Trailer Park Yogi

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Trailer Park Yogi Trailer Park Yogi is a podcast created to bring some humor & Love to your soul!


Badass? ⭐ gift idea, reiki ❗ crystals

New Episode! "Spiritual Funk, Perfection & Surrender"In this episode Shannon and Joe discuss what surrendering may look ...

New Episode! "Spiritual Funk, Perfection & Surrender"

In this episode Shannon and Joe discuss what surrendering may look like, the perfection of imperfection and eating cheetos on the wrong side of the couch.

In this episode Shannon and Joe discuss what surrendering may look like, the perfection of imperfection and eating cheetos on the wrong side of the couch.

What is pulling at your soul? What is calling to your heart? What is speaking to your spirit?   Those are the questions ...

What is pulling at your soul? What is calling to your heart? What is speaking to your spirit?

Those are the questions that are ever-present for the seekers. We get so focused on the questions that we don't leave room for the answers. Or even for the idea that answers, in the traditional sense may not exist.

The ” answers” are ever-present and there are many ways in which to connect with them. The struggle begins when we are looking for them to present themselves in a certain way.

We are all wired (for lack of a better word )uniquely. We perceive and receive guidance and information in different ways.

We are guided or called to the people places or things that resonate with us at that particular moment in our lives.

Tools, beliefs, or messengers in human form may be put in our paths to act as a catalyst to ignite what lies within.

Are they giving us the “answers” or are they shining a light on what is already there, the ever-present knowing that lies within us all?

This place of knowing is truly where our strength, our power, and our truth lie.

So when seeking the “ answers” simply go towards what calls to your soul. The people, places, and things that inspire you and act as that catalyst that spark that illuminates that place of knowing.

Go towards the things that need no “ answers” because they just are, because you just know.

©️Shannon Fasce 2022

💢Special introductory prices 💢 Introducing ✨Awaken ✨10 oz Organic Beeswax Candle Made from organic Star anise, peppermin...

💢Special introductory prices 💢 Introducing ✨Awaken ✨10 oz Organic Beeswax Candle Made from organic Star anise, peppermint, grapefruit oils, Rose Quartz, Amethyst, Quartz, and lavender .Created to assist you on your journey of healing, awakening, and enlightenment. Use to bring in higher energies, motivation, and clarity, to create balance, and calm the mind chatter and anxiety. This blend is especially helpful wanting to work in the angelic realms. $22.50 please message me if you would like to purchase ✨

💢Special introductory prices 💢 Introducing ✨Awaken ✨4 oz Spray. Made from organic Star anise, peppermint, grapefruit oil...

💢Special introductory prices 💢 Introducing ✨Awaken ✨4 oz Spray. Made from organic Star anise, peppermint, grapefruit oils, spring water, and witch hazel. Created to assist you on your journey of healing, awakening, and enlightenment. Use to bring in higher energies, motivation, and clarity, to create balance, and calm the mind chatter and anxiety. This blend is especially helpful wanting to work in the angelic realms. $13.50 please message me if you would like to purchase ✨

Introducing ✨✨Transform ✨  10 oz organic beeswax candle with organic clove and orange oils, sweet myrrh Moonstone & Citr...

Introducing ✨✨Transform ✨ 10 oz organic beeswax candle with organic clove and orange oils, sweet myrrh Moonstone & Citrine crystals, and an organic h**p wick This candle was created to aid in the healing process, for use with candle or intention work to move and release old patterns and behaviors to release ties to negative situations, self-forgiveness, and self-awareness to shine a light on what needs to be healed and released. The raven is about rebirth, recovery, renewal, reflection, and healing. The raven signifies moving through transitions smoothly casting light into the darkness. I was guided to create this for my own personal journey but the shift I experienced during this process was one that I felt I needed to share✨$22.50 message me if you wish to purchase

💢Special introductory Prices💢 Introducing ✨✨Transform ✨  4oz spray with organic Clove and orange oils, spring water, wit...

💢Special introductory Prices💢 Introducing ✨✨Transform ✨ 4oz spray with organic Clove and orange oils, spring water, witch hazel, Moonstone & Citrine crystals. This spray was created to aid in the healing process, for use with candle or intention work to move and release old patterns and behaviors to release ties to negative situations, self-forgiveness, and self-awareness to shine a light on what needs to be healed and released. The raven is about rebirth, recovery, renewal, reflection, and healing. The raven signifies moving through transitions smoothly casting light into the darkness. I was guided to create this for my own personal journey but the shift I experienced during this process was one that I felt I needed to share✨ $13.50 message me if you wish to purchase

Introducing ✨✨Transform ✨  4oz spray with organic Clove and orange oils, spring water, witch hazel, Moonstone & Citrine ...

