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The Intellectuals Intellectualism is dead in the defined by the pursuit of truth and upon the conclusion a solution(s) to these conclusions.

Its  the republican and the democrats!!! Immigration, usd depreciation Should study monetary history: U.S. Dollar remove...

Its the republican and the democrats!!! Immigration, usd depreciation

Should study monetary history: U.S. Dollar removed from gold standard-Rich Nixon-1972, U.S. Dollar depreciated against yen, mark and major European and Asian currencies by 75percent under Reagan-1986 plaza accords to pay for deficits from Vietnam nam....and to save USA manufacturing (major USA car manufacturers were producing horrible cars n getting smoked by foreign production)....bush jr runs up 3trill tab on war in Afghanistan n Iraq.....I mean what are u reading? Our quality of life(strength of US dollar) has been systematically devalued by deficit increasing republican administrations who run up the deficits and then get elected by promising to cut taxes...wake up n see the game....then the US dollar gets devalued

Thx Nixon for taking us off gold standard and running up deficits thx Reagan for the plaza accords... devaluation of USA by 75%... n cut taxes but raise deficit.... bush.... trump.... assault on the usd republican and democrat profligacy

Threats to USA democracy ….. Is our democracy using its institutions against its political rivals…2 views from the pbs c...

Threats to USA democracy …..

Is our democracy using its institutions against its political rivals…2 views from the pbs commentator and columnist David Brooks and the trusted “The Hill”.. unbiased and factual…

1)The viciousness of the investigations being conducted by the Department of Justice, the Federal Aviation Administration, the Federal Trade Commission, the Securities and Exchange Commission, the National Labor Relations Board, the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service against a successful American business leader is unprecedented
The Hill…
2) “I thought Colorado was pretty terrible. And I think this is an even worse threat to democracy, some random Democratic politician throwing the Republican front-runner off the ballot for a crime, as you said in one of your questions, he's not even convicted of, he hasn't even been charged with. I just thought it was a terrible decision and one that confirms every story that Donald Trump tells, which is those liberal elites are out to get you.
David brooks
“Even as President Biden accuses Donald Trump of threatening our democracy, he is employing agencies of the federal government to harass and punish Elon Musk, whom he seems to consider a political opponent. ..Why? Because the mercurial entrepreneur has the temerity to criticize Biden and champion free speech.
In addition, Musk released the infamous Twitter files, which showed the White House conspiring to censor communications on platforms like Facebook and Twitter. A judge last summer described the United States Government seems to have assumed a role similar to an Orwellian ‘Ministry of Truth.’”
…who is threatening our democracy?
David Brooks:
Yes, I thought Colorado was pretty terrible. And I think this is an even worse threat to democracy, some random Democratic politician throwing the Republican front-runner off the ballot for a crime, as you said in one of your questions, he's not even convicted of, he hasn't even been charged with….They think the game is rigged. If suddenly you have random people throwing people off the ballot, they're going to think, oh, the game really is rigged.

Musk has been an asset to Biden’s presidency.

adjective. two-fist·​ed ˈtü-ˈfi-stəd. : marked by vigorous often virile energy : hard-hitting. two-fisted journalism.How...

adjective. two-fist·​ed ˈtü-ˈfi-stəd. : marked by vigorous often virile energy : hard-hitting. two-fisted journalism.

How about 2 Christ …… ed

I can do all things through Jesus Christ who strengthens me

Drug addicts and the mentally ill? How about disastrous economic policies over the last 30 years?Maria Negrete, her daug...

Drug addicts and the mentally ill? How about disastrous economic policies over the last 30 years?

Maria Negrete, her daughter and her granddaughter live in their car in San Diego after they lost their jobs and got evicted from their apartment.

The number of homeless people over 55 is expected to spike to 225,000 nationwide in the next four years, a 32% jump since 2017, according to a study.


Anyone guilty of war crimes in the civil war? We honor these war criminals? For loss of life and the legacy that is still profound today???

Arlington cemetery laid at the doorstep of Robert e lees house for a reason

Civil war
Largest loss of USA population in war. 618,222 killed equal to 7.6million in today USA’s population. Appx 4mm northerners !!!!

618,222 men Killed

360,222 from the North

New Estimate Raises Civil War Death Toll. For 110 years, the numbers stood as gospel: 618,222 men died in the Civil War, 360,222 from the North and 258,000 from the South — by far the greatest toll of any war in American history.Apr 3, 2012

It was a pleasant surrounding for a cemetery. It also was the former home of Robert E. Lee. Laying Union war dead literally at Lee’s doorstep was sweet revenge for Meigs, and ensuring that no one could live at the estate again was a good public relations ploy.

The 14 most prominent Japanese who were tried for war crimes after World War II have been enshrined in Tokyo's Yasukuni Shrine, touching off an emotionally charged debate and reviving painful memories of their trials.

