Rastko Petakovic

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  • Rastko Petakovic

Rastko Petakovic K/talks host and future obsessed lawyer. Big small conversations. A place where we discuss interesting topics, recent and evergreen, big things and small.

We live in a complex, fast-moving, and ever-accelerating world. To slow it all down and work through the complexities, we engage in the simple art of conversation with our friends from business, technology and arts.

I was delighted to be a part of the Change dialogue within the What's Next? project!

I was delighted to be a part of the Change dialogue within the What's Next? project!

Naš peti gost Change dialogue-a je Rastko Petaković, neko ko je spojio advokaturu, tehnologiju i kulturu u jedno.Razgovarali smo o promeni iz pričanja u sluš...

Pokreće se nova mreža za deljenje znanja — pogledajte više i pridružite nam se 🤜🤛 https://startit.rs/zajednica/

Pokreće se nova mreža za deljenje znanja — pogledajte više i pridružite nam se 🤜🤛 https://startit.rs/zajednica/

Na Startit Zajednici ćeš dobiti znanje i podršku za napredak (ili začetak) tvoje IT karijere radeći sa savetnicima i mentorima.


Our Senior Partner, Rastko Petakovic, won AFA Annual Recognition 2021 for overall support to AFA activities during 5 years. The traditional AFA New Year’s gathering was held on 9 December at the Serbian Business Club Privrednik. The event brought together members of the AFA Corporate Board, repres...


Male leaders conversation: “Importance of male engagement in advancing women at the workplace and achieving gender parity”Why is male engagement in gender eq...

Thank you AFA - All For All for having me on the Women's Leadership Summit 2021.

Thank you AFA - All For All for having me on the Women's Leadership Summit 2021.

Male leaders conversation: “Importance of male engagement in advancing women at the workplace and achieving gender parity”Why is male engagement in gender eq...


✨ Join us for 2 days of networking, inspiration & action on 20th and 21st October 2021!

FREE VIRTUAL event with REAL engagement! 🙌

Everyone is invited! Entrepreneurs & Startups, Corporate leaders, Academia & Government representatives, Diplomats, NGO’s & Activists, New generation leaders, Students…


How forward-looking organizations are protecting employees’ time and energy.

I know so many people have started doing a lot more soul searching these past two years. We all are hungry for meaning a...

I know so many people have started doing a lot more soul searching these past two years. We all are hungry for meaning and sometimes incapable of expressing ourselves and expressing this hunger which we all feel. Organizations are struggling with this too. Sometimes we find the expression and sometimes we don't. And interestingly, sometimes an expression finds us. In this case, it was through the talent and creativity of two incredible artists - Jana Danilović and TKV (Aleksandra Petković).

For us, being able to say we played a part in these beautiful murals gives us pride beyond words. It's an expression that has found us.

Thanks, Jana and Saška. This is absolute magic.

Karanovic & Partners

Have you checked our latest podcast? We had a pleasure to have Marko Ketler, Senior Partner in our network as our co-hos...

Have you checked our latest podcast? We had a pleasure to have Marko Ketler, Senior Partner in our network as our co-host.

In today’s episode we have an interesting guest, and a just as interesting guest host – Marko Ketler, Senior Partner in our network, who specializes in M&A and Finance and has tons of experience in private equity. His guest is Brian Wardrop, Managing Partner at Arx Equity Partners, one of the le...

Thanks for the opportunity to talk about start-ups and investment.

Thanks for the opportunity to talk about start-ups and investment.

Partner programa MŠM.tv je Envoy Broadcasting Point - provajder najvišeg standarda audio-video produkcije, organizacije webinara, seminara, konferencija i sv...

On our mission to improve the legal framework for domestic startups for Diplomacy&Commerce

On our mission to improve the legal framework for domestic startups for Diplomacy&Commerce

I am confident that the development of technology and people will lead to greater access to justice and greater comfort for clients For 25 years, Karanović

New episode of k/talks is online! And today we have a very important topic.Far too often, parents ask questions around c...

New episode of k/talks is online! And today we have a very important topic.

