Chapter 92
The Cyrene
1. Alkebulan how long will you Persue foolishness and abandon wisdom and knowledge, dead meat will always attract flies.
2. How long will you wallow in the mud of western/colonial education and economics
How long will you trust the demon-crazy governance of the west and the Evil she has brought upon your nations.
3. Those who say that they are Christian remind them that their religion is democracy. The devil is the first born and their beliefs in a "white Jesus" the burial of Alkebulan identity. Who has become a Jew by speaking in tongues ?
4. You obsession with going to heaven has eroded your values and usefulness in this world. Why do you fear hell since your lives are already a living hell?
5. Your wealth and resources are being plundered while you worship lifeless white idols and filling your tummies with sugar and GMO foods.
6. You sleep like bags of Rice, and walk like sheep heading for slaughter. Those who warm you are conspiracy theorists and those who mislead you you call them "leadership". 7. Being politically correct and religiously a acceptable are now the passwords of the brethren. You church members, political comrades are more valuable than your parents.
8. You were taught to reject your kings and become subjects of white evil queens and king's. Now part of "Commonwealth" is this not common poverty?
9. You abandoned your fields to eat the poisoned foods from.shops and contaminated a waters. Rather drink milk mixed with water, than the fresh curds from the herds.
10. You were told that your passports are better than the other Alkebulan passports and you flag is more beautiful than the others in Alkebulan.
11. You sing national anthems which divide you, and like rats on a treadmill you que for votes every 5years, to empower the system of Babylon (confusion).
12. Have you seen any changes yet? How do you believe in a constitution given to you by your oppressors and trust that their donor funding will build your economy.
13. Now that you all love city life, do you blame the colonizer for taking over your land and mining your minerals, now he will sell your land back to you!
14. You wait to die and be millionaires through life insurances and those estates take a lifetime to pay.
15. Who do blame when a handful of whites own your economies while you donate your lives and labour as bonded slaves.
16. Look now what will befall you as the net will close on you while locked away in your houses. The Serpent is coiling itself around its prey!
17. The boarders will be shut down, the armies will fill your streets. You governments will take colonial debt to buy you medicines, by the time the plendemic is gone you will have drowned in debts of trillions.
18. You will be vaccinated and your decisions are being withdrawn while you busy arguing about Christianity, the feminity of Angels, 5 fold ministry and the "peace of Allah", who was Mohammad's wife and the Trinity.
19. The very religions have become a division in your midst, the same "Jesus" you say you believe has made you disown your parents, and ignored the council of the elders.
20. You spend you days watching TV in stadiums watching soccer and European sports have become your religions, their fashion eats your budgets and you have filled up your houses with their gadgets.
21. Yes life must be comfortable, but own what you consume and consume what you own.
22. Own the value chain of your production and support your Alkebulan businesses and circulate your money amoungst each other. 23. Here is a voice calling you in the wilderness, the Watcher sends a message to Alkebulan nation, beware you walking into a snare. If you not on the menu, you are the menu for the serpent!
24. Your "leaders" have gone to bed with the serpent s and they are selling you for crumbs of bread. Let their greed eat them up like rust, they will never live long to enjoy their plunder. When you steal a drum you can't play it.
25. They have never looked at you as stakeholders of the land but as " the unemployed, the poorest of the poor, the indigent, civilians, povo, the nuisance to their grand plan.
26. Who has bewitched you Alkebulan, should I come to you with a whip, or pour cold water on your bed to wake you up.
27. Two people walk on the street Foolishness and wisdom, you have chosen foolishness as a partner, and wickedness will be your children.
28. You will fill up your houses with languages you don't know, and pride yourselves when your children memorize the glory of other nations and literature they can't even recite their own totems, or speak their mother tongue.
29. These children don't even know their fathers or remember two generation of their ancestors, but will know the entire history of the Kadeshians, the Queen of London, all episodes of the "Game of Thrones and StarWars! They sing all tops chat hits, but don't know their grandmother's surname!
30. Their handbags are full of vi*****rs, lubricant jellys, s*x toys, and animals have become their s*x/life partners.
31. You will celebrate baby showers, white weddings to impress each other and create debts which will lead you to divorce.
32. They preach and say "no to polygamy" and consume po*******hy, virtual adultery with strangers on cyber networks and musterbate themselves to sleep.
33. Depression is on the increase as the future is getting darker by the day, the middle class is sinking into poverty, and private businesses are being suffocated and closed.
34. Employment and education will be replaced by grants as you now will become state property. Alkebulan if you don't wake up now- you will become a factory of slaves. What will you leave for your children?
35. You were told that you have freedom, what is this now "free-doom", can you room? He who swallows a knife must have a contract with their a**s...you can't treat diahorea by stitching the a**s!
36. You can not remove a pregnancy by sneezing or sit on burnt grass and not mess your buttocks.
37. Who has ever blocked an arrow with their battocks, or sharpen wood on their knees. Who uses a spear as a toothpick, or a needle as an ear bud? Who sleep with a knife in bed and not wake up with blood on the sheets?
38. He Who burns his father's house remains with an inheritance of ashes. When other celebrate the new moon, he will have graven in his mouth.
39. He who calls his ancestors demons is also a demon in waiting. You can't play a drum with a spear.
40. No tree is stronger than its roots, or house firmer than its foundation. Paint never secures the house in the storm. Neither can make-up heal a broken heart.
41. It is the roots which support the tree, not the tree which supports the roots.
42. On fertile ground, roots connect with waters in the deep and a tree will yield fruits in due season.
43. Who has made you ported plants in colonial vessels/vases, of education, of religion, of economics, of politics of entertainment and of western culture.
44. Like animals in a zoo you have become a spectacle of tourist, taking selfies with those who mock you. Your president travel to take pictures abroad and not discuss the plight of Alkebulan.
45. These Vipers: When they count their wealth and livestock they count you also, and leave their inheritance to their dogs and cats.
46. They would rather pay medical aid for their dogs, than pay school fees for your children.
47. Alkebulan, Alkebulan I will noot be with you forever, hear my voice while I still breath, this bus you on, has no wheels or engine.
48. When you listen to wisdom and instruction;
You open the doors of understanding;
48. Wisdom is the ability to do and act in justice a virtue which is now foreign to your governance
49. Where are the wise people in your midst, will you listen to them, to teach you knowledge. How long will you be guided by the beguiled and live gullible lives?
50. Listen to the Watcher Alkebulan, listen and add respect and days to your living.
51. Wisdom of Ancient times was in proverbs, idioms, folklore stories, riddles and parables, the Watcher has come to you in simplicity and common language and still you put sticks in your ears.
52. How long will you wallow with the pigs in the mud?
I am the watcher from the future living with you in the present with solutions from the past!The gospel according to Maponga j Farmers of thought Maponga Yahshua iii Marara
KPP Svosve ChangaMbire DZimbabgwe.
Aim for awakening.