The Oxen Weekly Order

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The Oxen Weekly Order The Oxen Weekly Order is a weekly news article of the Oxen’s orders of events!

Happy Halloween to all our friends and loved ones today! May your day be spooky and full of delights!👻🎃☠️💀Zailia💀

Happy Halloween to all our friends and loved ones today!

May your day be spooky and full of delights!



📣📣HEAR YE, HEAR YE📣📣The Oxen Weekly Order Presents;Order of the Oxen Tater Series✨Episode 3✨Featuring Deuce, Krakha, Haz...


The Oxen Weekly Order Presents;
Order of the Oxen Tater Series
✨Episode 3✨

Featuring Deuce, Krakha, Hazey, and Scarlett

By: Clent Daniel Julie Martinez AKA Arco

🃏 Zailia 🃏

🔔🔔 HEAR YE, HEAR YE 🔔🔔On this day September 10th on a farm in a small village little baby Elzon Rubertree was born!!!! T...


On this day September 10th on a farm in a small village little baby Elzon Rubertree was born!!!! The village rejoiced at such a fine lad!!!

With love from all of your friends at the Oxen

Feliz cumpleaños mi amigo Halmar Arteaga

May ur day be filled with many blessings👏

✨ Zailia ✨

Photos: Cody Horne

ANNOUNCEMENT ‼️The Order of the Oxen invites Filipinos to join us in the world of Dungeons and Dragons 😁Hello, folks! DM...


The Order of the Oxen invites Filipinos to join us in the world of Dungeons and Dragons 😁

Hello, folks! DM Rowel here, and I'm here to announce that the Order of the Oxen, my group, is opening an all-Filipino sub-order. I'm calling it the Sub-Order of the Calflings.

This is open for all Filipinos interested and/or curious to try out how to play D&D. Newbies are highly encouraged.

Send us a message to reserve a slot. This is completely free and I am open to managing a group of up to 10 players. We're gonna play a multiverse-themed adventure that will tie in with my main group's adventures. All you need is Discord, D&D Beyond app, and your interest in exploring a massive, open, fantasy world, of course!

Note: Our Session Zero will be tomorrow, Saturday! Time is still to be determined.

📣📣HEAR YE, HEAR YE📣📣⚖️ Zailia ⚖️


⚖️ Zailia ⚖️

📣📣 HEAR YE, HEAR YE📣📣🔅 Zailia 🔅


🔅 Zailia 🔅

The Orders of the MultiverseSession  #9: The Shadow AssassinPart 2: Picking Pockets and Bounty HuntersBy that time, Duri...

The Orders of the Multiverse

Session #9: The Shadow Assassin

Part 2: Picking Pockets and Bounty Hunters

By that time, Durin, a dwarf, is speaking to a shady figure in one corner of the tavern's main area. The mysterious person doesn't seem interested in introducing himself to the dwarf. He wears a black robe that reaches all the way down to his dark boots. A tall, witch hat sits on top of his masked face. And a pair of black gloves wraps his hands. Additionally, his eyes glimmer with a fierce determination. This man seems to be staring at a person or a particular group in the tavern, but Durin can't seem to discern or pinpoint where this guy is exactly looking at. Durin feels like he and his dwarven group must have heard about shady individuals like this man, but he can't remember what's that all about.

In Durin's conversation with this man, the individual offers him a handsome reward in exchange of helping him capture a particular group dead or alive. Durin feels like the man isn't willing to pay, but he is equally curious with what's the deal around this mysterious man's targets. He points at Scarlett, Emrys, and Arco by the counter, saying that they're their targets. While there's two more of them down at the basement, and the remaining one left sleeping on a vacant table.

Durin, for a moment, reminds himself of how this group of people the man is telling him to apprehend have just fought with his own group of dwarves a while ago. Then he asks, "What is the pay? Because I kinda ask for the half upfront and the other half after I take the hit."

The man just ominously responds, "Don't worry. My organization is definitely going to give you a handsome reward for your contribution to this glorious cause." Durin stares back to the people he's tasked to capture, hesitant of accepting this shady deal.

