Bold Apologia Podcast

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Bold Apologia Podcast This is the page for the Bold Apologia Podcast used to promote its content and ministry.


Anyone comparing the assassination attempt on former President Trump to Revelation 13:3-4 is a good example of why sound eschatology is truly important. Moreover, sound hermeneutics!


I just want to say to all of my , I apologize for not posting as much. I assure you I have a few fun projects I’m working on, such as Leibniz’s Cosmological Argument which is to tag onto my most recent podcast on the Kalam Cosmological Argument. I have been working diligently in my vocational ministry as a youth pastor and haven’t had as much time to work on podcasts. Please pray for myself and the Church I serve at as we bring 32 youth to camp this year.

I have a few other projects coming up, so please keep yourself in the loop by watching this page closely.

God bless!

Rejecting the Trinity is like saying you hate what God’s Word teaches without directly saying it.

Rejecting the Trinity is like saying you hate what God’s Word teaches without directly saying it.

Follow them as they follow Christ 😂💪🏼

Follow them as they follow Christ 😂💪🏼

NEW PODCAST IS UP.This podcast is a shorter (20 minutes or so) podcast. It’s an overview of the Kalam Cosmological Argum...


This podcast is a shorter (20 minutes or so) podcast. It’s an overview of the Kalam Cosmological Argument that covers several different aspects of it, such as its formulation, history, and theological implications as well as taking time to debunk Atheist objections to the Kalam Cosmological Argument.


If the meme confuses you, take 20 minutes to listen to the podcast!

An Argument For the Existence of God Right From Scripture:The teleological argument, also known as the argument from des...

An Argument For the Existence of God Right From Scripture:

The teleological argument, also known as the argument from design, asserts that the intricate order and purposeful design observed in the universe strongly suggest the existence of an intelligent designer, traditionally understood as God. As Christians, this argument good because it aligns with biblical teachings, specifically the assertion in Romans 1:20 that "For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse."

This means that a biblical perspective, the complexity and fine-tuning of the natural world, from the precise conditions necessary for life to the intricate interdependence of ecosystems, reflect the wisdom and power of a Creator. The orderliness of the laws of nature, the elegance of mathematical structures, and the beauty found in creation further support the idea that the universe is not a product of random chance but of deliberate intention.

Moreover, the teleological argument dovetails with the biblical understanding of God as a purposeful and relational being who creates with intention and care. Psalm 19:1 proclaims, "The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands." This suggests that the natural world is a testament to God's existence and His ongoing involvement in creation.

So, the teleological argument reinforces our faith by highlighting the evidence of design in the universe, pointing to a purposeful and intelligent Creator as described in the Bible. This alignment between observed reality and scriptural revelation offers a robust and biblical defense of the belief in God's existence.

From the archives.The New Age movement is a false religion.

From the archives.

The New Age movement is a false religion.


In light of Scripture, Church history, creedal standards, theological coherence, and orthodox Christian doctrine, to deny the doctrine of the Trinity is to deny the divinity of Christ.


To deny the Trinity/divinity of Christ is to be either grossly ignorant and in need of correction and proper instruction, or to be an apostate.


The claim that penal substitutionary atonement (PSA) is a Nestorian heresy is based on a misunderstanding of both PSA and Nestorianism. Here's a brief explanation to clarify the issue:


Nestorianism is a Christological doctrine named after Nestorius, who was the Patriarch of Constantinople in the early 5th century. This doctrine emphasizes a strict distinction between the divine and human natures of Jesus Christ, to the extent that it was perceived as dividing Christ into two separate persons—one divine and one human. This was condemned as heretical at the Council of Ephesus in 431 AD because it undermines the unity of Christ's person.

Penal Substitutionary Atonement

Penal substitutionary atonement, on the other hand, is a theory of the atonement which holds that Christ, by his own sacrificial choice, was punished (penalized) in the place of sinners (substitution), satisfying the demands of justice so God can justly forgive the sins. This doctrine primarily emerged in the Reformation period, with theologians like Martin Luther and John Calvin being major proponents.

Why the Confusion?

The confusion might arise from a perceived implication of PSA that Christ's human nature alone suffered the punishment, which could be misconstrued as separating the human and divine natures in a way reminiscent of Nestorianism. Critics might argue that if PSA implies that only the human nature of Christ suffered and not the divine, it could echo the Nestorian error of dividing Christ's natures too sharply.


However, orthodox proponents of PSA maintain the Chalcedonian definition, which affirms that Christ is one person in two natures, fully divine and fully human. The suffering and death of Christ are understood to involve the whole person of Christ, not just one nature. Thus, orthodox PSA does not divide the natures of Christ but sees the person of Christ as the one who suffers and dies.


In summary, PSA is not inherently Nestorian, as it does not divide Christ into two persons or imply that only one nature suffers. It maintains the unity of Christ's person in his work of atonement. The accusation of Nestorianism likely arises from a misunderstanding or misrepresentation of what PSA teaches regarding the nature of Christ's suffering and atonement.

