No Not the Mind Probe: Doctor Who Podcast

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  • No Not the Mind Probe: Doctor Who Podcast

No Not the Mind Probe: Doctor Who Podcast A lifelong fan of the BBC sci-fi TV classic Doctor Who (John Grant) takes his friend (Porter Mason)

Good Things Come in Who Packages – “Into the Dalek” & “The Invisible Enemy” -

Good Things Come in Who Packages – “Into the Dalek” & “The Invisible Enemy” -

Categories Classic Season 15 NuWho Series 8 Podcast Season 8Good Things Come in Who Packages – “Into the Dalek” & “The Invisible Enemy”It’s a meet-cute! The Twelfth Doctor meets a Dalek! And the Dalek is ADORABLE. A nice Dalek? Is it possible? The Doctor and Clara head inside the Dalek i...

It’s Made of People – “Deep Breath” & “The Talons of Weng-Chiang” -

It’s Made of People – “Deep Breath” & “The Talons of Weng-Chiang” -

Categories Classic Season 14 NuWho Series 8 Podcast Season 8It’s Made of People – “Deep Breath” & “The Talons of Weng-Chiang”It’s a new Doctor AND John’s favorite classic episode ever! Peter Capaldi shows up and… it’s fine. But it’s going to get way better! Post author By Porte...

And So This is Christmas – “The Time of the Doctor” & “Attack of the Cybermen” -

And So This is Christmas – “The Time of the Doctor” & “Attack of the Cybermen” -

Categories Classic Season 22 NuWho Series 7 Podcast Season 7And So This is Christmas – “The Time of the Doctor” & “Attack of the Cybermen”It’s time for us to bid adieu to the wonderful Matt Smith. And also watch a crappy Cybermen story with a whole lot o’ Peri. Post author By Porter & ...

The Gang’s All Here – “The Day of the Doctor” & “The Five Doctors” -

The Gang’s All Here – “The Day of the Doctor” & “The Five Doctors” -

Categories Classic Season 20 NuWho Series 7 Podcast Season 7The Gang’s All Here – “The Day of the Doctor” & “The Five Doctors”It’s basically a Doctor Who version of the Spider-Man meme, as we have both the 50th and the 20th anniversary specials featuring all sorts of Doctors, real and ...

Remembrance of Who’s Past – “The Name of the Doctor” & “Remembrance of the Daleks” -

Remembrance of Who’s Past – “The Name of the Doctor” & “Remembrance of the Daleks” -

Categories Classic Season 25 NuWho Series 7 Podcast Season 7Remembrance of Who’s Past – “The Name of the Doctor” & “Remembrance of the Daleks”We learn the name of the Doctor?! Turns out it’s “Cornelia”. They’ve always just been really embarrassed by it. Also, Clara is the center ...

Silver Smiths – “Nightmare in Silver” & “The Wheel in Space” -

Silver Smiths – “Nightmare in Silver” & “The Wheel in Space” -

Categories Classic Season 5 NuWho Series 7 Podcast Season 7Silver Smiths – “Nightmare in Silver” & “The Wheel in Space”The guys check in with the Cybermen to see what they’re up to. It turns out, they are mainly up to assimilating all organic matter into their single-minded robotic exist...

You Take the Who Road – “The Crimson Horror” & “The Highlanders” -

You Take the Who Road – “The Crimson Horror” & “The Highlanders” -

Categories Classic Season 4 NuWho Series 7 Podcast Season 7You Take the Who Road – “The Crimson Horror” & “The Highlanders”Awright a’ body. Gather round, a’ve git something tae tell ye aboot Doctor Hyu. A’richt? This is a story aboot howfur we catch up wi` Jamie, ‘n’ whaur th’ ...

What’s Mined is Yours – “The Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe” & “Colony in Space” -What does Doctor Who like to cover...

What’s Mined is Yours – “The Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe” & “Colony in Space” -

What does Doctor Who like to cover as much as power rerouting? Tink tink tink… That’s right! Hold on to your hard hats with tiny lights on them! Let’s talk mining!

Categories Season 7What’s Mined is Yours – “The Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe” & “Colony in Space” Post author By Porter & John Post date December 5, 2022 What does Doctor Who like to cover as much as power rerouting? Tink tink tink… That’s right! Hold on to your hard hats with ...

