Priestess of the New Earth

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Priestess of the New Earth plants, tools, guides for honoring the sacred, being the lighthouse, leading the collective evolution

Ko Phangan Thailand has been magical, beautiful, and nourishing this week, with just a few scrapes here and there. šŸ’«Ridi...

Ko Phangan Thailand has been magical, beautiful, and nourishing this week, with just a few scrapes here and there. šŸ’«

Riding around on scooters across the island feels so freeing.

And working on a community project with so much soul purpose feels so fulfilling.

I love community, because I continue to discover what my gifts are, through the beauty of so many mirrors.

Realizing that my shamanic trauma healing and neural rewiring work with my clients has many parallels to my role in communities.

Identifying where the limiting beliefs are as a team, identifying what the stories playing from the past are, and choosing what we want to rewrite it all into.

And I love seeing and feeling the impact when the community is willing to grow together. Itā€™s so magical šŸ˜

Iā€™m so grateful that this is my life. Iā€™m constantly reminded of how it is a dream come true. šŸ¦‹

Iā€™m currently opening one client slot for my 3 to 6 month shamanic trauma healing sessions.

If youā€™re feeling called to:

> dive into shadow work,

> heal the impact of significant traumas,

> stop feeling stuck or paralyzed,

> learn how to prioritize your self care and nourishment,

> open your heart to more love,

> create real change in your daily life,

> change the disempowering stories playing in your mind,

> and whatever beautifully unique result youā€™re desiring to create,

then Iā€™d love to chat with you. Book a free consult with me and we can see if weā€™re a good fit. šŸ˜Š

Iā€™m specifically calling in clients who feel connected to spirituality, magic, and soul purpose.

Weā€™re creating the New Earth together, with every healed heart and mind returned to innocence.

For a less intensive, deep dive into my teachings, check out my book ā€˜The Wisdom of Innocenceā€™.

Radiating love into your world. šŸ’—

Snippets of the absolute magic we experienced last weekend with our favorite humans. šŸ˜Iā€™ve lived in quite a few communit...

Snippets of the absolute magic we experienced last weekend with our favorite humans. šŸ˜

Iā€™ve lived in quite a few community settings these last three years. Itā€™s become my preferred way of life. And Iā€™m learning whatā€™s necessary for me to feel safe enough to fully lean into expansion and expression. And what I truly believe is the leading edge of the expansion of human consciousness.

Necessary Values -

> the heart frequency - we are all meeting from the heart and in the heart - first, forever, and finally. I care for me, I care for you, and I care for us. And this is the foundation of LOVE for the entire container. šŸ’—

> self-responsibility & compassionate communication - these two have to go hand in hand. Iā€™m responsible for my feelings and my experience, and Iā€™m ALSO responsible for how I communicate toward others and impact others with my actions. This is how TRUST is created.

> the celebration of the divine feminine - this comes through as an acceptance of everyone and everything, in their self expression, without judgment of any kind, because the foundations of love and trust are already established. The Sacred Wild

> decentralized leadership - everyone feels empowered to lead where they are naturally gifted, and decisions are delegated to those most involved, with trust in the collective intelligence. We become a single entity fulfilling its purpose. šŸ’«


What Kills the Vibe -

> any judgment talk of any kind - when itā€™s considered cool or witty to dismiss or make fun of others (but not ourselves), to cast judgment on certain groups of people or ways of living, the vibe of subtle self-censorship is now set. The ā€˜Who knows when Iā€™ll be nextā€¦ā€™ feeling.

> authoritative leadership - when trust isnā€™t given to the group as a whole, usually because the container hasnā€™t been established strongly enough, the vibe of seeking approval from a single individual is set, which is again - subtle (or overt) self-censorship.


My greatest teachers - and šŸ¦‹

Thank you for holding such a strong heart-centered container that made it feel like there were no rules except to be your full and free self. šŸ’—

Love & Trust = Freedom

You have a really big dream.And it feels really far away.Donā€™tšŸ‘šŸ» givešŸ‘šŸ» upšŸ‘šŸ»Some of us make it happen fast.Some of us ha...

You have a really big dream.

