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Sentient Planet Welcome to , giving voice to our more-than-human animal kin and the people working for

We're a big fan of Carl Safina and his  beautiful work in the world. Carl talked about his plan for this book when Susan...

We're a big fan of Carl Safina and his beautiful work in the world. Carl talked about his plan for this book when Susan interviewed him back in 2021. Check it out!

Alfie The Screech Owl—The Star Personality of My Book Alfie And Me The Overview.When she was a nestling, Alfie the screech owl—the star personality of my book Alfie and Me—had a near-death experience. In June of 2018 I got a text message with a photo of a very bedraggled looking baby bird. Som... to our podcast and **ta

Listen to our podcast and

Members of the Lummi Nation are fighting for the return of Sk'aliCh'elh-tenaut, an orca who was taken from the Puget Sound in August 1970.

A year ago today, I launched my first podcast. I wanted to complete 4 seasons in 12 months, each episode devoted to how ...

A year ago today, I launched my first podcast. I wanted to complete 4 seasons in 12 months, each episode devoted to how we might wake up and deepen our human relationship with non-human life forms. I managed 3 seasons.

Over my many decades of journalism and storytelling, I have found that anything of value that I create and give to the world takes real grit, on just about every level. And of course is rarely compensated because we've been swindled into thinking ugly, fleeting consumerism is more important than art. Not having a pity party, just stating the obvious.

All this to say that podcasting is amazing fun and hard work, but unless you're Joe fu***ng Rogan (yuck) no one does it for the money. So anyway, I've taken a full time job again to you know, pay the bills. I'm super grateful to be among public servants who are dedicated to preserving the incredible state of Washington for future generations.

Yet my heart remains with all the animals with whom we share this world and by and large treat with appalling cruelty and disregard. I still hear their calls, and the moment I have found balance in my new job, I will have time back to create another season of podcasts dedicated to their plight and our duty to steward them.

Happy Earth Day! And Happy Anniversary, .

This World Wildlife Day, we want to shine a light on the kangaroo. Did you know they're as iconic as the Eiffel Tower? E...

This World Wildlife Day, we want to shine a light on the kangaroo. Did you know they're as iconic as the Eiffel Tower? Everyone in the world recognizes this beautiful animal and where they come from.

Shockingly, they're also the victim of the largest slaughter of terrestrial wildlife that occurs anywhere on the planet. So if you want to TAKE ACTION on behalf of wildlife today, go to and scroll down to Kangaroo Calls to Action.

You can also LISTEN to our Season 3 episode with Aussie documentary filmmakers Kate and Mick McIntyre () to learn more about Australia's dirty secret.

It's a recurring theme in our podcasts: Humans must do much better in our role as custodians of this diverse, sentient planet. And we can!

Photo courtesy Second Nature Films.

The campaign to release Tokitae/Lo**ta from  and bring her home to the Salish Sea is gathering global momentum!Our podca...

The campaign to release Tokitae/Lo**ta from and bring her home to the Salish Sea is gathering global momentum!

Our podcast, "Bringing Her Home: The Lummi Claim to a Captive Orca," answers many of the questions people have about how this can FINALLY HAPPEN after 52 YEARS OF CAPTIVITY.

LISTEN and SHARE the episode via, or wherever you get your podcasts.

Toki photo courtesy Rachel Andersen.

SacredSea.Org, Until Lo**ta is Home, Orca Network Lo**ta/Tokitae, Peggy Oki

It's World Whale Day, and momentum is building to have an independent vet visit the captive orca Tokitae (Lo**ta) as a f...

It's World Whale Day, and momentum is building to have an independent vet visit the captive orca Tokitae (Lo**ta) as a first step towards bringing her home to the Salish Sea.

The ONE THING YOU CAN DO RIGHT NOW that will make a difference is email the Mayor of Miami-Dade County and ask her to advocate for an independent veterinary assessment of Toki's health.

Her name is Daniella Levine Cava and she's at [email protected].

Click for further actions you can take!

You can also follow the campaign's leaders:
Until Lo**ta is Home
Orca Network Lo**ta/Tokitae
Peggy Oki

And be sure to listen and share our FIRST SEASON of podcasts to learn more about Toki's story!

