Danaba DAILY

Danaba DAILY Providing accurate information to the residents of Danaba and beyond

FLASH-FLOODS ALERT: Kenya metrological department has urged residents of Wajir, Marsabit and Mandera counties to be on t...

FLASH-FLOODS ALERT: Kenya metrological department has urged residents of Wajir, Marsabit and Mandera counties to be on the lookout for potential flash-floods from today to Sunday that may occur in places where heavy rainfall has not been received and especially in areas which are known to be water paths from Ethiopia.

HISTORY IN THE MAKING...TANZANIA’S Vice  president Samia Suluhu Hassan constitutionally set to become the first female P...


TANZANIA’S Vice president Samia Suluhu Hassan constitutionally set to become the first female President of Tanzania and east Africa following president Magufuli’s death.

She will also be the first Muslim woman to be the head of state in Africa.

Suluhu will lead for the remainder of Magufuli’s term until 2025. Pombe Magufuli had just been re-elected in November last year.


UPDATE: Nairobi County Assembly unanimously passes the BBI constitutional amendment bill, becoming the 10th county to do so.
All 114 MCAs present voted Yes
Do you think your County Assembly will pass the bill?
Share your thought with us .


AT LEAST 38 Form Four students of Kabarnet Boys High School test positive for Covid-19, Baringo County Commissioner Henry Wafula says.

Dr. Nancy Macharia, CEO of the Teachers Service Commission asks teachers to report back to schools on Monday, or earlier...

Dr. Nancy Macharia, CEO of the Teachers Service Commission asks teachers to report back to schools on Monday, or earlier if convenient, for the eventual reopening.


CS George Magoha said education stakeholders have agreed to consider reopening of learning institutions before the end of the year since the COVID-19 curve has been flattened.

Sources indicate a committee of experts tasked to deliberate on possible reopening dates has settled on October 2020 as the most appropriate month for the resumption of studies.

Parents have been asked to prepare in terms of paying school fees and meeting other expenses.


Magoha has called for a stakeholders meeting on September 14
At the center of discussion will be whether the Ministry of Education has instituted enough measures to prepare for schools opening or not , even if the resumption date remains next year.
Whether to open schools and colleges or not will be the main question during a major education stakeholders meeting chaired by Education CS Magoha.

Director of Public Prosecution Noordin Hajj has ordered for the arrest of Garissa County Governor, Ali Korane for the em...

Director of Public Prosecution Noordin Hajj has ordered for the arrest of Garissa County Governor, Ali Korane for the embezzlement of Ksh 233Million .


A 10-year-old girl hanged herself to death in Eldas Town, Wajir County.

The reason behind this is unknown.


Via Daily Nation

Daily Nation
Senate asks new Auditor-General to probe use of Covid-19 billions

The Senate Ad Hoc committee on Covid-19 made the request amid claims that billions allocated to deal with the pandemic may have been diverted.

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A Parliamentary committee has now requested Auditor-General Nancy Gathungu to undertake a special audit into the expenditure of billions of shillings allocated to the national and county governments for the Covid-19 pandemic interventions.

The Senate Ad Hoc committee on Covid-19 made the request amid claims that funds allocated to deal with the pandemic may have been diverted to other uses not related to the disease, misapplied or misappropriated.

The committee chaired by nominated Senator Sylvia Kasanga also wants Controller of Budget (CoB) Dr Margaret Nyakang’o to furnish it with a special budget review implementation report on the utilisation of funds by the 47 devolved units towards the pandemic interventions.

In two separate letters to Ms Gathungu and Dr Nyakang’o, Senate Clerk Jeremiah Nyegenye, on behalf of the committee, noted that the special audit should cover the period between March 13 and July 31, 2020.

“The Committee therefore requests that you undertake the special audit and submit an independent report,” Mr Nyegenye says, adding that the report should be submitted by email on or before September 4, 2020.

The report from the Controller of Budget is required by August 21.

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The first Covid-19 case in Kenya was reported on March 13, with the numbers surging to near the 24,000 mark as at yesterday. Fatalities are at 391 while the number of those who have recovered is nearing 10,000.

The special audit as requested by the Senate comes as the Finance and National Planning Committee of the National Assembly prepares to summon top officials from the Ministry of Health over the expenditure of Covid-19 billions advanced by various development partners around the world.