Meanwhile after receiving his ordered meal, Tim looks around the room to look for a vacant table. He easily finds his friend, Zailia, sleeping on a chair by a vacant table. On this table are dozens of empty plates and leftovers, hinting that a feast may have just happened here. Tim approaches the table and sits beside Zailia with his bowl of soup.

As Tim sits down, Zailia wakes up and she looks around the tavern. She pretty much sees the same people as with the first time she arrived, such as the wizards still preoccupied on something in their table. The difference now is that she sees Arco, Scarlett, and Emrys talking to the owner by the counter. She notices Tim beside her and an unusual amount of huge crowd surrounding one of the tables. She hears them say, "Encore!" but she fails to see what or who is gathering them around.

Perhaps curious of their business, Zailia approaches the group of wizards. The serious-looking wizards observe the approaching tiefling with a discerning gaze. They maintain a reserved demeanor, silently evaluating Zailia's intentions or magical aura. "Hello," Zailia greets. "Do you mind if I ask what are you all up to?"

One of the wizards raise a brow before respectfully answering, "Well, just like your group, we are also taking a break from our rigorous duties in our own universes."

The wizard's answer sounds like they're not interested in conversing with Zailia. The tiefling instead decides to approach her friends by the counter. On her way there, she walks past a blue dragonborn lady who frantically looks around the room. Zailia notices the loss and despair in her eyes as both their eyes meet. This beckons the tiefling to talk to her.

"Oh, I've already lost count of how many people have already come ask me about my worries. Some are disrespectful, I might add," the dragonborn says. "But greetings, traveler. I am Alara, a priestess from the village of Dravolen. We are currently under attack by the fierce warriors of our clan's rival. I beg of you, please, lend us your strength and help us save our village from annihilation. I've already asked for help from many adventurers around here but nobody seems to be interested in helping me."

"Apologies, but I might have to consult to my friends first."

"Ah, yes, of course. That's always the excuse," the dragonborn mutters as she just walks away with dragging steps.

Zailia suddenly stops her though. "What if I bring you to my friends then?"

Zailia brings her to her friends by the counter and as soon as the dragonborn, Alara, notices Emrys, she comments, "Oh, so you're both from the same group."

Desperate to enlist their help, Alara mentions to the group the measures she's willing to take in exchange for their help. "Don't worry about your rooms because I can pay for you. As for your reward, my clan isn't exactly rich, but we guard some of the most sacred artifacts in our continent and I'm sure my elders won't mind awarding you some of them. Please, all I ask is for you to help my people."

While the dragonborn states her plea for their assistance, Zailia looks around the tavern to see any person that might potentially be also in need of help. Seated at the head of a long table, Zailia notices a well-dressed man, his finely tailored garments adorned with gold and jewels. He exuded an air of authority and wealth, drawing the attention of many. She hears from the whispers around her that he has an urgent matter to discuss, one that requires a unique set of skills. She also finds a quest board on one of the tavern's walls. Beside it is a graffiti of strange markings. A paper is stamped on the board and an insignia of a plain-looking infinity symbol is drawn on the bottom region of it. This is when Zailia remembers the red ring that she saw on one corner of the tavern. She quickly returns to where she saw it and picks it up.

Meanwhile, Tim remains alone on his table, enjoying his expensive soup. The more of it he gulps, he strangely feels a bit more confident of himself and his looks. He also overhears the people talk about how a mousefolk bard has just performed earlier and how a fight broke out immediately after that. He also hears the dwarves arguing among themselves, likely about their involvement in the tavern brawl earlier. Before Tim can get up to return his bowl to the counter, he takes one last glimpse to the plates on his table, as if hoping that he can eat more.

After he returns his bowl though, Tim finds an opportunity to take advantage of the current situation in the tavern. He mixes in with the crowd of people surrounding one of the tables. He slightly sees the individual that this crowd are crazing for, finally. The little guy looks like a mouse holding the most bizarre guitar he has ever seen. That's not what interests Tim, though. He grabs the opportunity to pick some pockets and he successfully acquires a total of 13 pieces of gold along with a rabbit's foot trinket that's said to bring good luck to its owner.

