Stephanie Bethany

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  • Stephanie Bethany

Stephanie Bethany Sharing knowledge and experiences as an autistic adult.


I just got an email from my OK Senator and she supported the bill and stated that HB3671 passed the OK Senate!! 🎉🎉


URGENT: If you live in Oklahoma, I NEED you to watch this video and contact your state senator ASAP!

OK HB3671 is going to be heard on the Oklahoma Senate floor TOMORROW, Monday, April 15th. This bill would allow autistic people the option of having an identifier placed on their driver's license or ID and add any helpful information to a database to give officers a heads-up about how to interact with them. This also calls for law enforcement training on the new system, on autism, and how to de-escalate interactions with autistic people. This is entirely OPTIONAL and VOLUNTARY, meaning that no one is compelled to do this if they do not want to.


References from the video:


Current data from the CDC states that autism prevalence is estimated to be about 1 in 36. Many people are wondering why there are so many people who have autism now. In this video, I'll address that question.

Happy World Autism Awareness/Acceptance Day!



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These are my thoughts on why autistic or neurodivergent youth should watch the anime Kimi ni Todoke (From Me to You) from my perspective as an autistic adult who watched it as a youth and re-watched recently. The anime is currently available on Netflix and apparently there is a live adaptation version out by Netflix as well (which totally skips on the parts of Sawako that I emphasize here, which was rather disappointing).

A guest post I did about a month ago on the differences between autism and HSP (highly sensitive person):

A guest post I did about a month ago on the differences between autism and HSP (highly sensitive person):

Today, we share some expert insight into the differences between the HSP trait and autism. Do you know the difference?

Guest post by

3 Distinctions Between HSP and Autism

Get your free pass today to see my presentation on Common Misconceptions About Autism! It's available with a free pass f...

Get your free pass today to see my presentation on Common Misconceptions About Autism! It's available with a free pass for 24 hours so be sure to watch soon!

(You can also purchase a pass that should allow much longer access if you wont have the time within 24 hours, if you choose to please use my link: )

Our next Speaker at the is Stephanie Bethany, and her presentation starts in 30 minutes! Stephanie Bethany

Topic: Common Misconceptions about Autism

Sign up at for all the details! 😁

If you have registered, you should receive an email with the video link. Check your inbox for an email with the subject line "The Autism Parenting Summit starts today!"


Everything shouldn't be on the disabled or neurodivergent child's shoulders.

I get that teachers and schools have limited resources. They are stressed, often underpaid and underappreciated, and typically have to manage larger classroom sizes than what is ideal.

But the "problem child" in class isn't going to be less of a nuisance to you when you yell at them and send them out to the principal's office or make snarky comments because you think they're doing it on purpose.

The amount of kids who tell me they don't like their teacher because they yell at them is heartbreaking. They get in trouble for their ADHD- and autism-related behaviors and sensitivities.

We work hard on our end in OT to help these kids grow and have the tools they need to regulate both sensory-wise and emotionally. But it's a long process and they often come to us with little to no tools but a lot of reprimands from school.

They're working hard trying to find out how to handle themselves and organize information in their brain and to live out their role as a student. Asking them to also have all the answers while not offering tools and support is unfair.

It's likely that many teachers and school staff also don't have these tools, because I know that most teachers and school staff genuinely care about their students and want them to succeed.

Please honor what is in the IEP, 504, or what you have agreed upon with parents. It's there for a reason. More likely than not, a child asking for a break is needing it, and asking in itself is such an improvement and achievement on their end.

I think the biggest mindset shift all of us need when faced with challenging behaviors and situations is that it's not on purpose. Are there times where it might be? Sure. But usually that happens because they've been ignored, constantly asked to handle things outside of their skillset, and/or have been shown that they are expected to be a "bad kid."

When you start listening and honoring when needs are communicated, the negative relationship can be repaired and you alleviate some of the pressure off of a child who experiences the world rather differently than you or their peers.

I've had the honor to return for another Autism Parenting Summit, speaking on common misconceptions about autism. You ca...

I've had the honor to return for another Autism Parenting Summit, speaking on common misconceptions about autism. You can attend the virtual summit free!

Sign up here:

📣Autism Parenting Summit is now OPEN for Registration!

This virtual event will be taking place from October 13 - 16, 2023.


