The Spinning-SpiderMite. Comics series 33-38 pages

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  • The Spinning-SpiderMite. Comics series 33-38 pages

The Spinning-SpiderMite. Comics series 33-38 pages the Spinning-SpiderMite, is a size and power shifting comics character created/Copyright/Trademark:


German/American on mothers side.
2007--modern day.

Member of: the infinite Titans-Society.
Reserve member of: the Boundaries.

Can teleport through vibrational fields.
Shape and size shifting, into almost any creature or animal, and plant manifestation an manipulation.
Medium level Vibrational field manipulation.
Was trained by the Ray and his daughter: the flare-Ray.
(See individual listings...)

Copyright/Trademarks Mythology Kingdom Unbound ink/inc., Shawn Lee wood, and Action's site Studio's, All Rights Reserved.

Note: the original Ray from police comic's, is in the public domain.


Exclusive Contracts:
for comics/magazines, Artists/creators/writers/colorists:

Mythology Kingdom Unbound Ink/Inc. (l.l.p.)
and Action’s site Studios, exclusive contract for creators/writers/artists/Daz studio artists/content creators models, and colorists.
THIS AGREEMENT, made this [DAY] day of [MONTH], [YEAR], between [NAME], residing at [FULL ADDRESS] or p.o. box:
(hereinafter “Content Creator"), and Shawn Lee Wood, [Mythology Kingdom Unbound Ink/Inc.], residing at [Internet Based: Joplin MO.] (Hereinafter "M.K.U.I.I."), with respect to the production of Two (2) 33--38 page comic-book series entitled [Title's]
(hereinafter the "Series"), to be drawn by Content Creator and to be written and Created by Series One (1) M.K.U.I.I., and Series Two (2) by Content Creator. Name:

Content Creator’s Address or P.O. Box:
Address Line 2: Company Name:
Mythology Kingdom Unbound Ink/Inc. (l.l.p.)
Internet based business, Joplin MO.
Notarized by: Law offices of:
I hereby grant Mythology Kingdom Unbound Ink/Inc the exclusive right to promote/alter/crop/expand/color/edit all artwork done by me for “Comic Project Title's.”

1.) *We only do freelance for cover art. Meaning interior work would be an “exclusive” thirty three issue contract.*
This agreement or contract, is meant to facilitate this.** (*all percentages discussed in this contract, are net percentages after taxation, and employee's are paid in full.
Mkuii, which is a limited liability partnership, LLP*, pays taxation first, employees second, and any percentage discussed in this contract third.*)
MKuii is an L.L.P., or limited liability partnership.*
We give creators who are both artists and writers, 80 percent net after taxation, of the profits from the comics they created characters for.
We only take a 20 percent publishing fee.*

1-A.)* you do Not have to have a degree or a diploma to work with us. No education is required or considered at M.K.U.I.I., nor is Race, gender, political, or lgbtq affiliation considered. All are welcome.
You must be at least 17 years or older.*
We are democratic socialists.* And the donations to charity per month of publication will reflect this, as will the multiple characters Shawn Lee Wood created.*
But our writers/creators can be any party.*

1-B.)* This contract is Sales based*
All payment is based on one month and three days mandatory "After 1st date of sale."
Content creator realizes that Mkuii does not pay anything to content creator, until one month and three days "after" fist date of sale.

1-C.)* Printings:
There are 9 hundred thousand units/copies first print, * of every series we sell.
7 hundred thousand copies second printing,* and 5 hundred thousand copies third printing.*
Content creator understands that she or he is paid for the first printing only, of Shawn Lee Wood's series, not any subsequent printings of each Mkuii owned series.*
content creator understands, that she or he will inevitably always be credited for work on all printings. But only be paid for the initial release first printings, of books/series he or she had a hand in drawing.*
(this excludes their created series.*
Content creator will still recieve 80 percent net after taxation, of their "creator owned" series in every subsequent printing.*)

1-D.) *Trade-paperbacks and Numbering:
We do Not do trades.* Except for a Commemorative "one time" collected trade of the issues O--8, first appearance of characters, in one volume. ..Period.* This is line wide, including anyones creator owned series.* --We also renumber after every 33 issues, set in the same continuity each time. This is also line wide, Including anyones creator owned series.*
(*Examples: Within, first series, issues 0-33. Within, second series, issues 1-33. Within, all subsequent series, issues 1-33.* while there's a 0 issue in the first series, we never go past issue 33 in the Numerical order.*) any trade collected editions made of characters after the Commemorative release will be subject to lawsuits for infringement. *We don't allow collected editions to be created, as they devalue the single original issues they collect, when they enter price guides in our medium.*

