Keeping Well Podcast

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Keeping Well Podcast A podcast about mental health and how to keep well

Sometimes, for one reason or another, we are afraid to let our voice be heard. Other times, our voice may have been take...

Sometimes, for one reason or another, we are afraid to let our voice be heard. Other times, our voice may have been taken away from us. Hershey shares the importance of giving a voice to all people, especially to those who have undergone something unspeakable. When we lose our voice, we lose our power. When we lose our power, we lose a light in ourselves. We lose our will. We lose our spark.

What’s one thing you have been fearful of expressing, and how can you slowly move toward sharing it in a safe and authentic way? Let us be mindful as well of those around us who may feel they lack the opportunity to speak, and lend our ears to them compassionately.

April 22 - Happy Earth Day. Was happy to spend the day in one of the last remaining green oases in the city. Earth is ou...

April 22 - Happy Earth Day. Was happy to spend the day in one of the last remaining green oases in the city. Earth is our home just as our bodies are our home. Just as it’s important to feed and regenerate our soil, can we remember to nourish our bodies with healthy nutrients? Just as we wish to breathe in fresh air, can we ensure the thoughts floating in our minds are helpful thoughts, not destructive ones? And just as we look to purify our waterways, can we allow our emotions to flow through us, as rivers flow to the ocean?

May we continue to care about the spaces we inhabit, both without and within. 🌳🙏🏻

Words can be powerful. How you tell your story, how you frame it, makes all the difference in how it can affect you or e...

Words can be powerful. How you tell your story, how you frame it, makes all the difference in how it can affect you or empower you. Hershey shares the difference between victimhood and victory, and how she was able to transition from one to the other. What’s a story of an experience you had that you can reframe today?

Happy Easter to all ✨ Whether or not you celebrate, may we take inspiration from the story of Jesus’ resurrection from t...

Happy Easter to all ✨ Whether or not you celebrate, may we take inspiration from the story of Jesus’ resurrection from the dead and connect to the themes of renewal and rebirth. What habits, fears, or beliefs can you let go of as the Northern Hemisphere transitions into spring, when the plant kingdom rises and flourishes anew? What seeds of strength, support, and hope can you plant so that they may sprout in due time? Inviting you into a moment of reflection 🎐🌱🌼🌸

Self-forgiveness is difficult but sometimes (or often) necessary to jumpstart healing. Hershey wisely shares that we don...

Self-forgiveness is difficult but sometimes (or often) necessary to jumpstart healing. Hershey wisely shares that we don’t need hatred from ourselves, instead we need support and love. Because if we don’t have our own backs, who will?


After a year-long hiatus, we are back with episode 5 💫

In this episode, I speak with Hershey Neri, an actor, comedian, healing advocate, and fellow psychology masters student. We speak about her story of personal healing and growth. She shares vulnerably about her experience of assault at the age of 19 and how she’s since been able to find empowerment and rewrite her narrative. We hope this episode helps those who may have gone through a similar experience, or those who know people who have.

In this clip, Hershey speaks of trauma as a wound that needs to be tended to, and that over time becomes a scar. Scars may be viewed as beautiful reminders of pain we’ve endured and bravely overcome. What is a scar you have that you can be proud of?

Listen to the full episode here:

Trigger warning: this episode includes mentions of assault and su***de. Listener discretion is advised. The episode is also available on Apple Podcasts and Amazon Music.

What makes a true friendship? A true friendship involves trust that the other will receive whatever you share with utmos...

What makes a true friendship? A true friendship involves trust that the other will receive whatever you share with utmost care. Casto shares that building and maintaining friendships is a part of his self-care. What a revolutionary - yet obvious! - concept. Of course nurturing connection is a form of self care. Humans are wired for connection. It’s what brings color to our lives and what helps regulate our emotions. How can you be intentional in nourishing your friendships today?

In third grade my class had a caterpillar as a class pet. We watched as it slowly developed into a cocoon, and then one ...

In third grade my class had a caterpillar as a class pet. We watched as it slowly developed into a cocoon, and then one day, bloodily broke out of its shell as a butterfly. It was maybe one of the first times I witnessed transformation happen before my eyes. The metaphor of metamorphosis is relevant to each of us. In certain seasons we retire into our cocoons; in others we shine and fly like butterflies. This can (and does) happen many times over a lifetime. Like the bears that hibernate all through winter to gather enough energy for spring, can we honor each season of life, relaxing into our cocooning phases, so that we can later enjoy our phases of flight?

