noted that, “...based on a Cato Institute survey, polling is skewed because “Republicans are not responding to the polls. There was a Cato Institute survey that showed that 62 percent of Americans are not going to share their political beliefs anymore because of the situation we have in this country. I think there is an underpolled amount of Republicans that are highly enthusiastic for this president and I am seeing it every day as I travel this country and I think we’re going to see this on election day November 3rd.” I think that McDaniel speaks to the truth due to the fact that the silent majority does not amplify their voices in the media, thus they would not participate in surveys to voice their political opinions. Yet, we will discover in November the true strength of the silent majority.

Lauren Mazzatesta
Republican Coordinator

The Washington Post Publisher and CEO, Fred Ryan’s role alongside chairman of the Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation ...

The Washington Post Publisher and CEO, Fred Ryan’s role alongside chairman of the Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation and Institute as a conflict of interest. The post announced that the Reagan Foundation had urged Trump and the Republican National Committee to eradicate funding off of former President Reagan’s name and likeness. The foundation found an issue with the Trump campaign presenting a commemorative coin set that displayed the two presidents together. Mark Levin, consverative talk radio host, stated that, “I campaigned for Ronald Reagan in 1976 and 198-. I worked in President Regan’s administration for 8 years.” Levin also took to his Sunday night segment on Fox News to say that, “The Post’s lefist agenda conflicts with Reagan’s conservative legacy. It also explains why the Washington Post ran a story about the Reagan Library objecting to President Trump’s use of the Reagan name for fundraising- that means Fred Ryan objected.”

Lauren Mazzatesta
Republican Coordinator

The Lincoln Project: at first glance one would assume that it welcomes Republicans, however, it is quite the opposite. T...

The Lincoln Project: at first glance one would assume that it welcomes Republicans, however, it is quite the opposite. This project aims at beating President Trump in November for re-election. The project is spearheaded by George Conway, Steve Schmidt, Rick Wilson, and John Weaver. Their fundings includes up to $19.4 million, in which they contribute their income to airing TV ads against President Trump. Senator John Cornyn stated about the group that, “This cabal of political consultants is all in it for the money. If they actually cared about the country, they wouldn’t be working to advance the socialist, anarchist agenda of the radical left. Pathetic.” John Weaver, who worked for John McCain’s and John Kasich’s presidential campaigns, has connections to Russia. As well as Weaver, has a $313, 655 federal tax lien against his Texas home, when he labels President Trump as a “tax fraud” and a “tax crook.” Another founder of the project, Wilson, has a $389,420 federal tax lien against his Florida home. Additionally, his bank decided to foreclose his home in 2016. A GOP source notes that, “It’s very clear that this isn’t about Trump and Republicans. It’s about making money to help pay off their massive personal debts.” I think that this is an interesting predicament as this project claims that their aim is to detract the votes in the upcoming election from President Trump, so he doesn’t receive another term in office. However, evidence and sources have said otherwise. As always, only time will tell in November.

Lauren Mazzatesta
Republican Coordinator

Ben Shapiro, a conservative commentator, stated, “I think that the great flaw of the political right is that we ceded th...

Ben Shapiro, a conservative commentator, stated, “I think that the great flaw of the political right is that we ceded the culture and we focused on politics. The right is actually very good at winning elections. We’ve had several Republican presidents in my lifetime. We’ve dominated Congress from 1994 to 2006 and then again from 2010 to 2018, and it didn’t matter. I mean, the left continued to shift to the very nature of the deck. It’s not about winning elections. It’s about winning the culture.” Shapiro notes that the Republican party has turned a blind eye one too many times on crucial issues to allow the left to fill in the gaps where the right has neglected. Shapiro also presents that, “The right did not engage in the education system. They sort of let it go. We didn’t engage in culture making in Hollywood. We just kind of let it go. We set up alternative media structures outside the mainstream media, and that’s been the most successful part of what the right has done. But, now that the left is trying in vengeful fashion to shut down all possibility of social media, even distributing those messages, So the right has to understand that this is indeed more a culture war than it is even a political war.” Instead, Ben Shapiro advises that our solution is to concentrate on, “re-installing a sense that we share a culture.” He elaborates upon this notion as, “I don’t mean like we watch the same football games or we patronize the same stores. What I really mean is that we have to be having the same moral conversation about rights and that’s where I think that Americans can still be heard. I think that even the movements from the left that have been most wildly successful have been couched many times dishonestly in terms of rights. But, I think that the political right in this country does have a near-monopoly on the traditional vision of what rights constitute. I think that’s still a great vision and still an appealing one.”

