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Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews has been served with a multi billion dollar class-action lawsuit by Sydney-based law fi...

Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews has been served with a multi billion dollar class-action lawsuit by Sydney-based law firm, Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan.

The class action suit, created by Melbourne businesses affected by the stage four COVID-19 lockdowns, claims failures by Premier Andrews in managing the hotel quarantine system led to the draconian restrictions which have decimated their trade and livelihoods.

Partner at Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan, Damian Scattini, said his firm was approached by pubs, gyms, retail, sporting facilities and professional services, all whose businesses have been adversely and severely impacted by lockdowns.

'The class action provides a path to compensation for losses that were beyond their control and not brought about by them', said Mr Scattini.

Dan Andrews and Victorian ministers have been served with a multi-billion-dollar lawsuit by Melbourne businesses affected by lock-downs

On Sunday, Japan's Okinawa prefecture banned the use of the Moderna Inc (MRNA.O) COVID-19 vaccine after reports of conta...

On Sunday, Japan's Okinawa prefecture banned the use of the Moderna Inc (MRNA.O) COVID-19 vaccine after reports of contamination surfaced from several vaccination centres in the region, public broadcaster NHK reported.

This comes a day after two people allegedly died after receiving the Moderna vaccine jabs that were among the lots suspended following the discovery of contaminations.

Japan's Health Ministry on Saturday, August 28, said in a release that deceased persons were in their 30s and they died days after receiving their second Moderna shots. However, the cause of the death is yet to be ascertained, the ministry added.

The NHK, in its report, said that black substances were spotted in syringes and vials, while pink substances were found in a different syringe that was filled with the vaccine at one of the vaccination centres in Okinawa.

Japan's Okinawa prefecture suspended the use of the Moderna Inc COVID-19 vaccine after reports of contamination surfaced from several vaccination centres.

The University of Oxford‘s Clinical Research Group conducted a study recently which found that people who get “vaccinate...

The University of Oxford‘s Clinical Research Group conducted a study recently which found that people who get “vaccinated” for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) carry in their nostrils 251 times the viral load of the Chinese Virus compared to “unvaccinated” people.

The preprint paper, which is set to be published in the prestigious medical journal The Lancet, is groundbreaking in that it confirms the threat of vaccinated people who are “shedding” the virus and who even knows what else on others when they venture out in public.

Even if the jabbed are not showing symptoms, researchers found that they carry with them extremely high viral loads that transform them into what Dr. Peter A. McCullough, M.D., Ph.D., calls “presymptomatic superspreaders.”

“This phenomenon may be the source of the shocking post-vaccination surges in heavily vaccinated populations globally,” McCullough wrote in a piece for The Defender, a newsletter of Children’s Health Defense (CHD).

“The paper’s authors, Chau et al, demonstrated widespread vaccine failure and transmission under tightly controlled circumstances in a hospital lockdown in Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam.”

Confirmed: Covid vaccines are spreading the “delta” variant

Scientists took a closer look at healthcare workers at the hospital who were injected for the Fauci Flu and had to remain confined there for two weeks. Several months later, all of these individuals were determined to have acquired, carried and transmitted the dreaded “delta” variant to others, including their vaccinated colleagues.

In other words, the so-called vaccines did absolutely nothing to prevent either infection or spread, even to other vaccinated people who, according to Fauci, should have been protected.

These same vaccinated healthcare workers also presumably transmitted the delta variant to their patients, contributing to the latest surge in new “cases” of the disease that governments around the world and their mainstream media lapdogs are blaming on the unvaccinated.

“This is consistent with the observations in the U.S. from Farinholt and colleagues, and congruent with comments by the director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention conceding COVID-19 vaccines have failed to stop transmission of SARS-CoV-2,” McCullough says.

“On Feb. 11, the World Health Organization indicated the AZD1222 vaccine efficacy of 63.09% against the development of symptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infection. The conclusions of the Chau paper support the warnings by leading medical experts that the partial, non-sterilizing immunity from the three notoriously ‘leaky’ COVID-19 vaccines allow carriage of 251 times the viral load of SARS-CoV-2 as compared to samples from the pre-vaccination era in 2020.”
In case you missed it, we also covered the phenomenon of “leaky” vaccines, revealing how Chinese Virus injections are more than likely the primary contributor to the latest “wave” of disease.

Were it not for the presence of vaccinated people throughout society, we probably would not even have delta or any other variant at all. The “pandemic” would have long been over by now and everything would have been back to normal, if only “Operation Warp Speed” had never been brought into existence.
“Thus, we have a key piece to the puzzle explaining why the Delta outbreak is so formidable – fully vaccinated are participating as COVID-19 patients and acting as powerful Typhoid Mary-style super-spreaders of the infection,” McCullough says.

