How many people have never used the internet?
According to International Telecommunication Union,98 percent of people without access to the Internet live in developing countries.
It is true that people have gone online at the time of Corona. But the International Telecommunication Union says about 2.9 billion people have never used the Internet, which is 36 percent of the world’s population.
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According to ITU data, the number of people connected to the Internet in 2019 was 410 crore. This year the number has increased to 490 crore as everyone started working from home after the spread of Corona.
global internet cable map
According to the AFP news agency many of these users may seldom connect to the Internet, many may use the same device together, and may not be able to browse the web properly due to lack of speed.
Worldwide Internet users grew by more than 10% in the first year of the Corona Extreme, The ITU cited restrictions, school closures and the need for online banking services as the reasons behind this. The largest annual growth in a decade.
Although the number of people connected to the Internet has increased, this growth rate is not the same in all countries. In the poorest countries, the Internet is often beyond the reach of the average person.
Young people, men and urbanites are more likely to use the Internet than older, women and rural people. The report also raises the issue of gender inequality in developing countries.