She Hadn't Seen Her Back Patio In Years Until I Cleaned It!
Life is beginning to become a task for this elder but we are here to help! Her back patio has been covered with overgrown grass and soil for years!
She LOST all hope while STRUGGLING with her yard!
The job is becoming unbearable for her and she wasn't expecting help until I knocked on her door offering a helping hand!
Local Caught Me Helping A Elder With Her Yard!
While driving through town I saw this homeowner's fence line from far away! Covered in overgrown grass and fallen tree branches.
Homeowner Thought I Forgot About Her & Her Yard!
This homeowner lost all hope while struggling to maintain her yard to the city's guidelines.
He Had Fun. I Promise. 😅🧤✨
$12,000 Shoes FOUND In A Former NFL Player's Estate!
What are the chances that I find these Rare Unreleased Air Jordan PEs from The Oregon Ducks Basketball Team!? They're still in great condition. Life's Better When You're Kind! I got the pair for LESS THAN Retail OR since they're unreleased LESS THAN RESELL just for being a GOOD Person! What a crazy deal. By far the best and most valuable item I've found while thrifting and picking! Thanks Cindy and Derrick!
Please Follow Cindy And Derrick's Estate Sale page And Visit Them At their sales!
Printing Shirts & Fulfilling February Merch Orders!
Lets fulfill some merch orders using the dtg printer! Merch is available at
A Mother Once Loved This Home..And Now Its Gone.
A mother who once loved her beautiful home was forced out due to health hazards from weather damage to the home. Now her beauitufl investment sits being reclaimed by nature. We are here to do a free backyard cleanup for this elderly mother and her family!
Elderly Mother Loses Her Paradise Of A Home!
Elderly Mother Loses Her Paradise Of A Home! Amazing Tropical Backyard Is Being Reclaimed By Nature!
Homeowners Are Having A Tough Time So I Helped!
Homeowners Are Having A Tough Time Maintaning This Beautiful Property In Fort Pierce Florida! This home sits on a large property with a paradise of a backyard! I couldnt stand to see the yard neglected!
Helping A Family Avoid City Fines!
This home has a really overgrown fence line. If I dont help this family the city will pay them a visit to fine them!!
AP Plays Basketball With Kids In The Community!
Just another day having fun with the kids the community!