Holy Path

Holy Path Holy Path is a magazine whose main objective is to bring back those who have lost their way and want to gain knowledge.



1-) To get up early at the time of Fajr,
2-) To brush the teeth with miswak before going for salāh,
3-) To perform ghusl,
4-) To apply a nice perfume,
5-) To dress in clean and halāl clothes,
6-) To be in a state similar to fasting and refrain from fast-breaking acts from dawn until Eid Salāh,
7-) To eat after the Eid Salāh, ensuring that the first thing one eats is part of the meat of the Sacrifice. Our Beloved Prophet (sallallāhu alayhi wa sallam) used to eat liver.
😎 To take a walk, if possible, to the eidgāh (the place where Eid Salāh is performed),
9-) To return home from salāh from a different route,
10-) To be joyful,
11-) To discharge plenty of sadaqah,
12-) To recite the du’ā “Taqabbal-Allāhu minnā wa minkum” (May Allāh accept it from you and us) and supplicate for the relatives, neighbours and the beloved ones and to shake their hands,
13-) To recite takbīr aloud on the way to the eidgāh.
It is mustahab (recommended) to perform two rak‘ah of Shukr Salāh after the Sacrifice is done. After Sūrah al-Fātiḥah, Sūrah al-Kawthar is recited in the first rak‘ah and Sūrah al-Ikhlās in the second rak‘ah.
Rasūlullāh (sallallāhu alayhi wa sallam) said: “Leave your knife after offering the Sacrifice. Then pray two rak‘ahs of salāh. Whichever of the Muslims pray these two rak‘ahs of salāh and ask from Allāh Ta‘ālā, surely Allāh Ta‘ālā will give him what he wants.”
One should supplicate for their religious and worldly needs in the following words: “O, Rabb, this Qurbani is from�You, [offered] to you and for Your sake. Accept it from his�humble servant of Yours with Your bounties and generosity�as you accepted from Your Khalīl, Ibrāhīm (alayhis salām),�Ismā‘īl (alayhis salām) and Your beloved Muhammad�Mustafa (sallallāhu alayhi wa sallam); O Akramu’l Akramīn,�the most generous.”



The intention while slaughtering a sacrificial animal should be as follows: “O my Rabb! I have sinned so much against You that I should sacrifice my whole body for forgiveness. But You made it harām to sacrifice a human being, so I am sacrificing this animal as a substitute.”
After that, the following du‘ās (supplications) are recited: “Bismillahirraḥmanirraḥīm. Innī wajjahtu wajhiya lilladhi fataras-samawāti-wal-arḍa hanifan wa mā ana minal-mushrikīn. Allāhumma hādhā minka wa laka. Allāhumma inna salatī wa nusukī wa mahyāya wa mamātī lillāhi Rabbil- ālamīn. Lā sharika lah wa bidhalika umirtu wa ana awwalu’l-muslimīn.”
Then, “Allāhu akbar, Allāhu akbar, lā ilāha illallāhu wallāhu akbar Allāhu akbar wa lillahil ḥamd. Bismillāhi Allāhu akbar” and then the animal is slaughtered by severing the air-pipe, oesophagus and two arteries at one time. If a person cuts off three of these four parts, it will still be halāl (lawful).
Until the animal dies, care should be taken not to let the air-pipe slide down inside the animal’s throat so it can breathe easily.
It is sunnah to slaughter camels from the base of their necks, cattle, sheep, and goats from their throats.
It is sunnah to lay the animal down, facing towards qiblah while the front legs and right rear leg are tied.
Camels are slaughtered while they are standing, and cattle are slaughtered after tying their four legs and laying them down.
If the sacrificial animal runs away, attacks people, or if it falls into a pit where it is not possible to slaughter it from its neck, then after saying “Bismillahi Allāhu akbar”, it can be wounded and killed by a sharp tool or knife, with the intention of sacrificing it and it will be halāl (lawful).