Lauren Mazzatesta
Republican Coordinator

A freshman congress member from Kansas was charged with three felonies; one of which being illegal voting as the congres...

A freshman congress member from Kansas was charged with three felonies; one of which being illegal voting as the congressman declared his address as a UPS store. In the 2019 local city and school board elections, Representative Steve Watkins voted when he was not qualified and hindered law enforcement by supplying false information. The District Attorney of Shawnee County in Topeka, Kansas filed a misdemeanor charge of neglecting to alert the state Division of Vehicles of an address change.The District Attorney, Mike Kagay, stated that the charges were released before the Representatives and his opponents debated on their first and final televised debate. The D.A. announced that the charges were “hyper-partisan” due to the timing and that he has done nothing wrong. When the congressman registered to vote last August, he labeled his address as his postal box at a UPS store, which was tied to his living address. In addition, Watkins edited his address to an apartment complex, roughly two miles from said UPS store as his address, and then revised his voter registration form to his apartment number in January. This is an interesting case, because it sounds like the Representative may have made a mistake. However, such false information on voting registration forms can impede upon elections. It is critical that we comply with updating our information to supply as much accuracy as possible to any election. I am curiously waiting to see what will happen and if the Representative will be held to any further action.

Lauren Mazzatesta
Republican Coordinator

Today’s deep state Republicans are most likely going to shift over to the left as they have grown, to not only dislike t...

Today’s deep state Republicans are most likely going to shift over to the left as they have grown, to not only dislike the current President, but the party itself. In which these so-called Republicans are campaigning against pro-Trump senators, and of course, President Trump. They lean in favor of the Biden-Pelosi-Schumer’s verison of America more than Trump-McConnell-McCarthy’s. This just captures how peculiar these times are and, in effect, how they are placing an enormous amount of pressure upon this year’s Presidential election. Majority of the anti-Trump Republicans are derived from the elite class and they value such a style. Thus, Trump may fall into the elite class, however, his style does not categorize as such. It will be interesting to witness what the deep state Republicans will decide to do in the coming months. Hence, we will find out in November!

Lauren Mazzatesta
Republican Coordinator

The race for Georgia’s open congressional seat is gearing-up as November is inching closer into view. The Republican can...

The race for Georgia’s open congressional seat is gearing-up as November is inching closer into view. The Republican candidates, Marjorie Taylor Greene and John Cowan, are getting personal with their attacks. Cowan aired an ad that claimed Greene neglected to screen for illegal immigrants at her construction business. Yet, Cowan rejected the proposal to delete his ad as the letter created by Greene’s attorney supports his allegation. Now, Greene is countering Cowan with a new ad that states Cowan does not use E-Verify to ensure that his employees are not illegal immigrants. Despite this quarrel, the two candidates share strikingly similar positions: pro-Trump, pro-gun, and pro-law enforcement. Thus, it is up to the people of Georgia to select which candidate can represent them the best.

Lauren Mazzatesta
Republican Coordinator

Republican secretaries of state are spearheading new efforts in voter registration growth across the country. For exampl...

Republican secretaries of state are spearheading new efforts in voter registration growth across the country. For example, Alabama has registered 1,536,778 new voters within the past five years. Despite their strict voter ID laws, Alabama has exceeded expectations across the board for voter participation in the past five years. We are witnessing an unprecedented time of voter turnout. For instance, Georgia, Kentucky, Michigan, Virginia, and many more welcomed new voters, which gave way to early and absentee voting methods. These statistics are so important to Americans, especially now because it allows them to amplify their voices more streamline in a modern world.

