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J6PatriotNews J6Patriotnews is dedicated to spread the LATEST news and current stories about January 6th Defendants

One of the knidest and funiest J6ers I know and I know a lot of them.Happy Birthday Gabe!

One of the knidest and funiest J6ers I know and I know a lot of them.
Happy Birthday Gabe!


J6patriotnews is not here to promote its writers in any way. Our goal is and has always been to make people aware of J6ers’ stories and support their efforts for justice.
J6patriotnews is all volunteer work. We do not receive any compensation for the hundreds of hours we spend on different projects.

December Birthdays

December Birthdays

We would like to wish Chris a HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Another good American Patriot sentenced to prison for almost 3 years for a non violent offense. Chris is a brave and smart young man. He doesn't have any other J6ers in his unit and would love to receive letters and cards. Please don't forget to support....

December Birthdays

December Birthdays

HAPPY BIRTHDAY ALAN! Recently Alan was released from prison after serving 2 years sentence for lies presented by the DOJ. We would like to wish him a happy birthday and all the best for his new journey! We will always extend our support to J6 heroes. We do not have Alan's forwarding address but plea...



HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Colton is one of the J6 innocent heroes who's life is being destroyed simply because he was helping those in need and upholding his oath of office on January 6th. Colton was convicted by a jury that was not of his peers. Keep him in your prayers and send him notes of support. Cards


I am thinking it would be nice if ya’ll rated my page.

IFyou are a vet and attended the J6 protest you are in the DOJ's crosshair!

IFyou are a vet and attended the J6 protest you are in the DOJ's crosshair!

This is the story of Jorge Riley. What an inspiration and still it makes you sad. Jorge, an army vet, was arrested in Sacramento, CA on 1/19/2021. He plead guilty to one count and Judge Mehta sentenced him to 18 months of prison and 24 months of supervised release. He started serving his sentence on

Is this retaliation for the Class Action Civil lawsuit by Larry Klayman with Siaka Massaquoi and JD Rivera, or for Siaka...

Is this retaliation for the Class Action Civil lawsuit by Larry Klayman with Siaka Massaquoi and JD Rivera, or for Siaka's participation in the hilarious The Babylon Bee video mocking Joe Biden?

Similar to the Philip Anderson case.





Important story!https://j6patriotnews.com/life-after-j6-trial-alex-sheppard

Important story!


Many J6ers have found out why they are treated differently than other inmates. Alex Sheppard sounds the alarm, but he is not the only one. Why is Congress doing nothing about this? Do they think that the Democrats will stop at J6ers? NO, THEY WILL NOT! There are coming after ALL conservatives one gr...




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More about J6ers' abuse! A letter we received from Barry Ramey sounds the alarm.

More about J6ers' abuse! A letter we received from Barry Ramey sounds the alarm.

As time goes and more J6ers are incarcerated, we hear more and more about the many abuses they have been under. We wonder if some orders were given to the Bureau of Prison (BOP) to exercise some kind of mental abuse in order to try and silence J6ers and keeping them from telling the truth


Happy Thanksgiving to all our followers!
Remember to pray for those who are in Prison and especially 208 J6ers.
God bless you all!



It's been over 34 months since the events of the 2020 election and January 6th, 2021 sparked a growing fissure in the public trust. Those two historic occurrences began public and private debates over facts that still rage unresolved today. Do we the public know enough Truth to make informed decisio...

November Birthdays - Jeff Sabol.

November Birthdays - Jeff Sabol.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY JEFF! One of the nieces men you will ever meet, Jeff Sabol. Intelligent, thoughtful, helpful to others. Jeff has been in the DC jail since January 2021. Please send him birthday wishes and love. Happy birthday 🎈🎉 📬 Jeffrey Sabol #376906 Correctional Treatment Facility DC-CTF ...

What would pushing a barrier get ANTIFA and what will it get a J6er?

What would pushing a barrier get ANTIFA and what will it get a J6er?

We spoke to James a couple of days ago and we could not help but feeling a sense of sadness in his voice. James, a smart young American, went to DC like many others to support the constitutional right of our citizens to ask for a redress of their grievances as many suspected the election

Important o-ed by Tim Rivers

Important o-ed by Tim Rivers

At j6patriotnews, our goal is to provide you with updates on J6 political prisoners, keeping you informed about their situation. We understand that there is limited awareness due to the media blockade. We hope you find our website informative. Help us spread the word!

Happy Birthday Daniel!

