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Currie still steady helping CMC with tips on not what to do to keep her page. Plus she made fun that CMC doesn't have as many viewers as she used to. Hey Currie have you seen your views? Looks like you took a big cut as well. 😂 The truth reached out and touched you.


Hello "Alpha" Your video was a joke. 😂


👆 People using scaⓂ️Ⓜ️ers to get money. 🤑🤯 We know you don't have a job, Currie. You can't even cook or clean your house, how you gonna hold a job? You tell on yourself every live. What's up with these people under 40 that can't work, can't clean or cook for their family? There's 70 year olds out here that would work rings around these people. Laziness and social media is the easy way out.👌

What is wrong with certain people thinking they need special treatment and receive money just because it's their birthda...

What is wrong with certain people thinking they need special treatment and receive money just because it's their birthday? Currie gives CMC a hard time for begging for her birthday, why is this any different? Currie mentioned her birthday SEVERAL times that week. She pinned *Birthday tips on her video and she even laughed at the suggestion that someone get CMC to sing Happy Birthday to her. She knew by doing that it would get her YT channel out there more too. She uses CMC for money any way she can. She used Melo the same way and she'll move on to another person too. She found a way for easy money and always saying CMC has no content all while using CMC for her own content. She said she could talk about her toe nails and still get views. You're not that good, Currie. I saw your views the other night. 😂😂You'd get those diehard people that believe your garbage, but you wouldn’t get big views like you think booboo. Remember a lot of your followers are ex CMC followers. We already know how easily they fall for b*s*. Anyway, we are grown people. Stop using your birthday to get recognition and money. ⚠️

Right here is CMC Jr. How old are we??? Get a job, Currie.

Right here is CMC Jr. How old are we??? Get a job, Currie.


So wait a minute. You want to say we know nothing about you? That you're a great mother that's done all these great things for your daughter? Do you want to know why your daughter isn't getting the help she needs? Do you know what ENABLING is Kay? Well, we'll help you out. 1. You've taken her to several drug rehabs. 2. You've spent a lot of money on those drug rehabs. 3. You've spent a lot of time going with her to AA meetings. 4. You've sent her money in jail. 5. You've bought things she's needed because she was homeless and/or on drugs. 6. You've bought her food. 7. You've let her live with you. 8. You've got her out of jail. Those are all your statements. You're enabling your daughter, Kay. That's why she hasn't hit rock bottom and gotten the help she needs. Instead of letting her sit in jail (where you know she's safe and not able to use) you get her out. Instead of making her life uncomfortable, you're making it pleasant where she doesn't have to worry about anything other than drugs. Get off your soapbox lady and take some notes. Better yet, get off Social Media and figure out how to actually HELP your daughter.


Back a few months ago Currie held a steady 400-500 viewers. Now that a lot have seen what she's really about, she's down to little over 200. People are starting to see you Currie.


While I'm onna roll, ever wonder why Currie hits that mute button real quick when a family member walks up? She don't want anyone to hear that disfunction. 💥


Currie you gonna address yourself and your buddies of trying to plot lies on WC or nahh?


Currie sounds like an 80 year old woman.


Currie (secretly) 🤫 keeps mentioning her birthday in hopes she'll hear those "dings". 🤣🤣 She's no different than CMC. She actually put out a few days ago that someone should get CMC to sing Happy Birthday to her and she got someone to do it and then thinks it's funny. It's not funny. This is awareness.

And ohh now. she wants to do more games. She makes money off those too. I feel she's gonna try to do other things away from awareness to be able to post that CA. Real people don't care about money. If they constantly talk about games, money, ca, my birthday, they only do what they do for money.


Whooo boy. Currie has owed her subscribers teeshirts way back from her LAST channel. Seems like the "reactor" learned from the scaⓂ️Ⓜ️er. Why not fix that right away? Instead you waited MONTHS and now they gotta wait even longer until you get paid? You already got their money and now not only have they had to wait they gotta wait longer. But also are you gonna do what CMC does? You know some will tell you to keep it. You need to send it back anyway. Not have a giveaway with the money so YOU get the praise. Send that money back.


Currie stop it. You want all those people to think you did the awesome deed of getting Melo to stop scaⓂ️Ⓜ️er, yet admit she quit because she moved in with family. You're not this huge influencer that just gets people to stop scaⓂ️Ⓜ️ing. To be 💯 honest with you, you s U c k at reactions and awareness. But more importantly, you want to say you lost views with CMC? Do you not realize we could SEE what your views were before CMC? Melo is so much more popular than the other, yet there's a lot that never even heard of her. We know CMC is your bread and butter and you have no intention to get her off platforms. She's your money and you're ruining everything the OGs have worked years for years.


