Profit From Socials : Business & Operations Strategy for Founders

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Profit From Socials : Business & Operations Strategy for Founders 💫 Empowering Consultants, Freelancers & DFY Pros to surpass $100k with a high-value offer portfolio.

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Stop obsessing over your social media following if you want to make more sales.One of the reasons why you could be strug...

Stop obsessing over your social media following if you want to make more sales.

One of the reasons why you could be struggling with generating more revenue from social media as a creator, expert, or service provider is because you are obsessed with gaining more followers each day.

What does this mean?😎
You join follow for follow train
You buy bots and followers
You invite friends, colleagues and family to follow your page

…all in a bid to gain more followers

Yet, the sales and revenue isn't coming as you want.

What ends up happening is :

A - Spend 4-8 hours daily posting content on social media with the hope that sales will come.
B - Buy course upon course you don't follow through with.
C - Hire social media managers who end up either buying bots or getting a few followers after 3 months.

What you need is a system to monetize your social presence.

With this, not only do you generate sales, you will also grow your following with the right buyers and clients.

This is what I help you achieve in the Monetize Socials Intensive for creators, experts and service providers who want to turn their social media content and presence into sales on repeat.

Why should you join us now?

Because you can’t afford to be the popular expert or influencer who doesn't get paid.

You won’t magically crack the code on monetizing social media by hiring a social media manager.

You need a tailored strategy designed with YOU in mind and now’s the perfect time to create one.

So if you’re more than ready to go from a few sales to sales on repeat,

DM me MONETIZE now to get started.

Have you been feeling like quitting social media because your efforts are not yielding any ROI?I get it.I have been ther...

Have you been feeling like quitting social media because your efforts are not yielding any ROI?

I get it.

I have been there uncountable times.

But before you give up, here are the 5 most questions to ask:

1. Am I selling to the right audience? If your audience is full of bots, family, friends, and followers who are never likely going to buy, then it might be time to clean your list.

2. Is my content speaking to the right person? You may be posting and engaging daily but the content you put out may be speaking to someone who either doesn't need your services or who will never need them. Speak the language of your buyers.

3. Am I inviting my audience to a buying conversation. Maybe you give free tips, resources, and downloads but do not ask your audience to buy from you often enough. Make offers daily, weekly, and often.

4. Am I creating events and opportunities for my audience to get to know me more: Social media is designed for interaction. People aren't on it to buy. Therefore you have to intentionally create events that encourage people to come into your DMs, email, and community to experience you on a deeper level.

5. Am I on the right platform : There is a common belief that people should be on the platforms there client exists on. This is not completely true. While it's great to be on platforms your buyers hangout on, it's also equally important to be on platforms you are comfortable using.

E.g I personally don't love Instagram so I do not use it as my primary platform.

My work is to show you how to make money from the work you do on social media not teach you how to grow followers or get likes.

Got any more to add?

Drop it in the comment.

Niching down is overrated!I am sure you must have heard the saying "The riches are in the niches"You have been taught th...

Niching down is overrated!

I am sure you must have heard the saying "The riches are in the niches"

You have been taught that to make more sales online, you have to niche down.

But I have watched people choose to niche down [ serving single mums who are 30 years, divorced, live in Florida USA and have 2 babies of which one is a twin ] that's hilarious by the way.

This over specificity has lead them to

- Staying unmotivated
- Inability to differentiate
- Being trapped by hourly pricing

You end up sounding like a copycat of your coach who sounds like the coach who coahed their mentor.

Often times, people pick a niche based on experience from their 9-5 job, skills developed over time or something they feel makes money.

The challenge with this is you are often not excited about the topic and showing up becomes a drag.

You dread client callls
Creating content becomes a chore
Selling becomes hard too

I found a better way.

Find out what you are extremely excited /obsseed about that is at the intersection of:

1. What you know
2. What you have done
3. Who you have helped
4.The results you have created

Then explore it, cultivate it and milk it.

When you get here, you will need less external motivation and would wake up each day excited to do the work.

Do you think niching down is overrated?

Share your thoughts in the comments and tag a friend who needs to read this.

Swipe my 3 step method to start generating sales today from social media.One common question I get asked a lot is :How c...

Swipe my 3 step method to start generating sales today from social media.

One common question I get asked a lot is :

How can I make sales on social media with a small following?

While this is a very valid question, the root problem behind this question is "I lack a marketing system to generate sales consistently".

Can you show me how to create one?