Time Loop-de-Loop – “The Wedding of River Song” & “Day of the Daleks” -We check in with the Doctor as the River saga hur...

Time Loop-de-Loop – “The Wedding of River Song” & “Day of the Daleks” -

We check in with the Doctor as the River saga hurtles to an end. And then we do that again and again and again.

Categories Season 6Time Loop-de-Loop – “The Wedding of River Song” & “Day of the Daleks” Post author By Porter & John Post date November 21, 2022 We check in with the Doctor as the River saga hurtles to an end. And then we do that again and again and again. ← It’s Just a Show for Babie...

It’s Just a Show for Babies – “Closing Time” & “The Celestial Toymaker” -Gamera is a friend to all children, and these D...

It’s Just a Show for Babies – “Closing Time” & “The Celestial Toymaker” -

Gamera is a friend to all children, and these Doctor Who episodes are in toy stores. Deal with it!

Categories Season 6It’s Just a Show for Babies – “Closing Time” & “The Celestial Toymaker” Post author By Porter & John Post date November 7, 2022 Gamera is a friend to all children, and these Doctor Who episodes are in toy stores. Deal with it! ← Peace of Mind Control – “The God C...

Peace of Mind Control – “The God Complex” & “The Mind of Evil” -We take a listen to a couple instances where the human m...

Peace of Mind Control – “The God Complex” & “The Mind of Evil” -

We take a listen to a couple instances where the human mind becomes someone’s plaything. Predictably, the (sigh) Master shows up.

Categories Season 6Peace of Mind Control – “The God Complex” & “The Mind of Evil” Post author By Porter & John Post date September 28, 2022 We take a listen to a couple instances where the human mind becomes someone’s plaything. Predictably, the (sigh) Master shows up. ← Wait Wait, Don...

Wait Wait, Don’t Kill Me – “The Girl Who Waited” & “Dragonfire” -

Wait Wait, Don’t Kill Me – “The Girl Who Waited” & “Dragonfire” -

Categories Season 6Wait Wait, Don’t Kill Me – “The Girl Who Waited” & “Dragonfire” Post author By Porter & John Post date September 6, 2022 ← Creep Impact – “Night Terrors” & “Ghost Light”

Creep Impact – “Night Terrors” & “Ghost Light” -

Creep Impact – “Night Terrors” & “Ghost Light” -

Categories Season 6Creep Impact – “Night Terrors” & “Ghost Light” Post author By Porter & John Post date August 22, 2022 ← Body Double Trouble – “Let’s Kill Hitler” & “Terror of the Zygons”

Body Double Trouble – “Let’s Kill Hitler” & “Terror of the Zygons” -

Body Double Trouble – “Let’s Kill Hitler” & “Terror of the Zygons” -

Categories Season 6Body Double Trouble – “Let’s Kill Hitler” & “Terror of the Zygons” Post author By Porter & John Post date August 8, 2022 ← Battle Hymn of the Who-public – “A Good Man Goes to War” & “The Dominators”

Battle Hymn of the Who-public – “A Good Man Goes to War” & “The Dominators” -

Battle Hymn of the Who-public – “A Good Man Goes to War” & “The Dominators” -

Categories Season 6Battle Hymn of the Who-public – “A Good Man Goes to War” & “The Dominators” Post author By Porter & John Post date July 25, 2022 ← Great Future in Plastics – “The Rebel Flesh/The Almost People” & “Terror of the Autons”

Great Future in Plastics – “The Rebel Flesh/The Almost People” & “Terror of the Autons” -

Great Future in Plastics – “The Rebel Flesh/The Almost People” & “Terror of the Autons” -

Categories Season 6Great Future in Plastics – “The Rebel Flesh/The Almost People” & “Terror of the Autons” Post author By Porter & John Post date July 11, 2022 ← The Story Behind the Story – “The Doctor’s Wife” & “An Adventure in Time and Space”

The Story Behind the Story – “The Doctor’s Wife” & “An Adventure in Time and Space” -

The Story Behind the Story – “The Doctor’s Wife” & “An Adventure in Time and Space” -