Happy of the stuff he found, Tim proceeds to the counter, assuming nobody saw him, and he asks for a galloon of beer and a mug. He carries this galloon all the way back to his table, exuding an inviting atmosphere. On his way there though, a threatening glare from a masked waitress surprises him. Upon noticing her mask, Tim asks her in thieves' cant if does she want a drink or shall he follow her. In response to this, the masked lady also answers in thieves' cant and expresses to him her disinterest and warns him of being careful about doing his mischievous acts.

~DM Rowel

The Orders of the MultiverseSession  #9: The Shadow AssassinPart 1: Expensive Soup and a Merchant IgnoredAs Tim walks to...

The Orders of the Multiverse

Session #9: The Shadow Assassin

Part 1: Expensive Soup and a Merchant Ignored

As Tim walks to whatever's waiting on the other side of the portal, he finds himself standing before a grand cathedral, its towering spires reaching towards the heavens. But beneath the facade of sanctity, secrets and darkness lie hidden.
Inside the church, shadows dance upon the ancient stone walls, casting an ethereal glow that shrouds the mischievous activities taking place. The air is heavy with anticipation, as if every nook and cranny holds whispers of clandestine meetings and hidden treasures.
Tim, his features fluid and ever-changing, moves with agility and grace through the hallowed halls. He navigates the maze-like corridors, avoiding the watchful eyes of both clergy and unsuspecting worshippers. Their steps are soundless, a silent predator in pursuit of their quarry.
He turns a corner, only to reach a corridor where familiar figures stand on the other side across him. He sees the people of his guild, and they smile upon seeing him. Before he can attempt smiling back, he sees their figures droop down into a pool of dazzling light. In an instant, the pool multiplied into a huge tsunami wave of blinding light that comes rushing at Tim, drowning the whole corridor of its warmth. Tim closes his eyes and he feels his body lighten and change back to the form he had when he first stepped into the portal earlier.

His souls and consciousness leap back into his mind as he starts opening his eyes. The first thing he comes in senses to is how the air is filled with the aroma of hearty food and the sounds of laughter and conversation. The walls surrounding the building he is currently in are adorned with faded tapestries and mounted animal heads, giving it a rustic and adventurous atmosphere.

Tim looks around the tavern and he immediately sees a huge crowd of people surrounding one of the tables. He also sees a group of dwarves on another table, whom all look injured and are in a bad mood, despite the tankards of beverages they're holding. Ahead of him by the counter, he spots the bar owner, a dwarf, who's currently engaged in a conversation with Tim's friends, Scarlett, Arco, and Emrys. The happy dwarf seems to be holding a bunch of candies on his hand.

Tim decides to approach his friends while passively trying to eavesdrop on all the talks and mumbles of the people around him. Upon reaching the counter, he overhears Scarlett offering the dwarf of selling a single piece of her candy in exchange for 10 gold. Surprisingly, the bar owner accepted it and cheerfully handed her a pouch of money.

Once the dwarf notices him, he greets Tim and asks if does he want to buy some of his newly acquired candies for 15 gold a piece. Tim, in response, waves his hand and says, "I don't usually partake in candies. I'm looking for something a little different than that."

"Right!" The dwarf agrees. "Apologies for not introducing myself. I'm Gundrick, welcoming you to The Rusty Goblet! Aside from the usual stuff, we also sell a diverse menu of mouthwatering dishes here. Our menu includes the Dragon's Roast; for 5 gold, it is a hearty plate of roasted venison served with root vegetables. We have the Bard's Delight, a creamy mushroom soup served with freshly baked bread for 2 gold a bowl. Or you can have our Goblet's Grilled Fish, which is a savory grilled salmon fillet accompanied by a zesty citrus sauce that you can enjoy for only an affordable price of 4 gold.. Our specialty drink is the Firebreather. For only 2 gold a mug, this flaming concoction combines spiced rum, dragonberry liqueur, and a touch of cinnamon. Which one do ye fancy?"

"They all sound delicious," Tim comments. But putting the absurd prices in consideration, he then proceeds to ask, "Do you mind if I ask what are the usual jobs or activities that your regulars partake in to afford such prices? For example those dwarves over there who seem angry of something."