This action has been endorsed by Lummi elders who are in good talks with the Mayor's Office and who are also calling for prayers for Toki's well-being and strong spirit.

Please, add your voice! THANK YOU!


The captive Southern Resident orca Sk’aliCh’elh-tenaut (Tokitae/Lo**ta) was the subject of several of our episodes from ...

The captive Southern Resident orca Sk’aliCh’elh-tenaut (Tokitae/Lo**ta) was the subject of several of our episodes from Season 1.

For the latest on the Lummi campaign to get her the medical attention she needs and WHAT YOU CAN DO TO URGENTLY HELP, please listen to this interview with elder Raynell Morris.(Story starts at 6:35)

Coming up, the Federal Reserve Bank is looking for ways to improve how data is collected about Indian Country. And a Lummi elder fights for the return of a relative


SOUND UP! Our next podcast has just been released!

It's about progress being made to END the largest land slaughter of wild animals in the world. LISTEN NOW to Aussie documentary filmmakers Kate McIntyre Clere and Mick McIntyre () and follow Calls to Action to save the gentle, slow-reproducing kangaroo from cruel extermination.

Podcast and actions available at sentientplanetpodcast, or wherever you get your podcasts.


Coming on Thursday, our final episode for Season 3. Guests Mick McIntyre and Kate McIntyre Clere come on the show to talk about a difficult topic – the commercial killing of wild kangaroos in Australia.

Mick and Kate are an Aussie filmmaking duo and the founders of . Back in 2018, they released a shocking and damning expose about Australia's secretive kangaroo killings – the largest slaughter of terrestrial wildlife that happens on the planet.

We talk about progress being made to end this cruel industry since the release of their film, "Kangaroo: A Love-Hate Story." It needs to happen soon, before the slow-breeding kangaroo is pushed to extinction.

The U.S. and Europe are the two main markets for kangaroo meat and skins, although most consumers don't realize their products are made from this beloved global icon.

Please LISTEN IN on Thursday, when we'll also provide Calls to Action on behalf of the gentle and utterly amazing kangaroo!


*REMINDER* *REMINDER* Our episode with Heartwood Haven () farmed animal rescuers Kate Tsyrklevich and Hope Hilman is LIVE!

Why don't we see as many roosters as female chickens? Sadly, the egg industry kills most male chicks as unwanted "byproduct." Others become meat and even end up in the cruel and illicit cockfighting industry.

Kate and Hope take in about 100 roosters from cockfighting busts in Washington State every year.

LISTEN to their interview and follow CALLS TO ACTION at, or wherever you get your podcasts.


Our next podcast with popular Heartwood Haven () stewards Kate Tsyrklevich and Hope Hilman is available NOW!

LISTEN and follow CALLS TO ACTION at, or wherever you get your podcasts. Kate and Hope share what it's like to start a microsanctuary for farmed animals. Pigs and roosters are their favorite rescues! Many come from appalling conditions, including the illicit COCKFIGHTING industry. Yes, this CRUEL activity still happens in neighborhoods across the United States and the world.

Fortunately, animals such as Boris and Linus and Porter and Freddy DO recover and live healthy lives when removed from abusive and traumatic situations.

Microsanctuaries are a growing global movement!


We return this week with Kate Tsyrklevich and Hope Hilman, farmed animal rescuers and stewards of Heartwood Haven (), in Gig Harbor, Washington State.

Pigs and roosters are their favorite rescues! Many of the hundreds they've saved come from appalling conditions, including the cruel and illicit cockfighting industry.

Microsanctuaries such as Heartwood Haven are springing up across the world to reset public misconceptions about farmed animals, whose lives are just as worthy as our much-revered dogs and cats.

Tune in on Thursday!

We're pausing for a week and look forward to returning with a new episode on Thursday, Feb 3. Please enjoy our latest Se...

We're pausing for a week and look forward to returning with a new episode on Thursday, Feb 3.

Please enjoy our latest Season 3 episodes and more via, or wherever you get your podcasts.

We honor the passing of a great Zen master, Thich Nhat Hanh, who showed us that all life forms upon the Earth are sacred...

We honor the passing of a great Zen master, Thich Nhat Hanh, who showed us that all life forms upon the Earth are sacred and that every human and non-human animal is capable of great compassion. Breath is the key.