And it feels really far away.

Donā€™tšŸ‘šŸ» givešŸ‘šŸ» upšŸ‘šŸ»

Some of us make it happen fast.

Some of us have a head start.

Some of us start late and have a longer journey.

Itā€™s all perfect.

Youā€™re right on time.

In perfect timing with the divine alignment of the universe.

Many people give up because of so many, very easy to believe, reasons:

> itā€™s not realistic
> itā€™s not meant for me
> the path there is too difficult
> Iā€™m living in a fantasy
> itā€™s delusional
> I canā€™t do it myself
> the world is too far gone
> I donā€™t have enough support
> itā€™s not human nature
> etc. etc.

Itā€™s much more difficult, challenging, and courageous to believe in your really big dream.

To choose these beliefs instead:

> anything is possible
> my dreams are meant for me
> I am always being guided
> my visions are premonitions
> itā€™s revolutionary
> I can do anything thatā€™s meant for me
> I trust in my dreams and desires
> I trust the perfectly aligned support will show up for me in perfect timing
> humanity is evolving to become more kind, loving, and harmonious
> Iā€™m right on time
> etc. etc.

The ones who have changed the world were once believed to be delusional.

The ones who accomplished revolutionary dreams had to persist against criticism, pessimism, and obstacles over and over again.

But your heart knows what your mind cannot.

ā€œYour heart is the portal to the infinite intelligence of the universe.ā€

Where time and space collapse and the future is already here.

Keep dreaming.

Keep believing.

Weā€™re waiting on you.


This man. I am over the moon in love with this man. šŸ’—We were out to dinner last night and our friends were saying how mu...

This man. I am over the moon in love with this man. šŸ’—

We were out to dinner last night and our friends were saying how much they love witnessing our partnership.

And then one of them said, ā€œAnd Alex, she lovvvvvves youā€ pointing at me. šŸ˜†

Am I that transparent? šŸ˜†

But what a sigh of relief that is.

I love how transparently I love Alex. I love that I donā€™t want to hide it or be cool. Iā€™m so not cool in how smitten I am šŸ˜†

It was a beautiful reflection to receive.

Iā€™ve been so in awe of how deep our love, our understanding, our openness, our willingness, and our commitment towards each other goes.

The compassion and gentleness that is our love, mixed with primal passion and wild play, is everything Iā€™ve ever wanted, and more.

It is living proof that we can break free from our old patterns of relating.

That we can learn to love bigger, even when it hurts.

That we can choose our soulā€™s growth over our egoā€™s comforts.

And when we do, it is soooooo worth it.

The greatest adventure of my life is living by your side šŸ„° and I canā€™t wait to celebrate our one year together next month!

Cheers to all the magic weā€™re creating from our love, and a love that I would give it all away for anyway, but knowing that Iā€™ll never have to.

In devotion to a love that is bigger than me šŸ’— I love you.

Hello CT tribe - Iā€™ll be landing in CT just for a couple days between Costa Rica and Thailandā€¦ and so my sister .b.artis...

Hello CT tribe - Iā€™ll be landing in CT just for a couple days between Costa Rica and Thailandā€¦ and so my sister .b.artiste, my partner , and I are hosting a drum & song circle! šŸ„šŸŽ¶

Open to everyone, would love to have your presence there šŸ’—

The deets:

Drum & Song Circle
With Oli B & guests: Ayala & Alex šŸ’—

Wednesday, May 17th from 6:30 to 8:30pm at The Bridge Healing Arts Center in Farmington.

Bring your voice, your instruments, and your open heart, for a free flow drum jam and song sharing circle.

From 6:30 weā€™ll begin with an hour of open free flow drumming, toning, chanting, and dancing.

Then at 7:30 weā€™ll settle in for an hour of song shares. Any song, cover, poem is welcome, with instruments or without. Singalong or solo. Only requirement is that itā€™s shared from the truth of your heart. šŸ’— Rainbow heart songs highly encouraged šŸ„°

Or just come and receive this music for your soul šŸ’«

This event is donation-based. Canā€™t wait to play with you!