2.) You are working on two (2) books per month. One book Shawn Lee Wood created, and one book you/Content Creator creates. They are 33-38 pages, no more, no less, each ongoing comic book periodical series, not counting ad spaces. For 33 months.
*7 panels per one page maximum.*
Content Creator shall not claim creation of any M.K.U.I.I. title/series/characters/except for second (2cnd) Title/Series/Characters She/he Creates, and has copyrighted and trademarked after entering into this Legal and binding Agreement.*

2.A.) *Writing Scripts in a shared superhero universe.*
Script writing, and all film, series writing, is Reserved only for the creators of the comics and characters.* While crossovers happen often, and creators need to work with other content creators with input, in order to successfully write the characters they created, most of the time, an outline of do's and don'ts are given to each content creator to utilize.
There's no infighting allowed at MKuii.*
Content creator understands that they must hold civil and polite e-mail exchanges, and Facebook group chats, with other content creators.* all content creators understand, that they do not tell other content creators how to write characters they did not create.*
they may suggest things, but do not override other content creators on their created works.*

2.B.) Covers.
We do A. B. C. And sometimes D, seperate "incentive covers" for all our comic's.
This is mandatory, to get people to buy alternate artists covers. but only After the comics pages are finished first.* content creator understands, that he or she does not do covers, or other comics incentive covers, unless the interior 33-38 pages are finished first.* Cover artists are paid 100 dollars per cover. This extends to content creator.*

3.) For the book Content Creator creates, Content Creator gets 80% of $3.99, net, after taxation, per copy, per series of what our website sells for. M.K.U.I.I. Gets the remaining 20% net, after taxation. Content Creator also owns the trademarks and copyrights of everything Content Creator creates For M.K.U.I.I., guaranteed in this legal and binding to all signed parties contract.*

3-A.) Page rates and Wholesale.
*We also sell to distributors for a $1.72 wholesale price. On those sales, Content Creator gets 51% net of anything Content Creator creates and M.K.U.I.I. gets the remainder.*
Content Creator also gets 75 dollars per one page for artwork of two (2) separate monthly ongoing series 33--38 page's each, one M.K.U.I.I. And Shawn Lee Wood created, and one Content Creator created.
Note that: three hundred dollars ($300) per page, is our market cap for artists.*
We won't be giving pay raises after this, but may give additional collectables, that can be sold on internet sites for extra money.**

4.) M.K.U.I.I. gets the 80% net of what money we make off of the book Shawn Lee Wood created. For the wholesale price, M.K.U.I.I. gets the 51% net. On the series/book Shawn Lee Wood created, content Creator is only to draw that series, or create the art through using the free 3d program Daz studio 3d.* The artwork is Not to be inked at all. Only our colorists handle lettering, drop shadows, and inking.***

5.)* Everything must be done by Content Creator as close to nine full months in advance of date of sale as humanly possible.
Issue 8 or 9, is finished and turned in before issues 0 or 1, are for sale.* content creator has six months to do the artwork in pencil or ink pen, for nine (9) issues, of two (2) separate 33-38 page ongoing series. One of which, content creator also writes the scripts, and creates and owns the characters for.*

5-A.) *Reprieves.
Over the course of 33 months of contractual work, content creator understands that they are given exactly 13 different four (4) full 24 hour period Reprieves.*
These are to help buffer time constraints/deadlines, and are considered for projects that are running late, or behind. Content creator can't give their Reprieves to anyone else.*
And no one else can give them theirs.
Content creator must ask Mkuii/Shawn Lee Wood, to receive one of the 13 separate 4 full day Reprieves. These Reprieves are to be spread out over 33 months, and only used as Absolutely necessary or as needed.* if content creator uses all Reprieves, yet are late on the 2 separate series they are working on, then content creator understands that this is cause for termination of this contract, and their employment.*

5-B.)* Mass merchandise and films/series:
We use non petroleum based plastics as simulated paper stock and action figures/collectibles. We sell 3 pack figures for $7.99.
For your creator owned characters, content creator gets 72 percent of all action figures/collectibles sold. M.K.U.I.I. gets the remaining percentage. Content creator must go through our comic's company MKuii, to create action figures/collectibles.*
We create animated films and tv series, through daz studio 3d. Off the dvd sales, content creator gets 72 percent net after taxation of their created characters when they are the title featured characters.
And 20 to 30 percent of team films their characters appear in, with minor to medium level roles.*
M.K.U.I.I. gets the remaining percentages net.*
This percentage "reverses: on the characters Shawn Lee Wood and MKuii created. as Mkuii makes the majority net of those.*