Other senior officials from State agencies under the ministry are also lined up for grilling.

According to Mr Nyegenye, the audit should review and establish whether the counties had approved work plans, procurement, and training plans in place specific to the pandemic before the funds were disbursed.

Ms Gathungu is also required to review and establish the total amount of money received by the counties, as well as the bank accounts into which the funds were banked.

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JUST IN : Two brothers drowned in River Dawa, Mandera County.Efforts to search for their bodies are underway.

JUST IN : Two brothers drowned in River Dawa, Mandera County.
Efforts to search for their bodies are underway.


President Kenyatta has signed into law a bill allowing a voter to recall incompetent and troublesome MCAs. The process of recalling an MCA according to the new law has been simplified in that a voter from the ward can kick start the process after obtaining over 30% of signatures from the ward's registered voters. The voter then writes to the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) and impeachment process has to be concluded within 30 days of its filing.


1. A petition filed in writing with the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) will initiate the recall.

2..Petition must be signed by 30 per cent of the registered voters in the Ward.
3. The petition must be signed by a petitioner who is a voter in the ward in respect of which the recall is sought,” reads part of the law.

4. Submission of the petition to the IEBC must be within 30 days from the date of its filing.

5. The IEBC shall verify the signatures within 30 days from the date the petition is filed.

6. The commission, if satisfied that the requirements are met, it shall, within 14 days of verification, issue a notice to recall the rep to the Speaker of the county assembly.

7. The IEBC shall conduct a recall election in the affected ward within 90 days of publication of the question – Yes or No.

8. A simple majority shall decide the recall vote.

9. If a majority vote in support of the recall, IEBC shall conduct a by-election in the ward within 90 days.


A 16 year old boy killed in Mandera by a stray bullet from the neighboring Bula Hawa town in Somalia.
The deceased who was a form four student was sitting in his homestead when the stray bullet knocked his head and died on his way to hospital.
This is not the first time stray bullet is killing innocent people in Mandera.
Early this year, a stray bullet nearly killed a mother in Bulla power during a senior member of the Somali military wedding celebration in Bulla Hawa but she was rushed to the hospital and the bullet was successfully removed.


Education matters

1. Schools to be reopened in 2021.

2. Students in class 1-7 and form 1-3 to repeat classes.

3. No K.C.S.E/K.C.P.E exams in 2020. Exams pushed to later 2021.

4. Teacher training institutions/ colleges to reopen in September.

5. KNEC to issue new exams timetables.

6. Universities to continue doing online learning as they consider phased reopening.

7. All institutions allowed to reopen must attain MOH covid-19 guidelines.


There will be two form one classes in 2021 and there will be no KCPE and KCSE examinations in 2021, says Education CS George Magoha.

Magoha announced that schools will only be reopened if the daily percentage of COVID-19 cases reduce within 14 days.

"Stakeholders have shelved the initial proposal to reopen schools in September for Standard eight and form four candidates."


BREAKING: Containment of Nairobi, Mombasa and Mandera lifted from 4 AM tomorrow, President Kenyatta announces. Curfew remains in place for a further 30 days.

Nationwide curfew extended for a further 30 days. Restriction of operation of bars to take aways only, Social and Political gatherings and restrictions of number of persons who can attend weddings and funerals.

Local transport to resume on 15th July, in strict compliance with guidelines.
International travel to resume effective 1st Aug in strict conformity with local and international civil aviation authorities.

President Kenyatta on phased reopening places of worship
- Only 100 individuals to be allowed in places of worship for not more than 1 hour
- Sundays schools & Madrasas to remain closed
- Congregants should be above 13-years old and below 58-years-old


●Inter counties Lockdown lifted.
● Curfew from 9pm to 4am extended
●Schools, Madarassa and Sunday schools remain suspended.
●Mosques and churches to reopen with each congregation having not more than 100 people.

Via MCGPSPEACE ACCORD HONOURED MOYALE SUB COUNTY, BUTIYE WARDTUESDAY 23/06/2020Residents of Badanrero and Bori junction ...



TUESDAY 23/06/2020

Residents of Badanrero and Bori junction have honoured the peace deal brokered between the two warring communities of Borana and Degodia by returning all the camels stolen from Wajir County to the elders.