Interdependence in sacred partnership is not the same as codependence. āœ‹šŸ¼Me asking my partner to show up in a particular...

Interdependence in sacred partnership is not the same as codependence. āœ‹šŸ¼

Me asking my partner to show up in a particular way to provide greater safety to me - not codependence.

My partner asking me to hold him to comfort and soothe his inner child - not codependence.

We all depend on each other, no matter how independent and sovereign we are.

To eat, to travel, to buy the clothes and electronics we desire, to not get hit by another driver on the highway, to get building materials for our new house, to receive hugs, and the list goes on and on.

Humans are interdependent creatures. We depend on each other.

So what exactly is codependence then? And why is it considered bad?

Codependence is when projection, expectation, and entitlement are brought in.

When we get angry at someone for showing up in a certain way, because they should have acted differently?

Unless we specifically agreed ahead of time on the specific actions, that would be codependence.

When we expect someone to do something for us and try to guilt them into it based on our projections of who they should be?

Thatā€™s codependence.

When we place responsibility for our own emotions on someone else, thatā€™s codependence.

When our actions are done to please another person because we feel obligated to manage their emotions, thatā€™s codependence.

Codependence examples =

ā€¢ Woman feels hurt by her Manā€™s actions and responds with anger - why would you do this, donā€™t you know how hurtful this is, etc. placing the responsibility of her emotions on the Man.

ā€¢ Man expresses anger at his Woman when he feels frustration about something and Woman takes on pleasing role to keep him from feeling frustrated so she doesnā€™t get hurt.

Conscious interdependence examples =

ā€¢ Woman feels hurt by her Manā€™s actions and directly communicates her needs and asks him to change a behavior - he gets to change or risk her choosing to leave.

ā€¢ Man feels frustration and directly communicates that he needs to express anger right now - she gets to choose to witness or give space.

The difference is whether there is projected expectations (codependence) or conscious choice (interdependence), which can be quite beautiful.

Donā€™t identify with your emotions, they said.Ie - donā€™t identify with the little girl inside of you thatā€™s screaming and...

Donā€™t identify with your emotions, they said.

Ie - donā€™t identify with the little girl inside of you thatā€™s screaming and grieving her very real pain and calling out for validation and acceptance.

Donā€™t be so attached to your story, they said.

Ie - donā€™t be so attached to the story of real pain and violence and heartbreak in your past that broke you down into a million little pieces.

Just let it go, they said.

Ie - just let go of the very real pain in your body thatā€™s screaming for your attention because itā€™s holding on to so much and hasnā€™t been able to release it.

Donā€™t identify, donā€™t attach, just let goā€¦ for what?

For the convenience of other peopleā€™s illusions and states of dissociation?

For the continued propulsion of the programming machine that makes sure everything stays obedient within its designated order?

To maintain ā€œcenterā€?


I do absolutely believe that our past can be fully transformed into the fuel for our future.

But that doesnā€™t happen by just letting it go.

It doesnā€™t happen from resisting it, ignoring it, chastising it, rejecting it, or trying to make it go away.

If youā€™ve been following me for a while now, you know what Iā€™m going to say.

The answer is the same answer for all questions.


Love is the ultimate alchemist.

Weā€™re not here to let go of our past, our demons, our pain, our stories.

Weā€™re here to transform them.

Into our power, our strength, our gifts, our creativity, our mission, our service.

And how do we do that?

With Love.

By loving our emotions.

By loving our stories.

By loving our pain.

Loving it means facing it, seeing it, giving it space, giving it voice, accepting it, embracing it, speaking its truth, standing up for it, keeping it safe, allowing it to grow, and following it through to its transformation.

The pathway is through it, not away from it.

Iā€™m in a season of owning my victimhood.

My real traumas of growing up in an oppressive cult, of experiencing real violence and sexual traumas.

These things happened.

And Iā€™m going to continue to own my story, speak my truth, and demand my safety, transforming it all into creative juice for living my life fully.

And you can too.


Your past supports your future. Your pain becomes your greatest power.The unconditional love thatā€™s cultivated through t...

Your past supports your future. Your pain becomes your greatest power.

