Chika Nduka

Chika Nduka A prolific writer and more...

BESIEGEDPART TWELVEWe called it a day when the park was beginning to thin out and the few people who loitered around cou...



We called it a day when the park was beginning to thin out and the few people who loitered around could no longer look at our haunting faces.

We rejoined with the woman at a spot quite far from the motor park.

Immediately the lad on my back climbed down, the woman landed a heavy slap on my cheek and violently wrenched the bag from me.

She hissed loudly and rolled her eyes when she stared inside the bag and when her head came up again, she landed a heavy knock on my head.

As usual, the others poised to whimper but she shushed them to silence with a steel glare.

We got home at twilight and she furiously barked an order which the others quickly acquiesced.

I concurred as well lest I incur her wrath and we lay down on the floor and shut our eyes.

She tarried outside and when she eventually came in, she coughed hoarsely to see if any of us can twitch a muscle but when we remained still like embalmed co**se, she nodded satisfactorily and spread a scarf where she turned the money.

After counting and recounting, she placed the money in her apron and went out leaving us alone.

The youngest amongst began to whimper brokenly, and the others soon followed.

I sat up when the buzzing in my ears became unbearable and violently nudged the others to get up as well but they ignored me and continued to sob.

I needn't any soothsayer to divulge what ails them hence the way they writhe on the floor, holding their stomach has given them away.

My heart bled and the image of our life together before circumstances tore our family apart flashed and I queued into their bitterness.

We abruptly stopped the weeping session when the door creaked open and the woman came in.

She stood like a ghost and stared at us for eternity before hitting us with a broom which made us to scramble on our feet.

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Just then, a knock sounded on the door and my hope soared for I was still believing that my kinsman will come to fetch me.

When the woman answered the door and returned instead with a plate which she laid on the floor, my heart which mounted in anticipation plummets into the pit of my stomach.

The boys upon sighting the covered plate began to react like a starved dog which finally saw his owner after a long time of separation.

Before she doled out the hot food in our hands, two of the older boys has already been dished with a heavy slap for losing their manners.

We ate the food slowly and she was generous enough to offer another when we consumed the ones in our hands.

For several days, I patiently waited for my kinsman to turn up and take me away but I was disappointed at the end of each day for he was nowhere to be found.

We continued in our business and wandered from one place to another, disguising and altering our form to elicit more sympathy from the populace.

Our situation slightly improved when a girl in our age bracket was brought in by someone who claimed to be her uncle.

The first day she followed us out, the woman did not alter her appearance and neither did she allow her to mingle with us.

From where I stood with the burden on my back, I saw the woman conversing with some motor park cad who devoured the girl with their stare while smiling sheepishly at whatever she's telling them.

The girl was whisked off by the men one after another and the woman was all smiles when they came back and deposited something into her palms.

The girl could barely walk by the time we walked home and the woman shouted and screamed at her before dragging her forcibly along.

I reconciled myself with the situation at hand but my heart was not at peace for it has dawned on me that my kinsman has sold me to the woman and would never return to claim me as I hoped.

We lived together in the same house but could not communicate effectively amongst us for the woman forbids it.

We were all victims of circumstances, thrown together and dared to thrive or wither like a delicate flower.

I wanted to run, to try my luck elsewhere but I was only a timid boy without a dime and neither could I communicate in the strange language which the people around me speak.

I was tottering in indecision over what to do when something remarkable happened, forcing me to run or possibly wait for my own to grill in the ember of adversity.

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God is faithful!

Keep trusting and depending on him and he'll never ever fail you.

Irrespective of whatever you might be passing through, do not derail, do not listen to the misleading whispers of the ancient trickster.

God is still God!

He's ever faithful even in bleak situation.

Drop your burdens at his feet and carry his own burden and you'll be amazed on how he'll positively turn your life around.

Praise be to Elohim!

May his name be highly exalted forever and ever, Amen!

Donald was smart ever since he was a child.He was the first child in a family of nine and his parents reserved a soft sp...

Donald was smart ever since he was a child.

He was the first child in a family of nine and his parents reserved a soft spot for him in their hearts probably because of his shrewdness.

His father was a bricklayer while his mother hawked fruits in the neighborhood.