Rasūlullāh (sallallāhu alayhi wa sallam) said: “There is not a day that is more virtuous than the day of Arafah in the sight of Allāh Azza wa Jalla. On the day of Arafah, Allāh Ta‘ālā manifests in heaven with His mercy, praising His servants on Earth to His angels in heaven by saying: “Look at my servants. Despite having not witnessed My torment, they have come from far on dusty paths, with dishevelled hair, sweat, and dust, hoping for My Rahmah (mercy). My servants are saved from the torment of hell and forgiven the most on the Day of Arafah.”
“The Shaytān has never been seen as more furious, humiliated, and desperate on any other day than on the day of Arafah. That is because Allāh’s mercy descends, and He pardons the sins on the day of Arafah. He (Shaytān) was also seen like that at the Battle of Badr before; because he saw that Jibrāīl (alayhis salām) was establishing the rows of angels [against the enemy].”
“Whoever asks Allāh Ta‘ālā on the day of Arafah, for any of his needs, either concerning here or the hereafter, it will be granted.”
Rasūlullāh (sallallāhu alayhi wa sallam) prayed for his ummah (community) the night before Arafah. Accepting his prayer Allāh Ta‘ālā said: “Except those who abused others’ rights, your entire ummah has been forgiven. Indeed, I make the oppressor pay for the right of him whom he oppressed.”
Rasūlullāh (sallallāhu alayhi wa sallam) pleaded: “O my Rabb! If you wish, you can give Your Jannah (paradise) to the oppressed and forgive the oppressor.” On the night preceding Arafah, this supplication was not responded to. In the Fajr, Rasūlullāh (sallallāhu alayhi wa sallam) repeated his prayer at Muzdalifah, and then he was told: “You have been given what you wanted. Upon this, Rasūlullāh (sallallāhu alayhi wa sallam) smiled, and on seeing him smile, Hadrat Abū Bakr and Umar (radhiyallāhu anhumā) asked for its reason. Rasūlullāh (sallallāhu alayhi wa sallam) said: “On learning that my Du‘ā (prayer) has been accepted and my ummah has been forgiven, Iblīs, the enemy of Allāh, has become desperate and has thrown dust and sand over himself. That is why I smiled on seeing him like that.”



Our Prophet (sallallāhu alayhi wa sallam) said:
“The Day of Nahr (10th of Dhul-Hijjah) is one of the greatest days with Allāh.”
“Offer sacrifice and treat the sacrificial animals gently. Indeed, if a person lays his sacrificial animal towards qiblah and slaughters it, its blood and wool will be two fortresses to protect him on the Day of Qiyāmah. Verily, the blood of the animal will fall on the ground under the protection of Allāh. You will achieve plenty of rewards with a little spending [for Qurbani].”
Whoever approaches his sacrificial animal on the Day of Nahr to slaughter it, Allāh’s mercy will also approach (bless) him in Jannah. At the time of slaughter, Allāh Ta‘ālā forgives him with the first drop of blood. Allāh Ta‘ālā will make that animal a ride for that person from the grave to the plains of mahshar, rewarding him as much as the skin and the fibre of the animal.”
It is recommended for those who have the means to offer a sacrifice for the pleasure of Allāh, on behalf of Rasūlullāh (sallallāhu alayhi wa sallam) to earn his shafā‘ah (intercession).
Hadrat Ali Al-Murtadā (karramallāhu wajhahū) used to offer two rams, one for himself and one for Nabī (sallallāhu alayhi wa sallam), saying “Rasūlullāh (sallallāhu alayhi wa sallam) left me a will to offer udhiyyah for his beloved personality.”
Below are the mustahab (recommended) acts of udhiyyah (sacrifice):
• The owner of the animal should sacrifice it personally if he is able.
• If the owner is unable to slaughter, he should delegate a qualified Muslim and witness the sacrifice. Our beloved Nabī (sallallāhu alayhi wa sallam) said: “O Fātimah, go and witness your sacrifice. Because the first drop of the blood that falls from it is a means of forgiveness for your past sins and supplicate like this: ‘Inna ṣalātī wa nusukī wa maḥyāya wa mamātī lillāhi Rabbi’l-‘ālamīna lā sharīka lahū.’”
• It is mustahab (recommended) for the owner of the udhiyyah to be in such a state of mind thinking that the organs and every part of the animal will be a shield to protect his own organs and body from the Hellfire.