"Ah, you see, my patrons are people such as them," Gundrick answers and points at Scarlett's trio before continuing, "who are multiverse adventurers. With huge amounts of money they haul in every adventure, I receive little to no complaints about our handsome prices. In fact, my place is always packed of different groups that I just entrust them of keeping peace and order around here, hence the absence of security."

"Ah, adventurers, you say. Well, I happen to be one, and in fact I know these three," Tim proudly replies, nudging at Scarlett, who then confirms this to the dwarf. "And we're kinda new here, you see."

"Right! Right, you are! Your group clearly don't know much about the latest buzz around 'ere. To the extent of claiming yourselves to be the infamous Order of the Oxen? That's something serious and not to be taken lightly! You're attracting death, my friends."

"Oh, infamous? You can't spell infamous without 'famous'," Tim remarks with a laugh.

"Yeah, yeah, sure. But your friends can never undo what they've just said or done. These people," Gundrick warns while referring to his patrons, "will forever remember that moment and see you as that infamous group. And that brews bad luck, my friend."

By the end of their conversation, Tim asks to help himself with the Bard's Delight soup, which Gundrick joyfully serves along with a comment, "Ah, yes, this flavorful soup inspires confidence and eloquence in social interactions."

Meanwhile as Elzon and Hazey descend down the steps into the basement of the tavern, they get greeted by a grinning and smiling merchant, whom they completely ignore. They proceed to go to their horses' direction and prepare an area near their animals to sleep.

In the merchant's anger, he storms at the duo and yells, "Hey, hey, hey! What are you doing? This area is for horses! Are you considering yourselves as horses? Like, what's the deal here? Are you trying to ruin my business' reputation? My customers won't like me seeing you like that! Stop this, at once!"

Despite the nagging, Elzon and Hazey continue what they're doing without any care for the world. "Why are you doing this to me? That doesn't look comfortable! If you wanted to sleep in this basement in the first place, you should've rented my self-driving carriage instead! You're adventurers. Renting that work of art is as cheap as a penny to you, guys!"

As both Elzon and Hazey completely rejects the merchant's existence, the merchant exclaims to himself, "What in the hell are wrong with these people? I do— I don't understand!"

~DM Rowel

The Orders of the MultiverseSession  #8: The Rusty GobletAnimal ProblemsIn the middle of the tavern, figures of three in...

The Orders of the Multiverse

Session #8: The Rusty Goblet

Animal Problems

In the middle of the tavern, figures of three individuals materialize on top of the magic circle beneath a bear rug. As the dim light slowly fades, Hazey, one of the three individuals, looks around the place. He notices the loud laughter of the group of dwarves on one table. He almost walks to mingle with the group but then he remembers how he is half-naked at the moment. Instead, he approaches the barkeep waiting by the counter ahead.
The dwarven bar owner seems to have failed to notice his bare bottom exposed, thanks to his low height as a halfling. He rather introduces himself while taking pride in the long history embedded in his tavern's walls. "My fine tavern was founded by my great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, and a hundred more great grandfather! We've been here for a couple of millennia!"
Upon hearing the man's prideful introduction and learning of the ridiculous prices of his drinks and dishes, Hazey resorts to making fun of the dwarf like a silly halfling like him will do. "You say this tavern is called the Rusty Goblet. Have you ever thought of changing the name? Like The First Goblet, for example. I don't know. Rusty sounds too old and unappealing for a popular place like this, don't you think?"
"What are ye talking 'bout? That will mean disrespecting my great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, and a hundred more great grandfather! That'll be outrageous!"
Amidst his attempts of annoying the owner, Hazey hears a chuckle from a cloaked figure sitting on one seat away from him. What grabs his attention the most though is the golden brown dog sitting beside the mysterious individual. Hazey, probably because the dog reminds him of his pet Giant Weasel, grabs a chunk of meat from his satchel and tries to tempt the dog into approaching him. The dog seems very disciplined in dealing with strangers though as it only shoots a cold stare at the halfling's desperate effort.