Categories Season 6The Story Behind the Story – “The Doctor’s Wife” & “An Adventure in Time and Space” Post author By Porter & John Post date June 20, 2022 ← Yo Ho Who, and a Bottle of Fun – “The Curse of the Black Spot” & “The Smugglers”

Yo Ho Who, and a Bottle of Fun – “The Curse of the Black Spot” & “The Smugglers” -

Yo Ho Who, and a Bottle of Fun – “The Curse of the Black Spot” & “The Smugglers” -

Categories Season 6Yo Ho Who, and a Bottle of Fun – “The Curse of the Black Spot” & “The Smugglers” Post author By Porter & John Post date May 30, 2022 ← Planetary Intergalactic – “The Impossible Astronaut/Day of the Moon” & “The Tenth Planet”

Planetary Intergalactic – “The Impossible Astronaut/Day of the Moon” & “The Tenth Planet” -

Planetary Intergalactic – “The Impossible Astronaut/Day of the Moon” & “The Tenth Planet” -

Categories Season 6Planetary Intergalactic – “The Impossible Astronaut/Day of the Moon” & “The Tenth Planet” Post author By Porter & John Post date May 23, 2022 ← A Light at the End of the Chunnel – “A Christmas Carol” & “City of Death”

A Light at the End of the Chunnel – “A Christmas Carol” & “City of Death” -

A Light at the End of the Chunnel – “A Christmas Carol” & “City of Death” -

Categories Season 6A Light at the End of the Chunnel – “A Christmas Carol” & “City of Death” Post author By Porter & John Post date April 25, 2022 ← Let’s Call It a Knight – “The Pandorica Opens/The Big Bang” & “The Androids of Tara”

Let’s Call It a Knight – “The Pandorica Opens/The Big Bang” & “The Androids of Tara” -

Let’s Call It a Knight – “The Pandorica Opens/The Big Bang” & “The Androids of Tara” -

Categories Season 5Let’s Call It a Knight – “The Pandorica Opens/The Big Bang” & “The Androids of Tara” Post author By Porter & John Post date April 11, 2022 ← The Doctor Next Store – “The Lodger” & “Fury from the Deep”

The Doctor Next Store – “The Lodger” & “Fury from the Deep” -

The Doctor Next Store – “The Lodger” & “Fury from the Deep” -

Categories Season 5The Doctor Next Store – “The Lodger” & “Fury from the Deep” Post author By Porter & John Post date March 28, 2022 ← Portrait of the Artist as a Young Doctor – “Vincent and the Doctor” & “Castrovalva”

Portrait of the Artist as a Young Doctor – “Vincent and the Doctor” & “Castrovalva” -

Portrait of the Artist as a Young Doctor – “Vincent and the Doctor” & “Castrovalva” -

Categories Season 5Portrait of the Artist as a Young Doctor – “Vincent and the Doctor” & “Castrovalva” Post author By Porter & John Post date March 7, 2022 ← London Underground 2: The Sea-quel – “The Hungry Earth/Cold Blood” & “The Sea Devils”

London Underground 2: The Sea-quel – “The Hungry Earth/Cold Blood” & “The Sea Devils” -

London Underground 2: The Sea-quel – “The Hungry Earth/Cold Blood” & “The Sea Devils” -

Categories Season 5London Underground 2: The Sea-quel – “The Hungry Earth/Cold Blood” & “The Sea Devils” Post author By Porter & John Post date February 21, 2022 ← Night of the Living Elderly – “Amy’s Choice” & “Paradise Towers”

Night of the Living Elderly – “Amy’s Choice” & “Paradise Towers” -

Night of the Living Elderly – “Amy’s Choice” & “Paradise Towers” -

Categories Season 5Night of the Living Elderly – “Amy’s Choice” & “Paradise Towers” Post author By Porter & John Post date February 7, 2022 ← Vamplified – “The Vampires of Venice” & “State of Decay”

Vamplified – “The Vampires of Venice” & “State of Decay” -

Vamplified – “The Vampires of Venice” & “State of Decay” -

Categories Season 5Vamplified – “The Vampires of Venice” & “State of Decay” Post author By Porter & John Post date January 24, 2022 ← WITMP? (Where Is The Mind Probe?)