OMG!!!! 🤬🤬 Currie WTF are you even doing!!! Everyone knows that certain creators have lost monetization. Have you seen anyone else tell Scammy what to watch out for?!!!!!! Noo, because they want her to screw up. You literally just gave her TIPS to keep her page. You need to leave this awareness side alone. I cannot believe you actually did that. Nice job on HELPING SCAMMY!!!!! 🤬 Like I'm seriously p i s s e d. Even more proof she's only doing this for money💰. This was just once chance that she could've screwed up big time, yet now she'll know what not to do. Wow!!!!


I'm seriously embarrassed for the people watching Currie while she's playing with the Pup. Like who cares? I don't know how anyone watches that garbage.


Well, Currie is back, unfortunately, but notice how she's admitted she hasn't watched any lives, and she's back to just using the real awareness pages to get her content. Why can't she get the videos and clip them herself? Because it's easier to just grab someone else's work and get paid for it. 💯


Lies and manipulation


What? First she says YES, she's getting fixed, then says maybe not? 🤔


Currie been live 40 mins and done talked about monetization and CA how many times? She keeps bringing that up to get money sent to her CA. But she cares huh. 🤣🤣🤑


Well swamp monkey is back and already talk shhhh.i.s.h.


So I'm curious how all you Currie people feel that she's been lying to you about being Alpha? If she'll lie about something so silly, then don't think she won't lie about anything big.

Currie the way you're always talking about that BIG following proves why you do this. You're the only one who cares abou...

Currie the way you're always talking about that BIG following proves why you do this. You're the only one who cares about that jazz. "Mines bigger than yours nanana boo boo." Grow up, cry baby You betta recognize, you wouldn't have NOTHING had it not been for the real awareness pages. 💯


Long post ahead ⚠️

Keeping people in check & exposing their lack of moral compass is important.👂The ones that have blasted in this community and arrogantly posted their CA and PP are ruining it. They go to the point that they're actually fighting to post their info like a 3-year-old when they're told no, only to aim for vindication from their following. The desperation is real. 🙄 Now, they want to make (merch) from something that was never theirs to begin with because they're using scaⓂ️Ⓜ️ers to even have content. They say "they're just jealous," like ScaⓂ️Ⓜ️y says. Just like you ask ScaⓂ️Ⓜ️y, jealous of WHAT?! Maybe they're the ones jealous that there's legitimate pages out here that do this for FREE because they truly care. 🤔 Which looks more legitimate? Awareness pages with a CA or awareness pages that do the hard work and ask for nothing in return? Awareness pages did just fine until all this CA/PP mess started. If you wanted to build a page for profit, then you should've done that. Instead, it was much easier to grab scaⓂ️Ⓜ️ers already with ex followers to go after because they knew they'd have an instant following. 💯 Those who are doing this do not have an authentic following, and it shows they only care about fast money and not the work ethic it truly takes to build a page from the bottom up. Hell, even ScaⓂ️Ⓜ️y says they use her to get money, and she's right. That right there is EMBARRASSING and only shows her followers that this whole awareness side is a joke.😶‍🌫️

How can you say you're here to bring awareness or expose someone who takes money from people when you also have your hand out? Now, those that do have their info posted will argue that they don't ask for anything, and they're following asked them to post it, yet don't even realize that's exactly what ScaⓂ️Ⓜ️y says. You know, full damn well, how it all works. You may not ASK, but people still feel obligated to send money, and you know it. 🤑 It's not that hard to understand. Having 8 hour long videos, repeating the same thing over and over, is quite obvious. ‼️Tucking your tail when you are no longer monetized, not once, but TWICE shows EXACTLY what your true intentions are‼️Yet you'll come back, give this poor me speech, and the sheep with flock just like ScaⓂ️Ⓜ️y's followers do.

Awareness is a GIVING/INFORMING organization, not TAKING. Then you have peeons that say, "well, you better go after these big organizations (so&so)." You're not an LLC doing BIG THINGS out here. You're a measly social media platform. No one asked you to start a page, take the time to post or make videos, or pay for anything you needed to get started. So when people are saying it's wrong to expose scaⓂ️Ⓜ️ers for a profit, it's meant wholeheartedly and not just 1 scaⓂ️Ⓜ️er in particular, that stands for ANY scaⓂ️Ⓜ️er . 💯. It's just wrong‼️Open your eyes, people! 💥

This isn't WC, but why lie, Madam? You're not blocked here.

This isn't WC, but why lie, Madam? You're not blocked here.


Madam, this is NOT William, nor did he ASK us to post anything. We don't even talk to William. TF? We just don't understand how you don't see anything wrong with trying to profit off a scaⓂ️Ⓜ️er. Why don't you see how wrong it is? It's not right at all. We didn't wanna even come for you because we LOVED you in the beginning, but as always, true intentions always rise to the surface, and we hate that the greed got the best of you.

