Blessings for Myra Formby

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Blessings for Myra Formby Myra is in the ICU having sustained multiple brain bleeds & fractures.

What a year this has been!  We have so much to be thankful for.  One year ago Myra was rehabilitating at Brooks.  She ha...

What a year this has been! We have so much to be thankful for. One year ago Myra was rehabilitating at Brooks. She had already come so far after being in the accident. Everyone we knew was celebrating Thanksgiving with all the trimmings. Last year our family was thankful Myra was still with us. We had no idea what the next year would hold for her. What we learned as each day passed was the love and compassion of our heavenly Father and His miraculous healing power. As we were completely immersed in the love and prayers of friends, family, and brothers and sisters in Christ, we were carried in the Fathers loving hands.
Today Myra is back to her daily walk with dogs, driving again, doing the normal chores around the house, and today she is cooking our Thanksgiving meal! What a miracle, what a Savior, what an awesome God! No matter what happens from now on, I know I can trust my Heavenly Father to provide.
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!


What a blessing today brings. The Lord has seen fit to bless our family, me especially, as today marks our 39th anniversary. I know I have been changed by the events of the last 7 months. God has shown me what is important in life and allowed me to experience a depth and width of love that I did not know I was capable of. I pray that we never return to the life we were living before the accident. The peace He has blessed us with, amidst all the turmoil of the accident, and now with the virus lock down, is unbelievable. We have 6 adults living in the same house together. One is on administrative leave from the FAA, two are working from home and Myra and I are retired. That means only one of us has to leave the house to work. So all of us are here almost the time, and we are getting along great!

I thank God for all He has done, for what He is doing, and what He will do in the future. I have truly been blessed!


She’s back!

By the grace of God I want to tell everyone how thankful I am for the tremendous prayers and support.  The way you cared...

By the grace of God I want to tell everyone how thankful I am for the tremendous prayers and support. The way you cared for my family really touches my heart. Thank you so much for the food you provided that allowed them to be with me in the hospital. They tell me so many stories of the great meals you provided along with the spiritual support every night. Wayne and Brooke have made a number of the recipes they acquired because they were so good. The flowers and cards were a constant reminder of the prayers and love being poured out for my family and I from everywhere.

I have been released from physical and occupational therapy leaving only speech which covers cognitive also. My blood pressure has finally balanced out and one more drug has been crossed off the list. Reading through the prayers and responses on this FB page has given me strength and ensured my faith that God has been in control throughout this terrible time.


Sunday February 23, 2020.

I have to apologize to everyone for not posting more on Myra's progress. She is doing fantastic! Every doctor she sees, especially the brain doctors are beside themselves as they watch her walk in, carry on a conversation and appear normal. They have no medical explanation for her progress. For example the neurologist, after looking at the CT scans of her brain that shows areas of scarring on her brain says he would not expect to see the patient walk in, let alone carry on a conversation answer questions and make jokes. They all agree she is a miracle.

I am gently pushing her to make a video so everyone can see how the Lord has answered the many prayers. God has given the love of my life back to me. I pray I can honor His gift by telling everyone what He has done, and loving her as I should have the last 40 years.

I will never be able to thank all who have followed along as we walked through this dark valley. You have all been such a tremendous blessing to me and my family...oh and to Myra as well, praise God!


Saturday January 25, 2020. Myra continues to amaise! She is now doing stuff in therapy I honestly believe I couldn't do! If anyone has any doubts about the power of our Lord and the prayers of His children they need to see what He has done for Myra.


Sunday January 12, 2020.

Myra is making very good progress, both at therapy and moving around the house. I could not be more proud of her. Even though she may be tired, have a headache, is just plain sore, or just doesnt feel like it, she presses on. Her blood pressure is a big issue currently. Over this last week the doctors have switched her back to the meds she was on prior to her injury and added an additional med trying to get her BP under control. When she gets up in the morning her BP is in the 170/110 range and goes down a little during the day. She also has pretty bad headaches which might be caused by her high BP or just a holdover from her injuries.

I cannot believe the changes the Lord has wrought in me. I am normally a very selfish person busy doing the things I want to do. And up to the day of Myra's accident that was how I spent most of my days. Now my day is filled with meeting her needs. The miracle is I cannot imagine doing anything else. I love being there for her, doing whatever i can to make her comfortable and happy. I may have mentioned it before, I am in love with my wife! I cannot wait until she gets to the point we can travel a little, maybe do some light hiking and just enjoy each other. I am so grateful for what the lord has done, I will praise Him forever!

Sunday January 5, 2020.I cannot believe another year has passed, and what a year it has been!  Myra is progressing well....

Sunday January 5, 2020.