I still think we need a humility month. America can start by humbly submitting to God’s Word.

I still think we need a humility month. America can start by humbly submitting to God’s Word.


I made a meme recently calling for a “Humility Month” as a polemic against Pride Month. It contained a picture of Gandalf, played by Sir Ian McKellen, who happens to be gay. Many have taken the opportunity to downplay the meme or even make fun of it, not realizing this was fully intentional.

The meme is a subversive polemic. I know full well that McKellen is gay. I also know that he is made in the image of God first. By taking McKellen in his portrayal of Gandalf and using it to promote righteousness over sin, I am merely reclaiming what belongs to God and promoting what is good.

I would also point out that The Lord of the Rings was written by J.R.R. Tolkien, a devoutly conservative and religious Catholic. I’m perfectly within my bounds to take Gandalf and use him to promote such an important cause as humility and righteousness over pride and sexual perversion.

Repent and believe in your Messiah!

Repent and believe in your Messiah!

Sackcloth and ashes. May our nations repent and turn to Christ.

Sackcloth and ashes. May our nations repent and turn to Christ.

At least the Church as it should be. If you are a follower of Christ and want know you can support your brothers and sis...

At least the Church as it should be. If you are a follower of Christ and want know you can support your brothers and sisters who are in addiction recovery, please click on the link in the comment section below to listen to my most recent podcast with Charismatic Cheetah who shares his story and how we, the Church, can help bear the burdens of those who suffer from addiction.


I enjoyed collaborating with Charismatic Cheetah talking about Addiction Recovery in the Church, which includes what addiction is, how it affects people, how the Church can help, and rescources and information that would be helpful for those seeking help or seeking ways they can help those who need it.

You can listen to the Spotify link in the description box below. You can also follow Charismatic Cheetah on YouTube and watch the video by clicking on the link in the description box on Spotify.

This is the page for the Bold Apologia Podcast used to promote its content and ministry.


Liberal theology is humanism expressed in theological terms.


I was able to read another sermon for Revived Studios. In the Revived Thoughts episode on Joseph Lathrop, you get a cool peek into the life of a guy who was a big deal in the preaching world back in early America. Lathrop was behind the pulpit for over sixty years and saw a ton of changes in his day. The episode does a great job of bringing a powerful sermon of his to life, showing just how dedicated he was to his congregation and his faith. It’s a really engaging listen that digs into how his his message covering the topic of the solar eclipse still matters today, perfect for anyone into history or just looking for some deep, thoughtful content.

Please see the link below to listen!


Oh no! A Catholic football player said things Catholics believe in during a Catholic commencement address at a Catholic school 😱😱😱

The secular media is so stupid. Honestly.

In advance of pride month, I’m noticing there’s a certain number of “churches” out there reading from the sparkle creed ...

In advance of pride month, I’m noticing there’s a certain number of “churches” out there reading from the sparkle creed rather than reading from God’s holy, inerrant, infallible, and inspired Word. Any “church” that does not practice teaching from the Word of God, failing to treat it as the final authority for life and godliness, should be marked and avoided.

Happy May 4th!

Happy May 4th!

The nature of God is always a hill worth dying on. (Please understand the hyperbole of the saying… 😂)

The nature of God is always a hill worth dying on. (Please understand the hyperbole of the saying… 😂)

When considering the controversies between the various camps and denominations over spiritual gifts, the firestorm that ...

When considering the controversies between the various camps and denominations over spiritual gifts, the firestorm that erupted from the Mark Driscoll controversy, and the waning love of many believers, it's easy to become disheartened and consider giving up on the Church. However, don't give up! Be the Church. You are an essential part of the Body of Christ, and God may want to use you to be part of the solution. We all have our imperfections, but God has called us all to be His holy nation.

If you'd like some perspective on the Mark Driscoll/John Lindell controversy and others, please listen to my most recent podcast at the link in the comment section.


Thoughts on this? Should Christians participate in Yoga?

I don’t think so

Shots fired? Sure. But you know who you are, and since you know SO MUCH about the Bible, you should know better than to ...

Shots fired? Sure. But you know who you are, and since you know SO MUCH about the Bible, you should know better than to be this low.


Hello all! My collaborated podcast with Charismatic Cheetah has just arrived on Spotify. If you are interested in topics such as American Gospel’s round table discussion between Dr. Michael Brown, Dr. Sam Storms, Jim Osman, and Justin Peters, or want to hear what we’ve got to say about Benny Hinn or the Mark Driscol and John Lindell controversy from the perspective of a Charismatic, this is the episode for you. Spoiler: we don’t mince words.

See the link in the comment section.

Some humor for you today.

Some humor for you today.

Excited for this podcast!

Excited for this podcast!