Udhiyyah is one of the five animals meeting sacrificial conditions (sheep, goat, cattle, camel and buffalo) which are sacrificed on the 10th, 11th and 12th days of Dhul-Hijjah in order to fulfil a wājib (incumbent) ibādah (act of worship) and closeness to Allāh Ta‘ālā.
One who is in possession of the amount of nisāb, which is surplus to the basic necessities and debts, is obliged to practice udhiyyah once a year. It is more virtuous to sacrifice the animal on the first day of Eid al-Adhā.
The meat of the edible animals can only be halāl and consumable after they are slaughtered by saying “Bismillāhi Allāhu Akbar.” The animal is purified from its impure blood after slaughtering it by slitting its throat.
Qurbani is a feast from Allāh Subhānahū to His servants. It is a means of earning reward, drawing closer to [the pleasure of] Allāh and a shield against calamities. To offer Qurbani is a sacrifice in the path of Allāh Jalla Jalāluhū and a way of gratitude for the blessings of Allāh Ta‘ālā.
Everyday hundreds and thousands of animals are slaughtered for meat consumption. However, only those who are well-off can benefit from them. On Eid al-Adhā, even the poor benefit from the meat. Public benefit is enjoyed more than the personal one. Udhiyyah (Qurbani) is a great, humane and social sacrifice of Islam.
The number of animals slaughtered on that day does not increase at all. This is because the butchers and abattoirs slaughter fewer animals on that day since meat sales seasonally decrease.
It is not fair to criticise animal slaughter on Eid days since it is practised for Allāh’s pleasure and the good of society. In contrast, thousands of animals are slaughtered daily for individual benefit.
In summary, udhiyyah (qurbani) is ordained for some religious, moral, and social reasons and matters.



Before buying sacrificial animals, they should be tested to ensure they are healthy. People should pay special attention to hygiene in the slaughtering, skinning, and cutting of the animals and during the transportation, storage, and cooking of the meat.
Do not store the internal organs and the meat together. Do the cutting, skinning, and chopping in a cool place and do not throw the blood, intestines etc. around randomly. and into rivers.
Do not store the meat on top of each other, do not put them into plastic bags or store them in the freezer straight after the slaughter. You should wait for the temperature to fall and then place the meat in the fridge for 12 hours. If the meat is not to be consumed straight away, then after the first 12 hours, the meat can be packaged and stored in the deep freezer.
You can store fresh meat for 2-3 days in a fridge, while minced meat can stay fresh for 1 day. If you want to store the meat exceeding this time, then put it in the freezer or store it in a deep freezer.
When you want to defrost the meat, place it in the fridge, not on the radiators. Do not leave it at room temperature, either.
Do not place cooked meat in the fridge while it is still hot, and do not leave it at room temperature for more than 2 hours.
When handling raw meat, wash your hands and dry them before and after.
Cutting boards used for raw meat should not be used for fruits and vegetables.
It is mustahab (recommended) to divide the meat into three portions: One portion to give as sadaqah, one to give to relatives and friends as a gift or feast and one for feeding the family members and children.
It is permissible to offer some part of the meat as a gift or donate it.
If the person offering the sacrifice is needy, it is better and more recommended for him to feed his own family with the meat.