Far too often, parents ask questions around cord blood banking. Most commonly, these two – one: should we do it, and two: which bank. To address this recurring topic, and one that can be incredibly important and consequential for families, we hosted one of the most knowledgeable authorities on this topic, Dr. Frances Verter.

Dr. Verter founded the Parent’s Guide to Cord Blood in 1998, in memory of her daughter Shai. As a mother, a patient advocate and science researcher, she began compiling resources to help other parents make decisions on storing their children’s cord blood. As the body of knowledge around the clinical use of cord blood expanded, her work extended to those issues as well. The wealth of resources she has compiled addresses the questions from the beginning: whether parents should decide to bank cord blood, i.e. are there clinical uses for cord blood; and how to choose the right bank. Frances is also a co-founder at Celltrials.org, which collects and provides the data on clinical trials of advanced cell therapy.

This episode is in English.

Web: https://rpgo.cc/banking-cord-blood
Apple Podcasts: https://rpgo.cc/ktalks

Far too often, parents ask questions around cord blood banking. Most commonly, these two – one: should we do it, and two: which bank. To address this recurring topic, and one that can be incredibly important and consequential for families, we hosted one of the most knowledgeable authorities on thi...

Yesterday, I had a great opportunity to discuss the influence of technology in the legal industry along the expert panel...

Yesterday, I had a great opportunity to discuss the influence of technology in the legal industry along the expert panellists Maeve Storey (CrowdJustice), Jenifer Swallow (LawtechUK) and Sophia Adams Bhatti (Simmons Wavelength).

During our lively and interesting exchange, I shared my views on how access to justice has a wider meaning in developing countries (like Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Montenegro), that are catching up with the incredible pace with which technology transforms our societies. We discussed in particular how commercial law firms can play a huge role in bridging this gap.

Karanovic & Partners took part at the virtual LegalTech Innovation Conference held on May 13. On a panel “How LegalTech and AI are Transforming Access to Justice”, our Senior Partner Rastko Petaković discussed the influence of technology in the legal industry along with the expert panellists Ma...

I’ll be joining the LegalTech Innovation Conference that’s going online this Thursday (May 13th). I will be speaking at ...

I’ll be joining the LegalTech Innovation Conference that’s going online this Thursday (May 13th). I will be speaking at a panel discussing how legal tech and AI are transforming ATJ – access to justice, along with Maeve Storey (CrowdJustice), Jennifer Swallow (LawtechUK) and Sophia Adams Bhatti (Simmons Wavelength).

The conference should give useful insights on the nature of legal technologies and their relationship with IoT, AI, cybersecurity, data and blockchain.

Learn more about this conference on the link below.

The LEGALTECH Innovation Conference will focus on key insights in the legal technology sector and how it's implemented across financial services.

New episode of k/talks podcast is online!In this episode, we are discussing the topics of ethics, digital revolution and...

New episode of k/talks podcast is online!

In this episode, we are discussing the topics of ethics, digital revolution and AI with Ivana Bartoletti, Technical Director at Deloitte and an internationally recognised thought leader in the field of responsible technology.

An MIT study showed that fake news travels six times faster on Twitter than real news. Different phenomenons occurring online are a powerful weapon and a fertile territory for spreading information based on a bias.

Is AI a dehumanization weapon in the wrong hands or just a progressive tool? What is the cost of creating machine learning and similar algorithms? Where lies a link between technology and justice?

Find out answers to these and many more interesting questions and concepts in our newest episode "AI: Trick or Threat".


Exclusively to our listeners, please see the discount code (KTALKS) for the purchase of the book “An Artificial Revolution” by Ivana Bartoletti.

An MIT study showed that fake news travels six times faster on Twitter than real news. Different phenomenons occurring online are a powerful weapon and a fertile territory for spreading information based on a bias. Is AI a dehumanization weapon in the wrong hands or just a progressive tool? What is....

Thanks Netokracija for having a chance to talk about start-up ecosystem, legal tech and other interesting topics. Check ...

