Святкуем Дзень Святога Патрыка з Congressman Brian Fitzpatrick але не забываем і пра Беларусь
Як прэдстаунікі суполкі Belarus Freedom - Philadelphia мы прэзентавплі Браяну сцяг суполкі беларусау Філадэльфіі а такама перадалі Браяну лісты-запросы да кангрэса наконт падтрымкі Беларусі
У гэтам лісце мы просім аб падтрымке:
1. Demand that the Department of State urgently and expeditiously appoint a
Special Envoy for Belarus
2. Request a briefing from DHS regarding TPS for Belarus
3. $95 billion security assistance package for Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan
must pass the House of Representatives
4. Enforce secondary sanctions on any actors helping Russia and Belarus
avoid sanctions
5. Request a briefing from DHS regarding TPS for Belarus
6. Support the Senate Bill #3395 — Belarus Democracy, Human Rights, and Sovereignty Act of 2023 (initially adopted in 2004 and renewed in 2006, 2011, and 2020)
7. Adopt a Uniting for Belarus pathway (parole) for Belarusians fleeing from the continued persecution by the Lukashenka regimeП