🌈 Calling all parents, caregivers, and the autism community! Your journey is important, and you're not alone.
🏡 From the comfort of home, dive deep into expert insights, therapies, and real-life experiences.
👩‍👩‍👧‍👦 Join us and access 29 live expert speaker sessions on various autism-related topics to answer all your burning questions.

🎉 Grab Your FREE Pass TODAY! 🎉


Mark your calendars and be a part of this empowering event. Together, we're stronger!

I got my Atypical CD from Jennifer Msumba Page! It's going to live in my car CD player for the foreseeable future 💛 This...

I got my Atypical CD from Jennifer Msumba Page! It's going to live in my car CD player for the foreseeable future 💛 This album literally made me cry and laugh on my way to school today.

"The Toned Down Version of Me" made me feel SO seen and I cried 'cause what I wouldn't give for people to want me to be me in social gatherings instead of the toned down version who fits in better and doesn't make such a scene and isn't so annoying.

You all should really check her and her music out! I have had many people ask about music for/by autistic people, and Jen is who you are looking for!

Also, , I bought it myself 😉

Have you listened to Jen's music?


Just wanted to share that I have closed my inboxes on FB and IG. I realized that having them open just resulted in most people being disappointed because I didn't respond. I can't get back to everyone (most anyone usually) and have a problem with avoiding inboxes in general. Thank you to everyone who shared their stories and thoughts. I hope all of you are doing well. 💛

Information on Protest and Hill Day to  ; FDA has been granted the ability through a large omnibus bill to ban medical d...

Information on Protest and Hill Day to ; FDA has been granted the ability through a large omnibus bill to ban medical devices for a specific purpose (mentioned in my last video on ABAI, JRC, & A Reckoning) and yet here we still are.

wtf is this? it's what community has been screaming about for decades. local opportunity to show up if you're able:

Protest + Hill Day
Boston Commons

image is a GED.

"The Judge Rotenberg Center (JRC) is a facility in Canton, Massachusetts. The Judge Rotenberg Center tries to control the actions of its students using aversives. The worst aversive the JRC uses is an electric shock device called a Graduated Electronic Decelerator (GED).

The GED is attached to the student’s body. Using a remote control, someone else can use the GED to give an electric shock to the person wearing it. The JRC has electrocuted people for:

Flapping their hands
Standing up
Not taking off a coat
Noises or movements that they make because of their disability
Screaming in pain while being shocked."

Copy/pasted from ASAN's website. NeuroClastic has put together another amazing resources: Lydia X Z Brown also has worked with local advocates including Shain Neumeier and has this amazing resource with updates up until 2021:

yall and share this plz + ty.

April is also Occupational Therapy Month as well as Autism Awareness and Acceptance Month; so here I, an autistic person...

April is also Occupational Therapy Month as well as Autism Awareness and Acceptance Month; so here I, an autistic person, am attending the American Occupational Therapy Association conference~

Also this place is huge.

Apparently, it's World Autism Day.I was introduced to the fact that world autism week was a thing by my late friend, And...

Apparently, it's World Autism Day.

I was introduced to the fact that world autism week was a thing by my late friend, Andy.

We would usually talk about the kinds of messages people put out around this time of year. The whole acceptance vs awareness and all that jazz. I loved that we could share our thoughts with each other without fear of being heavily criticized or taken out of context or misconstrued.

I have historically tried to put out educational content to objectively be helpful.

I think we hear a lot of buzzwords this time of year. It echoes empty for me.

I am autistic.

I think that's supposed to mean you're meant to listen to me on this day. Maybe it holds true even if I say the following:

All autistic people need to be seen and heard and supported. Including those who seem fine and those who are called "severe." Visibility of all of us is important.

The puzzle piece is not a hate symbol. Some autistic people like it. Some do not. Just because people of the past were lacking in knowledge and understanding doesn't mean they all hated their autistic children.

Of all people, I get that Autism Speaks isn't on the top of my list to support, but I don't think ignoring genuine efforts of people associated with it to support and uplift autistic voices should be encouraged. Not all chapters of the organization are the same. Don't harm autistic people who are working with them because of your unwillingness to consider things for yourself.

I don't care what symbols or colors or whatever the heck else this year.

I just want to see people actually listening and actually doing helpful and supportive things.


