#1135 (全球大新聞彙整) #每日一經濟學人 #國際時事 #英文學習
📢📢September 7TH 2024 - September 13TH 2024
2024年9月7日 - 2024年9月13日
🌏The world this week: politics
1️⃣Vladimir Putin took a trip to Mongolia, the first visit by the Russian president to a member-country of the International Criminal Court since the court issued a warrant for his arrest 18 months ago. The ICC and Ukraine urged Mongolia to take Mr Putin into custody, but instead he was whisked away for talks held in a yurt. Mongolia gets almost all its petrol from Russia. One of the ICC’s current judges is Mongolian.
(俄國總統) 普丁出訪蒙古,這是自國際刑事法院 (International Criminal Court,ICC) 18個月前對普丁發出逮捕令以來,他首次造訪該法院之成員國。國際刑事法院與烏克蘭敦促蒙古拘捕普丁,但他卻被迅速安排進入蒙古包內進行會談。蒙古的石油幾乎完全依賴俄國供應。現任國際刑事法院的一位法官為蒙古籍。
2️⃣In Germany the anti-immigration Alternative for Germany (AfD) won its first-ever state election, taking 33% of the vote in Thuringia, which includes the town of Weimar. It will not be able to form a state government, however, as no other party will work with it. In Saxony, another former East German state, the AfD came a close second, with 31% of the vote, behind the Christian Democrats, on 32%. The two state elections were a disaster for the federal ruling coalition. The Social Democrats, Greens and Liberals all saw their share of the vote fall to single digits.
在德國,反移民政黨德國另類選擇黨 (Alternative for Germany,AfD) 贏得了首個邦級選舉,即在圖林根邦 (Thuringia,該邦包括威瑪/Weimar 鎮) 獲得了 33% 的選票。然而,由於沒有其他政黨願意與其合作,德國另類選擇黨無法組建邦政府。在另一個前東德邦薩克森邦 (Saxony),德國另類選擇黨以 31% 的選票緊隨基督教民主黨 (Christian Democrats) 的 32%、排名第二。這兩次邦級選舉對聯邦執政聯盟來說是場災難。社會民主黨 (Social Democrats)、綠黨 (Greens) 和自由黨 (Liberals) 的選票佔比均降至個位數。
3️⃣For the first time in 28 years, Nigeria is refining its own crude oil again. A refinery in Lagos, built at a cost of $20bn, will initially produce some 90,000 barrels of petrol a day, with an aim of ramping up to 330,000 barrels a day once it reaches full capacity.
28年以來,(西非) 奈及利亞首度再次煉製自產的原油。位於拉哥斯 (Lagos,奈國海港/最大城/經濟及金融中心) 的煉油廠建設費用達兩百億美元,而初期每日將產出約九萬桶汽油,並計劃在產能滿載後提升至每日 33萬桶。
4️⃣Canada’s New Democratic Party pulled out of an agreement that has kept the minority Liberal government of Justin Trudeau in power. The NDP accused the Liberals of not standing up to corporate interests. A general election is not due until October 2025, but Mr Trudeau may be forced to call one sooner.
加拿大新民主黨 (New Democratic Party,NDP) 退出了一項協議,而該協議使得杜魯道 (Justin Trudeau,加拿大總理) 的少數派自由黨 (Liberal) 政府得以繼續執政。新民主黨指責自由黨未能對抗企業利益。雖然下一次全國大選預訂在 2025年10月舉行,但杜魯道可能被迫提前召開選舉。
5️⃣A suicide-bomb in Kabul, Afghanistan’s capital, killed six people. Islamic State said it had carried out the attack (and claimed the death toll was 45) in response to the Taliban government’s transfer of prisoners to the Bagram security base, where America ran much of its operations when it had troops in the country.
阿富汗首都喀布爾 (Kabul) 發生一起自殺式炸彈攻擊、造成六人死亡。伊斯蘭國 (Islamic State) 承認發起了此次攻擊 (並聲稱死亡人數達 45人),而該攻擊是對塔利班 (Taliban) 政府將囚犯轉移至巴格拉姆 (Bagram) 維安基地之回應,因該基地曾在美軍駐紮期間進行大部分的軍事行動。
🌏The world this week: business
1️⃣Stockmarkets had their worst trading session since early August’s rout amid more fears of an economic slowdown. Tech companies suffered the most, led by Nvidia. It shed $279bn in market value, the most ever by one company in one day. Its stock fell again on reports that the Department of Justice had subpoenaed it in an antitrust investigation, which the company later denied. Intel’s stock dropped by 7% amid speculation that is about to be booted off the Dow Jones Industrial Average. The NASDAQ Composite fell by 3.3%. The sell-off spread to Asian and European markets.