5-C.)*Mass Merchandise Apparel:
Content creator understands that M.K.U.I.I. makes no percentage of the t-shirts, hats, hoodies, sweatshirts, sweaters, or any of the all Hallows eve costumes,* unless characters Shawn Lee Wood created, also appear on, or in the items.* if characters Shawn Lee Wood created appear on or in the item, 42 percent of all net proceeds after taxation, are to be paid to M.K.U.I.I. and Shawn Lee Wood.*

5-D.)* Women's rights & LGBTQ communities: are Championed by M.K.U.I.I.
we are a superhero orientated company, that uses bisexual characters, 72 percent female characters, and multi-national characters from several different countries.* We also don't censor comic's series here. Everything is nc-17+, so creators can put adult content in their own books, if they so choose to.* content creator understands that infighting with fellow employees about the above mentioned, is grounds for dismissal, and a breach of this contract. ***

6.)**This agreement shall continue in perpetuity. This agreement shall insure to the benefit of, and shall be binding upon, the heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns of the parties.*
This agreement shall be construed and enforced in accordance with the laws of the State of MO. And all applicable federal laws.
Legal Heirs, or Legally Adopted heirs, of the creator of Content Creators works/characters, shall be awarded the percentages agreed upon elsewhere in this contract, as well as the trademarks and copyrights Content Creator created for one of the two (2) series they are working on for M.K.U.I.I., In the event of Content Creators untimely death. Provided that one or more of the heirs agrees to work for M.K.U.I.I. , continuing said ongoing property/series/comic book characters.**

*If the legal Heirs "do not" agree to work for M.K.U.I.I., they may then take the copyrights and trademarks Content Creator created, and leave, thus ending this legal contract.*

6-A:) *(Mkuii has the right to create a
"like character," or derrivitive character, or derrivitive characters,* akin to content creator's, bearing a strong resemblance, and same exact powers of content creator's character, or characters.*
But it or they, must bear a "separate copyright" an trademarked "codename." This is to explain past team ups with MKuii universe characters in our shared continuity, so future publishing can continue uninterrupted.*)

7.)* All original artwork created by Content Creator for the WORK, and a percentage agreed upon elsewhere in this contract, a percentage of the proceeds from the sale of such original art, shall remain the sole property of Content Creator. As such, Content Creator will e-mail/fb message scans/copies of said artwork in every instance. These copies shall then become the sole property of M.K.U.I.I. for publishing, promotional, and editing purposes. Copies of artwork/pages, will be messaged to Shawn Lee Wood, and one copy to Stephanie Rothman. they will both have a separate copy in their inboxes on "facebook." For a total of two (2) separate copies submitted to M.K.U.I.I.* a copy of all art pages, will then be messaged to the Action's site Studio's page*
for a total of three (3) copies.*

7-A.) *All original scripts created by Content Creator for the WORK, and the percentage agreed upon elsewhere in this contract, or proceeds from the sale of such scripts, shall remain the sole property of Content Creator.*
(*meaning after the release of the series, if content creator wants to sell their original scripts, they may do so. Mkuii does not need a percentage in this instance unless a character Mkuii or Shawn Lee Wood created is also in the script.* if a character or characters, Shawn Lee Wood created is in the script, 35 percent net after taxation, must be compensated to Mkuii and Shawn Lee Wood, for using their characters content creator did not create.*)

7-B.)* Scripts will be edited by M.K.U.I.I. for number of pages, (33 pages minimum, -38 pages maximum..*) , spell check, and grammar Only, not content.*
Scripts will also be Facebook messaged to M.K.U.I.I. on Shawn Lee Woods facebook profile, for the book Content Creator is working on that he or she created.*

7-C.)*All disputes arising out of this agreement, shall be submitted to mediation in accordance with the rules of federal laws, and Missouri state laws.*
The work is being created for M.K.U.I.I. or Mythology Kingdom Unbound ink/inc, a company residing in Joplin MO.*

7-D.) Poster splash page ads, will be featured in the titles for one to four additional pages in the back of all our ongoing series.* Content Creators get one hundred (100) dollars per poster ad.* and 100 dollars per cover, for cover artwork. **

M.K.U.I.I. won’t pay Content Creator upfront. Content Creator gives M.K.U.I.I. nine full issues of both series, M.K.U.I.I. then puts them on sale, Content Creator helps M.K.U.I.I. promote both works, and then divides the profits per this contractual agreement.*

