Hey all, I know I have not been streaming at all in the past few months due to illness. I WILL return. I am getting better and I am super excited to get back to doing what I love, and that's streaming with and for you all. At this time I am unsure on when my grand return to Facebook and Twitch will be. As I get stronger and my energy returns, I feel closer to coming back. Thank you all for sticking with me and for those who have followed since my absence. I love you all and I look forward to seeing you soon! If you have not followed yet hit the follow button on this page and spread it around. Also my twitch at twitch.tv/jjthejetplane3 and support my resuming journey to making partner! I will post again once I get closer to returning. Thank you for your continued support.
Come join me and relax. Maybe watch me make a fool of myself a few times! Path to partner! Come hang!