They include Hideki Tojo, military leader and wartime prime minister, and 13 others whom the Allied occupation forces judged most responsible for leading Japan into its disastrous Pacific war.

Seven of the "Class A" war criminals, including Tojo, were hanged, five others found guilty eventually died in prison, and two died during their trials.

Their enshrinement last October in the major Shinto shrine devoted to the memory of Japan's war dead was kept secret until yesterday, apparently out of concern for public critism.

Passed 2/25/21 Last year in Ohio, a judge removed a biological girl from her parents’ custody after they declined to h...

Passed 2/25/21
 Last year in Ohio, a judge removed a biological girl from her parents’ custody after they declined to help her “transition” to male with testosterone supplements. The Cincinnati Children’s gender clinic recommended these treatments for gender dysphoria (the condition of being distressed with one’s biological s*x).
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When her parents wanted to treat her with counseling instead, the county prosecutor charged them with abuse and neglect, while transgender activists and pro-trans doctors compared their decision to denying treatment for asthma or even cancer patients.

That all happened without federal legislation.

But now, one of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s top legislative priorities, the Equality Act, could give the transgender community a vice grip over the medical profession. It could open the floodgates for lawsuits against doctors who don’t fall in line with transgender ideology.

Politicizing the medical treatment of gender dysphoria could lead to more prosecutions against parents who refuse to aid in the sterilization of their children.

Americans have long understood that children are best cared for by their parents. The state can only intervene in the family when there is demonstrable evidence of abuse and neglect. This has long been established in our laws. But now, transgender ideology is silencing doctors and challenging the wa...

Earlier this month, the US, which generates more plastic waste per person than any other country in the world, joined with France in calling for a global agreement that recognises “the importance of curbing [plastic waste] at its source.”

World leaders to gather in Nairobi next week to discuss first global treaty to combat plastic waste


Bush’s presidency
Biggest failure of a presidency in USA history? Lying and deception unpunished... Cheney etc
Not to mention our 28 trillion deficit that is from the bush presidency and the 2008 financial collapse due to 2005 SEC decision on leverage
The collapse of the western banking system at bush’s feet
Look at deutsche bank ubs crsuisse French banks stocksCiti divide there stock by 10 reverse split 7$ versus $75 in 2007 the west is broke thanks to bush
No wonder society’s reflecting his undoing of the western financial system ... now people are getting axed at banking sites, sleeping in tents. Thanks bush and Cheney

Made lying, deception acceptable and gave us trump


USA tax dollars hard at work. The trouncing of the USA dollar by the Fed.... but bank profits through the roof so maybe they’re happy?
2 Wall Street bankers at the fed... is this good or bad?

 : the Federal Reserve has indirectly bought the vast majority of debt issued since the crisis began. Whether this is debt monetization or more conventional quantitative easing is up for debate.

In fact, the Federal Reserve has indirectly purchased nearly all new debt issued since the recent crisis began.

Debt owned by federal reserve 5.2trillin
25% of total

Foreign cbanks hold 16% or 3.2trillion

educated fools: give into emotions, judge, refuse to intellectualize polemic discussions and find a solution, close mind...

educated fools:
give into emotions, judge, refuse to intellectualize polemic discussions and find a solution, close minded.... the mind set that equates to fascism
Example.. if one mentions trump they emotionalize, cancel all discourse and revert to 4 year old baby mentality

What does democracy have to fear?

The lack of intellectual discourse ( the search for truth ) and the shutting down of opposing opinions.... this is so evident by especially those on the left.... without examining the rise of far right politicians and the reasons why... it’s a recipe for disaster in the USA

I'm sick and tired of hearing things
From uptight, short-sighted, narrow-minded hypocritics
All I want is the truth
Just gimme some truth
Ive had enough of reading things
By neurotic, psychotic, pig-headed politicians
All I want is the truth
Just gimme some truth

1) income gap. Rich are richer
2) elitism. Ruled by elites Political corruption leads to mass frustration and anger
3) threat to jobs, culture, security from mass immigration... fear... loss of cultural identity
4) disgust at immorality of tv and controlled news

Anxiety about order traditionally pushes the public to embrace parties of the right, who most credibly promise to restore order, whether we're talking about fighting crime or preserving a familiar culture. And anger at corruption and elite self-dealing quite naturally drive the public to punish established leadership and give newcomers a try, and to seek out newcomers who viscerally share their frustration. What is the commonality in contemporary conditions, around the world, that has made peo

people in so many countries susceptible to both emotional impulses at once, and powered the global rise of the populist right?