Hadrat Umm Salamah (radiyallāhu anhā) was a faqihah (jurist) and one of the noble wives of Rasūlullāh (sallallāhu alayhi wa sallam). Her real name was Hind bint Abi Umayyah, and she belonged to the Banu Makhzum tribe of the Quraysh.
Before marrying Rasūlullāh (sallallāhu alayhi wa sallam), she was married to Abū Salamah ibn Abd al-Asad (radiyallāhu anhu). Alongside her husband, she was among the early Muslims and among the first batch of Muslims who emigrated to Abyssinia (Ethiopia). They later migrated to Madinah al-Munawwarah one year before the Second Pledge of Aqabah.
In Abyssinia, she gave birth to her first child, Salamah, and therefore became known as Umm Salamah, mother of Salamah. Later, in Madinah al-Munawwarah, she had three more children named Zaynab, Umar, and Durrah.
Her husband, Abū Salamah (radiyallāhu anhu), participated in the battles of Badr and Uhud. He was injured in the Battle of Uhud and passed away shortly after due to his wounds. Before his demise, Abū Salamah (radiyallāhu anhu) made a du‘ā, saying, “O Allāh, grant Umm Salamah a husband after me who is better than me and will not cause her grief or harm.” After his passing, Umm Salamah (radiyallāhu anhā) eventually married the Prophet of Allah (sallallāhu alayhi wa sallam).
Our mother, Umm Salamah (radiyallāhu anhā) narrated that she heard Nabī (sallallāhu alayhi wa sallam) say, “If you are present near a sick or dying person, say good words, for the angels say ‘Āmin’ to what you say.” When Abū Salamah (radiyallāhu anhu) passed away, Umm Salamah (radiyallāhu anhā) approached Rasūlullāh (sallallāhu alayhi wa sallam) and asked him how to supplicate for her deceased husband. The Prophet of Allah (sallallāhu alayhi wa sallam) advised her to say, “O Allāh, forgive both of us and grant me after him a husband who is better than him.” In response to this supplication, Allāh Subhānahū blessed Umm Salamah (radiyallāhu anhā) with the marriage to Rasūlullāh (sallallāhu alayhi wa sallam).
Umm Salamah (radiyallāhu anhā) was known for narrating a significant number of ahādīth from Nabī (sallallāhu alayhi wa sallam) and was considered one of the most prolific female narrators of ahādīth among the female companions. Many narrators, including her children, transmitted ahādīth from her.
She passed away in 59 AH at the age of 84 in Madinah al-Munawwarah and was buried in the Jannah al-Baqī cemetery. May Allāh be pleased with her.



Dhul-Hijjah is a month of immense forgiveness in which hajj, one of the five pillars of Islam, is performed. It is a sacred month in which the hujjāj (pilgrims) go to Arafat, millions of animals are sacrificed for the sake of Allāh, and people’s amal books for the past year are finalised and sealed.
The first ten nights of Dhul-Hijjah are called ‘Layālī al-‘Ashara’ meaning the ten blessed nights. In this month, to complete the shortcomings in our ibādāt (acts of worship), we should keep reciting istighfār, salawāt, other du‘ās and praying Tasbīh Salāh.
Those Mu’mins (believers) who cannot go for hajj this year are advised to fast these days to gain an immense amount of rewards. It is recommended to fast for 9 days before Eid al-Adhā, and on the tenth day, to eat only after having sacrificed the animal and from a portion of the sacrificial animal.
If this is not achievable, then at least the 8th and 9th (Arafah) days should be spent fasting. There is glad tiding of forgiveness from Nabī (sallallāhu alayhi wa sallam) regarding fasting on the Day of Arafah (the 9th), “Fasting on the day of Arafah will expiate the sins of the past and future year.” (Sunan Ibn Mājah)
From the Fajr Salāh on the Day of Arafah to the Asr Salāh on the 13th day of Dhul-Hijjah, after every farḍ salāh, it is wājib upon every male and female Muslim to recite the Tashrīq Takbīr: (Allāhu Akbar Allāhu Akbar, Lā ilāha illallāhu wallāhu akbar, Allāhu Akbar wa lillāhil-ḥamd)
From the first day of Dhul-Hijjah to the tenth day (Eid al-Adhā), the following should be recited after every Fajr Salāh:
10 times salawāt (durūd) al-sharīfah: “Allāhumma ṣalli wa sallim wa barik ‘alā sayyidinā Muḥammadin wa ‘alā āli sayyidinā Muḥammad.”
10 times istighfār sharīf: “Astagfirullāh al ‘aẓīm al-karīm alladhī lā ilāha illā huwal ḥayyul qayyumu wa atūbu ilayk wa nas’aluhut-tawbata wal maghfirata wal hidāyata lanā innahū huwat-tawwābur-raḥīm.”
10 times tawhīd: “Lā ilāha illallāhu waḥdahū lā sharīka lah, lahul mulku wa lahul ḥamdu yuḥyī wa yumīt wa huwa ḥayyun lā yamūtu biyadihil khayr wa huwa ‘alā kulli shay’in qadīr.” (Du‘ās [Invocations] and Ibādahs [Acts of Worship])