WITMP? (Where Is The Mind Probe?) -Ok everyone… just calm down.  You knew this day would come.  NNTMP is on a brief hiat...

WITMP? (Where Is The Mind Probe?) -

Ok everyone… just calm down. You knew this day would come. NNTMP is on a brief hiatus this week. Why, you scream in collective angst? Well, medical privacy laws prohibit me from disclosing much, but let’s just say that for some people apparently seeing to the health of their children is more important than watching and reviewing TV episodes that were broadcast decades ago and already have been reviewed and discussed ad nauseaum. But fear not, NNTMP will return next week, and – in gratitude for your patience and understanding – we will… do exactly the same show that we always do.

Also, don’t worry – we’ll message Paul directly. Keep on probin’, Probers.

John and Porter

Categories UncategorizedWITMP? (Where Is The Mind Probe?) Post author By John Grant Post date January 9, 2022 Ok everyone… just calm down. You knew this day would come. NNTMP is on a brief hiatus this week. Why, you scream in collective angst? Well, medical privacy laws prohibit me from disclosing...

Crash Into Me – “The Time of Angels/Flesh and Stone” & “Full Circle” -Yes, it’s raining spaceships – hallelujah! – but t...

Crash Into Me – “The Time of Angels/Flesh and Stone” & “Full Circle” -

Yes, it’s raining spaceships – hallelujah! – but the Doctor is there to pick up the pieces. First, Doctor #11 and Amy Pond rescue the gorgeous and glamorous River Song, who returns to the series after dying in a library but not really dying (and trust us, it only gets more complicated from here). Porter and John are running out of superlatives for the great Matt Smith by this point, which is ironic (sort of) as this is his first actual performance (in terms of recording order). Yes, this sort of electrifying trivia is only part of the excitement as the Doctor, his friends, and some gun-totin’ Church folk tangle with a whole heapin’ helpin’ of Weepin’ Angels. Check your watches, Probers, because it’s The Time of Angels (and Flesh and Stone).

It takes a little longer for the 4th Doctor and Romana to arrive at the scene of their spaceship crash (a number of generations, in fact), but per usual once they arrive they manage to up-end an entire civilization within hours. It’s a lesson in evolution on Alzarius, which makes sense because the story is written by then 18-year old Andrew Smith, a Doctor Who fan who had probably only just studied evolution when he mailed in his script to the Doctor Who production office. John is thrilled with some mildly ho******ic opening scenes, while Porter is delighted by the return of K-9 with whom he has been enamored since our very first, as yet unaired NNTMP Pilot episode. So excited that even as he was dragged into a swamp (long story), he had the wherewithal to shout, “Tell John, we’ve come Full Circle!”

Categories Season 5Crash Into Me – “The Time of Angels/Flesh and Stone” & “Full Circle” Post author By Porter & John Post date December 27, 2021 Yes, it’s raining spaceships – hallelujah! – but the Doctor is there to pick up the pieces. First, Doctor #11 and Amy Pond rescue the gorge...

The Trojan Dalek – “Victory of the Daleks” & “The Power of the Daleks” -

The Trojan Dalek – “Victory of the Daleks” & “The Power of the Daleks” -

Categories Season 5The Trojan Dalek – “Victory of the Daleks” & “The Power of the Daleks” Post author By Porter & John Post date December 13, 2021 ← Who Gotta Get Outta This Place – “The Beast Below” & “The Ark”

Who Gotta Get Outta This Place – “The Beast Below” & “The Ark” -But look… this Podcast is meant to be a light distractio...

Who Gotta Get Outta This Place – “The Beast Below” & “The Ark” -

But look… this Podcast is meant to be a light distraction from the troubles of life, so we’ll just gloss over the fact that they both start on the premise that, you know, Earth has exploded. Let’s accentuate the positive here and focus on the survivors… who unnecessarily enslave and torture a kindly space creature that was trying to help them. Whew. Ok, let’s, um, focus on Matt Smith and Karen Gillan, still acting their socks off as they explore a floating UK in space with some bizarre Zoltars who serve… a function, apparently. We also get the superb Sophie Okonedo as the bloody Queen (her words) resisting the urge to hit the Abdicate button (like all queens do). It’s a high-concept light-hearted romp in space… if you ignore the plight of The Beast Below.