Lauren Mazzatesta
Republican Coordinator

Ben Domenech, publisher of the Federalist, is urging the Republican party to defend our nation’s historical symbols. Dur...

Ben Domenech, publisher of the Federalist, is urging the Republican party to defend our nation’s historical symbols. During an interview, Domenech stated that he, “...was tempted to walk into the Senate Republican conference and ask them, “What happened?” I mean, this is a situation where nobody is standing up with the president on this. And, it boggles the mind because these people wrap themselves in the flag and they talk about defending the Founders and things like that when they want to raise money. But, then it’s like, you actually have a situation where you need to stand up and defend them and you’re not doing it.” Only a few senators have addressed the destruction of statues and monuments. President Trump stated that, “...Republican members are “nervous about being called racist” and are “being too politically correct.” President Trump also remarked that, “...whatever the motivation, this is a situation that is unacceptable.” I see and hear the pain that America has been radiating for the past month and a half. I hope we can all learn from our past, and use it as motivation to heal together. Hopefully the senate Republicans can gather their thoughts in time before it's too late; only time will tell in November.

Lauren Mazzatesta
Republican Coordinator

The New York Young Republican Club held a rally in NYC yesterday to defend the Theodore Roosevelt statue at The American...

The New York Young Republican Club held a rally in NYC yesterday to defend the Theodore Roosevelt statue at The American Museum of Natural History. The club’s President, Gavin Wx, stated that, “We’re not afraid of the mob.” Major Bill de Blasio declared that the statue will be removed following statements that the statue represents colonial expansion and racial discrimmination. Wax discussed that they “will be leading a rally along with activists from across the five boroughs to demonstrate in defense of the equestrian statue of Teddy Roosevelt, which greets millions every year as they enter into the American Museum of Natural History, which is an institution that would not even be there today if not for the great work of our 26th president, who was an American patriot and icon.” The eighty year old statue displays Roosevelt on horseback with a Native American man and an African man standing next to his horse. Mayor de Blasio stated that, “The American Museum of Natural History has asked to remove the Theodore Roosevelt statue because it explicitly depicts black and indigenous people as subjugated and racially inferior. It is the right decision and the right time to remove this problematic statue.” Wax explained, “Make no mistake about it, this is about much more than just one statue, this is about a cultural revolution, which is engulfing our nation. Lefist mobs across the country are seeking to destroy and erase American history, our traditions, our past and they will do so under any guise, whether it’s racial injustice or some other inequity in society. We have to reazlie this is really about one thign and one thign only, power, because those who control the past control the future as we’ve seen throughout history from revolutionary Jacobins in France, to N**i Germany, to the Soviet Union, to Maoist China. So our demonstration today, understanding it’s just a small part of this fight, we are hoping to send a message to the silent majority, as it’s called, across this country that they should be silent no longer and that we have a great history, a great legacy as a nation.”

Lauren Mazzatesta
Republican Coordinator

A spokeswoman for John Bolton denied claims that the former National Security Adviser would be voting for Joe Biden. She...

A spokeswoman for John Bolton denied claims that the former National Security Adviser would be voting for Joe Biden. She also ceased the rumors regarding Bolton voting for President Trump as well. Bolton confessed during an ABC News broadcast interview that, “I’m gonna figure out a conservative Republican to write in.” Yet, the U.K. Telegraph states regarding Bolton that, “...he intends to vote for Joe Biden, the Democratic candidate.” Then, on CNN, his spokeswoman stated that, “This statement is incorrect. The ambassador never said he planned to vote for Joe Biden. He will not be voting for Biden or Trump.” Bolton has disclosed to the Telegraph that, “In 2016, I voted for Trump over Hillary Clinton. Now, having seen this president up close, I cannot do this again. My concern is for the country, and he does not represent the Republican cause that I want to back.” I believe this will be interesting to watch as various celebrities, politicians, and other media figures will begin to declare who they will cast their ballot in favor of and which campaign they are contributing support to. Thus, if these admissions will change the direction or course of America’s decision; we will find out in November.