Thanks Netokracija for having a chance to talk about start-up ecosystem, legal tech and other interesting topics. Check the interview bellow:

Kako IT industrija u Srbiji izgleda iz ugla pravnika? Svoje viđenje deli Rastko Petaković iz kancelarije Karanović & Partners.

New episode of k/talks podcast is online! Or better say k/walk with one of the most important people of Serbian startup ...

New episode of k/talks podcast is online! Or better say k/walk with one of the most important people of Serbian startup ecosystem, Nebojša Đurđević, CEO Inicijativa „Digitalna Srbija“.

During the walkthrough downtown Belgrade, Kalemegdan park and the fortress, all the way to the Victor monument overlooking confluence of Sava and Danube rivers, we have talked about what makes startup ecosystems more or less successful, what role, if any, luck plays in that success and how combining collective experience from the most successful ecosystems, together with some of Serbia’s unique advantages, can propel the local ecosystem even further.

Nebojša is a chairman of Serbian Government’s working group tasked with producing a strategy for strengthening the startup ecosystem between 2021 and 2025, but also he is a passionate collector of old-timers. More precisely, Citroen old-timers, for reasons we try to discover walking and talking around Belgrade.


Web: https://rpgo.cc/loading-dice
Apple Podcasts: https://rpgo.cc/ktalks

Nebojša Đurđević is the CEO of Digital Serbia and chairman of Serbian Government’s working group tasked with producing a strategy for strengthening the startup ecosystem between 2021 and 2025. To anyone expecting a dry conversation – this is anything but. Nebojša emigrated from Belgrade in ...

Druga epizoda serijala na temu budućnosti medicine je online!Nastavljamo da istražujemo kako može izgledati medicina bud...

Druga epizoda serijala na temu budućnosti medicine je online!

Nastavljamo da istražujemo kako može izgledati medicina budućnosti, uz sve naučne, ekonomske, društvene i tehnološke izazove. U ovoj epizodi o medicini budućnosti iz tehnološkog ugla razgovaramo sa Igorom Bogićevićem, jednim od pionira u oblasti u Srbiji. Igor je jedan od osnivača kompanije Seven Bridges Genomics, a danas je jedan od osnivača startapa Orgnostic.

On će nas sprovesti i kroz pojmove koji su sve aktuelniji, kao što je individualizovana medicina i in silico eksperimenti, pričaće šta se dešava u nauci i koliko medicina brzo napreduje, ali i zašto tehnologija nikada neće moći da zameni lekare i naučnike

Web: https://rpgo.cc/bm2
Apple podcasts: https://rpgo.cc/ktl

Sa ponosom vam predstavljamo novi serijal na k/talks local kanalu – serijal o medicini budućnosti! Kako će medicina izgl...

Sa ponosom vam predstavljamo novi serijal na k/talks local kanalu – serijal o medicini budućnosti!

Kako će medicina izgledati u budućnosti i sa kojim ćemo se sve izazovima susretati su, najšire rečeno, teme kojima ćemo se baviti u narednom periodu, i to iz vizure sagovornika iz najrazličitijih pozicija u oblasti medicine – lekarima, tehnolozima, menadžerima u zdravstvu, kao i mnogim drugima.

Epizoda kojom otvaramo serijal pripala je dr Dragani Obradović, profesorki neurologije, aktivistkinji i specijalisti za multipla sklerozu.
Dragana je sa nama podelila svoja gledišta koja se tiču održivosti zdravstvenog sistema i budućnosti medicine o kojima stiže da aktivno razmišlja i pored svakodnevnih obaveza – o važnosti partnerstava lekara i pacijenata i udruženja pacijenata, primarnoj zdravstvenoj zaštiti, posledicama i efektima pandemije Covid-19 na zdravstveni sistem i čitavo društvo, kao i mnogo toga drugog.

Apple podcasts: https://rpgo.cc/ktl
Web: https://www.karanovicpartners.com/ktalks/buducnost-medicine-1/

‎Non-Profit · 2020

Work-life balance je tema o kojoj se mnogo priča u poslovnom svetu – dan od 24 sata nekome proleti, a nekome pruža sasvi...

