Our Story
The Columbus Institute for Comtemporary Journalism is an independent news organization that publishes the Columbus Free Press newspaper. The Free Press delivers coverage of social justice and political news to the citizens of Greater Columbus, Ohio. We are driven by principle and policy, not partisanship.
Through our journalism, we provide relevant information to the public to support and strengthen our citizen-based democracy and to ensure the accountability and integrity of our public institutions. In the long-standing tradition of muckraking journalism, we uphold the axiom that the role of a free press is to "afflict the comfortable, and comfort the afflicted."
In addition to our news coverage, we provide editorial perspectives based on the democratic principles of openness, inclusion, and transparency. We serve as a watchdog, rather than a lapdog for the power elite; as a guardian of the public interest; and as an advocate for peace and justice in a society where all people have the opportunity to achieve their full potential.
The Free Press will make Columbus a better place through our lively advocacy and our leading edge journalism in support of truth, justice and compassion. We will profile the people, places and things that define our city. We will be a valued and trusted source of news, commentary and entertainment, and an indispensable part of the city’s civic life. Our news reporting will be credible; our investigative journalism, serious; our commentary, thought-provoking; and our humor, hilarious.
And we are not owned by the Dispatch!
We are published by the nonprofit charitable organization, The Columbus Institute for Contemporary Journalism.
Contact us:
Bob Fitrakis, Editor - [email protected]
Suzanne Patzer, Asst. Editor - [email protected]
Michael Alwood, Managing Editor - [email protected]
Bob Roehm, Calendar Editor - [email protected]
Robb Ebright, CFO - [email protected]
Gary Richards, Ad Sales - [email protected]
Crystal Dawn O'Donovan, Designer - [email protected]
Jonathan Beard, Publisher - [email protected]