On a personal level, I’ve been having some mental health struggles recently, and have unfortunately been beating myself up over them. Yesterday I came to an insight - perhaps I am again back in a cocooning phase, and perhaps I can strive to remain aware and accept where I am, because there is a reason I’m here. There’s nothing to change or fix - it’s all part of the natural cycle of life. If you can relate, I invite you to reflect on whether you are cocooning, what you are cocooning for, and whether you can see the gifts in this phase. Stay patient, be kind to yourself, reach out to others even though it may feel so comfortable and dark in that cocoon, and allow things to unfold. One day you will again take flight. 🐛🟤🦋

Reframing self-care as self-awareness. Can we get still enough on a regular basis, get in touch with our true authentic ...

Reframing self-care as self-awareness. Can we get still enough on a regular basis, get in touch with our true authentic core, so that we can notice when something is off, rather than just brushing it aside or ignoring it? Can we make the time for ourselves to feel whatever it is we need to feel, so we can understand where those feelings are coming from, so we can accept they exist and learn to befriend them? Awareness is always the first step to growth, and self-care - whatever form that takes - is paramount to getting to a place of stability and conscious witnessing. It’s definitely easier said than done, but self-care is a practice that will look different every time. The more we practice, the more familiar we become with how we can best care for ourselves, and the easier it’ll get the next time to recognize whether we need something and what it is we need in any given moment.


Episode 4 is live, and it’s a good one!

I speak with Casto, a good friend, about his journey with his mental health and bipolar disorder. We dive deep into the onset of his disorder, symptoms, diagnosis, management, and the coping methods he’s learned along the way. I’m so proud of Casto for speaking and owning his truth! We hope this episode helps spread awareness about bipolar - both for people who may be experiencing symptoms, and for those with a friend or family member with the disorder.

Listen to the full episode here:

A precautionary trigger warning: the episode contains mentions of suicidal ideation, so listener discretion is advised. The episode is also available on Spotify and Apple Podcasts.

When you’ve set a movement goal in the past, have you given yourself the grace to listen to your body and what it needs ...

When you’ve set a movement goal in the past, have you given yourself the grace to listen to your body and what it needs from moment to moment? Kristine shares that intuitive movement is an important piece in holistic wellness. Can we honor where our bodies are at, thank them for what they do for us, get fit and well, and have fun in the process? 💪🏻⭐️

This is my sister and her husband’s dog, Daisy. Though I’ve only spent limited time with her in her five and a half year...

This is my sister and her husband’s dog, Daisy. Though I’ve only spent limited time with her in her five and a half years on earth so far, when I reflect back, I find she’s provided me with some valuable lessons.

Dogs are like children, in that they can sense when you are feeling down and will intuitively come to comfort you. In doing this, they help you get in touch with your feelings and realize that yes, you would indeed welcome some comfort and assurance in that moment. I’m grateful to have been able to experience this type of connection with Daisy.

Aside from that, I think we have much to learn from dogs in terms of resting when we are tired. Dogs are so great at just dropping to the ground whenever, wherever, and resting without any guilt or shame. As someone who often feels she needs to always be doing something, I find this a much-needed reminder - to allow myself to slow down and just rest when that’s what I need.

What about you, what are some lessons you’ve learned from your furry friends, or even your family and friends’ furry friends? Feel free to share below. I believe every creature you meet is a teacher, no matter how many legs they have! 🐶❤️

Yes, yes, yes! Kristine shares in our episode the importance of trusting the process. A woman after my own heart. I trul...

Yes, yes, yes! Kristine shares in our episode the importance of trusting the process. A woman after my own heart. I truly believe that nothing is a mistake, and every experience we have is just a signpost guiding us to the direction we’re meant to journey toward.

For more reminders and great sharings on holistic wellness, listen to our latest episode!

I feel an affinity toward turtles. I’m not sure why, but it’s been that way for the past number of years now. Something ...

I feel an affinity toward turtles. I’m not sure why, but it’s been that way for the past number of years now. Something about the way they take their time on land, a seemingly slow creature, yet when they get to sea, they can soar at great speeds. Underneath their calm, dawdling exterior lies a lot of strength.

A lot has been happening in the world recently, and it can feel like too much to handle. Amongst all the calamity, violence and injustice, where can we stand? Is there space for us? What can we say or do? It can be easy to feel helpless. I’d like to invite you, however, to try to sit with whatever you feel, to perhaps meditate on our common humanity. We aren’t responsible for the sufferings in the world, but that doesn’t mean we can’t do our small part, in our own small way, to make a difference. Remember where we all came from and to where we’re all headed - love. Underneath all the suffering and pain and anguish is love. Love for ourselves, our families, our communities, for mankind, for all sentient beings. For Mother Earth. Can we stay connected to this love even among all that’s happening?

Just as baby turtles are hatched on land and need to make their way back to sea, can we remember that we are born into this world, but that our job, a lot of our work here, is to find our way back to the ocean of love from which we came?