Lauren Mazzatesta
Republican Coordinator

Trump hosted his first rally in over three months this past weekend. It is a crucial time period, with COVID-19 still on...

Trump hosted his first rally in over three months this past weekend. It is a crucial time period, with COVID-19 still on the forefront alongside the Black Lives Matter movement, this is Trump’s first time to speak his narrative regarding the latest events that have been flooding our media outlets. Some of his comments concerning the Democratic Presidential candidate, Joe Biden, were a bit of a blow and did not help his cause of attracting Independent voters who may be on the fence of which Presidential candidate to vote for in November. However, Trump did what he is best at: rallying his supporters. There was a sense of community and inspiration that surrounded his Oklahoma rally, especially during discussions of the latest events regarding the “radical” left. If you watched the rally, you could see and hear all who were present cheering at his words during this moment. An even awe-inspiring moment for those that watched was when he shared the projections of our economy and how much stronger it would bounce back. All in all, the rally solidified Republican, perhaps Independent, and slightly Democrat voters to select Trump for another four years. Hopefully, Joe Biden will have the opportunity to hold a rally for us to partake in the experience to hear what he has to say to his potential voters.

Lauren Mazzatesta
Republican Coordinator

The heroic man that saved the Paris train attack is aspiring to unseat the current blue precedent that has been associat...

The heroic man that saved the Paris train attack is aspiring to unseat the current blue precedent that has been associated with his Oregon district for a number of years. Alek Skarlatos, who is an Army National Guard veteran, is running for Congress as the Republican candidate and aims to shift a vital Oregon seat to red in 2020. This is just one instance where a predominantly blue district has turned to red in the heat of the upcoming Presidential election. It will be fascinating to witness how this new wave of political shifts will affect the outcome in November. I believe that it will have great impact as the people are already voicing their wants and needs prior to the big day. However, we will see in November how these party altering districts will have influence on who our next President will be.

Lauren Mazzatesta
Republican Coordinator

The most difficult question we must ask ourselves is what is the defining point that will impact our Presidential electi...

The most difficult question we must ask ourselves is what is the defining point that will impact our Presidential election. We can all agree we had a year like no other, and it is only June! Back in February, everyone thought that the impeachment would headline the news up until November’s election. Yet, we were mistakenly very wrong. With COVID-19, economic downfall, protests, legislative solutions, and a call to defund the police. The House has introduced a bill that proposes to weaken the police’s immunity to a stigmatized record. The bill also creates a database to record any incidents that officers may have had at their previous departments, so everyone is cognizant of their wrong doings. However, the House has scratched their newly proposed legislation to introduce a new idea to the legislature: defunding the police. In which this action allowed for Republicans to seize their opportunity: “They know it is pure insanity to defund the police. And the fact that my Democrat colleagues won’t speak out against this crazy policy is just that frightening.” Furthermore, the Republicans are well on their own way with crafting their own legislation in response to the protests. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is working with his fellow Senate Republican colleague, Tim Scott, in forming a bill that reflects their plan, the Democratic bill, and Trump’s views. The White House Chief of Staff, Mark Meadows states that, “We want our actions to speak louder than our words.”

Lauren Mazzatesta
Republican Coordinator

President Trump’s plan to withdraw 9,500 troops from Germany would have deleterious effects on our country’s national se...

President Trump’s plan to withdraw 9,500 troops from Germany would have deleterious effects on our country’s national security and end up providing Russia with a great advantage. The Republicans serving on the House Armed Services Committee (HASC) supplied the President with advice regarding his proposal. Representative Mac Thornberry wrote to the President that, “We believe that such steps would significantly damage U.S national security, as well as strengthen the position of Russia to our detriment.” Representative Thronberry amplifies his position on the matter due to the fact that our troops in Germany are there to sustain peace and monitor Russia. The Representative also states in his statement to President Trump that, “In Europe, the threats posed by Russia have not lessened, and we believe that signs of a weakened U.S commitment to NATO will encourage further Russian aggression and opportunism.” I believe this is an important decision that both President Trump and the Committee will have to face as Russia and our country have been in similar situations like the one at hand for several decades. It is crucial that we choose an effective position to not only protect ourselves, but other nations from the machinating nature of Russia.

