Overcoming The Mountain

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Overcoming The Mountain Overcome your mountain one step at a time. https://linktr.ee/overcomingthemountain

I keep meeting people who think rank is their passport to a lighter workload. They live in this delusion that they’re so...

I keep meeting people who think rank is their passport to a lighter workload. They live in this delusion that they’re somehow entitled to kick their feet up and bark orders at others, while doing nothing themselves. When you choose to become a leader you give up early nights and an easy workload. You have to do your job AND you have a responsibility to ensure your subordinates can do theirs. A method that works for me is training my team during the day so they have my full attention while they’re learning, then I work on whatever I need to after I send them home for the day.

The last two weeks at Annual Training I have been the First Sergeant, the Operations NCO, and the CMOC Chief. There were...

The last two weeks at Annual Training I have been the First Sergeant, the Operations NCO, and the CMOC Chief. There were many moments I felt completely under water, thinking I wasn’t doing a good enough job. I thought I was going to let down the Battalion. Then I got this text from a Soldier who isn’t even in my Company. This is worth more to me than any award.

There are so many things happening in my life lately. Some I’m excited for. Some I’m absolutely terrified about. I don’t...

There are so many things happening in my life lately. Some I’m excited for. Some I’m absolutely terrified about. I don’t know how things are going to turn out. I don’t know if new chapters are beginning or if some books are about to end. All I know is that I am going through it and that I’ll come out the other side. We’ll see what kind of shape I’m in after this portion of my journey.

Yesterday I got the opportunity to summit my very first 10k+ peak. That might sound strange since I’m a military mountai...

Yesterday I got the opportunity to summit my very first 10k+ peak. That might sound strange since I’m a military mountaineer and because I spend so much time in the mountains. But prominent peaks just haven’t been a priority. After 4600 feet of total elevation gain, 19 miles, and 13.5 hours of walking with my rucksack I can tell you I wanted to give up after the first mile and almost every step after that. I even considered spending the night up there to get some rest. I consumed every drop of the 7 liters of water I brought, along with 3 RX bars and half a bag of beef jerky. My food choice probably contributed to my fatigue. What can I say? Maybe I’m a glutton for punishment.

As I reminisce I’m reminded of a quote by Sir Edmund Hillary, the first person to reach the summit of Mount Everest “It’s not the mountain we conquer, but ourselves”

You are what you repeatedly do. Therefore excellence ought to be a habit, not an act. - AristotleI can’t tell you how ma...

You are what you repeatedly do. Therefore excellence ought to be a habit, not an act. - Aristotle

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been asked “Why do you spend so much time at the Zero Range?” “Your zero is good. Why don’t you go to the Qualification Range?” Or other questions along those lines. Well, I have two reasons:

1. Let’s just say that shooting puts me in a different state. It pumps a LOT of adrenaline through my body. I have found that my score dramatically increases when I shoot just a few extra rounds before going up to qualify.
2. I want my zero to be as good as I can possibly get it because the better my zero is the more likely I am to hit my targets, especially the ones at greater distances.

Everyone I see at the range tries to zero as fast as possible so they can “qualify” and then be done for the day. Most of them, in the Reserves, have a hard time qualifying. Meanwhile I very rarely don’t shoot at the expert level on the qualification table. Why is this? It’s not because I’m just some innately great shooter. No. It’s because I take my time, I practice, and I am methodical and consistent about the different stages of marksmanship before going to the Qualification Range.

🏔️✨ Sometimes, amidst the hustle and the relentless pursuit of goals, we forget the power held in simply enduring. In th...

🏔️✨ Sometimes, amidst the hustle and the relentless pursuit of goals, we forget the power held in simply enduring. In the journey of climbing our personal mountains, where each step can be a battle, remember: **”Sometimes survival is victory.”** 🌟

In those moments when you feel like you’re barely hanging on, when the peak seems too far, and the path too treacherous, know that your resilience in facing each day is a victory in itself.