Here is my 3 step method for creating one:

1. Attract: This is how you get the right buyer or client to find you. Ideally, this will be made up of people who have never heard of you before + people who have heard of you but don't truly know you.

To do this efficiently: You have to get clear on 4 things:
a. Who you are selling to
b. What you do for them
c. Where to find them
d. How they buy from you

2. Engage: This is how you get them to indicate that they are interested in what you are selling. Are you creating an opportunity for them to raise their hands?

To do this well, you have to answer 4 important questions
a. Are they interested in what I am selling
b. Do they understand what I am selling
c. Do they want what I am selling
d. How can I get them to want what I am selling

3. Convert: This is the final piece of the puzzle. Do you have a system to turn strangers into buyers who buy not just once but repeatedly?

To this efficiently, you have to answer 4 important questions:
a. Do I have a system to qualify prospects?
b. Do I have a way of inviting them to speak to me?
c. Is my services packaged and priced right?
d. Do I have a system for getting paid?

There you have it .

Know a creator, expert, or service provider who will benefit from this?

Share and tag them in the comment.

Don’t forget to follow for more valuable tips.

Most B2B businesses believe that they have a lead generation problem, as in they just don't have a way to reach enough p...

Most B2B businesses believe that they have a lead generation problem, as in they just don't have a way to reach enough potential clients without relying on referrals or traditional events.

In our experience, this is rarely the case.

The main problem isn't generating leads but generating qualified leads warm and hot enough to become clients and also repeat clients.

And this feels so hard because of these factors

1. No clear definition for who a qualified lead is for your business: Not everyone who inquires about your service is a prefect fit for it. There should be a clear description of who your buyers are and where they fit into your service or product at each stage of the buying process.

2. Not being visible on the platforms where you can find qualified leads fast: Some platforms are most suited for certain types of business. Not being found where people are actively looking for your services will leave you at the mercy of the few who aren't a right fit. ing process.

3. Sticking to industry standards instead of trying new unconventional and innovative methods : It's how it has always been done is stopping you from closing the next big deal. Sometimes sticking to what everyone does, do not produce a better result.

4. Using strategies that have worked for others without creating one that will work for your unique business : Company A is doing it therefore they must be successful lets us adopt it too without an in-depth understanding of who company A's clients are or what they are selling

What should you be doing to bust through it?

This will be covered in subsequent posts so keep an eye for it.

Want support creating your custom lead gen strategy for your company, send us a DM to chat about how we can help you.

3 LinkedIn mindset myths holding you back from successYour mindset towards using LinkedIn matters more than the latest s...

3 LinkedIn mindset myths holding you back from success

Your mindset towards using LinkedIn matters more than the latest secret hack or formula.

It's very easy to get carried away by tactics such as how many connections should I be adding daily, how do I respond to people who connect, should I send a DM or not?

But all this will not work if you are approaching LinkedIn from a place of limiting beliefs.

Therefore clearing your mind of these beliefs will lead to a faster success than knowing the latest hack or secret. [Even though they are great too].

Want more tips on this : Follow .

1. They don’t understand how it works:  Some brands have convinced themselves that LinkedIn is a difficult platform to l...

1. They don’t understand how it works: Some brands have convinced themselves that LinkedIn is a difficult platform to learn and use and it can only work if you are interested in recruiting talents. While LinkedIn works differently from other platforms, it's pretty much easy to use once you understand the basics.

2. They don’t know how to create content for LinkedIn: One major fear brands have expressed is adapting their content to match the voice and tone of the LinkedIn platform. The rule here is to remember that you are building a brand therefore let your content reflect the brand you are building and with time you will find the rhythm that works for you and your audience.

3. They don't want to hire someone: Some brands are ready to adopt LinkedIn marketing but fear it will require them to hire someone new. This depends. If you have someone in charge of your social media marketing, you can hire an external expert to create your strategies, train and manage your team or outsource the entire job to an expert agency to handle it for you.

4. They don’t want to change from traditional advertising and networking
Some brands are so familiar with traditional methods of networking and advertising like TV jingles, in-person networking, event and banner ads, etc. However, using LinkedIn doesn't replace all your other forms of marketing but enhances it. Your traditional and LinkedIn marketing can be held in balance with one another, giving you the best of both worlds (should you choose to continue with both).

