It was important for me to be awake at midnight, so that I see this day begin - because, you see, this is the day I gave birth to a jewel.
I always tell of the ‘peculiar’ moments around her birth that always remind me that she has never been on the ‘ordinary’ side of things. She is ‘extraordinary’!
In line with 1 Peter 2:9 she is Chosen, she is Royal and she is Special.
25 years later I still marvel at this young lady as she navigates her seasons. She is her own person, and I love learning who she is, and who she is becoming.
It is said that the number 25 is symbolic of ‘Grace upon Grace’ - I believe for this for my precious jewel. May the years ahead be full of God’s Grace abounding every single moment!
My dear one, may you have Grace to walk into the right rooms, Grace to embrace the right relationships, Grace to articulate what you need to, when you need to, Grace to be everything that you were created to be!
There is a space with your name written on it. Occupy and own it because your boundary lines have fallen in pleasant places.
Mummy loves you 💜💜💜💜💜💜
Happy blessed birthday