We often measure success by the heights we reach, the milestones achieved. But isn’t there incredible strength in the quiet moments of perseverance? Isn’t there immense courage in facing another day, despite the storms within? 🌦️

Let’s redefine victory. Let’s celebrate the courage it takes to survive, to keep moving forward, even when the only audience to your struggle is the mirror. Here’s to finding triumph in survival, to recognizing the warrior within. 🛡️✨

“Overcoming the Mountain” represents conquering the challenges and hardships we encounter on our daily path. It’s about ...

“Overcoming the Mountain” represents conquering the challenges and hardships we encounter on our daily path. It’s about pushing through obstacles, whether they be physical, emotional, or mental, and emerging stronger on the other side.

“Destination Never” symbolizes the relentless pursuit of exploration and growth, where the journey is perpetual, and the possibilities are endless. It’s about embracing the adventure of life’s ever-changing landscapes and navigating through its twists and turns with courage and determination.

So, as we journey through life, let’s remember that “Destination Never” isn’t just about reaching a specific place or goal—it’s about “Overcoming the Mountain” and the continuous process of self-discovery, resilience, and personal growth. It’s about embracing the ups and downs, the highs and lows, and finding beauty and meaning in every step of the way. 🏔️✨

Life’s obstacles may seem like towering mountains, but remember, every peak conquered brings strength and resilience. Ju...

Life’s obstacles may seem like towering mountains, but remember, every peak conquered brings strength and resilience. Just like scaling a summit, overcoming life’s challenges requires determination, perseverance, and a willingness to push beyond your comfort zone.

In the great outdoors, we find solace and inspiration. Nature teaches us that storms will pass, and the sun will eventually break through the clouds. So, as you navigate the rugged terrain of your own life, remember that each step forward brings you closer to the breathtaking view from the top.

Embrace the climb, for it is in the struggle that we discover our truest selves. Together, let’s conquer our mountains, both literal and metaphorical, and emerge stronger, wiser, and more resilient than ever before. 🏔️✨

What are your thoughts?

What are your thoughts?

🔨🚀 Be the Nail 🚀🔨This weekend at drill, I had an eye-opening experience during our SHARP/EO training. We were asked a si...

🔨🚀 Be the Nail 🚀🔨
This weekend at drill, I had an eye-opening experience during our SHARP/EO training. We were asked a simple question: "Would you rather be a hammer or a nail?" 🤔
All but one of the volunteers quickly chose to be the hammer. After all, hammers are the tools that get things done, right? In my head, I chose to be the nail.

As the discussion unfolded, I realized something. Everyone wants to be the tool, the one with the power, the force that makes things happen, but no one wants to be the nail. It’s not the hammer that holds the true value; it's the nail. The nail takes the beating, but in its resilience it is still there, saying, "I am still useful. I am still doing my job." 💪

It is hard for me to express everything that happened in my mind at that moment, but I’ll try. Normally, many things are linked together in my mind. The way I process information. So during this exercise, the things that linked up were leadership, resilience, and reaching our goals. There is a profound difference between leadership and (bad) management. Bad managers always want to be the hammer, the driving force, pushing their team for results. But true leaders demonstrate that you can take a "beating" and still be valuable. You can endure challenges and setbacks and still accomplish your goals.

I feel like everyone wants to be the hammer because they think the hammer represents strength and power. No one wants to be hit with the hammer. They’d rather be the ones doing the hitting. Here’s the thing, Strength isn’t measured by how hard you can hit. It is measured by how hard you can get hit and keep getting back up.

So, let's embrace being the nail. Let's show the world that resilience, determination, and unwavering commitment are the qualities that truly make a difference. Be the nail, and watch how you can withstand the storms of life while still holding everything together. 🌟

Someone said “one day the stories you tell of all the things you’ve overcome is going to be someone’s survival manual.” ...

Someone said “one day the stories you tell of all the things you’ve overcome is going to be someone’s survival manual.” I hope so. I hope I never end up with an ordinary, easy life. I want trials, hurdles, set backs, and other struggles. Then I’m going to dominate them all. Why? Because I want everyone who’s struggling with life to know that there’s always a light at the end of the tunnel. There’s always hope.

Twelve years ago I got myself kicked out of the Army’s Advanced Leader’s Course. My life was a mess back then and I was ...