The unconditional love thatā€™s cultivated through the pain, acceptance and integration of our past stories of being victimized unfairly, gives us a golden sword that can cut through the darkest shadows and illusions.

Owning our inner child who truly was a victim, is the way to overcome the consciousness state of victimhood as an adult.

Reclaiming our innocence, our vulnerability, our desire for pure love, our need for safety, opens our heart up to the highest frequencies of Grace available.

And Grace heals all. Itā€™s the nectar of the Great Mother Goddess - the one from which the entire universe is birthed.

So donā€™t set your victim story aside so easily when others say, ā€œstop being such a victim!ā€

Own it. Claim it. Accept it. Love it. Bring it fully into your heart.

This Earth is healed by victims offering grace and unconditional love to themselves first. The rest will take care of itself. šŸ’—

Please share for those who need to hear this šŸ’«šŸ¦‹āœØ

Alive and in love šŸ’—In love with life, in love with adventure, in love with people, in love with nature, in love with mot...

Alive and in love šŸ’—

In love with life, in love with adventure, in love with people, in love with nature, in love with mother Gaia šŸŒæ

What does it take to feel ALIVE?

The safety to express, to play, to be innocent, to be wild.

The encouragement to try something new, an environment that inspires creativity.

A beautiful container where every personā€™s needs are respected and considered.

Knowing itā€™s safe to be yourself. Uniquely, authentically you.

And a container strong enough to transmute the traumas that come up for healing within it.

I love co-creating these spaces and watching both myself and others blossom even more fully, play even more innocently, and allow even more of ourselves to be seen in our vulnerable beautiful truth.

Allowing the earth to do what she does so naturally - heal, transmute, ground, soothe.

After being covered in mud for over an hour thanks to .weavers - playing, dancing, growling, laughing - my nervous system felt more soothed and satiated than Iā€™ve ever felt it.

The earth is so healing.

The earth is our mother.

And her love is infinite. šŸ’—

Thank you thank you thank you. šŸ’—šŸŒæāœØ


Question - if I hosted a retreat in one of these magical places šŸ’« with shamanic trauma healing, dance, movement, earth play, vocal activations, sound healing, nervous system regulation, authentic expression, manifesting, and a focus on being ALIVE and IN LOVE with life, would you be interested? Comment below or message me! šŸ„°šŸ˜˜āœØ

The greater power we embody, the greater responsibility we carry.That responsibility is to recognize that our power has ...

The greater power we embody, the greater responsibility we carry.

That responsibility is to recognize that our power has an impact.

And that impact will always have results and consequences.

Without any value judgments of good or badā€¦

but itā€™s on us to decide -

what impact do we desire to create?


Iā€™ve been learning so many lessons in this new community Iā€™ve been living in recently.

> Learning how to use my anger as fuel for speaking my heartā€™s truth.

> Learning the nuances of power dynamics and what happens when power is unclaimed or unchecked.

> Learning how to open my heart even more, when Iā€™m with people I donā€™t fully understand, and who I donā€™t feel fully understood by.

> How important true vulnerability is to cultivating deep connection.

And Iā€™ve been recognizing that deep down, no matter who we are, we all want the same thingsā€¦

Belonging. Connection. Understanding. Trust.

Ultimately, Love.

Even if we donā€™t use the same language.

But Love is not limited by language or societal constructs or ideological lenses or facilitation frameworks or beliefs created by the mind.

Love is the fabric from which we are woven. It is the force behind universal expansion.

And Love is the only force that can completely alchemize and pe*****te the darkness.

And on another round of the medicine wheel yet again, holding myself through pain, grief, anger, gratitude, growth, and longing,

I choose Love. Again and again. And always šŸ’—


I was a lawyer before I dove into the multi-year dark night of my soul.Achiever, logic-driven, overly inner masculine.Th...

I was a lawyer before I dove into the multi-year dark night of my soul.

Achiever, logic-driven, overly inner masculine.

The dark night forced me into my inner feminine, which is the greatest gift Iā€™ve ever received.

To learn worthiness without producing, to embody my body and purge my traumas, to feel great comfort in simply being, not doing.