“Vaccinated individuals are blasting out concentrated viral explosions into their communities and fueling new COVID surges. Vaccinated healthcare workers are almost certainly infecting their coworkers and patients, causing horrendous collateral damage.”

Though the Pandora’s box has already been opened, we might be able to get a handle on this thing if the vaccination campaign is immediately stopped, including all “mandates” that aim to inject everyone with these deadly poisons.

A 49-year-old woman from New York was on the verge of dying from an immune-mediate skin disorder that rapidly took over ...

A 49-year-old woman from New York was on the verge of dying from an immune-mediate skin disorder that rapidly took over her body after she was “vaccinated” for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) with the Pfizer injection.

In a peer-reviewed case study published just last week, researchers from Prince Mohammed Bin Abdulaziz Hospital in Riyadh revealed that the unnamed woman was rushed to the emergency room after receiving her first dose of Pfizer’s experimental mRNA injection, which the mainstream media now says is “fully approved” by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

“The patient started to develop fever, fatigue, and headache followed by skin lesions affecting her trunk and starting to spread to her face and upper limbs with oral ulceration,” the study explains, noting that the patient was given paracetamol with no noticeable improvements.

“The patient had no history of taking any new medication or any cosmetic treatment in the past two months before the development of the skin lesions. Upon examination, the patient was vitally stable, anxious, and in severe pain. She had numerous purpuric and dusky red macules involving the chest.”

Pfizer covid vaccine caused woman to develop skin lesions in her genitalia

The woman’s entire body basically became covered in lesions, including on her abdomen, upper limbs, face, upper thighs, and genitalia. The paper explains that she showed “coalescence of lesions with flaccid bullae and areas of epidermal detachment with positive Nikolsky’s sign.”

“The mucosa was involved in her condition,” the paper goes on to reveal, “where she had extensive oral ulceration and hemorrhagic crusting over the lips.”
Said crusting is so disturbing that this writer just about gagged at the sight of it. And to think, this was all done to supposedly avoid a few sniffles caused by the Fort Detrick Virus paid for by Tony Fauci with American taxpayer dollars.

Roughly 30 percent of the woman’s body is now said to be covered with these lesions, thanks to the Pfizer shot. She was given two 60 ng/ml doses of etanercept subcutaneously, the first one on the day of her hospital admission and the second two days later.

Two days after receiving the first dose of this emergency drug, the woman stopped forming lesions on her body. She is said to have had a “complete healing” 22 days after that.

The woman was reportedly diagnosed with Stevens-Johnson syndrome, as well as toxic epidermal necrolysis spectrum (SJS / TEN). In a nutshell, the Pfizer shot caused her skin to rot, and it would have continued rotting, eventually killing her, were it not for the emergency intervention.

“TEN is considered a medical emergency and requires immediate discontinuation of the ‘offending agent,'” The Covid Blog reported, noting that vaccines and other pharmaceutical drugs are the primary causes of these conditions.
“Researchers concluded that there were ‘no other identifiable causes’ for the TEN in the subject woman other than the Pfizer injection.”

Similarly, a man by the name of Richard Terrell, located in the United States, developed a full-body rash and swelling for four days after receiving the experimental covid injection from Johnson & Johnson (J&J). Another person, Leigh King from Scotland, developed the same thing after taking the AstraZeneca injection.

“The instant case is the first severe/life-threatening skin reaction we’ve covered as a result of the mRNA injections,” The Covid Blog adds. “There are 66 cases of SJS and TEN recorded in the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) as of August 13.”

The company has recently come under fire following a 60 Minutes exposé on the company’s use of COVID-19 tests to “collec...

The company has recently come under fire following a 60 Minutes exposé on the company’s use of COVID-19 tests to “collect, store and exploit biometric information” on American citizens, according to former U.S. intelligence officials. What’s more, a recent Reuters article linked the firm to the Chinese Communist Party’s military.

The company has recently come under fire following a 60 Minutes exposé on the company's use of COVID-19 tests to "collect, store and exploit biometric


The international community is worried that China is motivated to conceal the true origin of Covid‑19.

Several studies show there is little correlation between government restrictions and lower COVID mortality rates. Here a...

Several studies show there is little correlation between government restrictions and lower COVID mortality rates. Here are three of them

Across America and Europe, government officials are resuming lockdowns in the face of rising COVID-19 cases. Several studies, however, show there is little correlation between government restrictions and lower COVID mortality rates. Here are three of them.


A modified virus used in some candidates has been shown to increase HIV infection risk in other vaccine trials.




Lockdowns benefit big business.



Because less than half of the American population is planning to get vaccinated for the COVID-19, even with a $100 cash ...

Because less than half of the American population is planning to get vaccinated for the COVID-19, even with a $100 cash incentive, billionaire eugenicist Bill Gates is desperately calling on pro-vaxxers in power to come up with new ways to manipulate people into getting jabbed, including at church.