Twelve years ago I got myself kicked out of the Army’s Advanced Leader’s Course. My life was a mess back then and I was letting alcohol rule my choices. I got demoted because of it. I didn’t learn my lesson and the law tried to get me for something else. I ended up being found innocent of that but my chain of command at the time didn’t care and tried to kick me out anyway. I won that too, but my chain of command was determined to make me pay one way or another. So they refused to let me re-enlist on active duty. I transferred to the Reserves and have been here ever since. Why am I telling you this? Well because I want to show others that no matter what choices you make in life there’s always something to learn and you always have the ability to change your future. For the last month I have been at Advanced Leader’s Course again and yesterday I graduated. Twelve years it took me to fix me, fix my life, and set myself up for a better future. (I’m still fixing myself).

I want to say that I did all of this on my own but that’s not true at all. I have had plenty of people who didn’t believe in me, plenty who said I’d never change, plenty who actively tried to make things harder on me (including myself). Without these people and my own actions I never would have found myself at rock bottom and I never would have realized that I’m the only one who has the power to fix my life. I never would have made the decision to change. And I never would have had the amazing people who have given me advice and supported me on my way back up. Honorable mention to my girlfriend who has put me in my place all the times I have acted up and for encouraging me when I *continue* to struggle. Trust me when I say if I can make a comeback anyone can.

One thing I had to learn over the years of my struggle is that no matter what you accomplish, what hurdles you get over,...

One thing I had to learn over the years of my struggle is that no matter what you accomplish, what hurdles you get over, or level you reach there’s always something else. A new challenge. A new level. I always thought there was going to be a time when things would get easier. There isn’t. Unless you stop your efforts. But we aren’t doing that, are we?

So many times in my life I’ve heard or thought “I’ll just never be good enough for you, will I?” The truth is it doesn’t matter because I don’t think in those terms anymore. To me, it’s not about being good enough. It’s about continuing to push to find out just how good we can be. I’m not saying everyone HAS to be like this. I’m not living your life. But I wholeheartedly believe that we should. These are the people I want to surround myself with.

I will be changing units soon. Many times when this happens the unit will present a going away gift. This can be a plaqu...

I will be changing units soon. Many times when this happens the unit will present a going away gift. This can be a plaque, a certificate, a guidon, or other items. My team leader thought the best thing would be a plaque. There are certain things about me that stand out to him and he decided to highlight those things on the plaque.

1. The mountain goat. This is representative of my graduation from the Army’s Mountain Warfare School and the change it has had on my life.

2. The axe, symbolizes the amount of time I spend in the wilderness. On the handle is etched “Thank you, SGT Meza. You are what you repeatedly do. Therefore, excellence ought to be a habit, not an act.” This quote is something I strive to live by.

3. The quote on the plaque, of course, comes from Jocko. “Didn’t get promoted? GOOD. More time to get better.” The significance of this quote is that for the last 11 years I have been the same rank. But that hasn’t stopped me from striving to become a better leader. I have proved time and time again that you don’t need rank to make a difference and to ensure others are doing the right thing. I’ll save the rest for another time.

4. “…. You have made a lasting impact…” This is really everything to me. The reason I’m still in uniform. To impact Soldiers in a positive way, and for that impact to last.

I can’t wait to see what the next chapter holds. My transfer has been approved but there are so many opportunities right now. The sky is the limit.

Pain is temporary. Hardship is temporary. Push through. You’ll be ok.

Pain is temporary. Hardship is temporary. Push through. You’ll be ok.

I've been experimenting with AI, since I'm not exactly artistic. So far the picture creation is pretty cool. What do you...

I've been experimenting with AI, since I'm not exactly artistic. So far the picture creation is pretty cool. What do you think?

A couple of weeks ago I attempted the Norwegian Foot March. 18.6 miles/25lb pack/3:35 time limit. As you can see I didn’...