This isn't WC 🤣. "I snuck in my CA." Look, though, saying the same thing Scammy says, "THEY ASKED ME TO PUT IT UP." Then...

This isn't WC 🤣. "I snuck in my CA." Look, though, saying the same thing Scammy says, "THEY ASKED ME TO PUT IT UP." Then pretends she "forgot to cover her cashapp." We don't care who sends you money, but it's WRONG. You knew all along what you were doing when you started your page.

I'm not WC. Why is everyone William? Get a grip, lady. This is an embarrassment to the whole awareness movement. Why you...

I'm not WC. Why is everyone William? Get a grip, lady. This is an embarrassment to the whole awareness movement. Why you fighting SO HARD to get paid off a scaⓂ️Ⓜ️er? You're working over time to get that ok from your followers.

A little while back, Madam tried to make a joke, saying she posted a fake cash app just to ruffle feathers. Yeah, that o...

A little while back, Madam tried to make a joke, saying she posted a fake cash app just to ruffle feathers. Yeah, that one was fake, but she DID post a real cash app. She's not fooling anyone.

This. 🙌 Currie got the ball rolling on using scaⓂ️Ⓜ️ers to make money; now we have Madam thinking it's perfectly fine as...

This. 🙌 Currie got the ball rolling on using scaⓂ️Ⓜ️ers to make money; now we have Madam thinking it's perfectly fine as well. To the point, she wants to be condescending only to get her followers to give her the okay to proceed. I'll shout it forever; it is NOT okay to use a scaⓂ️Ⓜ️er to make money. It's sickening. Victims need a safe place to go without everyone having their hand out. Stop it. If you need money that bad, then do what you all tell CMC to do.

I'm not sure if people have cotton in their ears, or they just plain 🥸🤡. At first, no one really knew Currie's true inte...

I'm not sure if people have cotton in their ears, or they just plain 🥸🤡. At first, no one really knew Currie's true intentions, so naturally, a lot gave her the benefit of the doubt and "supported" her. It didn't take long to see what her real intentions were, and that's why so many backed away. She's not in this for real awareness. Hell, she's even admitted that. She's simply using a scaⓂ️Ⓜ️er for her own personal gain. Currie says, "but I was monetized before I ever knew who CMC was." It doesn't matter as the big picture of Currie's intentions were made clear. It's not okay to use ANY scaⓂ️Ⓜ️er to make a profit. So, it doesn't matter if she used Melo or CMC. The fact is, she's using scaⓂ️Ⓜ️ers to make money. People wanna get away from having to give their money only to turn around with someone who proclaims they're there to help with their hand out. It's wrong people!!!!!

WC I borrowed a couple ss from your page to address some things. First off, BARB no one is jealous of CURRIE. WTF is the...

WC I borrowed a couple ss from your page to address some things. First off, BARB no one is jealous of CURRIE. WTF is there to be jealous over? No, seriously, there's absolutely no reason for anyone to be jealous of her. That's a typical CMC comment. Get over yourself.

From January 2022Using a sca**er for profit.

From January 2022
Using a sca**er for profit.


M.Freak, nice try at trying to make a joke outta making money using a sca**er. People do things like this when they know what they're doing is wrong or looked down upon, but they do it to see people's reaction and see if they're given the okay. It has nothing to do with anyone being FB 🚔, it's called right is right, and wrong is wrong. I don't get how some just don't understand the problem with this. It totally baffles me. Madam, did you start your page all on your own? Did you get your followers authentically? No, you used a sca**er and using ex-followers of a sca**er. The whole goal is to protect people from losing money than pages poppin' up everywhere wanting money off said sca**er. You used to be watch worthy until we saw your main goal. You can make jokes all day that you posted a "fake" CA just to get a reaction, but we have receipts back when you DID actually post your real CA and even wanted people to buy tee shirts. Anyone that makes a page off the back of CMC and, in return, wants to make money is no better than CMC herself. Yes. I SAID IT!! So, the joke is on you. How sad to use people that's been done dirty, only to turn around with YOUR hand out. SMMFH!!!!! 🤬


Currie's followers: "I can't believe those people send Scammy money."

Also, Currie's followers "sends Currie money."

2 grown women. 1 a scaⓂ️Ⓜ️er and the other one profits off the scaⓂ️Ⓜ️er.

Make it make sense. It's obvious Currie only cares about money, just like CMC. Both times, Currie's been de-monetized; she suddenly has family issues. But noooo, her followers can't see through the bologna, just like CMC's.

So Currie isn't Alpha? They both just disappeared the exact same time? Yah okayyyy

So Currie isn't Alpha? They both just disappeared the exact same time? Yah okayyyy




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