Work-life balance je tema o kojoj se mnogo priča u poslovnom svetu – dan od 24 sata nekome proleti, a nekome pruža sasvim dovoljno prostora i za posao, za porodicu, za sport, za hobije i rad na sebi. U vremenu u kome 24 sata postaje sve kraće, da li je balans poslovnog i privatnog možda prevaziđen koncept? Ili nekima dan traje i duže od 24 sata?

Gost ove epizode je Marija Desivojević Cvetković, senior potpredsednica Delta Holdinga. Marija je uspešna poslovna žena koja je u Delti zadužena za razvoj i strategiju poslovanja i sektore IT-ja i korporativnh komunikacija. Marija je i maratonac, biciklista i triatlonka koja je uspešno savladala Iron Man izazov, majka dva dečaka, kao i još mnogo toga. Sa Marijom smo pričali o matematičkom fakultetu i biznisu, organizaciji vremena, o tome šta kompanija Delta radi na oživljavanju sela, o kupovini Sava Centra i daljim planovima, kao i mnogim drugim temama koje smo dotakli. Marija nam je otkrila zbog čega svoj život ne posmatra kroz popularnu „work-life baance“ prizmu, već kao već kao dobro uvežbani jazz kvintet u kome je svaka deonica dovedena do savršenstva i zajedno čini jednu skladnu celinu.
Apple podcasts: https://rpgo.cc/ktl
Web: https://rpgo.cc/jazz-kvintet

‎Non-Profit · 2020


Danas u podne stiže nova epizoda novog starog kanala — k/talks local. Razgovarao sam sa sjajnom Marijom Desivojević Cvetković. Marija je senior VP u Delta Holdingu za strategiju i razvoj, ali i maratonka, trijatlonka i iron man! Razgovarali smo o tome koliko sati ima njen dan, kako vidi budućnost u raznim sektorima u kojima Delta posluje, kako da pokušamo da oživimo sela i još mnogo toga.

Stay tuned! 🎤💫

Objavljujemo i sve linkove danas, k/talks local možete da pratite na svim platformama - Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Deezer, Spotify, Stitcher... Na 'starom' kanalu ubuduće izlaze samo epizode na engleskom.

New episode of k/talks is online!What spirit makes a true entrepreneur? One not only ready, but eager, to go off-piste? ...

New episode of k/talks is online!

What spirit makes a true entrepreneur? One not only ready, but eager, to go off-piste? Is it the allure of entrepreneurial mentality, proximity to ideas as soon as they are born, camaraderie with brilliant innovators? All of the above? And what makes people get their skin in the game, staking their money, reputation and time behind an idea or a team?

Julien Coustaury is the founder and a managing partner at Fil Rouge Capital - FRC, one of the first local VCs active in the SEE region. In this episode, we talked about his early career and beginnings, entrepreneurship, his investment style and current experiences.

Web: https://rpgo.cc/ep19
Apple Podcasts: https://rpgo.cc/ap19

A conversation with Julien Coustaury

New episode of k/talks is online!Is it possible to ever replace trust and knowledge based human interaction with technol...

New episode of k/talks is online!

Is it possible to ever replace trust and knowledge based human interaction with technology? And even if it is possible, would you bet your company, your house or your marriage to a machine lawyer? Given the current state of legal tech, and these uses seem far fetched. Given their nature, they may seem undesirable. But there are also massive breakthroughs, especially when used in corporate law.

Our guest Maya Markovich is the Chief Growth Officer of Nextlaw Labs since 2015. Nextlaw Labs is the industry’s first and leading legal technology and innovation catalyst and intelligence hub, focused exclusively on legal innovation via early-stage legal tech. In this episode, we discussed the challenges and opportunities of innovation in legal sector, how it’s like to work with lawyers on developing legal tech solutions, and how can legal profession leverage tech lessons that other industries have already learned.

Web: https://rpgo.cc/ep18
Apple Podcasts: https://rpgo.cc/ap18

A conversation with Maya Markovich

Kako je regionalni startup ekosistem izgledao bez velikih igrača, ozbiljnih konferencija, strukovnih udruženja, većih in...

