The Prayer of Faith- Ep. 108 Guest Jacob Phillips
Jacob Phillips was born without a brain and given less than 1 hour to live by the doctors. God intervened through answered prayer to supernaturally give Jacob a brain. Jacob joins us today to share with us about the power of "the prayer of faith".
"Repent" is an essential gospel response that is largely ignored or misunderstood. Yet Jesus said that the gospel offers forgiveness of sins ONLY to those who repent. So what does it mean to repent? Join us as we discuss this life changing reality.
The Power of Tongues- Ep. 103
If tongues is not very useful in church meetings, what's the point of this gift in the practical outworking of this gift of the Holy Spirit? Are believers who don't speak in tongues at some kind of disadvantage? Join us as we discuss "The Power of Tongues"
#102- PRACTICING THE PRESENCE OF GOD. God makes it possible to experience His presence continually. It's not as hard as you may think! Join us as we discuss.
Ep. 101- Join us as we discuss the overlap between the mindsets and skills required to be an effective disciple-maker and an effective parent.
It's easy to see the failings of others, especially leaders. How do you respond to leaders who have let their success go to their heads? How you respond is more important that you might think. Join us as we discuss.
How can we thrive when we don't control the culture? Is it possible? Yes! Join us as we discuss how to "Thrive in the Midst of Babylon" in Episode 99 of the Sons and Daughters Podcast with Andy and Tina Hayner
Ep. 98- 'You are Clean" Guest Christine Cain accepted God's forgiveness for her sins before becoming a believer, but struggled with feelings of doubt, rejection and insecurity whenever she would sin as a believer... until she heard the Lord say, "You are clean!" Join us for this powerful discussion that will revolutionize your life.
Episode 98- You are CLEAN- Guest: Christine Cain accepted God's forgiveness for her sins before becoming a believer, but struggled with feelings of doubt, rejection and insecurity whenever she would sin as a believer... until she heard the Lord say, "You are clean!" Join us for this powerful discussion that will revolutionize your life.
God has a plan for humanity that is amazing and He's painted a picture of that plan in Israel's feasts. Yet most Christians are clueless about the connection between what is still to come and the feasts of Israel. Join us for part 2 of our discussion with @Sean Steckbeck, lifelong missionary to Israel, to discover the "Seasons of God".
Ep. 95- The feasts of Israel play a significant role in the Bible. What role do they play in our lives today? Join us as Sean Steckbeck, a missionary to Israel, shares his powerful perspective on the feasts of Israel, as they reveal God's heart and lay out the entire plan of God for human history. This is PART 1 of a 2 Part discussion.
The Scriptures refer to Jesus as the "Bridegroom" and calls the church His "Bride". Join us as we discuss the power of viewing our relationship with God through this lens.