Happy Birthday Daniel!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY DANIEL! We are celebrating Daniel's birthday today! 🎉 Daniel is a Freedom fighter. For a long time Daniel was working as a warrior for truth behind the scenes but now after his sentence was served he is a worrier in the center of the battle. He is a true Patriot and we appreciate h...


I want to thank everyone who put pressure on

to release the J6 videos to the public, and thank him for finally doing so before the Thankgiving recess!

At least now we may be on even footing with the sedition hunters who may have been working hand-in-hand with the government since the beginning.

Now we can have crowd sourcing to investigate and demonstrate that indeed J6 was a setup (that is unless parts have been somehow removed).

So we will see! This is still a step forward.


Help a J6er, pre-order the new book!

Help a J6er, pre-order the new book!

As many of you may know, The American Gulag Chronicles — Letters from Prison was a great success. Because of it, TAGC Inc, a non-profit organization, was able to help many J6ers with bills and other needs. Tim rivers, the author and collector of the letters through his telegram channel, and Marie ...

I heard you are all going home to your mansions bought with the large amounts of money you all got from insider trading ...

I heard you are all going home to your mansions bought with the large amounts of money you all got from insider trading and lobbyists donations while J6ers are in prison or jail. Shame on you for not releasing the video to the PUBLIC!
Amazing how many times you mention the Bible
Yet you offer no help to the brokenhearted. Surely you have heard of these verses?

MATTHEW 25:34-40
"Then the King will say to those on his right, 'Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world. For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.'

"Then the righteous will answer him, 'Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?'

"The King will reply, 'Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.'"



Things have not changed a lot since last year when we posted this message except 1- for the manhunt going on in NJ. Gregory Yetman, is a former member of the New Jersey Army National Guard! What a shame. This government failed our military in the shameful withdraw from Afghanistan which saw 8 of the...


After research done by several attorneys and data scientists, it became more and more evident early on that the DC Jury will never give a fair verdict in any January 6th cases.

The fact that the DC population voted 92% for Joe Biden is a good indicator of what a DC jury would look like.
Sitting on jury selection several observers have indicated that the following kind of individuals have been approved to sit on the jury.

It is important to notice that judges are complicit in the unfair selection as some have said: "you are going to set aside your views for this trial, right? Surely you are, right? Then the juror was approved.

The following people were approved:
- BLM activists or supporters
- ANTIFA activists or supporters
- staff of Democrat politicians
- Democrat government employees

The selection process has made it clear that judges $ jury are biaised. J6ers have witnesses with horror the kind of people would decide their fate and if the foreman is one of those listed above you know they will move the other jurors in the guilty camp decision pretty fast.


As I contemplate the past nearly three years, it's evident that we have felt let down, if not outright frustrated or angered, by our representatives' lack of action regarding January 6 and the release of the tapes. There has been many promises but they have broken them over and over again.

DC is a very dark place where people lose their souls for power and money. If anything this situation alerted us to the reality that the supposed Republicans we elected are no different than the Democrats. They care only about their carreers and the various ways they can enrich themselves. They spend more of their time either fundraising or participating in political theater than serving their constituents. All talk and no action.

They will have to make significant efforts to rectify their actions and regain our trust. As for myself, I have placed my faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Ultimately, we will emerge victorious, even if we must endure hardship in the interim.

Speaker Mike Johnson
Matt Gaetz
Congressman Andy Biggs
Rep. Paul Gosar
Sen. Ted Cruz
Michael Burgess


Republican politicians are silent about the J6ers plight. Why?

Good question.

There are several possible reasons

They don’t care
The are compromised
They are scared
They are ignorants (should not be)
They are busy fundraising
They are busy doing insider trading
They are RINOs
They are democrats in disguise
They’ve been bought

Maybe all of the above.

What do you thinks?

Many people do not think that there are J6 women in prison. Well if you are one of them, you are wrong. Remember those w...

Many people do not think that there are J6 women in prison. Well if you are one of them, you are wrong. Remember those who are in prison as the Bible instructs as to do. It is like remembering Him.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEBORAH! Deborah and her son went to DC on January 6th to support President Trump. She is a true Patriot. She was sentenced to 5 months in prison where she suffered tremendously. Thank God Deborah is free again now helping others who have also never seen the inside of prison. We don't...

THIS IS BEYOND EVIL. THEY TORTURE JOE BIGGS. 🙏🏼😭GSG update November 6, 2023Joe is still awaiting his transfer in the USP...

