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Kitsune Fox Vibes Our aim is to help people be the best and happiest version of themselves with our content!

Feeling mentally fatigued or having difficulty concentrating lately? A lack of proper hydration may be a contributing fa...

Feeling mentally fatigued or having difficulty concentrating lately? A lack of proper hydration may be a contributing factor. Mild dehydration has been linked with decreased mood, increased feelings of anxiety and stress, and headaches.

Staying adequately hydrated with water and fluids throughout our busy days could support both our physical and mental wellbeing. Even mild dehydration can negatively impact brain functioning.

So save yourself from unwanted brain fog and give your mood a boost - be sure to take regular hydration breaks and drink up! Our minds and bodies will thank us.


Hope everyone's having an amazing day! Remember to go for a walk or get some sunlight if you're feeling down.


Which morning routine has had the most benefit for your mood?

A) Waking up 30 minutes earlier to practice meditation, journal, and exercise

B) Making time before work for self-care like a long shower, healthy breakfast, and reading

Leave your answer in the comments. Feel free to share this post with others!


Feeling overwhelmed and stressed? Take a step back and try to get a few things crossed off your to-do list!
I've noticed that taking time to accomplish tasks and goals - no matter how small - can really boost my mood and sense of wellbeing. Even just checking little things off my daily to-do gives me a sense of productivity and control.
Finishing responsibilities lifts a weight off my shoulders and allows me to focus my mental energy on more positive areas of life. I feel happier and more confident when I'm able to check things off and make progress.
So don't underestimate the power of being productive! Take a few minutes to tidy up, respond to emails, or finish that errand you've been putting off. Those little acts of accomplishment can add up to big benefits for your mental health!
Let me know if you notice your mood improving when you take time to get things done too! A little productivity goes a long way.


As the days get shorter, many struggle with seasonal affective disorder. Light therapy lamps that mimic natural sunlight can lift moods by regulating melatonin and serotonin. Even 15-30 minutes a day by a 10,000 lux lamp works wonders. There's hope this season! Please share this with anyone that you know will benefit from this!


Feeling a little blue as the days get shorter and colder? You're not alone. Research shows that some people experience worsening depression and anxiety during the fall and winter months. The lack of sunlight can disrupt sleep cycles and lower vitamin D and serotonin levels, both of which affect mood. And the colder temps keep us indoors more, potentially leading to less physical activity and isolation.

If you think you may be dealing with seasonal affective disorder (SAD) or the "winter blues," here are a few proactive steps to take:

Get out in the sunlight as much as you can, even if it's just taking a brief walk midday

Consider light therapy via a sunlight lamp for 30 mins/day

Take vitamin D supplements to maintain optimal levels

Stick to a regular sleep schedule and exercise routine as much as possible

Reach out to loved ones if you've been feeling lonely or withdrawn

See a doctor or therapist if symptoms persist or worsen

The winter season doesn't have to mean feeling down. With some lifestyle adjustments and extra self-care, you can stay mentally well all year round! Let me know if any of these tips help you beat those winter blues.

Our aim is to help people be the best and happiest version of themselves with our content!


Good morning/night everyone! Hope you stay positive today and write down affirmations.

Have you heard of positive and negative ions? They can affect the way we think and feel. Whats around you can determine ...

Have you heard of positive and negative ions? They can affect the way we think and feel. Whats around you can determine the ions youre getting. Studies show negative ions increase serotonin, improving mood & focus. Positive ions have the opposite effect, increasing anxiety & depression. We can increase negative ions by spending time in nature, near moving water, or using an ionizer. Please like and share this with anyone that might find this helpful!


Negative air ions (NAIs) have been discovered for more than 100 years and are widely used for air cleaning. Here, we have carried out a comprehensive reviewing on the effects of NAIs on humans/animals, and microorganisms, and plant development. The presence ...


The Importance of Socializing for Mental Health
Having strong social connections is vital for our mental wellbeing. Humans are social creatures, and we thrive when we have positive interactions with others. Socializing relieves stress, anxiety, and loneliness. It makes us feel happy and fulfilled.
Here are some tips for making socializing a priority:

Reach out to friends and family regularly. Set up video chats or phone calls to catch up.

Make plans to meet up in person when possible. Do an activity together like getting coffee, seeing a movie, or taking a walk.

Join a club, class, or community group to meet new people who share your interests.

Say yes to social invitations, even if you feel like staying home. Push yourself to get out and be around others.

If you're introverted, balance solo time with some social interactions. Don't isolate yourself for too long.

If you're extraverted, beware spending all your time socializing without taking time to recharge alone.

Making social connections takes effort, but it's worth it. Our mental health depends on it!


Good morning,

Don't skip your workout today! Regular exercise provides fundamental health benefits which includes:

• Reducing your risk of chronic illnesses

•Improving mood

•Boosting energy

•Helping you live longer.

Get moving for your health! share this to help and remind others to do the same.


Stay positive today! Here are 3 quick tips:

Go for a walk outside and get some fresh air

Listen to uplifting music or a podcast

Write down 3 things you're grateful for

Small steps can make a big difference. Wishing you a happy and peaceful weekend!


