🆘❗️❗️this morning around 5:30 I woke up to a BUNCH of noise.. and scared them off with a confused hola without my glasses on 😔turns out my Yamaha Acoustic Guitar Sunburst (~245 USD) and the entire contents of this suitcase walked away.. please keep an eye out in pawn shops around PV.
if you want to help me out, donations would suuuuper appreciated!!!! as you know it's slower season and it's hard being a fulltime musician.
My CashApp is https://cash.app/$Z**isings and PayPal is http://paypal.me/PlanetaryProductions 🥺
esté mañana sobre 5:30 me robaron mi guitarra acoustica Yamaha Sunburst (~4400 mxn) y todas las cosas en esta maleta. si quieres apoyarme, porfavor 🙏🏼🙏🏼 http://paypal.me/PlanetaryProductions