~DM Rowel

📣📣 HEAR YE, HEAR YE 📣📣With the Oxen 🐂 on the move they have been making headlines everywhere they go! 📝Newspapers and ma...


With the Oxen 🐂 on the move they have been making headlines everywhere they go! 📝

Newspapers and magazines everywhere are making ground breaking stories!!! 🤗

Some good🤭 Some…. Eh we’ll see for yourself….

🔅Zailia 🔅

The Orders of the MultiverseSession  #8: The Rusty GobletBard's DelightArco's soul and consciousness leap back into his ...

The Orders of the Multiverse

Session #8: The Rusty Goblet

Bard's Delight

Arco's soul and consciousness leap back into his mind as he starts opening his eyes. The first thing he comes in senses to is how the air is filled with the aroma of hearty food and the sounds of laughter and conversation. The walls surrounding the building he's currently in are adorned with faded tapestries and mounted animal heads, giving it a rustic and adventurous atmosphere.
He tries to look around his surroundings to identify the rowdy people who are making this place so lively. But before his gaze can latch onto someone, a strand of his hair falls and pokes his eyeball. He immediately caresses his eye and he instead walks ahead to the counter, not bothering to look around.
A burly dwarf with a thick beard and a friendly smile greets him, "Hello there, fella! The name's Gundrick, the owner of this fine tavern called The Rusty Goblet, the most popular tavern in this side of the multiverse! How can I help ya?"
"May I ask for food?" Arco asks as the sweet aroma of food filling the place hungers him.
"Yes, of course! Aside from the usual stuff, we also offer a diverse menu of mouthwatering dishes! Our popular options include the Dragon's Roast, a hearty plate of roasted venison served with root vegetables, Bard's Delight, a creamy mushroom soup served with freshly baked bread, and the Goblet's Grilled Fish, a savory grilled salmon fillet accompanied by a zesty citrus sauce. On top of those, our tavern's specialty drink is the Firebreather. This flaming concoction combines spiced rum, dragonberry liqueur, and a touch of cinnamon. Which one do ye fancy?"
"I'd like the soup please."
"Sure, that's 2 gold pieces for one serving."
Arco almost choked himself upon hearing the absurd price. Since he is too hungry and not in the mood to bargain, he begrudgingly hands some gold pieces in exchange for the oh-so-special soup. He then takes it to a vacant table and enjoys himself with it, one sip at a time.

~DM Rowel

📣📣 HERE YE, HERE YE 📣📣Now that we have arrived at the pocket tavern, let’s here some perspectives from our fellow comrad...


Now that we have arrived at the pocket tavern, let’s here some perspectives from our fellow comrades!

Hazey Perception:

I was in this crazy ass tavern and the princess was buy 3, 4, 5 of everything drawing crazy attention to the area so I said nope. (G**O). and when I went back to the table to started forcing me to eat I ate a Lil took my drink to find a job as (peace offering) just looking for some good satin twin for me belt here. So I can make thus elegant kilt ya see. Well after that a fu***ng mouse would u belive that hahahaha a fu***ng mouse start to sing. Amzing voice he had that mouse 🐁. Oh and I killed a man that came back to life from a dog lick. Gross 😝. Now people can see jibbles and bits see. Nice kilt aye?



The Orders of the MultiverseSession  #8: The Rusty GobletNormal ObservationZailia, upon arriving at the bar, looks aroun...

The Orders of the Multiverse

Session #8: The Rusty Goblet

Normal Observation

Zailia, upon arriving at the bar, looks around and her gaze skips from one individual to another. People of different races are currently in this tavern. Her eyes wander to a small stage on one of the corners of this cozy, dimly lit establishment. She sees a bard, a talented musician with a hauntingly beautiful voice, enchanting the patrons with her performances.
She also sees a diverse crowd, ranging from weary adventurers seeking respite to locals looking for a lively evening. She finds a group of boisterous dwarves raising their mugs, a table of serious-looking wizards engaged in deep conversation, and a lone rogue observing the room from the shadows. Her sharp vision even helps her notice a reddish ring lying on one corner of the tavern. It looks completely normal though. The place seems to be a hotbed of rumors and information, making it a perfect place to gather leads for her group's next adventure.