The inter-county peace deal was championed by the leaders of the two counties where 8 point declaration was signed by elders from the two sides where among other items cessation of violence and return of all stolen livestock was agreed upon.

A total of 289 camel and 152 goats were handed over to Degodia elders by Borana elders led by Sheikh Nur Ahmed who also adds up as the chairman of the peace committee.

The handing over process was presided over by the deputy governor H.E Solomon Gubo Riwe and representatives from the ministry of interior.

The Degodia elders also carried along with them a brand new motorcycle of 150cc as a compensation for the motorcycle belonging to the resident of Badanrero that was burnt by Degodia rowdy youths.

The elders apologised for the ugly incident and vowed to deal with those involved. All the culprits have been successful handed over to police by Degodia elders where they're being held at the police stations .

BREAKING NEWS: Kenya wins UN Security Council seat after gathering 129 votes against Djibouti's 62 votes in second round...

BREAKING NEWS: Kenya wins UN Security Council seat after gathering 129 votes against Djibouti's 62 votes in second round of voting.


☑️ That the cessation of movement into and out of the Eastleigh Area of Nairobi and the specific limitations in force with respect to the Mombasa Old Town Area that is currently in force, shall lapse at 4:00 a.m. on 7th of June, 2020.

☑️ That in view of the successful containment of the disease in the Counties of Kilifi and Kwale, the cessation of movement into and out of the two Counties that is currently in force, shall lapse at 4:00 a.m. on 7th of June, 2020.

☑️ That following stakeholder’s consultations in the education sector - the Ministry of Education jointly with the Ministry of Health issues and publicizes guidelines on a gradual and progressive return to normalcy in the education sector by the Third Term, from 1st September, 2020. Further, that the ministry announces the new school calendar by mid - August.

☑️ That following consultations with interfaith and religious organizations, the Ministries of Interior and Health within seven days, constitutes an Inter-Faith Council, to work out modalities and protocols of re-opening of the places of worship.

☑️ That in the meantime, the ban on all forms of gatherings, including but not limited to political gatherings, social gatherings, including bars be and is hereby extended for a further 30 days.
That due to the evolving nature of the disease globally, international travel restrictions are hereby extended. In the meantime, the Ministry of Transport is directed within seven days from the date hereof, to engage all Key Stakeholders and develop protocols to guide resumption of local air travel.

☑️That due to the increase in patterns of infections, the cessation of movement into and out of the Nairobi Metropolitan Area, Mombasa and Mandera be further extended by 30 days.

☑️ That the nationwide dusk-to-dawn curfew currently in force until today the 6th June, 2020, be and is extended for a further 30 days. However, the commencement time for the same is varied from 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.; with the end time for the same being varied from 5:00 a.m. to 4:00 a.m. Therefore, effective 7th June, 2020 the national wide dusk-to-dawn Curfew will run from 8:00 O’clock in the evening to 4:00 O’clock in the morning.

Residents of Dandu have kicked off a process of recalling their MCA Alinoor. They accuse him of gross misconduct, misapp...

Residents of Dandu have kicked off a process of recalling their MCA Alinoor. They accuse him of gross misconduct, misappropriation of funds and blatant violation of law.
Collection of signatures is going on accross Dandu Ward.

Regional Commissioners met religious leaders today with a view to developing standard operating procedures that will gui...

Regional Commissioners met religious leaders today with a view to developing standard operating procedures that will guide implementation of a safe participatory approach as government considers reopening places of worship.

The final report will be presented to H.E. President Kenyatta by CS Dr. Fred Matiangi.

With an understanding that COVID-19 could become endemic in the human population, let's prepare to live with the virus as we endeavor to resume our normal socioeconomic activities. We owe it to ourselves to continue adhering to The Ministry of Health guidelines on management of the virus.


National Council for Persons with Disabilities is conducting a National listing exercise targeting 33,333 poor and vulnerable persons with disabilities to benefit from a short-term cash transfer from June to August 2020. This short-term cash transfer aims to cushion persons with disabilities from the advance economic effects of COVID-19. This program is targeting vulnerable persons with disabilities across the country. The listing exercise commences from 1st June to 6th June 2020. This program is fully funded by the Government of Kenya for more details follow the link bellow;

NASA MPs unanimously agree to make changes in House leadership and Parliamentary Committees as proposed by The Hon Junet...