1) The income gap between the rich and the rest of the US population has become so wide, and is growing so fast, that it might eventually threaten the stability of democratic capitalism itself
2) nationalism,[1][2] is a political ideology which combines right-wing politics and populist rhetoric and themes. The rhetoric often consists of anti-elitist and anti-intellectual sentiments, opposition to the Establishment, and speaking to the "common people". Both right-wing populism and left-wing populism object to the perceived control of liberal democracies by elites; however, populism of the left also objects to the power of large corporations and their allies, while populism of the right normally supports strong controls on immigration.
3) three factors that might explain why this is the case. Firstly, the existence of economic anxiety due to large-scale immigration of coloured people is perceived as a threat to jobs and welfare of the working class. Secondly, cultural anxiety due to immigrants and liberals instils a fear of a new culture replacing an older one that such people hold so dear. Lastly, alienation from political discourse due to the weakening of trade unions is also a factor which makes the working class feel disenfranchised.

lays the fault squarely on the shoulders of economic liberalisation and the cultural war between the far-right and the liberals. Inequality, she stresses, diminished support among eastern-Europeans for liberal democracy. Disillusioned with the liberal political elite and living in a society not sufficiently democratised, they turned to right-wing parties

Here again, we see mass disillusionment with the political elite amongst the working and middle classes after the 2016 recession and the massive political corruption scandal

 The income gap between the rich and the rest of the US population has become so wide, and is growing so fast, that it might eventually threaten the stability of democratic capitalism itself. Is that a liberal's talking point? Sure. But it's also a line from the recent public testimony of a champion of the free market: Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan.

 Right-wing populism, also called national populism and right-wing nationalism,[1][2] is a political ideology which combines right-wing politics and populist rhetoric and themes. The rhetoric often consists of anti-elitist and anti-intellectual sentiments, opposition to the Establishment, and speaking to the "common people". Both right-wing populism and left-wing populism object to the perceived control of liberal democracies by elites; however, populism of the left also objects to the power of large corporations and their allies, while populism of the right normally supports strong controls on immigration.[3]

 Since the Great Recession,[20][21][22] European right-wing populist movements such as the National Rally (formerly the National Front) in France, the League in Italy, the Party for Freedom and the Forum for Democracy in the Netherlands, the Finns Party, the Sweden Democrats, Danish People's Party, the Freedom Party of Austria, the UK Independence Party and the Brexit Party began to grow in popularity

Why are right-wing populists winning everywhere?

s Party gained electoral traction. He found that a majority of their voters are working-class. He posits three factors that might explain why this is the case. Firstly, the existence of economic anxiety due to large-scale immigration of coloured people is perceived as a threat to jobs and welfare of the working class. Secondly, cultural anxiety due to immigrants and liberals instils a fear of a new culture replacing an older one that such people hold so dear. Lastly, alienation from political discourse due to the weakening of trade unions is also a factor which makes the working class feel disenfranchised. He finds that in all cases, cultural questions of identity were more important to this proletarian electorate than economic questions of resources.

hment of old glorious empires spurred fascism. However, his most critical point is this: where unambiguously democratic traditional conservative parties exist, the far-right sentiment is absorbed in them and that fascism is greater where conservative parties are weaker.

lays the fault squarely on the shoulders of economic liberalisation and the cultural war between the far-right and the liberals. Inequality, she stresses, diminished support among eastern-Europeans for liberal democracy. Disillusioned with the liberal political elite and living in a society not sufficiently democratised, they turned to right-wing parties

Here again, we see mass disillusionment with the political elite amongst the working and middle classes after the 2016 recession and the massive political corruption scandal

Indeed, it is very hard to wean people away from the far-right when entire electorates constituting millions of people are placed in neat boxes titled ‘bigots,’ ‘racists’ and ‘nazis.’ Not every conservative is a racist, just as not all voters of Modi’s BJP were Hindu, seeing as how eight percent of his electorate was Muslim.

Anxiety about order traditionally pushes the public to embrace parties of the right, who most credibly promise to restore order, whether we're talking about fighting crime or preserving a familiar culture. And anger at corruption and elite self-dealing quite naturally drive the public to punish established leadership and give newcomers a try, and to seek out newcomers who viscerally share their frustration. What is the commonality in contemporary conditions, around the world, that has made peo

people in so many countries susceptible to both emotional impulses at once, and powered the global rise of the populist right?

That's the question that liberal democrats need to answer before they are completely swept away.

More to the point – crises provide opportunities for real change. The left, in the past, rose to the occasion with sweeping public policies that made life better for millions. As the COVID-19 pandemic has forced upon us a series of challenges, the question will be whether the left can respond to the right’s ongoing conspiracy theory scapegoating, or if it will fail for a lack of initiative and vision.


It must be noted that the anger at immigrants and fear of cultural dilution is not found in the far-right alone

Europe, in Asia, in South America and here in the United States, we have seen the rise of similar authoritarian nationalist movements. These movements exploit ethnic and racial hatreds in order to build power for a corrupt few rather than prosperity, justice and peace for the many. For the last four years, these movements had a friend in the White House.