"Mother Earth needs you right now. She is calling out for your help. You are her beloved children and she needs you to BE Love, to BE Light, to BE Peace."
- Zen and the Art of Saving the Planet

Photo courtesy (Unsplash)


*REMINDER* – Have you heard this week's guest interview with the talented photographer and outdoor adventurer David Moskowitz? It's available now via, or wherever you get you podcasts.

Photo courtesy David Moskowitz (

Please enjoy this beautiful and transportive imagery by this week's guest, David Moskowitz! Which photo is your favorite...

Please enjoy this beautiful and transportive imagery by this week's guest, David Moskowitz! Which photo is your favorite? Leave a comment below!

​You can LISTEN to his full interview NOW via, or wherever you get your podcasts!

David is a renowned nature photographer, wildlife biologist and tracker from the Pacific Northwest, USA – and perhaps the loudest defender of the highly endangered mountain caribou. Their herds have plummeted to just 1,100 individuals due to the ongoing clear-cutting of their old-growth home in British Columbia.

David helps us understand exactly what threatens this beautiful, elusive animal and how a combination of blockades, education, Tribal rights and community forests could bring them back from the brink.

Photos courtesy David Moskowitz ( and Nyn Tomkins.


LISTEN NOW! Our interview with David Moskowitz is LIVE via, or wherever you get your podcasts.

David is a renowned nature photographer, wildlife biologist and tracker from the Pacific Northwest, USA – and perhaps the loudest defender of the highly endangered mountain caribou. Their herds have plummeted to just 1,100 individuals due to the ongoing clear-cutting of their old-growth home in British Columbia.

David helps us understand exactly what threatens this beautiful, elusive animal and how a combination of blockades, education, Tribal rights and community forests could bring them back from the brink.

Photos courtesy David Moskowitz ( and Nyn Tomkins.


This week we welcome the avid adventurer and wildlife lover David Moskowitz () to our podcast to learn about a rare animal few of us even know exists – the elusive mountain caribou of British Columbia.

David works in the fields of photography, wildlife biology and outdoor education. He is the photographer and author of three stunning books: "Caribou Rainforest," "Wildlife of the Pacific Northwest" and "Wolves in the Land of Salmon."

​Visual media of David's has appeared in numerous outlets, including , , , and more.

Tune in on Thursday via, or wherever you get your podcasts!

Photo courtesy Sarah Rice.


REMINDER: Did you LISTEN to our new episode with oceans ambassador Sue Fisher?!

Sue, who lives in Portland, Oregon and is a marine policy expert with Animal Welfare Institute, is so knowledgeable about the slew of whale and dolphin species and individuals who inhabit our world, the mind-blowing attributes that contribute to their sentience, and the threats that are killing them in the hundreds of thousands. She's written a brand new 50-year vision for the International Whaling Commission about what its 88 member governments need to do to return the oceans to health and prevent the extinction of cetaceans.

​​Listen to her compelling interview, streaming now via or wherever you get your podcasts!


As the International Whaling Commission (IWC) turns 75, dozens of animal welfare groups are urging its 88 member governments to take action NOW to restore the health of our dying oceans and save whales and dolphins from extinction.�

Today's guest, Sue Fisher, is one of the primary authors of a new 50-year vision for the IWC. She says there's no better time for the organization to exert its influence and expertise to clean up the mess we've made in the world's oceans with plastics, pollution and over-fishing.

​Learn more in our candid interview with British-born Sue, who lives in Portland, Oregon and is currently interim policy director (international) for the Animal Welfare Institute.

Episode is available NOW at, or wherever you get your podcasts.

​Photo by Christopher Michel; courtesy of AWI.

Here's the latest on the appalling conditions for Tokitae and other marine mammals in the Miami Seaquarium. Sign petitio...

Here's the latest on the appalling conditions for Tokitae and other marine mammals in the Miami Seaquarium. Sign petitions to federal authorities, boycott marine parks and support plans to free Totitae from her captive hell and return her to her human and orca family in the Pacific Northwest, USA.

You can listen to our related podcasts on this topic in Season 1.

An ongoing USDA probe has prompted Miami-Dade County to delay transfer of the park's lease to new owners.