Kako je regionalni startup ekosistem izgledao bez velikih igrača, ozbiljnih konferencija, strukovnih udruženja, većih investicija i specijalizovanih medija koji ga pomno prate? Kako je pre desetak godina u nedostatku današnje infrastrukture izgledao networking, potraga za novim izvorima finansiranja i podrškom na domaćoj startup sceni?

Sa Markom Mudrinićem iz Netokracija smo u najnovijoj epizodi k/talks pričali o počecima razvoja domaće startup scene, IT preduzetništvu, ali i novinarstvu, specijalizaciji medija i njihove budućnosti.

Web: https://rpgo.cc/ep17
Apple Podcasts: https://rpgo.cc/ap17

Zašto spavamo?  Odgovor može izgledati potpuno očigledno – da se odmorimo, oporavimo od teškog dana, sačuvamo energiju z...

Zašto spavamo?
Odgovor može izgledati potpuno očigledno – da se odmorimo, oporavimo od teškog dana, sačuvamo energiju za sledeći... Međutim, proces koji nam je toliko poznat ipak ostaje među najtajanstvenijim fenomenima u biologiji, jer je sve što smo upravo naveli još uvek samo na nivou hipoteze.

Gost u novoj epizodi je Dragana Rogulja, koja predaje neurobiologiju na Harvard Medical School Blavatnik institutu za neurobiologiju. Dragana je posvetila je svoju karijeru istraživanju molekularnih mehanizama koji upravljaju snom i cirkadijalnom ritmu i prvi put nauci ponudila nešto više od hipoteza. U ovoj epizodi ćete možda prvi put čuti za Drosophila Melanogaster, mušicu koja ima sličan sistem sna kao i čovek, ali i dobiti naučno utemeljeno objašnjenje zbog čega nam je spavanje neophodno za život.

Web: https://rpgo.cc/ep16
Apple Podcasts: https://rpgo.cc/ap16

These stories about success, survival, ups and downs, about the thorny path that the domestic IT sector has gone through...

These stories about success, survival, ups and downs, about the thorny path that the domestic IT sector has gone through to become what it is today, deserve to be told. Thank you Talas.rs and Startit Centar Beograd for making this happen!

Rastko Petaković, Senior Partner at Karanović & Partners, took part in the documentary "Success from here - stories of people from the IT sector".

After the short summer break (hope you missed us!), the new episode of k/talks is finally out!What happens when a mathem...

After the short summer break (hope you missed us!), the new episode of k/talks is finally out!

What happens when a mathematician shifts her focus on people, their motivation, their emotions and engagement with workplace? How does anyone effectively manage and direct innovation?

The guest of the 15th episode is simone van neerven, a mathematician with a passion for people and tech. Before founding her own company reBel.la, she was the Head of Innovation at Vueling. Simone revealed to us a lot about innovation, team management and a balance between having your head in the clouds and keeping your feet on the ground.

Web: https://www.karanovicpartners.com/ktalks/directing-innovation/
Apple Podcasts: https://apple.co/2EyRR3Z

A conversation with Simone Van Neerven

Nova letnja epizoda k/talks je online!Na koga biste se kladili da će osvojiti finale Vimbldona – Novaka Đokovića ili Bor...

Nova letnja epizoda k/talks je online!

Na koga biste se kladili da će osvojiti finale Vimbldona – Novaka Đokovića ili Bornu Ćorića? Koja bi kvota bila za ulazak Srbije, Hrvatske, Slovenije, Crne Gore ili BiH u finale svetskog prvenstva u fudbalu? Covid-19 nas je možda omeo u namerama da podržimo svoje sportske favorite ovoga leta, ali u jedno se još uvek kladimo – sport sigurno ostaje najbitnija sporedna stvar na svetu.

Hvala mom kolegi Milošu Vučkoviću koji me je odmenio u voditeljskoj ulozi i ugostio Dejana Kosanovića, direktora marketinga u kompaniji Mozzart Bet, najvećem priređivaču igara na sreću u Jugoistočnoj Evropi. Njihove sportske priče možete čuti u novoj epizodi:

Web: https://bit.ly/3k4D3K9



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