GSG update November 6, 2023

Joe is still awaiting his transfer in the USP Atlanta, to FCI Talladega in Alabama.

He was Box Cuffed during his transfer to USP Atlanta. These cuffs are not to be used for long periods of time and he had them on for 16 hours causing him to pray to God to make the pain stop. His circulation was cut off from wearing these cuffs and his arms, shoulders and back are still in extreme pain.

When he arrived, with 15 other prisoners into Atlanta, they were told there was no room for them and they would be sleeping in a room with no beds, mattresses, pillows or even blankets. All of them sleeping on a concrete floor and in a 2 day period were given one slice of pizza to eat.

Joe has been unable to receive any commissary and says “I am getting used to being hungry.” He is still awaiting any kind of time period of when he will move to the Talladega facility. Until he is moved he will continue to be treated this way due to them labeling him a “Domestic Terrorist”.

When will this all end? Who is willing to stand up? Are we willing to stand by and let these true American Patriots be denied their Constitutional and God given rights?

The time is now America! Will you wait until you are in box cuffs and sleeping on a concrete floor to wonder who will help me?”

Staff Sergeant Joseph Biggs is one of the many political prisoners being unlawfully detained over alleged charges pertaining to January 6th. He is a hero that has been kept in solitary confinement for over TWO years.  He is a combat veteran who served several tours in Iraq and Afghanist...

November birthdays are in full swing. Remember to follow the mail guilines.

November birthdays are in full swing. Remember to follow the mail guilines.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY LOGAN! We wish Logan a very happy birthday today!! Logan was sentenced to 3 years in prison and need out support and love. His sentenced started a few months ago so please write to him and send him birthday wishes. Logan is a bodybuilder and a model but most importantly he is a true

It's that time again. Choose who to write. Remember mail rules. Thank you in their behalves. It means a lot to them.

It's that time again. Choose who to write. Remember mail rules. Thank you in their behalves. It means a lot to them.

Well, we are starting a new month very soon and we still have over 200 J6ers who are incarcerated. Our birthday list includes any J6er free or in detention. Please take the time to see who they are, write them, and remember the mail guidelines for Federal Prisons. We will try to post their

Families of J6ers Series - Angle Harrelson

Families of J6ers Series - Angle Harrelson

Life of CONSTANT WORRY for a J6 family member! Life of CONSTANT WORRY for a J6 family member for our loved one that are being held for being wrongly persecuted under this Biden administration/DOJ after being sentenced. Family members, like myself have many worries and questions constantly. We are qu...

I am taking the risk of boring you, but    this is just a reminder.Do not lose our support by being like your predecesso...

I am taking the risk of boring you, but this is just a reminder.

Do not lose our support by being like your predecessor. What do you have to gain in not releasing the tapes Unless you were all in on what happened on January 6th and your not releasing them proves it.


It would be nice if

would see to it that J6ers and their families are not on the special harrassment list (ssss on boarding passes) when they travel causing them more stress as if they did not have enough. Could he make sure the list is purged from j6ers' names?
J6ers were protestors not terrorists despite what they want you to believe.
They did not behead people
They did not kill children
They did not bomb a tower
They did not r**e women and children
The police attacked them and killed 4 Trump supporters.
No police was killed on J6 NONE!
They were there to exercise their constitutional right to ask for a redress of their grievances.
Signs and barriers we removed when most people arrived at the Capitol.

It is the only way to give J6ers a chance to show what really happened that day.


If you forget them the chances they are coming for you next is getting higher by the day!

If you forget them the chances they are coming for you next is getting higher by the day!

Let's not forget about the lies and perjury that were done against the Oath Keepers during their trial in 2022. Capital Police Officer Harry Dunn & Special Agent Lazarus both continue to lie about what happened on ! They knowingly and willingly perjuring themselves, even though th...



Guess Writer - Hester Prynne John Baker, a retired Louisiana State University law professor stated, there is “no one in the United States over the age of 18 who cannot be indicted for some federal crime”. Criminal defendants consistently plead “guilty” to “reduced” charges rather than fa...

Now is not the time to forget those who were railroaded by the DOJ - A truly political witch hunt. They are being moved ...

Now is not the time to forget those who were railroaded by the DOJ - A truly political witch hunt. They are being moved from one prison to another.
Dominic: FDC Oklahoma
Enrique: USP Atlanta
Waiting to be moved
Zach: FDC Philadelphia
Joe: FDC Philadelphia
Ethan: FDC Philadelphia



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