In this video, we will go over the report written by the ABAI special task force from their visit to the Judge Rotenberg Center, their recommendation, and the final vote for an official position statement, as well as another related development that has a strong effect on the use of the GED-3 and GED-4.

This video is part of a mini-series. You can view the full playlist here:

Jennifer Msumba's book, Shouting at Leaves:
Physical book:


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I've finally gotten around to sharing some more specific thoughts on the Korean drama series Extraordinary Attorney Woo! I also hope this helps explain some of the behavior or situations that happen with Young-woo.

This video does contain spoilers, so if you want my spoiler-free impression as an autistic person, check out this video:

What do you think about there being a season 2 of Extraordinary Attorney Woo?


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I give my thoughts on the book Shouting at Leaves by Jennifer Msumba Page. Have you read her book? What are your thoughts?

Physical book:


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*Some links in this description box are affiliate links, which will give me a small commission should you purchase something through them at no extra cost to you. Thank you for supporting the channel!


A lot of people have asked me when they should tell their child that they are autistic. In today's video, I'm going to share some of my experience having not known I was autistic growing up and look at a research paper that looked into quality of life of adults on the autism spectrum compared to when they were informed of their autism.

**Learn more about Tracto and download their free app!:

Oredipe, T., Kofner, B., Riccio, A., Cage, E., Vincent, J., Kapp, S. K., Dwyer, P., & Gillespie-Lynch, K. (2022). Does learning you are autistic at a younger age lead to better adult outcomes? A participatory exploration of the perspectives of autistic university students. Autism, 13623613221086700.


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This is the third video in the miniseries JRC, ABAI, & A Reckoning, where we go over what happened at the special task force session at the ABAI conference as well as what happened after with a protest held at JRC by autistic advocates.



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I just wanted to talk with you all some more about the concept of masking and the more intricate ways it can occur and how failing to mask in difficult situations can result in poor outcomes for autistic people and my feelings around it from personal experience.


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There's been some interest in whether the motor deficits commonly seen in autism are due to dyspraxia co-morbidity or whether autism has its own specific motor deficits. We'll be looking into developmental coordination disorder, which is the actual DSM-5 diagnosis for what many simply call "dyspraxia" and its relation with autism. We will go into apraxia or developmental dyspraxia in a different video.

References/Further Reading:


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If you haven't seen the full interview with Ido Kedar, you're missing out!

If you haven't seen the full interview with Ido Kedar, you're missing out!

Non-speaking autistic author, Ido Kedar, was kind enough to agree to interview and share his perspective as a non-speaking autistic person, including giving ...

Thank you so much to Ben B. -  "My Own Words: Reflections of a Non-Speaking Autistic for interviewing with me! 💛

Thank you so much to Ben B. - "My Own Words: Reflections of a Non-Speaking Autistic for interviewing with me! 💛

Ben shares his thoughts and perspective as a non-speaking autistic adult. Note that this interview has been significantly edited down for the convenience of ...

This starts tomorrow! Don't miss out:

This starts tomorrow! Don't miss out:

I am excited to be a part of the Autism Parenting Summit to add my voice as an autistic adult and advocate! There are many other autistic and neurodivergent speakers as well as allistic speakers!

Join the to learn from experts and world-class speakers. Discover new approaches that could benefit you and your children on the spectrum.

Sign up today to get your FREE pass and secure your seat!


Stephanie of Autism Mom Plans on YouTube shares her perspective on the issue of non-speaking autistic individuals and who gets to speak for them as a parent of two autistic non-speakers. She shares about listening, parent perspective, and advocacy.

[will add captions in other languages on request]

Find Stephanie Online:

This interview was conducted as part of a video project on the conversation around who is "allowed" to "speak for" non-speaking autistic people. You can find the overall video here:

00:00 Can you tell me a bit about you and your family?
01:29 How well do you feel like you understand your child(ren)?
03:20 How do you communicate?
04:31 Do you experience people telling you they know more about what your child needs than you do?
07:31 How does that make you feel/what is your response to [previous question]?
09:34 What resources have you found most useful over time in learning about autism and your child?
12:19 Do you feel as though you are your child's voice? Why/why not?
14:01 How do you feel regarding the role of autistic advocates in the world of autism?
16:41 What do you think about the conversation around who gets to speak or advocate for nonspeaking autistic people?
20:24 Do you have any other thoughts you'd like to share?