NASA MPs unanimously agree to make changes in House leadership and Parliamentary Committees as proposed by The Hon Junet Mohamed.


BREAKING:Health CS Mutahi Kagwe Announces 123 New Cases of COVID-19 ;This is Kenya's Highest Increase of New Cases in a Day.Kenya now has 1471 Confirmed Cases.Highest Number in East Africa

Kenya confirms 31 more Covid-19 cases in the last 24 hours bringing the tally to 1,192; President Kenyatta says 57,650 s...

Kenya confirms 31 more Covid-19 cases in the last 24 hours bringing the tally to 1,192; President Kenyatta says 57,650 samples tested so far


His Excellency the President will address the nation today from State House, Nairobi at 11am. The national address will be live on leading television and radio stations in the country.


Kenya confirms 57 more COVID-19 positive cases out of the 2,197 samples tested in the last 24 hours bringing the national tally to 887.


Breaking News:
Cessation of Movement in and Out of Counties of Nairobi,Mombasa,Mandera,Kilifi and Kwale extended till 6th June.
Nationwide curfew also extended till 6th june.


BREAKING: Communication mast in Khorofharar, Wajir East destroyed by suspected Al Shabab militia. An attempt to hit Khorofharar Police Post however failed according to officials

COVID-19: KENYA cases rise to 758 after 21 people test positive; the youngest new patient is 7-years-old, CAS Mwangangi ...

COVID-19: KENYA cases rise to 758 after 21 people test positive; the youngest new patient is 7-years-old, CAS Mwangangi says.


FOUR people escaped quarantine in Wajir County after One of them tested POSITIVE for Covid-19


Residents of Danaba town are in panic mode after positive case of Covid-19 in Mandera West is believed to be from Eldanaba.
Meanwhile, we are urged the residents to adhere to the MOH guidelines in order to combat the disease by
1.Avoiding Social gathering
2.Maintain social distance
3.Washing their hands regularly with water and soap
4.Cover their mouth and nose by wearing mask when in public places
Its the time of Ramadan, let's all pray to Allah swt to end this pandemic and remove the suffering in the globe.


Mandera county recorded six more covid19 case today.
3 Mandera East
1 Mandera West
1 Mandera South
1 Mandera North

ADDITIONAL 16 individuals confirmed positive for corona virus in Ethiopia, and this raises  the number of confirmed case...

ADDITIONAL 16 individuals confirmed positive for corona virus in Ethiopia, and this raises the number of confirmed case in the country to 210. one new death also reported that raise the number of death to 5 according to the ministry of health


*BREAKING: Kenya records 45 more cases of Covid-19 bringing total number to 535*

Breakdown of cases:
29 from Nairobi – All Nairobi cases from Eastleigh
11 from Mombasa
5 from Wajir
One foreign national from Somalia

9 more patients have tested negative; total number of recoveries in Kenya is now 182.


Kenya confirms 25 more COVID-19 cases bringing the national tally to 490 from 1012 samples tested in the last 24 hours.

15 are from Nairobi, and 10 from Mombasa.

All the 25 are Kenyans; 13 males and 12 females aged between 6 months and 60 years.

SECURITY officers in Moyale boarder town on Thursday seized 750 kilograms of bhang with a street market value of Sh75 mi...

SECURITY officers in Moyale boarder town on Thursday seized 750 kilograms of bhang with a street market value of Sh75 million from a house in Manyatta Burji area.
Four suspects were detained and waiting to be arraigned in court.
Briefing the media ,Moyale Police Commander Anthony Nderitu said they made the arrest following a tip-off from members of the public.

Moyale Ethiopia record first suspected case of Covid-19

Moyale Ethiopia record first suspected case of Covid-19

Call for Applications! Cycle 5 :-) The KYEOP project is a Ksh. 15 billion project by GOK financed by World Bank targetin...

Call for Applications! Cycle 5 :-)
The KYEOP project is a Ksh. 15 billion project by GOK financed by World Bank targeting the youth. Applications are invited by Ministry of ICT & Youth Affairs for youth aged between 18-29 years, form 4 & below level of education to participate in the Kenya Youth Employment & Opportunities Project (KYEOP). Applications start today and end on 29th May

Don't miss the opportunity
Apply now http://mis.kyeop.go.ke/live/register





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