Of course, maybe more people escaped from Earth than we thought because Doctor Who has been tracking arks fleeing Earth left, right, and center – there must be one heck of a traffic jam in space with all these arks. We go back to Doctor Who’s early days and William Hartnell‘s final season as the First Doctor as he and Steven and brand new companion Dodo arrive on a space Ark where they hand in a 2-stories-for-the-price-of-one Groupon. The result is half a story about trying to cure the common cold (which the Doctor does quite easily, which must be a bit embarrassing for Merck), and then a second half about one-eyed Beatles impersonators who take over and enslave humanity because that’s what you do when you have one eye…. Will John and Porter be compelled to flee the Earth in disappointment (or excitement)?! To find out, join them in climbing on board The Ark!

Categories Season 5Who Gotta Get Outta This Place – “The Beast Below” & “The Ark” Post author By Porter & John Post date November 29, 2021 But look… this Podcast is meant to be a light distraction from the troubles of life, so we’ll just gloss over the fact that they both start on the ...

Who’s the New Guy? – “The Eleventh Hour” & “Doctor Who” -

Who’s the New Guy? – “The Eleventh Hour” & “Doctor Who” -

Categories Season 5Who’s the New Guy? – “The Eleventh Hour” & “Doctor Who” Post author By Porter & John Post date November 15, 2021 ← Time, Lord, Is On Our Side – “The End of Time” & “The War Games”

Time, Lord, Is On Our Side – “The End of Time” & “The War Games” -

Time, Lord, Is On Our Side – “The End of Time” & “The War Games” -

Categories Season 4Time, Lord, Is On Our Side – “The End of Time” & “The War Games” Post author By Porter & John Post date November 1, 2021 ← Life on Mars – “The Waters of Mars” & “The Ambassadors of Death”

Life on Mars – “The Waters of Mars” & “The Ambassadors of Death” -

Life on Mars – “The Waters of Mars” & “The Ambassadors of Death” -

Categories Season 4Life on Mars – “The Waters of Mars” & “The Ambassadors of Death” Post author By Porter & John Post date October 18, 2021 ← Stand Clear of the Closing Doctor – “Planet of the Dead” & “Time-Flight”

Stand Clear of the Closing Doctor – “Planet of the Dead” & “Time-Flight” -It’s Easter and we’re on a London bus with a r...

Stand Clear of the Closing Doctor – “Planet of the Dead” & “Time-Flight” -

It’s Easter and we’re on a London bus with a rich lady cat burglar and Lee Evans. Tell me if you’ve heard this one before? Well, you have if you’ve watched the next in our series of 10th Doctor specials forming David Tennant’s lap of honor. The bus has, as is typical of mass transit, been delayed due to a wormhole that leaves it in a desert that looks a lot like Dubai but is in fact an alien planet! Now it’s a race against time for the Doctor, Lady Christina, an Oscar winner, a wise and slightly psychic black woman, and some fly people as they work with UNIT and the great Malcolm to get back to Earth before a bunch giant flying manta rays can escape… the Planet of the Dead!

It’s then back to the 5th Doctor era, which then takes us back even further to prehistoric Earth in a classic Who episode that takes on the tough issues of the day and drives home the important message: “Hey! We got a Concorde!” After taking the requisite 30 seconds to mourn the death of Adric, the Doctor, Tegan, and Nyssa head to Heathrow where they get involved in the hunt for a missing Concorde. Will Porter and John resolve the mystery of the inexplicably (and slightly racist-ly) disguised Master? Will they become embroiled in the intriguing mystery of the Xerpahin – namely, who the Hell are they and what is this story actually supposed to be about? To find out, grab your carry-on and park yourself in the Group 2 line (if you are a frequent Prober), and don’t be late to catch your Time-Flight!

Categories Season 4Stand Clear of the Closing Doctor – “Planet of the Dead” & “Time-Flight” Post author By Porter & John Post date October 4, 2021 It’s Easter and we’re on a London bus with a rich lady cat burglar and Lee Evans. Tell me if you’ve heard this one before? Well, you have...