Those who often recite the kalimah, “Lā ilāha illallāh Muḥammadun Rasūlullāh” sincerely are protected by Allāh Ta‘ālā, through the blessings of this sacred kalimah, from the following dangers and the whispers of Shaytan:
1. The danger at the time of death: This refers to the risk of dying without iman (faith) -May Allāh forbid-. Those who are saved from this danger preserve their iman in their last breath.
2. The danger of punishment in the grave: Those who are saved from this peril will be illuminated with anwār in their graves.
3. The danger of being unable to answer the questioning of the angels Munkar and Nakīr: Those who are saved from this danger will provide correct answers to the questions.
4. The danger at the time of resurrection when a person’s face may turn black: Those who are saved from this danger will be resurrected with radiant faces.
5. The danger at the time of accountability when one may struggle to give an account of their deeds: Those who are saved from this danger will easily reckon the accounts for their actions.
6. The danger on the scales of deeds when one’s sins may outweigh their good deeds: Those who are saved from this danger will have their good deeds outweigh their sins on the scales.
7. The danger of the path leading to Jahannam: Those who are saved from this danger will be guided to the path leading to Jannah.


The conjunction of the moon for Dhul-Hijjah 1445 Hijri year is expected to occur on Thursday, June 6th, at 15:39 (Turkish local time). Ru’yat (moon sighting) is expected to occur at 19:19 (Turkish local time), on June 07 Friday.

The new moon will first be observed in North America and the Pacific Ocean, gradually moving towards the western regions.

June 07, Friday, will be the first day of Dhul-Hijjah.



The hair on the head of a newborn baby is called aqīqah. And the animal that is sacrificed after a baby is born to thank Allāh Ta‘ālā is also called aqīqah.
According to the Hanafī Madhhab, aqīqah sacrifice is mustahab (recommended) and sunnah according to the other three madhhabs.
It can be done on the day the baby is born but doing it on the seventh day after birth is more virtuous.
An animal eligible for sacrifice on Eid al-Adhā is also eligible for aqīqah. To slaughter one animal for both a boy and a girl is sufficient. Some ulamā (scholars) are of the opinion that two animals should be sacrificed for a boy.
While the aqīqah animal is being slaughtered, the mother or the father of the baby should pray to Allāh Ta‘ālā, saying: “O my Rabb! This aqīqah is for my child. Let it be their ransom for their safety from the fire of hell.”
If no aqīqah was sacrificed after birth, a person could slaughter an aqīqah animal for themselves in adulthood. Rasūlullāh (sallallāhu alayhi wa sallam) sacrificed aqīqah animals for himself after announcing his prophethood and for his grandsons when they were born.
The owner of the aqīqah sacrifice can eat its meat, offer others to eat, or give part or all of it as sadaqah (charity).
Children are the blessings of Allāh Ta‘ālā. So, the sacrifice of aqīqah is a way to thank Allāh Ta‘ālā for that blessing.
A person is not allowed to eat from the meat of the animal, which he has vowed to sacrifice. Regarding feeding people with the same meat, it is not permissible for him to feed people that include his usūl (parents and grandparents), furū’ (children and grandchildren), the family members and relatives whom he is obliged to look after, the non-Muslims and the rich. If he still feeds the above-mentioned people, he is required to donate the meat’s value to the poor as sadaqah.
In the case of a sacrifice made by the heirs of a deceased person according to his will, using one-third of his inheritance for this purpose, neither the heirs nor wealthy individuals are allowed to consume the meat of that animal.It should be distributed to the poor. The sacrifice offered by the heirs (with no will of the deceased) can be consumed by them or distributed. If one sacrifices an animal and offers the reward to a deceased person, he can consume the meat or feed others.


