God is a....open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it....type of God!
God is Amazing! 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
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I am so grateful for the book photos, and for those that make purchases, and just over all show their support! 💜💜🤗
To embark on a new journey is never easy. This is why many always look back on a thriving venture to a time they were up all night. A time of being tired of working overtime, not knowing if it would be worth it. That time of just trying to stay encouraged when the new path seems to be unsuccessful.
When an artist starts a new sketch, it may be hard to know what it can become when it's still in the "rough draft" phase. But upon that polishing, that experience; that only comes when you keep going no matter how it looks at that moment. It's then you start to see the beauty that was deemed to manifest all along; but just not possible to see at the start.
Those that are there in the beginning will never be forgotten!! These photos that I get in this "start" will be hanging above my writing station when I am at that moment of "look back"
I do appreciate all of you that show support. Nothing is too small, a like, share and comment will be appreciated as well.