The thymus gland is a very important gland that is essential for the immune system. Little known, but very important because it produces lymphocytes.
In infants and children, it is very large and active, then begins to wither in adolescence, but continues to produce lymphocytes throughout life.
Our SUPREME ENERGY is located in the thymus.
In children it is very developed because they can love unconditionally. With adulthood, it shrinks due to negative feelings like greed, hatred, jealousy, judgment ...
The thyme is associated with the CHAKRA of the HEART and the throat, in fact it is located halfway between the two.
With the heart participates in the expansion of unconditional love.
He is exposed to stress when there are problems in relationships with others and with himself.
When the thymus is out of whack, it can lead to anxiety, shyness, loneliness, and difficulty in emotional relationships, which can lead to physical problems such as asthma, shortness of breath, and lung disease, as the thymus is connected to the heart chakra, which also applies to the lungs , besides, the heart and the lungs have the intestines in common, and therefore it blocks when it is difficult to let go of a relationship, a job, a wrong ailment. .
By balancing the thyme, it also has an effect on the heart, lungs and intestines.
When we are under stress due to illness or relationship events, the thymus atrophies drastically, millions of lymphocytes are destroyed and the thymus shrinks to half its volume, which is why the immune defense is reduced.
Thyme controls and regulates the flow of energy in our organism. Often there is a thymus imbalance in severe asthenia and nervous exhaustion. Therefore, balancing this gland means eliminating many imbalances and averting various diseases.