Lauren Mazzatesta
Republican Coordinator

The former Governor of Missouri, Eric Greitens, organized the ‘Show-Me State’ protests in response to the death of Antho...

The former Governor of Missouri, Eric Greitens, organized the ‘Show-Me State’ protests in response to the death of Anthony Smith that was a police-involved shooting. He notes that the declarations to defund police departments are “ludicrous,” and jeopardize the public. Greitens stated that, “Defunding the police isn’t just a bad idea: It is a horrible idea. It would lead to more violence. It would lead to more lawlessness. The people who would be hurt the worst are people who live in crime-ridden communities. They need the support of our police officers and it’s times like this when we have to have people who are willing to step forward and say that we’re going to be behind our police officers because they have the responsibility to protect the constitutional rights of everyone to peacefully protest.” This statement that has been circulating our media outlets is fascinating because we have never called upon our government to defund something so sacred to our country. However, perhaps it may be a wake up call to our government to correct some of its untouched errors.

Lauren Mazzatesta
Republican Coordinator

President Trump announced yesterday that the GOP is seeking another city to pursue as the host of this year’s Republican...

President Trump announced yesterday that the GOP is seeking another city to pursue as the host of this year’s Republican National Convention. Officials are visiting Nashville, Tennessee this week as a possible relocation site. North Carolina’s governor required plans to be in place for a decreased event in size to its usual amount due to the ongoing pandemic. However, when officials urged for a typical convention procedure; Governor Cooper stated that the state could not entertain it. An official from the Republican National Committee says that, “due to the directive from the governor that our convention cannot go on as planned as required by our rules, the celebration of the president’s acceptance of the Republican nomination will be held in another city.” This is an interesting topic to place into discussion as the pandemic is still flooding into our country and affecting several of our citizens. Yet, we are starting to come to grips with it and as summer is rolling around the corner, the American people are getting antsier and antsier to participate in any aspect of normalcy as possible. Especially, organized celebrations: graduation ceremonies, weddings, conventions, etc. Thus, it will be fascinating to see how this transitional time will pan out across our nation and if we will be able to execute it effectively.

Lauren Mazzatesta
Republican Coordinator

“These are American citizens. And, I think it’s appropriate what the attorney general is doing because we need to get to...

“These are American citizens. And, I think it’s appropriate what the attorney general is doing because we need to get to the bottom of this.” House minority leader, Kevin McCarthy, deems the Attorney General’s inquiry “appropriate,” as the American people deserve to know the truth. Several Republican lawmakers have urged for a release of information following a secret list being aired to the public under the Obama administration. The Justice Department had dropped the case following the release of internal memos that in response brought questions around the true motive of the inquiry. The DOJ informed that Attorney General, William Barr, requested the U.S. Attorney for the Western District of Texas to analyze the events surrounding the 2016 presidential election. “But, think of the timing of when they did it. They did it after the election- after it was decided that they were going to have a new president, a new administration. And, the past administration in that little time period, while they are still in power in January before the swearing-in of January 20th, spends their time unmasking...Not one, but we have the vice president who is now stuck in a basement: ‘Basement Biden.’ Then you moved on to ambassadors, presidents, and others in there. In their daily briefing, asking to unmask individuals who have been going into a new administration that was duly elected.” McCarthy also questions, “Why? Why then? Why unmask these American citizens? Why would this administration do that at the same time when their own intelligence knew that what was being said about them, about Russia, was false and wrong, and giving the American public a false narrative- lying to them at the same time?” McCarthy states that his questions originate from a concerned American standpoint, who believes in the law. He also remarks, “That should not happen to any American, much less an individual such as Flynn who had served his nation.”

Lauren Mazzatesta
Republican Coordinator




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