Inviting you to return to love today 💙

On how to cultivate the right mindset when it comes to any goal you may have in life … importantly, when it comes to kee...

On how to cultivate the right mindset when it comes to any goal you may have in life … importantly, when it comes to keeping well. Kristine shares it’s all about uncovering your true motivation. Whether the goal is big or small, as long as you have a strong enough “why”, you’ll be able to keep your head above water even when times are tough.

What is one goal you have, what is your intention behind it, and what is your why?


Episode 3 is live!

Join me as I speak with Kristine Crouch , a holistic wellness and transformational coach. We discuss everything from gut health, to cultivating a healthy mindset, to intuitive eating and movement. Kristine is a true inspiration when it comes to healthy living. I hope you find some helpful nuggets of wisdom in this one. 🥦💪🏻💚

Head on over to to listen.
Episodes are also available on Spotify or Apple Podcasts


As I enjoy time at the beach, I can’t help but think of how long it took each grain of sand to come into being. It likely took hundreds, if not thousands of years for rocks to be eroded by the ocean and eventually polished into these perfect little granules.

Can we think of our life journeys in the same way? There’s no need to rush into anything or enforce a strict timeline - good things come in time. Just as in nature, things unfold in their right season. No grain of sand is identical, and similarly, each of us is unique. Can we see ourselves as grains of sand - letting ourselves be molded by our life experiences and relationships, slowly becoming perfect little granules making up the entirety of humanity, without need to rush or speed up time?

Spot the baby moon.What new stories can you write, what new habits can you welcome, what new thought patterns can you st...

Spot the baby moon.

What new stories can you write, what new habits can you welcome, what new thought patterns can you start shifting to, in this new lunar cycle?

Every day is a chance to begin anew. Remember that when you may feel discouraged or at your wits’ end. Take a deep breath (or two, or three), calm your nervous system as much as you are able, and maybe feel a baby smile sprouting on your face. Life has its ups and downs - that’s inevitable. Can you ride the wave of life and await the upsurge? Because it will come - and when it does, you will feel you have been rebirthed brighter, stronger, wiser.

Language, the words we use to communicate, and the meanings behind them are so important.Can we change the narrative of ...

Language, the words we use to communicate, and the meanings behind them are so important.

Can we change the narrative of how we speak about people with “disabilities”, and speak of them fondly as having Exceptionalities instead?

Thanks to Macy for this beautiful insight.

A bit belated, but wishing all a Happy Lunar New Year. In my culture I would say Happy Chinese New Year, but I recognize...

A bit belated, but wishing all a Happy Lunar New Year. In my culture I would say Happy Chinese New Year, but I recognize other cultures celebrate the lunar new year as well.

May this year of the Tiger help ignite our inner fire and tiger/tigress energy, help us roar louder and chase after our dreams. May it help us find the strength to face our challenges and overcome them in our own time, in our own way.

On this 2/2/2022, may we also acknowledge the duality that exists in each of us and honor all sides of us - the dark and light, the strong and soft, the loud and quiet. May we see that none is better than the other as each plays a part. We need both the yin and yang to find a harmonious balance.

Hoping you are able to spend some time communing with loved ones or friends wherever you are, as we move together through (in many parts of the world) the coldest time of the year and anticipate warmer days ahead. 🔥🌞🐯


Wise words from a 20-year-old.Can we open up to each other, be more vulnerable, and share our true selves, so that colle...

Wise words from a 20-year-old.

Can we open up to each other, be more vulnerable, and share our true selves, so that collective healing can begin? 🌱

Call for voice messages ! 🔈Our inbox is now open for any voice recordings you might want to send us about anything you m...

Call for voice messages ! 🔈

Our inbox is now open for any voice recordings you might want to send us about anything you may be going through and would like another human to help you weather. Am brewing up a potentially monthly or bimonthly series of episodes called AFOHTA - Advice from One Human to Another.

Putting this out there and planting this seed. Should you feel called to send in a message at any time, you can do so at (look for the Message button). You may be featured in an upcoming episode with some feedback from yours truly.


Our second episode is live!

Joining us is Macy Lee, a college student who is out in the world doing amazing things, including advocating for mental health.

Here she shared about something I so wish I had been aware of at her age - that we all take on different roles in life, and that during college, it’s important to keep this broader perspective in mind as you transition into being a young adult.

Keeping these varying roles in mind can help with mental health by providing perspective when we may feel stuck or overwhelmed in one area of our lives. It can help to keep in mind that in our roles as siblings, daughters, sons, friends - these relationships are two-way and can provide the support we need through challenging times.

Our episodes are available on Spotify and Apple Podcasts. Links to these platforms can be found here:



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