Introducing ✨✨Transform ✨ 4oz spray with organic Clove and orange oils, spring water, witch hazel, Moonstone & Citrine crystals. And 10 oz Organic beeswax candle with organic clove and orange oils, sweet myrrh, organic h**p wick, Moonstone& Citrine crystals this set was created to aid in the healing process, for use with candle or intention work to move and release old patterns and behaviors to release ties to negative situations, self-forgiveness, and self-awareness to shine a light on what needs to be healed and released. The raven is about rebirth, recovery, renewal, reflection, and healing. The raven signifies moving through transitions smoothly casting light into the darkness. I was guided to create this for my own personal journey but the shift I experienced during this process was one that I felt I needed to share✨$36.50 message me if you wish to purchase

Happy Saturday!

Happy Saturday!

New Episode! "Grifters, Seekers & Spiritual Soup"In this episode Shannon & Joe discuss The documentary series The Deep E...

New Episode! "Grifters, Seekers & Spiritual Soup"

In this episode Shannon & Joe discuss The documentary series The Deep End. The dangers of some so called "Spiritual Leaders" and The Swan with the Crazy eyes

In this episode Shannon & Joe discuss The documentary series The Deep End. The dangers of some so called "Spiritual Leaders" and The Swan with the Crazy …

New Episode! "Teachers, Mistakes & Snickers Bars"In this epidose Shannon & Joe discuss what being a "Spiritual" teacher ...

New Episode! "Teachers, Mistakes & Snickers Bars"

In this epidose Shannon & Joe discuss what being a "Spiritual" teacher could mean.How that may not be what it means at all and Shannon's encounter with a hangry "Dr. of Divinity"

In this epidose Shannon & Joe discuss what being a "Spiritual" teacher could mean.How that may not be what it means at all and Shannon's encounter with a…


Spiritual Anxiety & Your Inner Sam & Diane


Practices Belief’s and The Ghost in the Room Listen now! Let us know what you think


Rituals Mediumship and coffee cakes
Listen now!


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Starting Saturday June 4th I will be seeing clients in person again in Poughkeepsie NY! Saturdays from 11am to 5 pm to book an appointment send a message !


Good Morning, let’s try and set an intention for the day. It may not but easy but let’s give it a try. So let’s set the intention to change the what if’s and the woulda ,coulda , shoulda’s that are constantly rolling around in our minds and dictating our inner dialogues. Because the reality of it is that it serves absolutely no purpose. The only things it is guaranteed to do is take you away from the present moment,drain your energy and keep you from moving forward.
When we give in to them we become a prisoner to the negative loop it creates in our minds and then we begin to feel powerless.We feel this way because we have given the power of the present to the illusions of the past. Now I’m not saying to fight these thoughts because that doesn’t make them go away what I’m saying is that in that moment you acknowledge them and say to them (the thoughts) you go on without me I’m going to stay right here. And then take a deep breath in through your nose and out through your mouth. You don’t have to say this out loud just in your mind is fine. And just try doing this every time one of these thoughts creeps in. Sometimes I have to do this 10 times a day or sometimes as much as 500 plus But the more I do it the less these thoughts creep in and the difference in the way I feel is amazing!
You see our only power is in the present that’s where we can act from and fully experience everything. Anything outside of that is whatever our minds make it out to be. So just give it a shot! Even if your present moment may feel like a struggle right now try and be in it.Fully present in it without the distractions of the mind. And know that we are all doing our best at any given moment..And that my friends is my trailer park wisdom for the day! I wish you peace , love and all the good s**t the universe has to offer ✌️❤️

New Episode! "Spiritual Anxiety and your inner Sam & Diane"In this episode Shannon & Joe discuss the idea of spiritual a...

New Episode! "Spiritual Anxiety and your inner Sam & Diane"

In this episode Shannon & Joe discuss the idea of spiritual anxiety .And the reasons why we may find it hard to fully commit to a relationship with our spiritual abilites.

In this episode Shannon & Joe discuss the idea of spiritual anxiety .And the reasons why we may find it hard to fully commit to a relationship with our s…


We have a new episode! Check back later today to listen!