If you have gas and experience indigestion, you should pay attention to the following:
• Bear in mind foods containing probiotics, like yoghurt, are beneficial for these conditions.
• Consuming fried foods, roasted dishes, greasy meals, offal, cakes, pastries, etc. can worsen these discomforts.
• You should avoid foods that cause gas, such as beans, chickpeas, and lentils.
• You should not consume carbonated beverages such as coke and soda.
• Consume water throughout the day in sips, avoiding it too cold or hot.
• If you prepare your meals by boiling, grilling, or cooking in the oven, it is. healthier. it is healthier.
• If you experience bloating, pressure, feeling of fullness, you can use herbs that may relieve you, including cumin, ginger, mint, turmeric, anise, sage, origanum, fennel, cinnamon, coriander, black cumin, bay leaves, and chamomile teas.
• It is recommended that you form a habit of eating smaller portions, avoiding overeating at one time during meals as much as possible.



If a person does not fulfil their qurbani obligation in time, then giving its value as a donation in money will not be a substitute.
If rich people do not fulfil their qurbani obligation and the time of sacrifice passes, they will need to give the value of the qurbani in money as a donation.
If a poor person and those who have vowed to offer a qurbani buy the animal and do not sacrifice it within the necessary time, then it becomes wājib upon them to give it away as sadaqah.
If after Sadaqah al-Fitrah or Qurbani becomes wājib upon a person, and that person loses wealth (i.e. becomes poor) then this obligation will not be withdrawn, and they will have to fulfil it during their lifetime. It is wājib upon them to either give the animal or its value as a donation.
There are different views concerning buying an animal from the wealth of a rich child. The advised and accepted view is sacrificing animal on their behalf.



The animals which can be used for udhiyyah are sheep, goats, cattle, buffaloes and camels. The age requirements of the sacrificial animals are at least one year for sheep and goats, two years for cattle and buffaloes, and five years for camels.
If a lamb is six months old and looks as big as a one-year-old sheep in size, it can be offered as a sacrifice.
The sacrificial animal should not be wild. A buffalo, cattle, or camel can be sacrificed for up to seven people. The number of shareholders for cattle can range from one to seven.
Sheep and goats cannot be sacrificed by more than one person. One sheep or a goat is only sacrificed for one person. One person may sacrifice two sheep.
Rasūlullāh (sallallāhu alayhi wa sallam) used to sacrifice two animals every year. On his Farewell Hajj, he sacrificed one hundred camels.
When the shareholders want to buy a cow, ox, camel or buffalo intending for udhiyyah, it is mustahab (recommended) for all participants to pick their animals together or delegate one amongst themselves to do so.
All shareholders of the sacrificial animal must be Muslims. They must slaughter the animal with the intention of ibādah (worship), reward and self-sacrifice and the shares of the animal must be divided equally. The share of a person should not be less than 1/7.
If some of the shareholders intend to offer sacrifice as wājib while others intend for sunnah, nāfilah (voluntary), nazīr (vowed sacrifice) or aqīqah, or some of the shares are intended for a deceased, a minor or a person without sound mind, this will not affect the validity of the sacrifice.
It is makrūh (disliked) to sharpen the knife next to the animal after lying it down. It is harām (forbidden) to lift the blunt knife from the neck of the sacrificial animal and slaughter it after sharpening the knife, and other actions such as making it wait in that state because it will be cruel for the animal. However, it will not be harām to consume the meat of an animal slaughtered in that manner.
Using a blunt knife, attempting to slaughter the animal with a blunt knife a few times, dragging the animal to the place of sacrifice from its leg, cutting the neck of the animal at once till its spine, hurting the animal, skinning the animal before it is completely lifeless, cutting the head off with one move, turning the animal in another direction other than the qiblah, and slaughtering a pregnant animal that is due soon are all makrūh in qurbani (sacrifice).