The children were not spared in the hustle to eke out a living for they roamed from street to street hawking peanuts and other petty stuffs.

While Donald was in secondary school, two of his younger brothers were made to drop out for his sake and during his university days, he almost dropped out as well but his parents could not have it.

His father sold out every valuables in his possession while his mother ran from pillar to post, borrowing and sorrowing until he graduated with an excellent results.

For several years, Donald roamed the streets seeking for employment and his bloated ego prevented him from engaging in any work below the standard he set for himself.

His mother tried to draw him closer to God, to seek for divine intervention concerning his situation but he has already built an irreversible stereotype about God and church goers thus he made trifle of the preachings from his mother and ridiculed the pastors she introduced to intervene in his case.

As the years rolled by, Donald eventually got a white collar job but the pay was too meagre to foot all the bills weighing down his family.

When Samuel his childhood friend visited and dragged him to a club where money was thrown carelessly like a mere paper, his curiosity piqued and so does his inferiority complex in the circle of friends.

For several months, he pestered his friend to assist him but the later was evasive and keep giving him flimsy excuses.

Donald was not ready to give up and even when his mother had a terrible dream and warned him to be mindful of people in his circle of friends, he did not pay heed rather his quest to belong amongst the big boys and throw money about intensified.

Eventually, his friend Samuel assented to push him to the ladder of success and that was how the whole thing started.

Donald was introduced and initiated into a cult group which promised him vast and unimaginable wealth at the expense of his soul.

He was tricked into believing that waiting on God for his appointed time is a waste of time, a ploy by which religious teachers caged people into perpetual misery and servitude.

The devil brainwashed him and after soiling his hands in despicable things which included sleeping with a raving mad woman and drinking the blood of a day old baby, the wealth and power which he sought came rushing like a tidal wave.

Few months into his ill gotten fortune, two of his siblings died under a mysterious circumstances and while his parents were yet to recover from the shock, another died and set tongues wagging furiously.

The misfortunes in his family lent more power and affluence to him and in the peak of his rising, he was summoned by the grandmaster who gave him an option of choosing between his parents and another sibling or his own life.

At that moment, he saw the vanity of his enterprise but it was too late to retrace his step.

He choose the later option for he was the one who fetched the ant infested firewood which lured the lizards into hosting a party in his house.

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He was given only some months to live and he ran about investing heavily and building palatial edifices with the money which flows uncontrollably.

Donald was only twenty nine when he died in a fatal road crash leaving all the wealth and material possessions he accumulated behind.

His spirit refused to rest in peace rather it roamed about, appearing at odd hours and scaring the hell out of the people he left behind.

Their house became haunted and so was the stately mansion he left in the village.

In all his appearance, he pestered his father for a wife and a heir until the old man ran to the house of God for deliverance and exorcism for his entire household.

His spirit departed from his father's house after the exorcism but stuck in the mansion he built which was rapidly dilapidating.

Till today, the mansion sat unoccupied and every tenant who dared to pack in quickly run from it because of prevailing dark presence and a huge serpent which slithered freely around.

Men and brethrens!

What could ever separate us from the steadfast love of God?

What could ever make us to derail and seek succour in the arms of the devil when the Lord is busy cooking something special and delicious?

The blessings of the Lord maketh rich and added no sorrow.

You'll never ever bleed from the mouth when you eat the scrumptious meat which the Almighty God is grilling for our sake.

Do not be impatient with God!

Be on guard lest you're blown away by the current of worries and mad quest for material acquisition currently bedeviling the world.


He's the God of the eleventh hour and there's absolutely nothing he cannot do.

People of God!

Be encouraged, do not follow the trends and patterns of this generation.

Remember that you'll be long dead than alive therefore fight for your ETERNITY.

May the good Lord supply all our needs and give us the grace to run this race to the end.

I wish US heaven at last!

Shalom 🙏

LILIANASIXLily held the phone and desperately tried to scroll to the call log so that she'll quickly feed the police chi...



Lily held the phone and desperately tried to scroll to the call log so that she'll quickly feed the police chief about the latest happening but a hand seemed to wave across her face and a familiar scent wafted the air.

She began to feel drowsy and all efforts she put in place to remain conscious proved abortive.