My clients tend to be women who have overdeveloped their inner masculine to protect themselves after childhood traumas.

Lawyers, mothers, energetic heads of the household, badass high-achievers.

Very smart and driven mostly by the mind, suppressing our inner truth.

Itā€™s exactly what we had to do to keep ourselves safe.

But now, as adults, we get to heal, rewire, and learn a new way.

The feminine way of following our intuition, beyond logic.

The way of feeling our inherent value even when we arenā€™t doing anything.

The way of learning to embody pleasure, joy, bliss, purely for being alive.

I feel fully at home in my body, outside in the sunshine, in silence, listening to the birds (and monkeys now).

Totally whole in my being without doing or achieving anything.

Paradise is here, the New Earth is here, if we only have the eyes to see it and the sense to feel it.


New beginnings, winds of change, guiding us on to our next landing. šŸ’«Lake AtitlĆ”n is where I healed my heart, embraced m...

New beginnings, winds of change, guiding us on to our next landing. šŸ’«

Lake AtitlƔn is where I healed my heart, embraced my human, and transmuted my depths into gold.

Here Iā€™ve seen visions of the future and felt the peaks of bliss that are available to us.

Iā€™ve felt the eternal grace of divinity fall upon me and my partner in an unexpected moment of infinite love.

Iā€™ve discovered my voice and my love for creating music.

And Iā€™ve met so many of the beautiful souls in my soul fam tribe in such a short period of time, Iā€™m truly blown away.

This happiness you see in this photo is possible because of Mama AtitlƔn, because of the courage of a young woman named Genevieve, and because of a string of guided synchronicities led by the beautiful white owls and deer that brought me here early last year.

Thank you beautiful AtitlƔn. We will most certainly be back.

Now itā€™s time for the next nest for our wings to land - Costa Rica.

Weā€™ll be participating in a beautiful community immersion for a new community project near Nosara called - Tierramor.

The immersion goes through mid-May, so come join us if youā€™re called! šŸ’«

With Love + Magic,

Ayala šŸ’«

One theme that keeps coming up with my mentorship clients is that theyā€™re already doing it.Theyā€™re already further on th...

One theme that keeps coming up with my mentorship clients is that theyā€™re already doing it.

Theyā€™re already further on their path than they realize.

Their thoughts and mental loops are stuck in the past and now weā€™re just rewriting the beliefs to catch up with their current reality.

Which will then propel them even further into their desired future reality.

How often do we believe weā€™re stuck, when weā€™re actually more free than we realize?

How often do we believe weā€™re not doing a good job at something, when weā€™ve actually made way more progress than weā€™re giving ourselves credit for?

If youā€™re reading this, then youā€™re already doing it. Youā€™ve already made it. Youā€™ve arrived.

Take some time to journal out all the ways youā€™ve already done the things youā€™ve desired to do, youā€™ve already felt the way youā€™ve desired to feel, and youā€™ve already accomplished what youā€™ve desired to accomplish.

And celebrate!

Now choose your next actions from that place.

Your mindset will change your emotional state.

Your emotional state will change your energetic frequency.

And when fully embodied, your energetic frequency will change your life.

Embodiment is bringing forth your truth into your consciousness and your physical body.

Join my free workshop starting tomorrow!! On embodying the ā€¢free femmeā€¢ within you.

Weā€™ll dive into some shadow work, self discovery, and embodiment, to bring your truth even more fully to the surface. Entering the flow and breaking free from stagnation. āœØ

Register at linā€¢kinā€¢biā€¢o šŸ’—šŸŖ„

We just emerged from a water fast. šŸ’¦Three days on this one. Five days on the last one.Part of the reason we fast is for ...

We just emerged from a water fast. šŸ’¦

Three days on this one. Five days on the last one.

Part of the reason we fast is for the physical detox.

But our primary motivation is actually energetic and emotional healing.

Weā€™re on a path of transformation. Which requires phases of both constriction and expansion.

Like facing the darkness before itā€™s transformed into light.

When we choose to face the darkness, the universe doesnā€™t need to surprise us with it.

When we choose to face our shadows, they donā€™t need to self-sabotage their way into our awareness.