8.) -M.K.U.I.I. Promotes by giving fans fourteen (14) full page previews, for each book Content Creator would be working on. Content Creator would be required, to also promote these pages on any internet website Content Creator legally can.* content creator realizes that they must promote, to get the maximum number of fans interested in purchasing their works in both series they are drawing for M.K.U.I.I.*

8-A.)*content creator realizes that M.K.U.I.I. only promotes on their pages, Twitter, and Instagram.* it is at content creators own risk, that they choose to promote on other sites such as artstation, or deviant art.* as we also use "public domain" characters that some people contest.*

8-b.) *Shared universe of independent characters, and public domain characters.*

Content creator understands, that in their creator owned series, the characters must be set in a "shared universe," and guest star with the characters Shawn Lee Wood and Mkuii created, as well as multiple different public domain characters like Captain-Marvel and Mary-Marvel, from Fawcett comic's, must guest star at some point "multiple times" per 33 issue period.* content creator understands, that this is paramount for fans to want to purchase either series content creator is working on.* strict continuity rules will be put into effect in all Mkuii pantheon comic's, animated series, films, and live action films and series, set on earth 33-c, which is the main Mkuii universe/earth.* infighting about this issue, is grounds for dismissal.* And termination of this contract.** Mkuii has sole authority to mandate when a character crosses over into another character's ongoing series.***

9.)* Payment: Content Creator gets a mandatory $75 dollars per page, for artwork per this contract, even if M.K.U.I.I. sells nothing.* Content Creator gets 1 thousand dollar (1000.) bonuses for every thousand units sold in this contract.* content creator also gets 80 percent of the proceeds net from sales of the comic's they created characters for. They also get 20 percent of the proceeds net from sales of the comic's Shawn Lee Wood and M.K.U.I.I. created.* content creator gets 72 percent net after taxation, of all collectibles/action figures, and films, tv series, off of their creations. They do not make money off of other characters they didn't create.*
Content Creator can get raises up to, but Not exceeding 300 dollars per page, for artwork.
We do not wish content creator's to ink the artwork at all, for any reason.*
Mkuii only needs the artwork.*
Content creator gets 100 percent off of their created characters in Halloween costumes, t-shirts, apparel, and hats. And 100 percent, of their commission sketches of characters they created.* Payment for crossover Adventures is: Content creator gets 56 percent net after taxation, of any crossovers, as single issues in their creator owned title, and 50 percent net, for any graphic arcs/graphic novel format.*

9-A.) Note that: we hire colorists in at two hundred (200) dollars per one page.*
(400), four hundred dollars per page, is our market cap raise for colorists.*
We won't be giving pay raises after this,
but may give additional collectables, that can be sold on internet sites for extra money, as incentive for all who choose to work for us.*
Content creator understands, that if they decide to color the comics themselves, they Do Not get any royalties for doing so.*
this is so we can give actual colorists a job.*

9-B.) While M.K.U.I.I. is Not a non profit organization, "we are a For profit organization," we donate a mandatory half of all net proceeds after taxation, to a charity per month of publication. This is on all merchandise sold.*
Content Creator understands that he or she must abide by our market caps on pay raises because of this.*** Mkuii gives special collectibles as payment, that content creator can sell for twice the collectors value as extra payment, in lieu of Raises past our market cap.**(Our Mkuii for profit entity, only keeps three thousand (3000) dollars per one month of publication. **All other profit is either distributed to employees as bonuses, put back into our company for things needed to publish, or given to charity.**)

10.)*Colorists: -As M.K.U.I.I. does not hire inker's or letterers, all colorists must do a line art filter for the inking, drop shadows, and letter the comics in photoshop. they are to be instructed by content creator in a polite, timely manor, on coloring changes, light source changes, script changes, or any changes to said script. they are to be given a copy of the written script, and the full artwork as soon as possible by M.K.U.I.I., and Content creator.
colorists get two hundred (200) dollars per page starting out.*
with room for raises to three hundred (300) and four hundred (400) dollars per one page.* colorists might get bonuses, as long as M.K.U.I.I. sees 1 thousand copies sold.*
the bonus for colorists is (1000.) one thousand dollars, for every one thousand units sold.* content creator understands infighting with colorists can cause late products, and is grounds for dismissal/termination of this contract.* all colorists are seen as project managers, as they are the last to see the comics, before comics see print with non petroleum based plastics as simulated paper stock.* any errors are to be reported to Mkuii as soon as possible before printing occurs.*