I cannot believe another year has passed, and what a year it has been! Myra is progressing well. She attends 3 hours of outpatient therapy twice a week. She is able to walk short distances around the house without her walker. This allows her to do some simple tasks on her own but help is never far away. I was repeatedly told by hospital staff during her stay that I needed to prepare myself for when she comes home. I can tell you from experience taking care of her is a blessing, but it is a 24 hour a day thing. Her getting stronger and more confident is a double edged sword. She is able to do more but she becomes more susceptible to a slip or fall if she hurries or is not purposeful in what she is doing. If anyone would have told me beforehand what was coming on September 20 I have no doubt I would have said I do not have the strength to make it. That is probably one of the biggest evidences of the Lord intervening in my life. Not only was I able to endure, but all along He grew my trust and faith in Him.

Sunday December 29, 2019.Getting used to being at home again.  Other than the seizure episode, things are progressing we...

Sunday December 29, 2019.

Getting used to being at home again. Other than the seizure episode, things are progressing well. Sometimes it is hard to pull back on the reins and move slowly. It seems so natural to push her sometimes forgetting how serious her injuries were. Finding balance between letting her rest or allowing her to avoid working on recovery is tough. If it's not us pushing, it's her doing things to quick or thinking she can do whatever she wants. She is starting to get frustrated with her current limitations. I am trying to find a project for her to work on that she would enjoy, but can't seem to find something that she is interested in starting. She spends most of the day sitting or laying on the couch which really goes against her nature. After all this is the woman that just decides to paint the entire living room, dining room, hallways, and kitchen during my foot surgery recovery. She finished the project in three days!

I am really enjoying taking care of her though. From getting up with her in the middle of the night for bathroom trips, helping her get dressed, massaging sore muscles, to bathing, I cherish all of it! I got the best Christmas gift this year when we all went to the movies together. I was so proud of her taking such a big step, especially in light of the seizure four days earlier. I am married to a very strong willed, fantastic woman! I am so thankful for God's mercy and healing miracles that have been poured over us these last few months. I pray her fighting spirit endures the three hours a day, three days a week, therapy sessions at Brooks. The sessions really wear her out but are already bearing fruit. She is getting stronger and more confident, at times a little too confident. She tried to get up by herself this morning not wanting to wake me up. I think she will always struggle with being dependent on others, having been so independent her entire life.

Myra is uncharacteristically avoiding making calls to friends as she has done everyday for as long as I can remember. I am longing to see her reconnect with her sister who came all the way from Iowa to see her while she was in the ICU. She was so close with her nephews and niece and I am looking forward to seeing her reconnect with them also. Please pray for our family, the stress from everything that has happened has strained relationships here at home. There is distance now between Austin and the rest of the family. I pray that the Lord can heal this division as he heals Myra.


Christmas Eve 2019.

For the first time in my life, and certainly the first for any of our family, there are no gifts under the tree. The tree wasn't even up until 3 days ago. Brooke put the ornaments and other adornments on the tree today and it's beautiful. All that would lead anyone to think the mood is dark or gloomy and sad. Those thoughts could not be further from the truth. The feelings of joy, love, peace, warmth and family have never been this strong for me. Without a doubt we have more to be thankful for this year. All the distractions that tend to take my eyes off if what is really important have been moved aside. Sitting here in the living room with Myra on my left, Danny and Brooke to my right things just seem...right and good. Myra is doing great, albeit tired from the last two days. She is now on anti seizure meds that do make her sleepy. Hopefully the seizure was a single event she won't see again. So I praise God for this Christmas, for removing the distractions, for allowing me to appreciate my wife and family as never before, for the love and care of friends, and most of all the richness of His magnificent gift we celebrate tomorrow.


Monday December 23, 2019.

Still here in the OPMC emergency room where they move at the speed of molasses flowing uphill in January. Been waiting for an EEG that was supposed to happen at 8:00 this morning. Every time I ask they say it will be in an hour or so. She has had nothing to eat since 6:00 PM last night which really makes me angry. I cant just pack up and take her home because of the problems with insurance. So we are again at the mercy of God and must wait on things to happen in His time. Positives so far are nothing has come back abnormal in any test. Like many have said seizures are not uncommon after a TBI and can be treated with meds. I just want to get her out of the hospital and back home. I am praying that things will move along so I can get her home and fed a good meal.

Seeing it happen last night was very frightening, second only to the original injury. Praise God she was laying in bed safe and I was surrounded by all the kids.


Sunday December 22, 2019.

Throughout Saturday and Sunday Myra has been doing very well. She scoots around the house in her walker only needing help to stand up. She is eating great, sleeping well and in good spirits. Tonight as I was getting her ready for bed and after getting her settled in I went out to the living room to get her glass of water. When I came back she was in the throes of a seizure. Danny and I got her to her side and helped her calm down. The seizure probably lasted about two or three minutes. Rob called 911 so we could get her to the hospital. She is a little tired but doing okay and will stay here in the ER tonight just in case she has another seizure. In the morning she will see a neurologist to make sure she is okay. They will probably have us include anti seizure meds from now on. They had warned us from the beginning that she was susceptible to seizures but had been spared them up to thus point, thank God. So I am adding thus new malady to my daily prayers.

