A quick 2024 wrap up from ETR HQ.
Its been a great year all round for Australian music. We managed to release a few records into the rock n' roll wilderness.
1. A reissue/micropressing of Chimers Generator 7" (chimers also put out a fantastic album on Poison City Records)
2. The Strike Outs album - which people seem to like for some reason...
3. A limited split single with The Dark Clouds full of Ramones tracks.
4. and Crankees killer debut album.
We also managed to wrangle a few shows around the place too. Still a highlight was putting together Grazza-fest (with our good bud Glenno) for our sorely missed mate Graham, ROCKS packing out the MoshPit Bar, all 4 of the Ramones Appreciation nights and finally, getting the Stripp back to Sydney for some totally killer rock action.
Massive thanks to everyone that bought a record, came to a show or both.
We hope 2025 is a top one for ya full of great music and good times.
See ya on the other side.