10-A.)*We do "exclusive 33 month contracts" for five (5) separate monthly ongoing series 33--38 page's each for colorists.
This contract is also meant to facilitate a colorist contract, to limit multiple different contracts being necessitated.*
They ink with a line art filter in Photoshop, they letter the pages, and put shadows in.* "Exclusive," means you can't work for any other comic's company but us, while you are in this legal and binding exclusive contract.*

10-B.)*It's 200 dollars per page, starting.*
and the colorists are the last people to see the books before we print them. So colorists are usually given script, shadow, light, and color changes as early as possible, and are considered partial project managers.*
If colorists do well, and follow directions, we might give 300 or even up to 400 dollars per page.*
Note that: four hundred dollars per page, is our market cap for colorists.* We won't be giving pay raises after this, but may give additional collectables that can be sold on internet sites for extra money as incentive.*

11.) *Colorists, artists, writers, and content creators, get free merchandise, that they can then sell for "collectors value."*
13 free copies of the comics signed, and 13 separate action figures, t-shirts, and hats, and dvd merchandise. Sometimes more, if Mkuii feels that they have excelled and sold several copies of the comic's.* they may re-sell this merchandise online at will. And at times for two, or possibly 3 times the current market value, as they are considered collectibles*

12.)* I understand the requirements and workload given to be by M.K.U.I.I. including:
All parties M.K.U.I.I. employs must at one time or another, during the course of (33) thirty three months, agree to work together and create "safe, and polite working environments.*
Content Creator agrees that he or she will not cause arguments that result in late products.*"

12-A.)* Content Creator agrees that this means holding civil e-mail, and other exchanges with others M.K.U.I.I. employs, to facilitate creating comic book series Content Creator is contracted through this agreement to work on. Content Creator observes that "M.K.U.I.I. will not tolerate any Infighting, with or between employees what so ever.*" Any infighting at all, is cause for termination of this contract, and the employment of Content Creator.*

13.)* Workload: The number of pages per Month is 33 -38 pages for two (2) ongoing books, for a total of 66-71 pages of art coloring, and writing per month. Content Creator will refrain from divulging any information about the scripts, until 14 page previews are released by M.K.U.I.I.*
Quantity: The total number of issues due this first (1st) contract year, is 24 issues of 66-71 pages.12 issues of the book Content Creator creates, and 12 issues of the book Content Creator is working on for M.K.U.I.I., 33-38 pages each book/series.*

The total number of months per this and most contractual agreements from M.K.U.I.I., is thirty three (33) months.* The total number of issues per this legal contract is thirty three (33) issues.* Current Contact information:
Shawn Lee Wood facebook.
Action’s site Studios, page, and
Mythology Kingdom Unbound ink/inc., also on facebook dot com.*

13-A.)* Content Creator understands that this is a legal and binding “exclusive” contractual agreement. Content Creator may not work for, with, or apply, to any other Comic Book entertainment company, or any other company that owns a comic book and Entertainment Company.***
Content Creator agrees that M.K.U.I.I. is the "only" Comic Book and Entertainment Company that Content Creator may work with or for, during the duration of this legal and binding contract listed above as thirty three (33) months of two (2) separate comic book periodical series, thirty three(33-38) pages each series. Twelve (12) issues per year for series one (1), and twelve (12) issues per year for series two (2).*

13-B.)* The pages are due for the M.K.U.I.I. book on the 3rd of every Month, and the pages for the Content Creator’s book are due on the 18th of every Month.* 9 full issues of both series content creator is working on, are due within six (6) months of start/hire date, once this legal and binding contract is signed and dated by both M.K.U.I.I., and content creator.*

Please note that on either book, we do not usually release the first issue for sale, until issue number nine (9) is handed in to our company in full.* This means M.K.U.I.I. needs time to color the 33-38 pages in Photoshop, unless Content Creator is going to do this themselves.*note that only those hired as specifically colorists, are paid for coloring.* if content creator is hired as an artist/writer, he or she understands, that he or she will Not be paid for coloring either series.* and will Only be paid for scripts and artwork.* this is so our colorists have viable work.*
(*the first nine issues of both series we have Content Creator working on, are due within 6 months of hire date and the signing by both parties of this contract.*)

14.)*M.K.U.I.I. is to be sure Content Creator has the script by as close to two (2) Months in advance of start date, as humanly possible for the books Content Creator is working on for them. And two (2) months in advance of start date for their creator owned project.
(Which they are responsible for providing themselves.) Otherwise, Content Creator will be granted additional time to work on the pages equal to the amount of days the script was late.