An invisible hand tentatively ran up and down her body, whispering sweetly until her head hit the pillow and she she shut her eyes into a deep sleep.

"Liliana!" a faceless muscular man gruffly called and bent over her.

"I've come to make good of my promises Lily.

To claim what rightfully belongs to me, to have my fill and fill you up as well" he spoke and pounced on her.

Lily was too weak to resist as the man repeatedly defiled her all through the night.

When he eventually lifted himself away from her, he stared longingly down at her and gently dragged her up.

Lily could hardly caught her breathe and neither could she oppose when the man dug out a ring from his pant pocket and slide it on her fourth finger.

"I gotcha do this, to seal our union and prevent others from coming in-between" be declared and reverently kissed the ring.

Lily was bereft of words when he began to lick her slender neck until the spot where he sucked voraciously grew softer before he sank his teeth into her neck.

Lily screamed in pains and woke up with a start.

It was 5:30am and the lights in the room was switched off.

Lily could not remember switching off the lights and neither did she keep her phone far away in the vanity table.

She tried to sit up but was too weak even to twitch a muscle and her head was throbbing badly.

Her thighs felt slippery and when she managed to yank off the duvet, she screamed shrilly and bolted for the place where she lay was soaked with semen.

When she sat at the vanity table and gazed at her image in the mirror, she noticed that her hair was disheveled while her face was flushed like someone who ran a marathon.

The pain in her neck stings and when she glanced at the spot in the mirror, she saw a reddish mark from where a little blood seeped.

Lily was too shocked and sat like a stone in the vanity table until dawn when her housekeeper came inside the room to prepare her bath and take away the soiled bedsheets.

It was late morning when she finally dragged herself up and went into the bathroom to scrub and soak away the feelings of filth bedeviling her.

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When she finally dressed up and was about to drive out for her secretary was harassing her with calls, a message popped up in her phone.


You're soft and juicy my queen, just the way I've envisioned.

It was a night to remember and the little mark on your neck was to remind you that you're fully mine forever.

See you again tonight!

Love from Larmatine"

Lily bristled in anger after reading the message and when she tried to dial the line from which the message came, her network provider announced that the line does not exist.

She furiously threw the phone on the backseat and drove down to the police station.

She ordered the police chief to have Phil released for he was not the assailant who has the temerity to invade her bedroom and have carnal knowledge of her the previous night.

The police chief was aghast over the latest development after reading the message.

He declared that the stalker must be someone who's quite close and have easy access to the house.

In a desperate attempt to unravel the puzzle of the strange lover, the police chief dispatched his men to get Lily's domestic servants arrested for interrogation.

Lily was about to leave the police station when Phil was brought out.

The two locked eyes and Phil was unyielding as he stared disgustingly at her.

He wrinkled his nose when he walked past her and spat out as he proceeded to the parking lot to retrieve his car.

At first, Lily did not read any meaning into his action until a police officer came near her and repeated the same action.

It happened over and over and before she could drive to her office, about a dozen people who crossed paths with her has wrinkled their nose and spat her way.

Her secretary cowered in her desk and couldn't stare in her face when she finally got to her office.

Lily could not believe what's happening and stared vulnerably at the young woman, expecting tangible some explanation.

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Big shout out to my newest top fans! Oluwanifemi Adedoyin, Ebegba Josephine, Anita Okeiyi

Gbenga was driving to church one early morning when he came across a woman who barricaded the road and was waving franti...

Gbenga was driving to church one early morning when he came across a woman who barricaded the road and was waving frantically, begging him to stop.

Gbenga angrily shouted at her to get out of his way for he is already running late to church but the woman tearfully pointed at the roadside where a man was holding a little child who was shivering badly.

The woman quickly went on knees and pleaded with him to drive them to the hospital in order to save the life of the ailing child.

She was crying profusely while trying to explain the horrible situation at home when her husband who's dressed up in rags slowly advanced and pleaded with Gbenga to help them at least with a little cash if he find it difficult to help with taking the child to the hospital.

Gbenga stared at the family with mixed feelings and when he remembered that the pastor has frowned against lateness to church, he excused himself and began to retreat.