Another Day, Another Doctor – “The Next Doctor” & “Robot” -

Another Day, Another Doctor – “The Next Doctor” & “Robot” -

Categories Season 4Another Day, Another Doctor – “The Next Doctor” & “Robot” Post author By Porter & John Post date September 20, 2021 ← A Davros by Any Other Name – “The Stolen Earth/Journey’s End” & “Genesis of the Daleks”

A Davros by Any Other Name – “The Stolen Earth/Journey’s End” & “Genesis of the Daleks” -Yes.  Yesssss.  To broadcast ou...

A Davros by Any Other Name – “The Stolen Earth/Journey’s End” & “Genesis of the Daleks” -

Yes. Yesssss. To broadcast our thoughts across the Internet to dozens of people. To hold in our hand, a device that would contain such power. To know that the tiny pressure of our fingers – enough to hit the “Post” button – would share… everything. Yes. We WOULD do it. AND THROUGH THIS PODCAST WE HAVE THAT POWER!!!!

Look, if you don’t like ranting, then you probably should skip these episodes because they both feature the Ranty McRanterson of Doctor Who: Davros. Or probably Dr. Davros, right? He must have a PhD. Anyhoo, we kick off with 21st Century Who’s precursor to The Avengers as they gather everyone who has ever even thought about appearing in Who and shoehorn them into a rollicking romp featuring: Sarah. Captain Jack. Martha. Rose. Torchwood. Harriet Jones. Dalek Caan. Sylvia and Wilf. Jackie and Mickey. TWO David Tennants. The afore-mentioned Davros. Oh, and a fake-out regeneration. Is it too much for our intrepid Podcasters to handle? Find out as they contemplate The Stolen Earth before reaching Journeys End.

Having had a taste of Davros, we crave more (who wouldn’t – he’s so charming!) so we head back to the 4th Doctor era where we meet him for the very first time. We find our mad scientist buddy beavering away in his lab creating the Daleks and only taking quick breaks to commit not one but two genocides. He is only occasionally disturbed by the Doctor, Sarah, and Harry popping in to deliver some dialog and then ultimately even they just watch the riveting final episode on TV. Now, John has seen this episode 30+ times so we might have a hint of his feelings toward it. Will Porter share his fondness for the book of Genesis of the Daleks?

Categories Season 4A Davros by Any Other Name – “The Stolen Earth/Journey’s End” & “Genesis of the Daleks” Post author By Porter & John Post date September 6, 2021 Yes. Yesssss. To broadcast our thoughts across the Internet to dozens of people. To hold in our hand, a device that would co...

The Doctor is Out – “Turn Left” & “The Dalek Invasion of Earth 2150 AD” -

The Doctor is Out – “Turn Left” & “The Dalek Invasion of Earth 2150 AD” -

Categories Season 4The Doctor is Out – “Turn Left” & “The Dalek Invasion of Earth 2150 AD” Post author By Porter & John Post date August 23, 2021 ← Rainbow Troughton – “Midnight” & “The Curse of Peladon”

Virtual Insanity – “Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead” & “The Deadly Assassin” -

Virtual Insanity – “Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead” & “The Deadly Assassin” -

Categories Season 4Virtual Insanity – “Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead” & “The Deadly Assassin” Post author By Porter & John Post date August 2, 2021 ← Who Done Done It? – “The Unicorn and the Wasp” & “Black Orchid”

Who Done Done It? – “The Unicorn and the Wasp” & “Black Orchid” -

Who Done Done It? – “The Unicorn and the Wasp” & “Black Orchid” -

Categories Season 4Who Done Done It? – “The Unicorn and the Wasp” & “Black Orchid” Post author By Porter & John Post date July 19, 2021 ← Family Ties – “The Doctor’s Daughter” & “The Dalek Invasion of Earth”

Family Ties – “The Doctor’s Daughter” & “The Dalek Invasion of Earth” -

Family Ties – “The Doctor’s Daughter” & “The Dalek Invasion of Earth” -

Categories Season 4Family Ties – “The Doctor’s Daughter” & “The Dalek Invasion of Earth” Post author By Porter & John Post date July 5, 2021 ← The Prodigal Sontaran – “The Sontaran Stratagem/The Poison Sky” & “The Time Warrior”



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