14-A.)* Editing:
(M.K.U.I.I. will only edit for grammar, page count, and spell check Only, not content of books.*) All M.K.U.I.I. books are NC-17 +*, not necessarily because of adult content, but just in case an author/creator wants to put adult content in their creator owned works.
*Editor's are not managers, and don't have a say in the series content.*

15.)* Content Creator acknowledges he or she might be removed from one M.K.U.I.I. and Shawn Lee Wood created comic book property, in exchange for being put on another that better suits their talents at any time, during the thirty three (33) month duration of this contract.* --This is so the artists who best reflect each individual character, or team of characters, has a chance to shine with those characters. Content Creator is only responsible for finishing their contract only, not other people’s contracts.* If Content Creator is moved to another title/series, but only has three months left in his or her contract, then Content creator is only responsible for doing three months’ worth of issues, unless a new contract is signed.*

15-A.)* Promotional: M.K.U.I.I. requires fourteen (14) full page previews available to the general public for promotional purposes. Content Creator has permission to use artwork for promotional materials for Comic Project Title. Including: Business cards, Prints, Banners, Posters, and additional promotional material, excluding: final copies of the full books. These can be promoted on any internet site that legally allows promotion.* our comics are 33-38 pages each, not counting ad space.* this includes Content creators series.*

16.)* Mass Merchandise:
Selling Artwork for others to use:
Content Creator may license the secondary copyrights out of characters they created and legally own, to put artwork on T-shirts, prints, hats, posters, greeting cards, and business cards.* M.K.U.I.I. does not expect any royalty for this, unless one of our characters that Shawn Lee Wood and M.K.U.I.I. created, also appears on or in the items.*
If one of the M.K.U.I.I. characters Shawn Lee Wood created also appears on or in the item, forty two percent (42%) of all net sales after taxation, must be compensated to M.K.U.I.I. For utilization of the companies copyrights/trademarks Shawn Lee Wood created.*

16-A.)* M.K.U.I.I. will also be creating Action figures and toys off of any and all characters we publish, including the creator owned characters, from creators that join us through this contract. After sale, creators get 72% net pay after taxation.*
M.K.U.I.I. will be using non petroleum based plastics, for both simulated paper, and action figures/collectibles.
no trees are harmed, no oil base is utilized.*
All parties of this legal and binding exclusive contract, Will promote the use of All manner of green energy solutions the company utilizes.*

17.)* FILM RIGHTS: “content creator” has All rights, trademarks, and copyrights of anything he or she "Creates." Including mass merchandise, and film rights.*
M.K.U.I.I. has publishing rights and promotional rights only, of any character “content creator” creates.**
While M.K.U.I.I. does do animated films through Daz Studio 3D, “content creator” may choose another production house, provided “creator” retains all "first copyrights" and trademarks of their creations.*
If any other third party has creator sign away these first rights, creator understands that this is cause for termination of this agreement.**
The "second and third copyrights", and trademarks can legally be licensed out to third parties Only.* Not the first copyrights and trademarks.***

18.) Claiming artwork was done by them. --Some late books published by M.K.U.I.I. and Action’s site Studio's, will be finished with 3D artwork rendering programs akin to Daz studio 3D. * In every instance this is forced by Artwork being turned in late, M.K.U.I.I. will credit and pay all artists involved with the finished and published work “only.” *M.K.U.I.I. reserves the right to withhold any payment for late products, unless valid reasons and situations warrant leniency. Death,/death in the family, stranded with no way to get home, legal issues, and other issues that arise, that could cause late artwork, must be submitted to M.K.U.I.I. as close to when they happened as humanly possible.* M.K.U.I.I. reserves the right to sue content creator, in the event a new content creator has to be hired because of any of the above mentioned paragraphs in this contract.
the amount is equal to the amount to hire, and steadily pay a new content creator for three (3) months worth of work.**

19.)* 3D rendering as comic book artwork: M.K.U.I.I. currently utilizes Daz studio 3D modeling programs to create comics, and animated films. All artists and creators are allowed to utilize the same programs if they wish, to do their comics.*
Those who sign this contract as 3D artists using these programs, must provide universal texture matts, and symbol matts that work with clothing/bodysuits for sale by Daz studio’s main website.**
The program Daz studio is free, the content is sometimes not free. M.K.U.I.I. does not pay for said content for the artist. The creator/artist must purchase or create the content they require to work with themselves.*
The program has a separate program that comes free with it, to create suits/bodysuits.