Having already had success in Nigeria using religious leaders to deceive their trusting parishioners into getting jabbed, Gates wants to bring the same propaganda campaigns here to the United States. Pastors, priests and reverends could be used to proclaim from the pulpit that COVID-19 vaccines are safe and effective, leading to greater vaccine compliance.

During a recent interview with The Wall Street Journal‘s CEO Council, Gates threatened that “rich countries” like the U.S. could return mostly back to normal by the end of 2021 if only people would agree to get vaccinated. To make it happen, Gates is hoping that pro-vaxxers can successfully invade people’s “trust networks” and convince them that COVID-19 vaccines are the cure for his plandemic.

“Vaccine hesitancy is in all countries and predates the pandemic,” Gates whined during the segment, all the while pushing health officials to start actively “thinking about which voices will help reduce the hesitancy so we can get a level of vaccination that really has a chance of stopping” the plandemic.

Bill Gates wants social media companies to censor COVID-19 skepticism
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) head Anthony Fauci expressed similar sentiments back in June. Fauci openly announced that the government, using taxpayer dollars, already has a plan in place to have “people [vaccine-hesitant Americans] can relate to in the community – sports figures, community heroes, people that they look up to” spread the pro-vaccine gospel.

It is a start, but Gates wants the public relations campaigns to kick things into high gear, and soon, in order to salvage as much of the plandemic as possible. With many people coming to the stark realization that the whole thing is overblown, to say the least, Gates realizes that the window of opportunity is closing in on him.

Gates is especially upset about the fact that people are learning the truth about him online – though, to Gates, the truth is just “conspiracy theories” that need to be “debunked” by the very same people pushing for mass COVID-19 vaccination.

There are “very titillating things” spreading online, according to Gates, that are throwing a major wrench in his agenda. Many are convinced that “somebody intentionally made this virus, or that there’s some conspiracy” surrounding its spread, Gates bemoans.

Even worse is the fact that these “conspiracy theories” are spreading “so much faster than the truth, which is that it comes from a bat,” Gates contends.

Gates is hoping that social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter will “slow down or annotate things that actually cause huge damage, like not wearing masks or not being willing to take the vaccine if it proves that it is this key tool to getting back to normal.”

In other words, any skepticism about the coronavirus or the prescribed “remedies” for keeping it at bay must be squelched in the online environment if the Bill Gates narrative has any chance of surviving all the scrutiny.

President Trump is also part of the problem, Gates says, because he pulled U.S. funding from the World Health Organization (WHO). This means that the new primary funder of the WHO is none other than Gates himself.

“We still don’t know whether these vaccines will succeed,” Gates reluctantly admitted, adding the caveat that if they do, “I doubt there will be a lot of Russian or Chinese vaccine going outside these countries.”

So apparently having a negative opinion about dodgy pharmaceutical products is not allowed on FascistBook

So apparently having a negative opinion about dodgy pharmaceutical products is not allowed on FascistBook

"As more and more experts tell us that draconian lockdown measures are causing far more harm than good, we still have va...

"As more and more experts tell us that draconian lockdown measures are causing far more harm than good, we still have various political leaders digging in even further, telling us we must keep these measures in place."

As more and more experts tell us that draconian lockdown measures are causing far more harm than good, we still have various political leaders digging in even further, telling us we must keep these measures in place.



16-million downloads.

He said what?!!

He said what?!!

Next step: public executions

Next step: public executions

A perfect chart that demonstrates the hysteria. Virtually no one is dying from COVID-19 anymore

A perfect chart that demonstrates the hysteria. Virtually no one is dying from COVID-19 anymore

So governments want to mandate a vaccine that doesn't work and throw people in jail who refuse to be injected with it?!

So governments want to mandate a vaccine that doesn't work and throw people in jail who refuse to be injected with it?!

We, Belgian doctors and health professionals, wish to express our serious concern about the evolution of the situation i...

We, Belgian doctors and health professionals, wish to express our serious concern about the evolution of the situation in the recent months surrounding the outbreak of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. We call on politicians to be independently and critically informed in the decision-making process and in the compulsory implementation of corona-measures. We ask for an open debate, where all experts are represented without any form of censorship. After the initial panic surrounding covid-19, the objective facts now show a completely different picture – there is no medical justification for any emergency policy anymore.

The current crisis management has become totally disproportionate and causes more damage than it does any good.

So far it has been signed by 435 medical doctors, 1,439 medically trained health professionals, and 9,901 citizens

A 14-year-old autistic boy who was missing for 32-hours has been found dead in dense bushland after Victorian Police all...

A 14-year-old autistic boy who was missing for 32-hours has been found dead in dense bushland after Victorian Police allegedly told volunteers they were not allowed to help with the search because of the state’s COVID-19 restrictions.

"In line with coronavirus restrictions, at this stage we do not require any assistance from the public."




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