The nisāb of udhiyyah is to be in possession of an amount of wealth which renders Sadaqah al-Fitrah to be wājib. It is wājib upon every male and female Muslim who are free and muqīm (resident) to offer sacrifice if they possess this amount of nisāb.
Unlike in the case of zakāt, it is not necessary to possess this amount for a full lunar year and having the potential to grow.
Basic and Essential Necessities: A house, a sufficient amount of its furniture, a car, three types of clothing -like work outfits, casual clothes and occasion wear- and an income for the person himself and his dependents, which is sufficient to sustain their livelihood for a complete lunar year. One who is in possession of 80.18 gr of gold or its equivalent in money, or any other form of wealth which is surplus to the previously mentioned necessities, is obliged to practice Udhiyyah once a year.
If a person possesses such an amount of wealth towards the end of the prescribed time for sacrifice (12th of Dhul-Hijjah for the Hanafīs and 13th of Dhul-Hijjah for the Shafi‘īs), offering udhiyyah will immediately be wājib on him.
Free and muqīm (resident) Muslims, who are in possession of the nisāb amount of wealth, are recommended to offer sacrifice on behalf of their young children. This is Mustahab (recommended). The rule is mentioned like that in Zāhir al-Riwāyah, and the Fatwā (ruling) is passed accordingly. However, according to the narration of Imām Hasan (rahmatullāhi alayhi), which he reports from Imām Abū Hanīfah (rahmatullāhi alayhi); it is wājib to offer Udhiyyah for his young children and grandchildren who have no parents. Imām Qudūrī (rahmatullāhi alayhi) preferred the narration of Imām Hasan (rahmatullāhi alayhi) in this regard.
According to Imām A’zam (rahmatullāhi alayhi) and Abū Yūsuf (rahmatullāhi alayhi), sanity and bulūgh (age of puberty) are not among the conditions of being liable for the sacrifice. Parents or guardians of the insane and children under the age of bulūgh can do the udhiyyah from their possessions on their behalf and feed them with the meat. The remainder of the meat can be exchanged for some necessities which can be used, such as clothing. However, sanity and bulūgh (age of puberty) are among the conditions of being liable for the sacrifice, according to Imām Muhammad.


Some history today which is interesting to know


1-) In 656 C.E. (H. 35/36), during the reign of Khalifah Hadrat Uthman (radiyallāhu anhu), the first expedition was carried out by the navy and land army under the command of Governor of Syria, Hadrat Muawiyah (radiyallāhu anhu). However, they could not reach Istanbul.
2-) In 668 C.E. (H. 48), during the caliphate of Hadrat Muawiyah (radiyallāhu anhu). It was led by Sufyan bin Awf (radiyallāhu anhu). Abū Ayyūb al-Ansārī (radiyallāhu anhu), the host of our Nabī (sallallāhu alayhi wa sallam), participated this campaign and was martyred.
3-) From 674 to 680 C.E., towards the end of Hadrat Muawiyah (radiyallāhu anhu’s) service,
4-) In 715 C.E., under the command of Maslama, the brother of Umayyad Khalifah Sulayman bin Abdu’l-Malik. The siege was laid both from land and sea.
5-) In 722 C.E., during the reign of Umayyad Khalifah Yazid II, this siege led to the construction of a masjid in Istanbul.
6-) In 782/783 C.E., the siege was conducted under the command of Harun al-Rashid, the son of Abbasid Khalifah al-Mahdi.
7-) In 854 C.E., during the reign of Abbasid Khalifah al-Mutawakkil. Although the Muslim armies advanced as far as Kadikoy, they were unable to fully besiege the city and were forced to retreat.
😎 In 869/870 C.E., during the reign of Abbasid Khalifah al-Muhtadi, this siege lasted for four months, and the Muslim armies returned after signing a treaty.
9-) In 870 C.E., during the reign of Abbasid Khalifah al-Mu’tamid. Byzantines agreed to pay tax.
10-) In 1391 C.E., Sultan Bayezid I was the first to besiege Istanbul from the Ottomans.
11-) In 1395 C.E., it was the second siege by Sultan Bayezid I.
12-) In early 1397 C.E., the third siege of by Sultan Bayezid I.
13-) From 1400 to 1402 C.E., the fourth siege by Sultan Bayezid I.
14-) In 1411 C.E., during the Interregnum period of the Ottomans, it was carried out by Shahzada (Prince) Musa Chalabi.
15-) In 1422 C.E, it was conducted by Sultan Murad II.
16-) Finally, in 1453 C.E., the siege conducted by Sultan Muhammad (Mehmed) II resulted in the conquest of Istanbul. (Source: “Ottoman History” by Camlica B.Y.)




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