19-A.)* The colorists sometimes use a special line art filter, to at times make 3d artwork look two dimensional.*
It will be stated in a Caption when this is done, and on "every series it is done in."*

20.)* Removing my name: Any and all creators, writers, 3D artists, programmers, artists, Photoshop colorists, that quit, are fired, or leave M.K.U.I.I. at any time, will have their names removed from our roster and comics/merchandise. In this instance all characters they created leave the company with them, and are theirs in copyright and trademark.*
M.K.U.I.I. reserves the right to create a: "like-character," or parody character, to explain past team ups and story arcs with M.K.U.I.I. pantheon characters.*
That character will bear a different copyright and trademark, when mentioned in future M.K.U.I.I. comics/films/works, but will have the same power sets, and an akin uniform, to the Content Creators previous character. Content Creator will allow this parody character or characters, to be created by Shawn Lee Wood, provided they bear a differentiated copyright and trademark codename.* content creator understands this new derivative work is Not theirs in copyright or trademark, but is owned by Shawn Lee Wood and M.K.U.I.I.*

20-A.)* On the condition that I am given full credit for the artwork, including, but not limited to, how credit is given: All M.K.U.I.I. creators, artists, colorists, and writers, are credited in the front interior cover of the book, and on the bottom of the first page of the book.*
(We do not hire or utilize inkers.* If an artist/creator wants to also ink the book, he or she can, but will not get a credit for this, and will not be paid for this.*
(We do the inking job with a line art filter in Photoshop.) We also credit every time we promote the work.*

[ I hereby grant M.K.U.I.I. Permission to sell my artwork related to “Comic Project Title.”
I maintain rights to have my name listed on all products made using my artwork.* Merchandise is permitted, as long as Conditions are met in above paragraph regarding merchandise.*
The agreed upon payment for the use of this artwork will be Seventy five dollars ($75.00) U.S. per page, thirty three (33-38) pages per book, two separate books per month.
One book M.K.U.I.I. created, and one creator owned and created. In addition, creator owned book sales grants creator eighty percent (80%) of net royalties after taxes, with M.K.U.I.I. getting the remaining twenty percent (20%) net pay, after taxes.*
And M.K.U.I.I. owned and created book content creator is working on, grants content creator twenty percent (20%) net, after taxation.* and a separate 75 dollars per page rate.*

“content Creator “owns any characters he or she creates outright, in trademark and copyright. Including all film and series rights.*
M.K.U.I.I. and Shawn Lee Wood, own all characters he and M.K.U.I.I. created.*

22.) Payment: no upfront payment is allowed by M.K.U.I.I. or Action’s site Studios.*
“Content Creator” is paid one month and three days mandatory "after first date/day of actual sale." This is so all parties involved, have the chance to have taxes paid, and possible bonuses assessed.* “Creator” is responsible for claiming payment through e-mail or online discourse, before legal action, if proper payment is not received by this time.*
content creator must have a record of attempt to collect through messages via Facebook messenger and email.*

22-A.) For Payment: no upfront payment of any kind is allowed by M.K.U.I.I. or Action’s site Studios. “Creator” is paid one month and three days mandatory after first date/day of actual sale. This is so all parties involved have the chance to have taxes paid, and possible bonuses assessed. “Creator” is responsible for claiming payment through e-mail or online discourse before legal action, if proper payment is not received by this time.**

22-B.)*Cover Credit: I (content creator) will be credited on the front inside cover, as the cover artist on all books printed, where I did the artwork for the cover.* content creator will also be credited on the first splash page, and first actual comic page in the book, for writing, and artwork, where they did so.
colorists will also be credited on those pages.*
We at times do A. B. C. And D. Alternate covers. Only the artists who drew those covers, or finished them in daz studio 3d, will be credited for those works they did.***

23.)* Renumbering:
At M.K.U.I.I., we renumber after every 33rd issue, within the same continuity, every time. The first series will have 34 issues, because there is a zero issue in it, before issue 1. But every subsequent series will be issues 1, through 33 every time. Then it starts over at 1.*
(Example: Unbound, series 1, issues 0--33*, and Unbound second series issues 1--33, & Unbound third series, issues 1--33.*)
It will be this way with "all books" M.K.U.I.I. publishes.* including the content creators book.*