Anxiety Tips

Anxiety is a normal emotion that everyone experiences from time to time. However, for some people anxiety can become excessive, persistent, and disruptive to daily life. Here are some tips for managing anxiety:

Breathe deeply - Taking some deep breaths when you start to feel anxious can help calm the mind and body. Inhale slowly through your nose, hold for a few seconds, and exhale slowly through pursed lips. Repeat until you feel more relaxed.

Challenge anxious thoughts - Anxiety often stems from irrational, exaggerated, and catastrophic thinking. When you notice worried thoughts arising, take a moment to identify the cognitive distortion and replace it with a more balanced, realistic perspective.

Stay present - Anxiety often focuses on future worries. Bring your attention back to the present moment by doing a simple activity that engages your senses, like taking a walk, sipping tea, or listening to music.

Limit stimulants - Caffeine, ni****ne, and other stimulants can aggravate anxiety symptoms. Cut back or eliminate sources of stimulants and see if it makes a difference.

Exercise regularly - Physical activity is a proven stress reducer. Aim for 30+ minutes of moderate exercise most days of the week.

Get enough sleep - Not getting adequate sleep can significantly contribute to anxiety. Stick to a regular sleep-wake schedule and wind down before bed.

Talk to someone - Voicing worries out loud to a supportive friend or mental health professional can help provide perspective. Don't isolate yourself when anxiety strikes.

Consider professional help - If anxiety is severely impacting your daily functioning, consult your doctor or a mental health provider. Therapies like CBT can help.

The key is finding what coping strategies work best for you. Be patient and keep trying different anxiety management tools. Share this with someone you know with anxiety that may find this helpful!


Drawing helps my mind relax. You don't necessarily need to be the best at drawing for it to work either! Having a relaxed mind also helps me get through what I started drawing or helps me stay in a mode to work on the next thing for the day.

There is a complex relationship between creativity and mental health. Here are a few key points about the connection between the two:

Many highly creative people have also struggled with mental health issues like depression, bipolar disorder, and schizophrenia. However, having a mental illness does not necessarily make someone more creative.

Some research suggests that certain thinking patterns associated with creativity, like making novel connections between ideas, also overlap with thought patterns found in some mental illnesses. So there may be shared cognitive mechanisms between creativity and conditions like schizophrenia.

Creativity may help some people express and cope with difficult psychological experiences. Expressive arts like writing, music, and painting can allow people to express emotions and make meaning from their struggles.

While severe mental illness can disrupt lives and be detrimental, some people believe subtle variations in neurochemistry that contribute to mental illness may also confer advantages like creativity.

Mood swings associated with bipolar disorder may contribute to creative productivity in the manic phases. However, the depressive phases can disrupt creativity.

For some, moderate levels of internal angst or psychic tensions may motivate creative work as an expressive outlet. But severe mental health problems can inhibit creativity by limiting motivation, focus, and drive.

So in summary, while many creatives have wrestled with mental health challenges, the connection is complex. At moderate levels, symptoms like mood changes may enhance creativity for some. But more severe illness often disrupts creative thinking and production. More research is still needed to fully understand this relationship. Hope this helped. Please share this with a friend or loved one.

A little kitsune ghost for October

A little kitsune ghost for October


Here are some self-improvement tips for the day!

"Start a gratitude journal. Each day, write down 3 things you're grateful for. They can be big or small. Research shows that cultivating gratitude reduces stress, improves sleep, and boosts your mood and relationships."

The key points are:

Start a simple gratitude journal

Write down 3 things daily

The items can be major or minor

Gratitude provides scientifically proven benefits

Reduces stress and anxiety

Improves sleep quality

Enhances mood and outlook

Strengthens relationships


Here are some tips for taking advantage of autumn to support mental health and wellbeing:

•Get outside. Cooler temperatures make outdoor activities more enjoyable. Go for walks, bike rides, or hikes to appreciate the changing leaves and experience fresh air. Being in nature has mental health benefits.

•Practice gratitude. Autumn is a time of harvest and abundance. Notice and appreciate simple pleasures like seasonal produce, cozy sweaters, and warm drinks. Keep a gratitude journal or share what you're grateful for with loved ones.

•Manage sunlight. Less daylight can disrupt sleep and mood. Adjust wake/sleep times with the sun, spend time outdoors during daylight, and consider light therapy to help regulate your circadian rhythm.

•Connect with others. As schedules get busier during the fall, make an effort to maintain social connections. Plan potlucks, game nights, or outdoor activities with family and friends. Social interaction enhances wellbeing.

•Engage in self-care. With cooler weather, find comfort in home-based activities like baking, reading, crafting, or taking long baths. Carve out me-time to relax and de-stress. Aim for better sleep and eat seasonally.

•Reflect and reset. Autumn represents change and renewal. Reflect on your goals, growth, and lessons from the past year. Reset routines or habits to support overall wellness. Use the autumn energy to make positive changes.

•Seek help if needed. For some, declining sunlight increases depression symptoms.
Seek professional help if seasonal changes have a negative impact on mental health. Don't struggle alone.


Hi, this page will be about self-improvement and mental health accompanied by friendly kitsune foxes.




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