股市在 (股民們) 對經濟放緩加劇的擔憂中經歷了自 (今年) 八月初以來最糟糕的交易日。科技公司受創最重,其中輝達 (Nvidia) 的損失最為嚴重。該公司市值一天內損失了 2,790億美元,創下單一公司一天內的最大跌幅。其股價因報導司法部 (Department of Justice) 已傳喚其參與反壟斷調查而再次下跌,但該公司 (指輝達) 隨後否認了此一報導。由於市場猜測英特爾 (Intel) 將被剔除出道瓊工業平均指數 (Dow Jones Industrial Average),使其股價下跌了 7%。納斯達克綜合指數 (NASDAQ Composite) 下跌了 3.3%。賣盤潮蔓延至亞洲和歐洲市場。
2️⃣Stock in Rolls-Royce also had a turbulent time after a problem with one of its engines caused a Cathay Pacific flight en route to Zurich to turn back to Hong Kong. The airline inspected its entire fleet of Airbus A350s for any similar faults.
勞斯萊斯 (Rolls-Royce,全球三大航空引擎製造商) 的股票也經歷了一段波動期,此前因其一款引擎出現問題,導致一架前往蘇黎世 (Zurich,瑞士最大城) 的國泰航空 (Cathay Pacific) 航班折返香港。該航空公司 (隨後) 對其整個空中巴士 A350 機隊進行了全面檢查以排查類似故障。
3️⃣The decision of Brazil’s Supreme Court to shut down X in the country was met with disbelief by supporters of free speech. The entire court voted for the ban, which arose from a spat between one of its judges, Alexandre de Moraes, and Elon Musk, who owns the social-media platform. Mr Moraes had ordered X to remove some alleged fake-news accounts, which Mr Musk refused to do, citing free speech. Anyone in Brazil trying to gain access to X will now be fined $9,000 a day. The accounts of Starlink, Mr Musk’s satellite internet-provider, have also been frozen.
巴西最高法院 (Supreme Court) 決定在境內關閉 X (社群媒體平台),引起了言論自由支持者的不滿。整個法院一致投票支持這項禁令,該禁令源於法官 Alexandre de Moraes 與該社群媒體平台擁有者馬斯克 (Elon Musk) 之間的爭執。該法官曾要求 X 刪除一些被指控為假新聞的帳戶,但馬斯克以言論自由為由拒絕執行。至今,任何嘗試在巴西登入 X 之人將面臨每日九千美元的罰款。馬斯克 (旗下) 的衛星網路供應商星鏈 (Starlink) 的帳戶也已被凍結。
4️⃣Unions in Germany reacted furiously to Volkswagen’s admission that a “comprehensive restructuring” meant it may have to close factories in the country for the first time in its 87-year history. Along with its European rivals, the German carmaker has been hit by competition from cheaper Chinese-made electric vehicles and it also faces reduced demand for its cars in China, its most profitable market. Oliver Blume, the chief executive, said the situation was serious, and decisive action had to be taken to save VW.
福斯汽車 (Volkswagen) 承認其「全面重組」可能意謂著該公司在 87年的歷史中首次需要關閉國內工廠,而此一消息引起了德國工會的激烈反應。與其歐洲競爭對手一樣,這家德國汽車製造商面臨來自中國便宜電動車的競爭,且在中國 (其最賺錢的市場) 之需求也有所下降。(福斯汽車) 執行長 Oliver Blume 表示情勢嚴峻,因此必須採取果斷行動以拯救福斯汽車。
5️⃣Nippon Steel pledged to appoint a majority of Americans to the board of US Steel, if its $15bn takeover of the company is approved. The Japanese group also emphasised that the new entity would be run by its North American subsidiary. The announcement came after Kamala Harris joined the chorus of politicians opposing the takeover on nationalist grounds. Joe Biden is reportedly preparing to block the deal.
日本製鐵 (Nippon Steel) 承諾如果其 150億美元收購美國鋼鐵 (US Steel) 的交易獲批,將委任多數美國人擔任該公司的董事會成員。該日本集團還強調新成立的事業體將由其北美子公司運營。此公告是在賀錦麗 (Kamala Harris,美國副總統) 加入了反對這次收購案的政治家行列,並以民族主義的立場表達了反對意見之後所發佈。據報導,拜登 (Joe Biden,美國總統) 正準備阻止這場交易。
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