23-A.)* I content creator, will have my name listed on Website of Comic Project. (This can be a DeviantArt page as well)* I agree to deliver my artwork to Creator and M.K.U.I.I., as a 300-350 DPI graphics files (Format requested.) via Delivery method, or other mutually agreed upon verbal delivery method. (File format can be .tiff, .jpg, .png, .psd, or whatever is agreed upon. Delivery method can be, and is Facebook messaging, etc.*) all pages will be messaged separately to our accounts on facebook.
Page 1 in a format that can be right clicked and copied yet also blown up to be fully colored, then page two, through pages 33 to possibly 38. All pages must be in pencil or pen and ink only. No shadows, lettering, or inking, is done by the writer artist. We just need clear linework.
The Colorists take care of Shadows, lettering, and inking.*

24.)* Graphic novels: All M.K.U.I.I. graphic novels are extra work, that all Content Creators have the opportunity to complete at will. All regular issues/series must be completed per month before Content Creator engages into graphic novel format.* Since Graphic Novels are usually bigger in size, page count, and scope, Content Creator may take as long as is necessary to complete the work, and still fulfill the other obligations of this contract. Unless M.K.U.I.I. states otherwise, and sets a specific date and time limit.*
graphic novels are also used as punishment at M.K.U.I.I., for not getting along well with co-workers.* content creator may be paired with any other content creator, to work on graphic novel comic books. this is a deterrent for bad behavior on both parties side. And has a "limited amount" of time for completion, determined by M.K.U.I.I.*
We try this, before we fire anyone.
Which becomes the next step.*

25.)* Commissions:
Content Creator May not draw other companies characters while working for M.K.U.I.I.:
Several artists and creators, often draw other companies characters without permission, and sell them at conventions or on websites, thus making money on these characters without owning them.*
And in some cases without even working for the companies that do own them, or Without purchasing a valid legal "secondary license" from said companies.**
--M.K.U.I.I. frowns upon this practice, as it could eventually lead to lawsuits by the other companies that do own the characters.*

While Content Creator is in this exclusive contract with M.K.U.I.I., Content Creator
"will Not" do commission sketches of characters he or she did not create, or that M.K.U.I.I. did not create for profit.*
Content Creator may however, create sketches of "public domain characters" other companies claim copyrights on, as those characters have legally lapsed, and can be proven to have legally lapsed into the public domain in court.*
--M.K.U.I.I. will provide a list of lapsed, public domain characters, as soon as content creator joins the company.*

26.)* I hereby affirm that all artworks and other creations covered under this agreement are original and created by me, and that I own the rights granted under this agreement, and that the rights granted here under, are not encumbered by any other agreement, which would conflict with this legal and binding agreement.*
I indemnify and hold harmless M.K.U.I.I. or Shawn Lee Wood, from any fees, or damages resulting from a finally sustained lawsuit brought against the use of my artwork, due to plagiarism or other theft.**
--You are promising the art you deliver is yours.That Content Creator didn’t get someone else to do it, or steal it. Or re-color artwork done by someone else.*

27.)* Models:
M.K.U.I.I. does 3 Magazines, that require both 3d artwork through programs like Daz studio 3d, and also may use real live models.
Attention to Action Magazine,
the M.K.u.i.i.: Watchtower, and
the Knights of the Musketeers.*
All Models are to receive a 500 dollar sitting fee, for a hundred and thirty three (133) pictures taken of them in character cosplay.* They then help choose 33 of those that may appear in the above mentioned magazines. These magazines and our comic's line, are printed with non petroleum based plastics as simulated paper stock. and we use a form of this for action figures as well.* all models will promote the use of green energy solutions.*

28.) Green energy solutions:
Solar, Wind, Tidal where applicable, non petroleum based plastics as simulated paper stock, and action figures, virtical farming, and all electric vehicles like the bolt, or the tesla semi trucks for shipping, will be used at M.K.U.I.I. for all applications, products, and distribution. All Content Creators, employees, Colorists, and Models, are to promote their usage.*

Sign here: ______________________________ Company Sign here: ______________________________
Content Creator Name: ______________________________
Date: ___________
Notarize: ______________________________
Artist Name: ______________________________
Date: ___________
Notarize: ______________________________ Sign here: ______________________________
Content Creator Name: ______________________________
Date: ___________
Notarize: ______________________________ Sign here: ______________________________
Content Creator Name: ______________________________
Date: ___________Address:____________________________Notarize: ______________________________
____________________ Instructions (not part of this agreement): If these terms are acceptable to you, please print out and sign two (2) copies of this agreement. Don't forget your shipping address. Retain one copy of this agreement for your files and mail one copy to: __________________________________________________ =======Final Notes=======*




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