So today just give yourself the space to be silly to make mistakes and just be human. I was sitting on the couch with my grandson this morning while he was getting ready for school, and he coughed and just happened to fart at the same time. Well of course we laughed because to a 10-year-old boy that's funny stuff and even more so to his 50-year-old grandmother. I am hopelessly juvenile when it comes to farts. Any way that prompted me to google what coughing and farting at the same time is called. Yes, my friends this is a prime example of how my brain is wired. So, there are many and I found some of them to be hilarious! So, I am laughing so hard that tears are rolling down my cheeks, I’m snorting, practically peeing my pants. My grandson is just looking at me shaking his head. It was in that moment I realized how much I needed that and how much that shifted things and how that deep belly laugh was really a laugh from deep down in my soul. And it didn't matter that farts were the cause of it or that some might find that childish or ridiculous. All That mattered was that moment and the joy that laugh bought to my soul and how aware I was of that joy in that moment.

You see even a year ago I wouldn't have posted this I wouldn't have been aware of the significance of this moment. But this is what Trailer Park Yogi is about. It’s about the everyday seemingly insignificant moments that we dismiss or take for granted. The moments in which we become aware of something bigger than ourselves and the potential for joy that exists if we just allow ourselves the space to let it in. So that my friends is my trailer park wisdom for today. I hope whatever it is that makes you laugh until your cry finds it way to you today. Wishing you Peace , Love and all the good s**t the universe has to offer ✌

sometimes the universe uses those people closes to us or even those strangers we have a chance encounter with to bring u...

sometimes the universe uses those people closes to us or even those strangers we have a chance encounter with to bring us what we need to hear exactly when we need to hear it. Maybe a friend you haven't heard from texted you out of the blue? Or maybe it’s a best friend who just calls you to say listen, I don't know why but I really feel like I need to say this to you. Or maybe your standing on line at the grocery store and someone just starts telling you about their life and there is something about their story that touches you and speaks to your soul and it was exactly what you needed to hear. When these things happen listen to it! Act on it and Honor it. Sometimes we spend so much time trying to solve a problem or fix a situation that it just becomes this loop that we keep replaying over and over in our minds. We become stuck in it. That is when the universe /God whatever you choose to call it will intervene by sending people to us to give us what we need when we really need it. So listen, take action and get the hell out of your own way! And that my friends is my Trailer park wisdom for the day! Peace , Love & All The good s**t the universe has to offer! ✌️


Good Morning ! while you're waiting for that coffee to kick in just take a minute to really be in the moment. Try and look past all the dirty dishes in the sink or the pile of work sitting on your desk . Try and drown out the kids yelling or the dog pawing at your leg to go out or the cat giving you the stink eye. Put down your phone close the laptop and just breathe. knowing that you will never be in this moment again. This moment is a part of your story a blank page in the book of you.and whatever you choose to write on this page its all good as long as you are in it 100 percent. All that is required of you is to just show up in this moment messy hair ,baggy T shirt, morning breath and all. In this moment is where your power is,Take it move forward and own that s**t!


Flip the script even if its just for today. When those thoughts start creeping like what is wrong with me? why did I do this or why did I say that? Or why do I feel this way? instead of meeting those thoughts with disappointment try meeting them with full acceptance. Like, I said that because that is I react to things and right now that is best I can do. Or I feel this way because My feelings are valid and that is how my brain is wired. And if you find that your actions or words were hurtful in some way then just make it right.Because acceptance and actions move us forward. Negative self talk keeps us stuck. We are all doing the best we can at any given moment. Not one of us is perfect because perfection doesn't exist. So own your s**t make it right and give yourself a break. I see you I know you're trying. We are all trying. We got this!


Wherever you may find yourself today. Try and remember that everything has its purpose. So whether you are on top of the world or trying to see some light at the end of a dark tunnel. There is purpose in your presence. Whether you feel like you can take on life’s challenges head on or maybe just taking a deep breath while you let the tears flow is what you can accomplish today. It’s all good ,because there is purpose in your presence. We are all walking through this beautiful s**t show of life together. We got this! Happy Sunday Y’all 💜💜

Thank you all so much for all your support ! Since releasing the first two episodes we have all most 200 listeners! Plea...

Thank you all so much for all your support ! Since releasing the first two episodes we have all most 200 listeners! Please let us know what you think of the podcast by leaving a review . We love hearing from you! Please remember to subscribe. And visit our shop on our website

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Help support the podcast !

Hey , I just created a page here I look forward to connecting with you all! You can now buy me a coffee!

New Episode! "Practices , Beliefs and The Ghost in The Room"In this edpisode Shannon & Joe discuss what may call you dow...

New Episode! "Practices , Beliefs and The Ghost in The Room"

In this edpisode Shannon & Joe discuss what may call you down a certain road to a particular belief or practice. And where do those roads actually lead? They will also be discussing some paranormal stuff. Or as joe likes to call it the scary...

In this edpisode Shannon & Joe discuss what may call you down a certain road to a particular belief or practice. And where do those roads actually lead?…



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