5. They don’t see the ROI or value it will bring: We have had brands question using LinkedIn because they feel it's a waste of time and won’t yield the required ROI THEY DESIRE. This is far from the truth except you hire experts who do not have a proven system for helping you. Whether you want more collaborations, exposure, access to decision-makers, sales, appointments, etc. LinkedIn can deliver it. The secret to doing this is understanding what to do and how to do it and that's where we come in.

Are you ready to overcome your fear of using LinkedIn? Tell us in the comment.

Ready to attract your dream clients. opportunities, collaborations, talents etc. This is a reminder that they are waitin...

Ready to attract your dream clients. opportunities, collaborations, talents etc.

This is a reminder that they are waiting for you on LINKEDIN.

What are you waiting to get started?

Are you considering getting started on LinkedIn? We covered the first 5 basic steps you must complete to get started in ...

Are you considering getting started on LinkedIn?

We covered the first 5 basic steps you must complete to get started in PART 1.

Here are the 4 remaining steps to follow to get your account set up and running.

6. Education section: Complete the education section highlighting all your relevant education. Add awards, honors, clubs, org, relevant course work relevant to your brand on LinkedIn.

7. Skills and endorsement: This section helps you showcase all your relevant skills and expertise relevant to your brand. Fill the top 3 skills with your most recent skills and add an extra 7. Linkedin recommends about 50 but add about 10 -15 relevant ones per time. Get past clients, colleagues, and people who have worked with you in any capacity to endorse you for them.

8. Recommendation section: This section helps you get recognized for the work you have done or are doing. It serves as a testimonial for your brand. Ask as many people who can attest to your work to recommend you.

9. The settings: This is the settings section where you optimize your profile as you choose. The most important thing to note here is the privacy section[make your profile visible to the public], customize your public Url to something unique. e.g brand name, full names, etc.

Didn't read the first part, scroll to our profile to read part 1.

Follow to keep tabs with more beneficial content about generating leads using LinkedIn.

Exactly how many things have you wondered about on LinkedIn? Here are a few questions that every Brand ought to know abo...

Exactly how many things have you wondered about on LinkedIn?

Here are a few questions that every Brand ought to know about before getting started.

Read, save and share.


Getting started on LinkedIn?  Here are 3 specific objectives that are important to your business. They are: 1. Building ...

Getting started on LinkedIn? Here are 3 specific objectives that are important to your business.

They are:
1. Building your brand
2. Building your network
3. Attracting the right clients, talents and opportunities.

But how do you get started when you are beginner and have never used the platform before.

Here are the 5 most important basic steps to get you started as a beginner : PART 1

1. Profile setup: Visit to set up a new LinkedIn profile if you don't have one yet.

2. Profile headshot and banner: Once you have completed your LinkedIn setup, design and upload a great profile headshot and banner. Your profile headshot should align with your brand personality.

3. Profile headline: This is the space below your name on your profile. It contains about 120 characters. Use this headline space to explain who you help, what you help them do, and how you help them. Include specific titles and industries of interest if any as keywords. This helps you get found on searches.

4. Profile about section: This is also called the summary section. This is where you sell yourself and allow your personality to shine. Use this area to share your story, results you have achieved with clients, your offers and services, etc. When writing, write 2-3 sentences per time and use keywords all over your summary.

5. Experience section: This is where you list all the experiences you have related to the brand you are building on LinkedIn. When filling this section, avoid using jargon but rather use keywords you want to be found for on LinkedIn. Use the experience section to talk about your accomplishments, free resources, portfolios, offers, etc.

Want to read part 2? follow and keep a tab on our post.

Here are the 5 most important basic steps to get you started as a beginner: PART 1expert

Building a leadership brand behind your company or business brand will bring you 4x exposure, sales and opportunities. W...

Building a leadership brand behind your company or business brand will bring you 4x exposure, sales and opportunities.

Want to know why this is true?

Swipe the slides to learn more.

Ready to bring your brand to LinkedIn?

Send us a DM with the word LinkedIn to learn more.

follow on LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram

We often get resistance from CEOs and Executives when we advise them to build a strong executive personal brand around t...

We often get resistance from CEOs and Executives when we advise them to build a strong executive personal brand around their Business Brand or company .

Statements like ….

1. I don't want my face out there
2. I am an introvert
3. I work for a company offering similar services to my brand.
4. It's not important.

Are a few amongst many others.

But what if you could build a standout personal brand without these reasons interfering in the way.

Use these 5 powerful techniques to do so. It may be helpful to ponder and write your answers out.

1. Ask yourself what do I want to be known for? What you want to be known for is a pointer to what your real mission is and what your brand will be built around.

