I've came across a reddit post about a guy having a Tinitus (Constant ringing in his ears) A guy in the comments explained how it is possible to make the footsteps higher while keeping the gunshots low.
Here is the reddit link : https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/f04go3/how_escape_from_tarkov_has_helped_me/
All the downloads links you need :
EqualizerAPO : https://equalizerapo.com/download.html
LoudMAX : https://loudmax.blogspot.com/
ReaComp : http://www.vst4free.com/free_vst.php?plugin=ReaComp&id=471
LoudMAX Config : https://imgur.com/ntOeXbY
ReaComp Confif : https://imgur.com/z4lCUdq
My twitch channel : https://www.twitch.tv/kribtarkov/videos