In keeping with our Season 3 focus on beloved whales and dolphins, we're delighted to introduce everyone to this week's guest. As an advisor to international animal protection and wildlife conservation organizations, British-born Sue Fisher, of Portland, Oregon, has worked behind the scenes to advocate on behalf of cetaceans through the International Whaling Commission (IWC) for the past 30 years.

Sue is Interim Marine Policy Director (International) for the Animal Welfare Institute (). In our interview, she describes the new 50-year global vision that animal welfare NGOs are urging the IWC to adopt as it turns 75. The vision outlines the threats that kill hundreds of thousands of whales and dolphins every year and what governments must urgently do to clean up their ocean home and save these incredible sentient beings from extinction.

​You can listen to her insightful interview on Thursday, Jan 13 via, or wherever you get your podcasts.


*REMINDER* Did you hear our latest episode, an exclusive interview with the lifelong surfer, artist and activist, ?

​Listen now and please follow Peggy's calls to action on behalf of whales and dolphins and their ocean home:

​1. Watch “Seaspiracy” and join the movement to transform our oceans back to health.

2. Sign the petition to FREE TOKITAE/LOLITA, the Southern Resident Orca held captive for 51 years in the Miami Seaquarium.

3. Learn more about Peggy and her campaigns on behalf of all sentient beings.


Available Now: Our latest episode, an exclusive guest interview with lifelong surfer, artist and activist for all sentient beings, .

Here are Peggy's CALLS TO ACTION:

​1. Watch “Seaspiracy” and join the movement to transform our oceans back to health.

2. Sign the petition to free Tokitae/Lo**ta, the Southern Resident Orca held captive for 51 years in the Miami Seaquarium.

3. Learn more about Peggy and her campaigns on behalf of all sentient beings.


This week, we're delighted to share an exclusive interview with the legendary Peggy Oki!

For decades, Peggy has blended her sport and artistic talents to create an unflinching form of environmental activism that is full of love and respect for all sentient beings.

Listen in to her wisdom on campaigning for cetaceans, her recent encounters with s***m whales, the influence of Jacques Cousteau and Sir David Attenborough, and how to stay passionate and effective on behalf of the animals and issues you care about.


Happy New Year! *REMINDER* Did you hear our interview with animal lover and rescuer Claire Bass, executive director of Humane Society International – UK (/)?

Claire shares lots of great information about a new Animal Welfare (Sentience) Bill that will become law in early 2022 and recognizes even the sentience of crabs, lobsters and octopus.

You'll also learn about 's work to end the live export trade, ban fur and hunting trophy imports, and encourage the widespread adoption of plant-based diets.

Listen now at, or wherever you get your podcasts.

As we close out Sentient Planet's first year of podcasting, check out our three most popular episodes! We're excited to ...

As we close out Sentient Planet's first year of podcasting, check out our three most popular episodes!

We're excited to bring supporters more inspiring content on behalf of the non-human animal species we share the Earth with in 2022.

All episodes available now via, or wherever your get your podcasts.

Sentient Planet is an independent production created on the traditional land of the Nisqually Tribe in the Pacific Northwest, USA, a hotbed for environmental awareness. Thanks for listening since our launch on Earth Day 2021!

​📸 Tokitae (Photo courtesy Rachael Andersen) ( )
​📸 Roshi Susan Murphy ( )
​📸 Dr. Carl Safina (Photo courtesy )

​ 2021

Lobsters, crabs, octopus and other decapods and cephalopods have been recognized as sentient beings in the UK! Learn mor...

Lobsters, crabs, octopus and other decapods and cephalopods have been recognized as sentient beings in the UK! Learn more about the new Animal Welfare (Sentience) Bill that will become law in early 2022 in our interview with Claire Bass, executive director of Humane Society International – UK .

Our episode dropped today! Available via, or wherever you get your podcasts!

​You can learn more about the bill and all the Humane Society's campaigns for our animal kin at


Coming Thursday: We interview Claire Bass, executive director of Humane Society International – UK about the new Animal Welfare (Sentience) Bill that will become law in early 2022. Claire has been a lifelong advocate for our non-human animal kin. Learn more about her and the Humane Society's (/) leadership on the new sentience law.

​Listen via, or wherever you get your podcasts!



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