~DM Rowel

📣📣 HEAR YE, HERE YE 📣📣The Order of the Oxen Tater SeriesEpisode 2Comic by: Arco🔅 Zailia 🔅


The Order of the Oxen Tater Series

Episode 2

Comic by: Arco

🔅 Zailia 🔅

📣📣HEAR YE, HEAR YE!📣📣I present to you all;The Order Of the Oxen Tater SeriesEpisode 1By: Arco Pyrophestus🔅Zailia🔅


I present to you all;
The Order Of the Oxen Tater Series

Episode 1

By: Arco Pyrophestus



📣📣HEAR YE!📣📣

Will a watcher become a player!?👀🤔

Stay tuned and find out 🤗


📣📣HEAR YE, HEAR YE📣📣Pocket Tavern Menu:Dragon's Roast: 5 gold piecesBard's Delight: 2 gold piecesGoblet's Grilled Fish: ...


Pocket Tavern Menu:
Dragon's Roast: 5 gold pieces
Bard's Delight: 2 gold pieces
Goblet's Grilled Fish: 4 gold pieces
Firebreather (specialty drink): 2 gold pieces

✨✨ Let’s talk about high class dining 🤷‍♀️

✨Will the princess provide!?
✨or is she broke?



📣📣 HEAR YE! 📣📣✨The Oxen Weekly Order will be ✨hosting a cloths drive for Hazey! ✨This Friday at the Pocket Tavern✨9 pm N...

📣📣 HEAR YE! 📣📣

✨The Oxen Weekly Order will be ✨hosting a cloths drive for Hazey!

✨This Friday at the Pocket Tavern

✨9 pm Next Friday!

✨Bring unwanted clothing

✨Thanks in advance

-Zailia ✨🌙


✨The Oxen Weekly Order✨

✨History of the Order of the Oxen✨

A halfling attempted surfing on a pair of oxen's back and embarrassingly failed. Thus from that point on, the Order of the Oxen was born

That is all! 👏

📣📣HEAR YE! HEAR YE! 📣📣The Oxen Weekly Order would like to present to you the Characters behind the news! One order forme...


The Oxen Weekly Order would like to present to you the Characters behind the news! One order formed together by a group of adventurers from different races, classes, and backgrounds! Putting aside there differences to adventure together… Maybe for different reasons or maybe not? Only time can really tell but u can bet you’ll have the tea along the way!!!

Hazey Emeraldflame: Born miles from Mount Helen one day on his 10th birthday as he walked over to the river to get water for his family for breakfast and explosion went off. Helen was erupted and wiped off all the village. After that his great uncle Phil took him in and raised him as his own for the last eight years of his childhood. Didn’t realize it was eight years on the high seas as a pirate. At 18 stole some loot, and ran away to find his brother and start a new life.

Elzon Rubertree: Born a modest farmer, boy, who won, they found his town under attack by a monster party. He took arms with whatever weapons were at hand and went full ambushing, setting traps, and keeping his crops safe. He eventually was able to take down the monsters leader but not before the crops in town were destroyed. Seeing as he had no other choice in the alternative, being deaf by starvation, he left to fend for himself in the wild clearing out, dungeons here and there, and making sure no monster would ever go out to terrorize another town or city has had once happened to him.

Klargarin Stormblade: Orphaned, originally came from a wealthy, noble merchant family. Who made enemies due to their business reputation, and it the reputation was well known. He ran and escaped his life vowing to avenge his family. He was captured by a band of goblins. When he ran into a wandering paladin, who saved him, and taught him to fight.

Zailia Ianonia: Family killed in the war, raised herself alone in the woods. Living in solitude, trying to acquire enough to join society.