The woman screamed sharply and held him by the trouser and continued to pester him to give them some money irrespective of how little so that they'll hold on to something as they find a way of taking the child to the hospital.

Gbenga angrily shook her hands off before informing them that he's not with any dime but for his tithe offering which he would never ever part with.

He drove off and from the rear mirror, he saw the woman rolling herself on the ground while her husband tried to comfort and make her stand on her feet.

Gbenga arrived at the church and was soon swallowed in the midst of the worshippers who sang and danced to the glory of God.

During the time of tithing and offering, he held up the fat brown envelope and merrily danced to the podium where the pastor prayed and blessed him for adhering to the commandments of God.

On his way home after promising to slaughter a fattened cow to God during the church thanksgiving service, he met a little crowd on the spot where he encountered the strange family early in the morning.

Out of curiosity, he asked what might have pulled the crowd and was informed that a little girl died in the hands of her father moments ago.

Gbenga was struck by the news and his conscience began to flog him savagely for indirectly causing the death of the child who would have lived if he had prioritized humanity over everything.

After all, God whom he was racing to meet in the church was love and wouldn't have ever looked away if a situation as such presented itself.

His conscience pricked harder, reminding him that the tithe offering would have saved a life and God who sees the motive behind every giving will be more impressed over his decision.

Gbenga felt deflated as he drove home and from within, a tiny voice whispered to him that just like the sacrifice of Cain, his tithe and everything he promised earlier is rejected by the most high God.

The death of the little girl rustled his conscience and he couldn't take his mind off the incident irrespective of how he tried.

Hear this!

God is love and those who profess to serve him must surely lead a life which reflects the love of God.

You cannot bypass your neighbor who's languishing in penury and take a truck load of gifts into the house of God.

No Sir! It doesn't work that way.

Christianity simply implies leading a life that is likened to the character of Christ.

Christ is impartial and demonstrated the need to prioritize humanity by performing miracles on forbidden days for he could not look away when people are in circumventing situation.

Man is God to Man and we give directly to God whenever we give to those in need.

Even as you bring a bountiful harvest to the house of God, please do not forget the poor and the needy.

Do not harden your heart or look away when they came to you with their troubles.

This is a season of love, please represent Christ well and do the needful irrespective of how little.

A cup of water will surely cure a parched throat therefore give and expect your rewards from above.

God bless you 🙏

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BESIEGEDPART ELEVENI slowly tagged along the timorous boys who kept their distance after my failed attempt to strike up ...



I slowly tagged along the timorous boys who kept their distance after my failed attempt to strike up a conversation.

It seemed as if they were trained never to talk to anyone or even converse amongst themselves.

It took me forever to return to the shack for I've to find my way all alone.

Even though the pail was half filled with water unlike the large buckets which my companions bore on their head, I struggled to drag it along because I was trembling visibly from excessive hunger.

The woman was presiding over a pot of beans which she scooped into her funnel shaped mouth with a big ladle.

Her face darkened the moment I came in with the water and she speedily stood up and was soon standing by my side.

She wrenched the pail from my hand and emptied the water on my head before proceeding to hit me over and over with the empty pail.

My cry died in my head when the boys abruptly stopped on their track and quickly clustered together.

They shielded their faces from an unseen assailant as the woman descended heavily on me and whimpered timidly like scared animals.

The scene was pathetic and shook me to the marrows as I watch them cry like a brood of chicken abandoned by their mother.

When the woman has exhausted her strength, I lay on the ground breathing harshly like a lizard which fell off an intimidating height.

The boys continued in their posture until the woman emerged from the house with a whip and scattered their circle.

My baptism of fire lent me an unbelievable strength which saw me through all the time it took to round up the task at hand.

When we eventually sat down, the woman brought out the pot of beans and while I was expecting her to dole out the food inside a plate, she furiously barked command and tbe boys thrust out a hand where she deposited a miserly portion in their palms.

The same fate which she meted out to the others awaited me and as I held the food in my palms ruminating on how such a ridiculous amount of food could ease the grumbling inside my stomach, the boys who has already wolfed down their portion thrust out a hand begging me to hand over mine if I didn't need it.

My tears flows fast as I stared at the gaunt faces which reminded me of Alali and the lake of fire he waded which eventually killed him in the hand of the medicine Man.