Thank you David for the perfect verse for this evening.

Isaiah 12:2
Surely God is my salvation;
I will trust and not be afraid.
The Lord, the Lord Himself is my strength and my defense;
He has become my salvation.”

Friday December 20, 2019.Brooke says she thinks God has a great sense of humor.  Danny, her husband, was released from I...

Friday December 20, 2019.

Brooke says she thinks God has a great sense of humor. Danny, her husband, was released from Indy ARTCC yesterday. That means Myra returns home to me on the same day Brooke's husband returns home to to her. He will start at his new facility, JAX ARTCC on the 22nd. God is so wonderful, pouring blessing after blessing on our family and I will give Him all the glory and credit. Thank you Father!

My nephew passed this song along that expresses my heart so beautifully.

Get VENUS now at iTunes: & Amazon: Follow Joy Williams online at:

Thursday December 19, 2019.MYRA IS HOME, PRAISE THE LORD!!!We broke out of Brook's at 12:30 today and as you can see by ...

Thursday December 19, 2019.


We broke out of Brook's at 12:30 today and as you can see by the picture she is happy to be back at home. I ask that everyone give her 3 days to acclimate to and allow her to feel safe in the new environment at home. I will praise and thank the Lord forever!

Tuesday December 17, 2019.Myra's resolve just amaises me.  She wont allow herself to stop pushing ahead.  I am so proud ...

Tuesday December 17, 2019.

Myra's resolve just amaises me. She wont allow herself to stop pushing ahead. I am so proud of her! Today they taught me how to assist her with the walker prepping me for her return home. Then we went outside and I learned how to help her navigate a curb and finally climb into our car! I joked with her and said let's go home. She just looked up at me from the passenger seat and I could see she was ready. I can feel the excitement rising up inside me!

Monday December 16 2019.Myra worked with the walker quite a bit today.   They took her outside the smooth floors of the ...

Monday December 16 2019.

Myra worked with the walker quite a bit today. They took her outside the smooth floors of the hospital into the wilds of the concrete jungle. She said it was scary having to remember to lift up on the walker to navigate the cracks and crevices but she was able to make it work. The last and final tube (feeding) will be removed tomorrow morning. As I look back at where she was this is a milestone. I will never be able to thank the Lord enough for the miracle I have watched Him work. He has brought Myra through what we were lead to believe was a fatal injury on September 20, 2019. Here we are at the doorstep of the last vestige of artificial life support, used to keep her alive, and all I can do is praise God. The best part of that is I will have eternity to praise Him, as I join the chorus of brothers and sisters that have prayed for Myra and I through this horrible ordeal. I may not know everyone that has prayed with us, but I do know I will one day meet all of you standing in His light on streets of gold!


Sunday December 15, 2019.

Just a quiet day of rest after a couple sessions of therapy today. She is doing so well standing up and working with the walker. She is obviously getting stronger and gaining confidence. The confidence seems like it may be a double edge sword though. Sometimes she moves too quick or sits down too fast. She needs to learn to be extra careful until she regains her strength and her feet and legs are sure beneath her. She will be coming home soon!


Saturday December 14, 2019.

Myra is working harder and harder participating in every therapy session. She get irritated when she is going to be late getting to a session or when a session does not start on time. She started working with a walker yesterday in preparation to coming home. Initially all movements around the house will be with a walker. I purchased a travel chair for those times she ventured away from the house. If there is one thing I know about my wife she will have to get her shopping fix. The shopping trips will be in the chair.

Thursday December 12, 2019.Myra and her neighbors went out for ice cream today.  Thus was Myras first time away from a h...

Thursday December 12, 2019.

Myra and her neighbors went out for ice cream today. Thus was Myras first time away from a hospital in almost three months. I was actually surprised she went with the temperature here in JAX very cool. But she was ready to go at 1:00. She did great on the field trip and I am sure she will sleep good tonight.

Wednesday December 11, 2019.Another very good day.  The last tube will be removed sometime next week.  The feeding tube ...

Wednesday December 11, 2019.

Another very good day. The last tube will be removed sometime next week. The feeding tube is used mainly for water now because she still isn't drinking enough water. Here's more photos and video.

Tuesday December 10, 2019.Everyday now Myra seems to make strides in her recovery.  Today was a biggie for her.  She see...

Tuesday December 10, 2019.

Everyday now Myra seems to make strides in her recovery. Today was a biggie for her. She seems to have control of going to the bathroom now. It takes one person to take her when she says it's time. If she can get this one aspect of daily life under complete control she will finally get her dignity back. She appreciates all the help she has been given in this area but always felt the need to apologize when the nurses had to clean her up. So now she can check this one off. She is getting stronger and stronger as you will see in the following pictures and videos. I praise God everyday I walk in and find her in good spirits. God has truly been gracious with this answered prayer. It wont be long now till she comes home, PRAISE GOD!




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