2. What value do I bring to the table? This could be a combination of your experiences, gifts, talents, strengths, traits, etc. Do not overlook the things that make you different just because it sounds or looks weird to you

Your weird is your uniquness.

3. What do I stand for: These are the things you stand for that you desire that everyone would know, understand or see the way you see them. E.g Do you stand for inequality in the workplace, work-life integration, happier homes, etc.

4. What do you stand against? these are the things that you can't stand and would go all out to defend. e.g Do you stand against employee maltreatment, animal abuse, domestic violence etc.

5. What do I want others[the people I want to speak, coach, or train ] to say about me, my work, my brand, my mission, etc. If what people say begins to match what you want them to say, then you nailed your brand.

A few tips to work around the resistance: If you have a leadership role in a company with similar services to yours, consider using someone else in your company[Top executive] as the face while you build the brand. If you feel you are introverted build your brand to reflect your personality. etc.

For the above techniques, share your answers in the comment lets have a chat about it.


One of the most popular questions we get from Entrepreneurs, CEOs, and Executives is Should we focus on Building a Perso...

One of the most popular questions we get from Entrepreneurs, CEOs, and Executives is Should we focus on Building a Personal Brand or a Business Brand on Linkedin?

The Answer is YES AND NO. Keep reading .

Linkedin has two major feeds that can help you build your brand. The company page feed and the profile page feed. While the company page feed exists, it doesn't bring much attention to your business, unlike the personal feed. It's likened to page.

Building a Business Brand on your personal Linkedin feed will also not produce the same result as building a personal brand. e.g using your logo as your profile picture instead of a personal picture, always talking about your business, products, services, inconsistent tagging of your company page from people you don't know, etc.

However, here is what we recommend ...

Build Both. And here is why.

Building your personal Brand on your Linkedin personal feed helps you humanize your brand and because people prefer to interact with humans, the benefits are numerous. it also differentiates you from similar companies or brands with the same value proposition.

Then build a strong business brand using your LinkedIn business feed and develop a strategy to link people back to your page consistently from your profile feed.

This way, you get to have the best of both worlds.

For more content on how to start building this, follow .

Are you considering getting started on LinkedIn but confused or frustrated about how or where to begin? This 6 step guid...

Are you considering getting started on LinkedIn but confused or frustrated about how or where to begin?

This 6 step guide will give you a basic overview of what to do to get started.....

Clarify who your audience or ideal LinkedIn member will be. To do this, get clear on 2 specific details[ The logical details and the emotional details]. The logical details may include their titles, industry, revenue, companies worked for, investment raised, no of team members, etc while the emotional details include their deepest desires, frustrations, both spoken and unspoken by them or others.

It's possible to only talk about your expertise, products, and services. While this will make you money, it will not generate the kind of Brand exposure, deals, and appointments your company needs. Getting clear on your brand message will differentiate you from every other Brand doing exactly what you do.

With the information from 1 and 2, set up your LinkedIn profile paying attention to [Your banner, profile picture, headline, summary, experiences etc] and optimizing your profile to speak to your ideal audience .

One important tip when setting up your profile is to think of it as your landing or sales page and not a resume, CV or online magazine.

After setting up and optimizing your profile, start sending connection requests to grow your audience. Using the Linkedin search bar, search for the ideal audience you defined in one above and send at least 10 - 30 connections daily.

Decide on the type of content you will put out[e.g. industry news, client results, value post around your expertise] the frequency and timing [e.g once per day, 3 times per week, etc], who will be responsible for posting[ e.g outsource, hire inhouse support, etc] .

The next step is to start creating content. The content creation process doesn't have to be perfect but it has to speak to the ideal audience you are targeting.

Looking for more detailed tips into each step, follow

Wow! You are the reason I always log-on to this platform! Your content is always inspiring and activating - DM from a Li...

Wow! You are the reason I always log-on to this platform! Your content is always inspiring and activating - DM from a LinkedIn Connection

5 Days Later,

Hey, can we invite you to be a speaker at our incoming women's international conference?

Who says Business Networking always has to be in person...

Well we said it doesn't have to be.

Because every activity you take on LinkedIn is a networking activity that takes you closer to your business goals if you do it intentionally.

Next step: Build networking using Linkedin and follow to learn how to do it like a pro.

What do you think? In our opinion well not exactly.While this was a clickbait kind of headline to get you to read this p...

What do you think?

In our opinion well not exactly.