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Instinctively, I shared the food to the boys and hoped to do more if my kinsman returned to fetch me and before I could look up, the food has already disappeared and they were licking their palms hungrily.

Even though I've suffered all my life, bearing the pang of hunger and insufficiency stoically, my poverty has never really broken me in comparison to the type of hard life my young comrades is subjected to.

My mind stirred and flew to my only surviving family Datubo and I wondered what he might be passing through wherever he may be.

The woman retired to bed leaving the four of us outside and I waited patiently for my kinsman to turn up and take me away from this horrible place.

Towards afternoon, the boys began to scurry about assembling rags and empty jars which they heaped together.

I watched interestingly at the activities going on but kept mum lest I frighten them once again.

The woman appeared after sometime and began to work those rags on the boys altering their looks.

By the time she was through with them and moved over to work on me, we have become disabled in different ways and was paired to work together.

The youngest amongst us has become a blind vulnerable lad with a club foot while I was the deaf brother in rags who lead him about.

She led us out and by the time we've gone quite far from the house into a place I perceived to be a bus terminal, she mounted at a spot observing as we dispersed around begging for alms.

I was too shy and would have blown up the whole charade but for my companion who acted the script too well and was compensated generously both in cash and material gifts.

I ate voraciously like an escaped convict when a good Samaritan bought us food and even though the boy at my back was nudging me to give up the food and store it away in the big sack we carried, I did not mind him but went on feasting on our good fortune.

When I stared up towards the direction of the woman, I could see her bristling like a demon and sending missiles my way.

My heart sank into the pit of my stomach while the food which I was still chewing suddenly turned bland in my mouth.

When I dared to stare her way once again, I almost peed on my body for she was already consuming my flesh alive.

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BESIEGEDPART TENIt was dark inside irrespective of the lone candle casting a weak glow at the far end of the room.I grop...



It was dark inside irrespective of the lone candle casting a weak glow at the far end of the room.

I groped my way inside the unfamiliar environment while the woman poised like an apparition at the back of the door watching intently without uttering a word.

My feet caught something on the floor and I toppled against a body lying on the cold damp floor.

Whosoever I fell atop stirred and sighed wearily and adjusted into another position.

I managed to pick myself up and this time, I stood at a spot unsure of what to do.

Suddenly, a blinding flashed inside the room irritating my eyes which was already accustomed to the darkness.

It was a beautiful eerie light which shines brightly from a fragile glass suspended at the ceiling of the room.

I quickly grasped the condition of the room which had three poorly dressed and malnourished boys close to my age lying on the bare floor.

The room which has a musty odor contains one derelict mattress, a bench, some cooking utensils and two large water drum.

The woman continued to stare piercingly at me and followed my gaze with her glare which stings and felt like a deadly missile stalking and waiting to have me pinned.

I was lost when she finally uttered a word for she was speaking in a weird language I couldn't comprehend.

Aside my mother's tongue, I was deaf to every other tongue existing for I've not stepped out from the village ever since I was born.

The woman seemed to understand my plight and reverts to a sign language.

She bade me to come and when I ate up the stride between us, she collected my nylon bag and went about ransacking it.

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Her scowl turned into a broad smile when she came across my life savings which I securely hide away in my pant pocket.

She tossed the nylon by the corner when she's done and pointed at me to lie close to one of the boys.

It was a cold blustery night and even though the harmattan does not roar like a famished lion swaying the trees this way and that as it did in the village, the effect was still the same for the cold seeped into my marrows forcing me to shiver.

I couldn't sleep for a band of lousy musicians seemed to have pitched their tent inside my stomach testing their ineptitude.

I craved for water to calm the unwelcomed guest inside my stomach but the woman has already left, leaving the door slightly ajar.

I turned and tossed, yawing repeatedly and it was far late at night when she came back in the company of a man who reeks of alcohol just like her.

I held my breathe and pretended to have fallen asleep when they started touching each other lewdly before pushing their way into the mattress where they both collapsed and began to grunt like a pig.

It was a cursed night in which I couldn't sleep a wink for my stomach growled rebelliously while my host and her visitor struggled and scream obscenities all through the night.

