Avery Skipalis brings you a quick video on how firearm storage is a thoughtful and much-appreciated gift this holiday season.
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#womenandfirearms #GLOCK #WON #WomensOutdoorNews #firearmsafety #gunstorage #gunsafety #firearmstorage #safegunhandling #womenandguns #newgunowners #safegunstorage
Melissa Bachman, outdoor icon and host of “Winchester Deadly Passion,” reflects on the importance of safe gun handling and storage.
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#ProjectChildSafe #firearmsafety #womensoutdoornews #NSSF #melissabachman
Becky Yackley, pro-shooter for Stag Arms, addresses the question of whether to build or buy an AR rifle?
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#stagarms #AERO #AR #MSR #outofthebox #RifleBuild
It would take Olympic strength to accomplish this Colorado elk hunt. Lanny Barnes describes a recent hunt in the mountains, with her twin sister.
To read it search, “Colorado Elk Hunt: Bad Weather and Hungry Predators.”
#elkhunt #huntcolorado #huntingelk #Fiocchi
Nancy Keaton invites a couple of friends to the range to make shooting practice fun again, using a Walther PDP F-Series and cool targets.
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#WaltherPDP #RangeTime #ontherange #rangefun
Stag Arms’ pro-shooter Becky Yackley walks us through why we, as Americans, should embrace ownership of MSRs, aka AR-15s. She highlights the evolution of this type of firearms over the past 30 years.
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#MSR #AR15 #womensoutdoornews #ontherange
Michelle Cerino learns why three females chose to protect themselves, especially since they carry for personal defense, with CCW Safe memberships.
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#CCWSafe #personalprotection #concealedcarry #personaldefense
GLOCK, Women’s Outdoor News, and Avery Skipalis bring you a quick video on essential practices for responsible gun ownership on and off the firing range.
Read it at The WON!
#womenandfirearms #GLOCK #GLOCKperfection #WomensOutdoorNews #firearmsafety #rangesafety #gunsafety #personalsafety #safegunhandling #womenandguns #newgunowners
Andrea Bogard takes the Taurus GX4 from a place of concealment to unconcealed carry, and describes why and how.
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Courtney Nicolson gives excellent advice for traveling in the U.S. with a firearm.
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#shorts #traveling #ProjectChildSafe #NSSF #travelingwithfirearms
Andrea Bogard talks to designing people who do more with pheasant feathers than taxidermy mounts. Find out how you can display this beautiful plumage, and even, wear it!
Read it at The WON!
#shorts #pheasants #travelsouthdakota #huntsouthdakota #pheasantfeathers
Lanny Barnes takes to the grouse woods at high elevations in Colorado, along with her sister, niece and nephew. Find out what other benefits other than bagging grouse can be found with early-season mountain hunting.
Read it at The WON
#short #grousehunting #fiocchi #grouse #shorts