So when we choose moments, hours, even days of constriction, voluntarily, then we get to induce our next phase of expansion.

Like going on a strenuous hike or physical workout, jumping in an ice bath, or in this case - only drinking water for three days.

The fast becomes a ceremony. When our shadows are triggered to the surface by discomfort, pain, fatigue.

And we get the opportunity to love them and transform them. šŸŖ„

Which always results in expansion.

Why would we want expansion?

If youā€™re fearing deeper intimacy but also craving more connection, expansion will open your heart even more to receive it.

If youā€™re fearing taking the next (or first) steps on a new business or project or life change, expansion will give you the courage and confidence to do it.

If youā€™re feeling despair, hopelessness, or stagnation, expansion will breathe new inspiration into you.

If youā€™re caught in repeating cycles and negative thought patterns, expansion will break your mind open to new insights and new states of being.

If youā€™d like to feel greater freedom, inspiration, clarity, and confidence, in any area of your life, then join my free workshop coming up on March 20 - 21st.

On the Equinox and the astrological New Year, we will use shamanic manifestation to intentionally look at our inner shadows and transform them, to create new and fresh expansion in our lives.

ā€¢ free femme
ā€¢ a sanctuary to call in your heartā€™s greater desires and your wildest dreams šŸ’—

Using a combination of shamanic journeying, mindset rewiring, and energetic attraction.

Join free at the linā€¢kinā€¢biā€¢o šŸŖ„

When we live our life according to outside expectations - from our family, our friends, our current life situation, even...

When we live our life according to outside expectations - from our family, our friends, our current life situation, even our culture - we feel unhappy because we aren't connected to our inner truth.

We're living out someone else's dreams rather than our own.

Maybe you know what your dreams are, but you've been afraid to pursue them because they feel too far out of reach or like they would cost too much.

Or maybe you're not even sure what your heart's true desires are.

We each have unique dreams to bring to this world.

But it's difficult to access them when we're weighed down by the 'shoulds' and 'should nots'.

We can't see them when we have heavy layers of emotional wounds and limiting beliefs like blankets hiding the light of our soul.

These heavy weights keep us from feeling the joy, freedom, and satisfaction that are available to us in any moment, from within.

The more we feel joy from within, the more we attract experiences that bring us joy.

The more we feel free from within, the more we attract experiences that bring us even more freedom.

This is simple, but it's certainly not always easy.

Our past traumas need healing, our trapped emotions need releasing, and the repeating loops in our mind need erasing.

But we can live a life in alignment with our soul's truth.

We can call in our heart's deepest desires.

Using the practices of shamanic manifestation to transform your past and choose your future, you can completely change any area of your life.

From working in a career that didn't light up my soul, to being in a partnership that wasn't aligned with my growth, to having painful relationship dynamics, and living in a home with belongings that weren't aligned with my real desires...

to traveling around the world, meeting my soulmate partner, discovering my love of singing, having clothes and instruments that reflect the true me, and guiding others in a way that lights up my soul...

Shamanic manifestation empowers us to feel joy and freedom from within, to rediscover our soul's inner truth, and to call in our heart's deepest desires.

Join the free femme workshop - register at linā€¢kinbiā€¢o šŸŖ„

The beginning of the year according to the šŸ’«stars is on the New Moon in Aries.Itā€™s also the day after the Spring Equinox...

The beginning of the year according to the šŸ’«stars is on the New Moon in Aries.

Itā€™s also the day after the Spring Equinox. šŸŒø

Even though our calendars begin on January 1st, the cosmos aligns with true forward momentum on March 21st.

Can you feel the momentum starting to build?

To take advantage of this epic energetic alignment, Iā€™m hostingā€¦

ā€¢ free femme

A free 2-day online shamanic manifestation workshop.

March 20 - 21st

Two days of :

ā€¢ empowering you to embrace your desires

ā€¢ inspiring you to believe in your dreams

ā€¢ remembering the free femme that lives inside you

ā€¢ and rediscovering the clarity of your soulā€™s guidance

Weā€™ll use shamanic manifestation practices including > shamanic journeying, > future visioning, and > unlocking your magic energetic attraction frequency. šŸŖ„

Do you desire to feel differently in your body?