I must have fallen asleep during the wee small hours because a hard slap across my cheeks woke me up to a day in which the impending dawn is struggling to push aside the arrogant night.

The woman glowered wickedly as she hovered around me like a malevolent spirit which has come to lead a soul away.

I scrambled to my feet as my groggy brain tried desperately to recollect the events of yesterday.

The woman spared me no time but thrusted a pail in my hands after which she shoved me to the doorway where I collided with the skinny boys bearing a bucket of water on their head which they transferred on the drum.

I was trembling badly from hunger and could barely grasp the pail properly as we slide down the ramp and trudged along the route to fetch some water from the river.

The boys spoke sparingly, mostly in whispers and stared around like frightened rabbits.

I couldn't make any meaning out of their words and when I spoke aloud in my local dialect to ask the myriads of questions bothering my mind, they screeched wildly like a victim assaulted by a band of hooligans and scurried away leaving me behind.

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LILIANAFIVELily and her mother bickered throughout the night over Phil who was bundled out of the house by the cops like...



Lily and her mother bickered throughout the night over Phil who was bundled out of the house by the cops like a common criminal.

Mrs. Elliot has ran about like a headless chicken as the men of force dragged Phil to the police station over an allegation of stalking and trespassing.

Lily was full of smiles as she watched interestingly at the scene she created.

She has arrogantly threw the shopping bags at Phil who stared unbelievably at her from the police van.

"Hope our little show get the needed publicity Mr. Lover boy!

It will sure make a big wave in the entertainment industry.

Enjoy your stay in the police net honey" she chortled and gallantly charged into the house.

Mrs. Elliot returned from the police station hours later after every efforts she put into place to bail Phil out proved abortive.

The police chief was adamant in his decision to detain Phil who according to him could possibly be the stalker disturbing Lily.

When she drove up to the house, the gateman refused to grant her entrance and reiterated that his employer would sack him if he acted otherwise.

Mrs. Elliot was bristling over the uncouth attitude of her daughter.

She raved madly and began to hit the gate over and over with stone, threatening to bring down the building if she's not let inside.

Hours later, the gate slides open letting Mrs. Elliot in.

The woman lashed out to everyone in the house but before she could vent her anger on Lily, the later who's all dressed up walked out from her into a waiting taxi.

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She came back far late at night hoping to sneak in but her mother was up in the sitting room waiting for her.

"Where are you coming from by this time of the night Liliana?" The enraged woman bellowed and stood up.

Lily ignored her and made to walk over to her bedroom but her mother forcibly dragged her wrist and pushed her down on the couch.

"You're forgetting your manners Mom" Lily calmly replied.

"You must learn to thread softly whenever you're here lest I'll unleash the same method which I used on others.

Dear mother, do I've to remind you that this is my own house...MINE alone and not that shack you built with your husband..."

"But that same shack has sheltered you from sun and rain all through your life till recently Liliana.

You're a bad child, you're impossible" the woman screeched and burst into tears.

"Yes mother, I totally agree with you that I'm a bad child, the worst amongst your four kids who couldn't make it up to toddler" she retorted.

Mrs. Elliot instinctively raised her hand to strike but Lily caught her hands midway and twisted it a little before flinging it away.

Both quarrelled till almost dawn and Mrs. Elliot wept and wept, urging her daughter to seek for help but the later bade her to get some for herself.

Before she left in the morning, Mrs. Elliot pleaded once more with her daughter to follow her to the church for a deliverance session but Lily could not hear of it.

She flew into rage and sternly warned her mother never to speak anything of that nature to her ever again.

The woman meekly implored her to bail Phil from the police custody for it was not a crime for a man to vie for the hand of a lady in friendship but Lily did not pay any heed.

She was exuberant when her mother finally left and spent the rest of the day listening to music and learning new dance step.

She retired to bed on time for she would report early to work the next day.

Immediately she changed into her lingerie and slumped on the bed, her phone beeped and a horrid message popped up on her phone.

"It's gonna be a memorable marathon tonight.

Are you ready for us my queen?

You look strikingly beautiful on black my diva.

Anyways, I'll give you the mating mark tonight and consummate what have started long time ago.

Love from Larmatine".

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