This weekend Bold Apologia Podcast and myself are recording an episode for his show where we'll be discussing the Mark Driscoll/John Lindell inciden, Benny Hinn and other false teachers, the Roundtable discussion, and more!
Stay tuned for release dates...


Many wonder why my position on Mark Driscoll is so fixed.

I want everyone to know that I affirm Mark Driscoll as an effective, gifted communicator. I don’t doubt that he has impacted certain people in the Body of Christ positively (despite himself). With that said, one of the visions I had behind this podcast was to be a voice for those in the Church who have been hurt by church leadership. I have a big heart for people who suffer from church hurt. I know what it feels like to be under church leadership that is so abusive that you live in fear of becoming the object of that leader’s wrath. I know how it feels to look up to a leader only to find that they have been living a double life, abusing ministry funds, and taking advantage of the weak.

When Mars Hill fell, thousands of people were left in the wreckage. These people need to know that there are Christians who will stand up for what is right. The truth is, Mark Driscoll never repented. I know this because he chose not to answer for his wrongdoing. He merely painted himself as the victim in the Mars Hill mess and changed addresses to start a church in Arizona. That church grew quickly, and we still hear instances of abuse of power. For example, he excommunicated not just a young boy but his entire family from his church because his daughter kissed him. Guys, this is not okay. This is mob mentality, and this same mentality existed in Seattle at Mars Hill.

We don’t excommunicate entire families for the sins of one boy, let alone excommunicate them for an incident in which your own daughter was a mutual participant. The boy’s brother was an intern at the church and lost his entire community that he had built because of the wrath of Mark Driscoll. Church members were told not to have anything to do with the family! This, too, took place at Mars Hill.

Mark Driscoll has a history of this, and he has never repented for it. If you want to learn more about what I am talking about, I highly recommend that you listen to “The Rise and Fall of Mars Hill.” In it, Mike Cosper does a thorough examination of Mark Driscoll’s cult-like manipulation and tactics, his narcissistic behavior, his mismanagement of money, his angry abuse toward staff members, and more. When I listened to it, I was suspicious because it was spearheaded by Christianity Today, but after listening to it, I couldn’t stop. I finished the podcast in two weeks and was shocked and appalled that not only did Driscoll do these things, but he continues to serve in ministry.

Please consider listening to the podcast by using the link in the comment section. It will impact the way you view this situation with Driscoll and John Lindell.


On the Mark Driscoll controversy:

Mark Driscoll isn’t disqualified from the platform because of his boldness; he’s disqualified because he’s unrepentantly abusive to those in his fold. His boldness isn’t a problem; in fact, it’s admirable at times. However, he has never repented for hurting all those people at Mars Hill Church, and he continues to hurt people at Trinity Church in the same manner. Don’t get me wrong, I am against any sort of “sensual” performance taking place at a church conference. In fact, by and large, I’m against entertainment from the church stage in general because I’ve found it unfruitful!

However, I am just as concerned that Mark Driscoll made it onto that stage in the first place. Whether it’s the countless number of staff members whose lives he privately and publicly destroyed at Mars Hill Church or the now excommunicated and ostracized young man who dared to show interest in dating his daughter at Trinity Church (Mark Driscoll excommunicated him and his entire family); Mark Driscoll has never repented or apologized for this kind of pattern of abuse but has rather publicly defended himself or played the victim instead. Not to mention his abuse of church finances for personal gain to prop up his book sales in order to make it on the New York Times Best Seller list…

He has left a long trail of abuse and destruction in his path. John Lindell made a mistake allowing the performance to take place, but he is equally guilty of inviting a man like Mark Driscoll to the conference in the first place. Mark Driscoll is not a good man, and I believe he is taking this controversy as a chance to prop himself up (as he often does) and to do it at the expense of his “friend,” John Lindell. Let me phrase this again: I am not for the conference performance; I am against Mark Driscoll. John Lindell made a mistake in both aspects, and he is paying the price for it.

With that said, please don’t fall for it. Mark Driscoll wants to ascend to the heights he was once at. He wants you to think he is a hero. He is not. He is a villain and should be regarded as such. He is not a sound man, and you should not follow his ministry. He should repent of the sins he has committed against the Body of Christ, and he should come in line with a proper restoration process if it is even advisable for him to be restored to ministry. This is a position I will stand by.

In conclusion, the controversy surrounding Mark Driscoll highlights significant concerns regarding accountability and ethical leadership within the church. Driscoll's persistent pattern of abusive behavior and lack of repentance not only disqualifies him from church leadership but also calls into question the judgment of those who continue to provide him with platforms. It is imperative for the church community to uphold rigorous standards of conduct and ensure that leadership is both transparent and accountable. Letting Driscoll continue in ministry without addressing these serious issues does a disservice to the values of the church and potentially harms its members. The church must prioritize the well-being and spiritual health of its congregation over the controversial allure of divisive figures like Driscoll.



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