Emrys: He was born in the Underdark out of forbidden love. His parents, to protect him, escaped to the surface with guards behind their tails and sooner, rather than later, ran into a druidic but nomadic tribe. The parents asked this tribe to take their child and take care of him while they lost their pursuers, and the tribe took the child, but the parents never returned, and the tribe just moved on without them taking care of the young drow on their way through the world. They were a medium-sized tribe quickly growing in numbers, they had different races among them too, and they never stayed in one place for long but always moved through forests and green land. They rarely went into the cities but when they did it was for a brief time and just to get what was necessary and get out. Emrys grew up knowing he was discriminated against, knowing people hated his kind and even him just because of what others did in the name of a Goddess he didn’t even venerate. His tribe, however, never discriminated against him and never pushed him aside. They thought him everything they could, and he absorbed everything he was taught. He became a druid, like the rest of his tribe, and he learned to deal with people who hated him with kindness and patience. He would sometimes be sent into the cities to get the needed supplies for the tribe and to trade, but he would often wonder about the city way more than he should and, at some point in his life, he just decided to leave and become an adventurer. He didn’t have a reason in particular to become an adventurer but to explore the world and teach people that a drow could be good. He wanted to become an example, a hero. He just needed to do things right, do things as they should, and find the right adventure.

Arco Pyrophetus: Family died in a fire when he was a very young age, and was adopted by a soldier and a mage. Trained him both combat arts and arcane magic in his youth but it wasn’t interesting at that time growing up he helped the people of his hometown with daily errands. 1/9 a village was attacked by a wild beast which was threatening the village, his adoptive parents tried to fight the beast and inquire the beast quite a lot, but they were also critically injured. With great hesitation, he felt the beast using that little he had, he learned from his adoptive parents, and determined not to lose, and he managed to defeat the beast after a long and exhausting battle. he was praised as a hero, but doesn’t feel like one. He decided to continue his training with the motivation to become strong and protect those precious to him. Life was fine until he later received a letter which indicated that the fire that killed his parents was no accident and someone wanted them all dead. Distraught by this news, he was lost and thought until his adoptive parents snapped him out of it. They told him “if you want to clear your mind go and look for the answer but bear in mind always do the right thing. Don’t worry about the village. We are still here to protect it.” With that in mind, he began to prepare for the journey ahead before leaving he met an arrogant brat who is bullying the villagers with his mind. Still in the cloud, he punched a little brat with all his force knocking him out. Little did he know he was the son of the tyrant who ruled these lands. 

Tim NotTim: A Mysterious Man 🔍

Scarlett Nightshade: Born on a respected noble family ; her mother is a high sorcerrer and her father is a duke; having an older sister who became great and strong knight;and older brother who also inherits their mother's magic however Scarlett is a bit dfferent being born with such platinum hair color and crystal blue eyes; and the thing that shock them the most is that the unpredictable magic she has.... Though they didn't hate it as they see it as a blessing from the gods... She grow ups being adored by every one because of her sweet personalities and because shes a good kid she also likes to watch her sister training and sometime she teaches her some of the trainings so that she can protect herself with or wthout magc . Their teacher is also their mother that teaches them to control their magic and to use it only for good ... at young age she sometimes get blurry memories but she just dont know what it is , she didn't tell anyone and thought of it as just an imagination, and as time goes by she forgot about it until when she turns 20 her mother became ill ,as this happens vague memores keep popping out that her head start to hurt, So she told her father about it, she blames herself that maybe it was her fault but her fathers disagree.. it's been another year and her mother havent recovered yet and her father had asked help from professonals and researcher from all over the world but not one had an answer to her conditions...for all this years she thought that maybe if she can connect this blurry images ,maybe she too can help her mother so she begs her father that maybe she might find a clue ,that maybe travelling and seeing various things might trigger and give much clearer visions. her father understood and let her go but with one condition he said that she must bring even just one strong person and she choose her close childhood friend who is also a paladin. her father knows he can trust him so he finally agreed and help them prepares for their journey. They went on and had travelled for one week now and still haven't found anything.
when they came into the forest a giant troll start attaking them and at some point the troll successfully grabbed him and tossed him away.after that the troll want to attack her next but suddenly a strong earthquake happened that some trees crushed into the ground;some of it created a bunch of holes into ground ,she lost her balance and fell into one of the hole..
She lost her consciousness and later was found and saved by a party......

DM/Fartoron/Mosters/Future Characters: A man of many talents and many lives…

**Photo Credits: Hazey Emeraldflame**




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