Europe, in Asia, in South America and here in the United States, we have seen the rise of similar authoritarian nationalist movements. These movements exploit ethnic and racial hatreds in order to build power for a corrupt few rather than prosperity, justice and peace for the many. For the last four years, these movements had a friend in the White House.

For years we have seen a deepening Israeli occupation in the West Bank and East Jerusalem and a continuing blockade on Gaza that make life increasingly intolerable for Palestinians. In Gaza, which has about two million inhabitants, 70 percent of young people are unemployed and have little hope for the future.
Europe, in Asia, in South America and here in the United States, we have seen the rise of similar authoritarian nationalist movements. These movements exploit ethnic and racial hatreds in order to build power for a corrupt few rather than prosperity, justice and peace for the many. For the last four years, these movements had a friend in the White House.

America has a role to play in bringing peace to both Israelis and Palestinians.

The Environmental Working Group is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization dedicated to helping you live your healthiest life. climat...

longer-term climate challenges like drought contribute to instability, particularly in what's known as the Dry Corridor — a region running along the Pacific coast of Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras and Nicaragua.

Krish O'Mara Vignarajah, president and CEO of Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services, told CNBC at least a third of the migrants LIRS works with cite climate-related reasons as a primary factor for their displacement.

Climate-related events increasingly intensify drivers of migration, including violence, food insecurity and poverty.

Time to change

Time to change

The Human Poverty Index (HPI) was an indication of the poverty of community in a country, developed by the United Nations to complement the Human Development Index (HDI) and was first reported as part of the Human Deprivation Report in 1997. It was considered to better reflect the extent of deprivat...

The truth: every republican president since Nixon has grossly expanded our deficits.,,resulting in the deterioration of the USA dollar... under the guise of tax cuts the deficits then explode....

Before the pandemic. many economists blamed the GOP-backed Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 for driving up the national debt which grew from $19.95 trillion when Trump took office to $23 trillion in January. Since then Congress has passed massive stimulus bills which coupled with soaring unemployment had added more $3 trillion to the national debt by August.

The WSJ board ridiculed $2,000 direct payments, saying it "won't benefit the economy since recipients aren't going to change their behavior knowing it's merely a one-time check."


Y the days when the folks drove fords .. same car for 10 years... before the pop philosophy of Ayn Rand and Wall Streets Michael Douglas made greed attractive and attracted all of the narcissistic greeedy selfish solipsistic character types that is leading to the demise of our country... compassion and intellectualism.. the truth... has been drowned out... but can come back

“The degree of civilization in a society can be judged by entering its prisons." Doestoevsky

USA used to be number 1 in education etc... now we’re #1 in.....
“The countries with the highest prison population rate – that is, the number of prisoners per 100,000 of the national population – are the United States (655 per 100,000), followed by El Salvador (604), Turkmenistan (552), U.S. Virgin Islands (542), Thailand (526), Cuba (510), Maldives (499), Northern Mariana Islands “

Connecticut is projecting a total revenue decline of $8.4 billion through the 2024 budget year—more than twice the rainy...

Connecticut is projecting a total revenue decline of $8.4 billion through the 2024 budget year—more than twice the rainy day fund built up over the past three years.

“All you can do is grip the bar as tight as you can, make the smartest decisions you can in real time, plan for the worst and be surprised at something less than worst,” said Mr. Lembo.

The drop in income and sales tax revenue has created a historic crisis for states, with a total shortfall expected in the hundreds of billions of dollars. The projected gaps are greater than 2019’s K-12 education budget for every state combined, or more than twice the amount spent that year on sta...

Thx Nixon for taking us off gold standard and running up deficits  thx Reagan for the plaza accords... devaluation of US...

Thx Nixon for taking us off gold standard and running up deficits thx Reagan for the plaza accords... devaluation of USA by 75%... n cut taxes but raise deficit.... bush.... trump.... assault on the usd republican profligacy are the jokerArt is a reflection of reality... true prescience The income ga...
we are the joker
Art is a reflection of reality... true prescience The income gap between the rich and the rest of the US population has become so wide, and is growing .....Happening now wake up Billionaires ain’t gonna do squatRich-poor gap gaining attention -
Jun 14, 2005 — A remark by Greenspan symbolizes concern that wealth disparities may destabilize the economy. The income gap between the rich and the rest of the US population has become so wide, and is growing so fast, that it might eventually threaten the stability of democratic capitalism itself.

A remark by Greenspan symbolizes concern that wealth disparities may destabilize the economy.

Tax cuts, deficit spending.... a profligate government at work with no fiscal responsibility The demise of the value of ...

Tax cuts, deficit spending.... a profligate government at work with no fiscal responsibility

The demise of the value of the USA dollar

Our federal Reserve and government at work




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