A couple of weeks ago I attempted the Norwegian Foot March. 18.6 miles/25lb pack/3:35 time limit. As you can see I didn’t make it in time. Just shy of 30 minutes over the limit. About 6 miles in my feet started really hurting. I know exactly what it was. I had installed my orthotics in my boots. Turns out that wasn’t a good idea. So at mile 7 I took them out and immediately started having cramps from my hips down. Every time I tried to run something would cramp. My calves cramped so much that it caused my feet to contract like I was trying to grab something with them. But I pushed through. I can’t tell you how many times I stopped to stretch to keep my muscles from cramping more or how many times I thought I should just give up. “I’m not going to make it in time anyways…” I was so angry with what was happening. I was making such great time. But I just kept telling myself that I didn’t come here to give up. I came to complete two things: 18.6 miles and 3:35. If I couldn’t do one I damn sure was going to do the other. I thought back to all those times, for years, I would pace myself on PT test events just so I could save enough energy for the run. That’s more me anymore. I’m giving everything I can for as long as I can, every time.

I’m only sharing this because, just like myself, I know there’s a lot of people who would have wanted to give up when they realized they wouldn’t make it in time. For me that is one of the worst things you can ever do. The damage it would have caused on my brain would have been catastrophic. I probably would have never attempted this again. But with all the setbacks I keep overcoming I can tell you this, there’s nothing that’s going to stop me the next time I go out for this. Writing this I feel like putting it all on and just going until I collapse just to see how far past 18 miles I can make it. But I won’t do that, yet. 😏

You can do a lot more than you think your body can handle if you just tell the voice in your head to shut up.

It’s kind of crazy because I have put so much effort into becoming successful without an “education”. Being the guy who ...

It’s kind of crazy because I have put so much effort into becoming successful without an “education”. Being the guy who made it with only a GED and a give ‘em hell attitude. I have already accomplished everything people said I never would, and I wanted to show others that they didn’t NEED a piece of paper to find success.

But here’s the thing, when you accomplish thing, after thing, after thing, and then you stop for a while… you end up in this almost panic state. Like, I should be doing something right now. I should have a challenge. There’s a mountain I should be climbing. Not only that but work has been really slow for me the last 5-6 months. I’ve been feeling really down lately, about all this. This is partly to do with having ADHD.

With all that said, I feel like there’s a point you reach in life where you realize you are capable of so much more than just “all the things they said you couldn’t do”. So…. This is me. A 39 year old college student. Attempting to be more.


I’ve met lots of people who achieve their goals and are still miserable, depressed, angry, and unfulfilled.🏆😔😫🥴😡

That’s because pleasure only lasts for a moment or two. It’s in the body. It’s like eating cake. Happiness is in the mind. You get the grade, or the job, or the car. Someone gives you a compliment, or you win an Academy Award. It’s great but it doesn't last. Pretty soon it's just a statue on the mantle or a car in the garage, right?


Life wants us to GROW!🌱

The more we GROW the more we have to GIVE.

REMEMBER: What you get will never make you truly happy, the whole game is who we BECOME.

How many times I’ve forgotten this info. Always looking to get to the top and ignoring the beauty of the journey to get ...

How many times I’ve forgotten this info. Always looking to get to the top and ignoring the beauty of the journey to get there.

Sometimes “Overcoming The Mountain” requires, what I call, the pre-journey. You have to get to the mountain before you c...

Sometimes “Overcoming The Mountain” requires, what I call, the pre-journey. You have to get to the mountain before you can overcome it. says “Let’s go places”…. I agree.

I’ve been struggling lot lately with my development. I had a setback a few months ago. It has been hell trying to tackle...

I’ve been struggling lot lately with my development. I had a setback a few months ago. It has been hell trying to tackle that fallout. My brain naturally just wants to reach the finish line. To accomplish this goal. My heart knows that without these setbacks and failures I will never become who I want to be, despite reaching my goals. It brings great joy to look back at my life and see all the beauty that exists from each challenge.


Just some updates from my last episode.

There was a time when I allowed my accomplishments to dictate the type of person I was. “I can do anything I want becaus...

There was a time when I allowed my accomplishments to dictate the type of person I was. “I can do anything I want because none of them can hold a candle to how good I am at my job.” Well, how quickly I learned that wasn’t true.



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