In the beginning of WW2, the "Navy Wives" are less privileged than the "Army Wives" and the "Air Force Wives" when it comes to the "Soldier's dependants allowance". Early on, army wives (through a variety of organisations) become vocals and proactive: they fight for the well being of their children and they demand what they believe to be fair. In the newspapers, their determination is felt and the population (including journalists) is sympathic to their cause. In comparaison, "Air Force Wives" will remain mostly silent when it comes to publicly express their disatisfaction.
When the "Army Wives" and "Air Force Wives" obtain a raise in pay of amount of living expenses in October 1941, many "Navy Wives" and mothers of sailors express their anger in open and anonymous letters to the editor of various newspapers. They argue about the fact that all children should be considered equally and are entitled to the same treatment as the children from the other branches. Between the lines, some of them even express their disgust about the way "Army Wives" publicly complain about whaever is bothering them. Their is no trace of a massive mobilisation in the newspapers but that didn't prevent the "Navy Wives" from winning their case (and equality!) in March 1942. In 1943, all dependant wives can work without losing any part of allowances (with conditions).
The following articles picture their history, between 1939 to 1943