While this was a clickbait kind of headline to get you to read this post here is why we said so.

If you are a Business or Brand who :

1. Serves clients in the business space either as a coach, consultant, agency, etc.

2. Shows up on Instagram every day feeling as if your voice is hidden, especially when you write serious content that will change peoples businesses.

3. Is Tired of dancing on Instagram, hoping on every new feature that involves showing your face more than the content you write

4. Is frustrated that big paying deals and opportunities that take you into companies are far your reality

5. And want the opposite of all these above, then what are you waiting for.

Come play on Linkedin

And if you don't know where to start, follow our content here and we will be sharing all the basic steps you need to take.

Ready to build a LinkedIn marketing strategy that will position your brand as the authority?Here is a 5 step guide to do...

Ready to build a LinkedIn marketing strategy that will position your brand as the authority?

Here is a 5 step guide to doing it.

1. Define Your LinkedIn Goals

LinkedIn is a big platform capable of doing different things. Therefore it's important that you define exactly what you are on Linkedin to achieve. E.g. Book 12 appointments per month, increase brand exposure, attract high-paying deals, partnerships, collaborations, etc. The more specific you are, the easier it will be to narrow your focus to guide the daily action you take on the platform each day, week, month, etc.

2. Define your ideal audience

Defining your ideal audience is a very critical first step. If you do not know in specific terms who they are, the titles they bear, jobs they do, their specific pain points, etc, adding the right connections on LinkedIn will be a hard nut to crack. For e.g Will you be targeting SAAS Companies who have raised $4M in VC funding, Consulting firms with 10 - 50 staff and yearly revenue of $1M etc.

3. Identify key marketing campaign tactics to adopt: There are many and all works but choose and test to determine what works for your Brand. We recommend a combination of content, prospecting, and outreach marketing tactics

4. Define Key Metrics and KPIs: What gets measured, get managed.

Create specific key indicators of what will be measured, tracked, and updated this way you are able to drop what's not working and do more of what's working.

5. Allocate Resources for Ex*****on: Creating a marketing strategy without consideration of the resources to be spent will be an effort in futility. Resources here include time, money, materials, people, etc. This will ensure that marketing initiatives get implemented.

If you are just getting started or have been on LinkedIn but your actions haven't resulted in leads, clients, and partnership deals yet?

Send Us a DM WITH THE Word STRATEGY to discuss creating your unique for your Brand

Ask a room full of executives and business owners if they are on LinkedIn?Most of them will say Yes. Ok now let’s keep t...

Ask a room full of executives and business owners if they are on LinkedIn?

Most of them will say Yes.

Ok now let’s keep the dance floor active

Ask them how they’re using LinkedIn?

Welcome to the silence and blank stares.

And this is exactly our point. Most Brands are lurkers on LinkedIn who never contribute to the conversation.

It’s like getting married to a virgin and expecting her to get pregnant in 9 months' time without making love to her.

So what’s happening with the lurkers?

Well, they have believed a MYTH

In this post, you will know all the myths you have been told and the real truth.

Read, share and save the post.


If you are a B2B Brand looking to grow your credibility, exposure, and sales then adding LinkedIn to your marketing stra...

If you are a B2B Brand looking to grow your credibility, exposure, and sales then adding LinkedIn to your marketing strategy for 2022 is a must.

Here are the top 5 reasons why your B2B Brand needs to get on LinkedIn in 2022.

1. Opportunity to grow your exposure and awareness fast with the right audience: LinkedIn has about 706+ million members scattered in specific industries, professions, and titles. This makes it easy to target the specific kind of customers you want, unlike any other social platform.

2. Ability to build business relationships with decision-makers: Every 4 of 5 LinkedIn Members is Responsible for Driving Decisions in Some Form. Therefore for every target content you create, you are one step to having a handshake with a decision-maker.

3. LinkedIn Users have Twice the Buying ability as Compared to other social media platforms: The majority of LinkedIn users are on the platform to network and do business. In addition to that, 44% of LinkedIn users earn above $75,000 per year making it an ideal platform to attract high-paying customers & deals.

4. Ability to position your brand as an authority fast: With LinkedIn key features such as newsletters, articles, events, etc. you are able to showcase your expertise through well-targeted content.

5. The Power to network and build a community: Unlike other social platforms where communication is a one-way street, it's easy to build a community of friends, customers, and partnerships using LinkedIn.

There you have it.....

Which reason/s will make you consider getting started on LinkedIn?




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