Do you desire to change the current dynamics in your relationships?

Are you ready to start a new business or creative project?

Are you ready to have deeper connections with soul fam?

What do you know, deep in your heart and soul, is the next change needed for your most aligned life?

The life of joy, freedom, and big love that you know is meant for you?

Join us on March 20 - 21st for

ā€¢ free femme

A two day workshop of self-discovery, transformation, and future manifestation.

Where Iā€™ll guide you into deeper connection with self, deeper clarity on your desires, and reminding you that the free femme already lives within you.

This workshop will be on Zā€¢oom so please register at the linā€¢kinā€¢mybiā€¢o šŸ˜Š


[[ group program launching soon, join the free workshop for deets + discā€¢ount ]]

[[[ still a few spots open in my 1:1 mentorshā€¢ip, book a free call to learn more ]]]

with love and magic šŸŖ„


My mantra for transforming emotional triggers. šŸŖ„Emotions are an important part of our spiritual growth.Our emotions aren...

My mantra for transforming emotional triggers. šŸŖ„

Emotions are an important part of our spiritual growth.

Our emotions arenā€™t our ultimate truth though.

They light the pathway to our truth.

Feeling them fully can change our life.

If we separate them from the stories we create in our mind.

There are physical sensations in our body.

Then there are the meanings we attach to those sensations, which are the emotions - anger, sadness, frustration, etc.

And then there are the mental stories we create about why weā€™re feeling these sensations.

Triggers happen when our external experience brings up a sensation, and emotion, in our body.

If this happens, it means the emotion already exists in our body.

This is why every person is triggered in different ways by different experiences.

Our past traumas or beliefs live in our body, which trigger a physical sensation in reaction to certain life experiences.

When we fully heal an emotional trigger, we wonā€™t experience it in the same way again.

And without the emotional charge, we will then no longer be attracting that experience into our life.

Which is the ultimate goal of shamanic transformation.

To change our life!

Next time you get emotionally triggered by something, try this mantra - feel it but donā€™t believe it.

1. Feel the physical sensations, name them, how do they feel in your body?

2. Identify the past version of you thatā€™s being triggered - inner child, past experience, etc.

3. Be the mama bear, holding space for the past version of you thatā€™s hurting. Hold her, love her, tell her you understand.

4. Listen to the stories, empathize with them, love them, but donā€™t believe them.

5. Choose the new belief for the mama bear to hold firm through the experience - worthiness, belonging, safety, etc.

Learn how to do this repeatedly, and you will completely change your life.


Want to join my free 2 day workshop ā€¢ free femme ā€¢ on using shamanic transformation to call in your most soul-aligned life?

ā€¢ free femme
ā€¢ shamanic manifestation
ā€¢ march 20-21
ā€¢ register at linā€¢kinbā€¢io

And book a call with me to learn more about my 1:1 personal mentorship! šŸ˜Š

That statue in the center of my altar is my tribute to Sophia - the feminine aspect of God, THE Goddess. Iā€™ve been conne...

That statue in the center of my altar is my tribute to Sophia - the feminine aspect of God, THE Goddess.

Iā€™ve been connecting to her for many years as the channel to the ancient goddess, the soul of the earth.

The Sophia is the divine feminine rising. And she is the ruling principle of the New Earth.

She has no figure, no specific goddess archetype, no body, no shape or form.

She is merely a very powerful voice of ferocious love. An energetic force, stronger than anything else Iā€™ve experienced.

She is grace and she is commitment. She is kind and she is fierce. She is power and she is beauty.

And she holds the frequency of the creation of the New Earth. Of the more beautiful world our hearts know is possible.

In my shamanic transformation work, we donā€™t just use shamanic journeying to go back and heal the past, but we also step into our visions of the future.

We remember that we are all visionaries and we align to the magical frequencies that allow us to powerfully create the future we see.

This combination is what makes my work so unique.

If youā€™re interested and want to know how you can learn more, then message me or comment šŸŖ„ below!




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