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Non-speaking autistic people often get left out of the conversation when it comes to autism advocacy online. Parents often claim to be their non-speaking child's voice. Autistic advocates often claim to know more about autistic non-speakers due to shared neurotype. There's a divide between parents/family of autistic non-speakers and speaking autistic advocates online. Rarely does anyone consult autistic non-speakers due to so few having gained access to communication and gained visibility online. In this video, we seek to begin to bridge the gap and listen to different points of view, with the hope of building bridges and starting conversations to best help autistic non-speakers and those who love and care about them.

Many thanks and much respect to those who agreed to interview for this project!
Stephanie -
Francesca -
Jennifer Jennifer Msumba Page -
Ben Ben B. - "My Own Words: Reflections of a Non-Speaking Autistic -
Ido Ido Kedar -
Eileen Eileen Lamb -



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Karla and I discuss some of the supports available to parents of neurodivergent children and some of the limits as well as introduce a free app that can help parents keep track of appointments, medicine, sleep, and more. Karla also introduces us to the concept of group coaching and invites parents to apply for a new group coaching program designed for parents of neurodivergent children!

Karla Pretorius has over 15 years of experience in working with neurodivergent individuals and their families. She is Co-Founder of AIMS Global, has a MA Psychology, and is a Registered Counselor for Plumm Health, Contributor for Autism Parenting Magazine and Moshi.

AIMS Global Channel:

[This video is NOT sponsored.]

*Get the free Tracto app:

*Apply for the pilot group coaching program:


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I am excited to be a part of the Autism Parenting Summit to add my voice as an autistic adult and advocate! There are ma...

I am excited to be a part of the Autism Parenting Summit to add my voice as an autistic adult and advocate! There are many other autistic and neurodivergent speakers as well as allistic speakers!

Join the to learn from experts and world-class speakers. Discover new approaches that could benefit you and your children on the spectrum.

Sign up today to get your FREE pass and secure your seat!

"But what about the severely autistic, nonverbal people?">>This video is for you."Autistic people know better than paren...

"But what about the severely autistic, nonverbal people?"
>>This video is for you.

"Autistic people know better than parents on how to help autistic non-speakers/autism is a spectrum that includes speakers, so we know best how to represent autistic people."
>>This video is for you.

"I know my child best."
>>This video is for you.

"I am a non-speaker, and the autistic community hasn't bothered to listen to me."
>>This video is for you.

Autistic or not, speaking or not, high or low support needs, parent, family, friend, advocate, professional...

Watch all the way through and see the perspectives of parents, autistic parents, speaking autistic people and non-speakers. Challenge your assumptions. If you don't know much about the issue, that's okay. This video is for you, too.

>>Captions are currently available in English, Hindi, Spanish, Chinese (Simplified), Arabic, Portuguese, Hebrew, Indonesian, French, Korean, Japanese, Russian, German, Filipino, Dutch, Italian, and Ukrainian.

Non-speaking autistic people often get left out of the conversation when it comes to autism advocacy online. Parents often claim to be their non-speaking chi...

I'm so excited for tomorrow's online premiere of "Who Speaks for Autistic Non-Speakers"!! I will be online in the live c...

I'm so excited for tomorrow's online premiere of "Who Speaks for Autistic Non-Speakers"!! I will be online in the live chat with you all on YouTube at 4pm CST during its premiere. Don't worry - it's not super long like the ABA video haha.
Thank you to Ben B. - "My Own Words: Reflections of a Non-Speaking Autistic , Ido Kedar , Jennifer Msumba Page , Eileen Lamb , Neurodivergent Franchfries, Autism Mom Plans, Nikki, and Iouri for participating in the conversation!
Hope to see yall there!

Non-speaking autistic people often get left out of the conversation when it comes to autism advocacy online. Parents often claim to be their non-speaking chi...


The infamous Judge Rotenberg Center (JRC) has recently sent a cease and desist letter to NeuroClastic, and autistic-run non-profit, accusing them of making false and defamatory statements about them. We're going to look into JRC's accusations and NeuroClastic's response. In later episodes of this mini-series, we will look into the effect this had on not only the autistic community, but the Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) community.

This is episode one of the miniseries "JRC, ABAI, and a Reckoning."

References for this video:
Read the article version with in-text citations:
How to find your Senators:
H.R. 7667 - Food and Drug Amendments of 2022:


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