Catch up with Days of Films Past and hear all about Alfie Allen being the easiest to hate antagonist ever. All on our epically gritty John Wick episode.
#johnwick #keanureeves #chadstahelski #davidleitch #alfieallen #stuntmen #carlfbucherer #pointblank #podcast #hecklerandkoch
Whipmaster 2000
On the 6th episode of Days of Films Past, Eli and James discuss the pitter patter of little feet and the type of person that dual wields whips.
#dwaynejohnson #therock #dwaynetherockjohnson #therundown #seanwilliamscott #helldorado #welcometothejungle #rosariodawson #erniereyesjr #erniereyes #christopherwalken #podcast
Laura Charles: An Angel from 7th Heaven
Denise Matthews rose to fame in the early eighties under the stage name vanity, given to her by her then boyfriend Prince.
In 1985’s The Last Dragon she played Laura Charles, the most beautiful, and perhaps thirstiest, damsel the 80s produced.
#thelastdragon #vanity #shonuff #leroygreen #bruceleroy #lauracharles #taimak #theshogunofharlem #theglow #brucelee #filmlover #podcast #juliuscarry