Elimination Fantasy Booking Pitch:
John Cena doesn’t win The goal is to win 17. If he does it in April what story is left to tell the rest of the year. The money is in the chase not the title reign.
That being said Cody tells Rock you can’t have my soul. Main event time. Seth and Punk are the final 2. Punk calls in the favor to Heyman. Out comes Roman Reigns Roman spears Rollins. KICK OUT AT 2!
Roman attempts to deliver another spear to Rollins. But the ref gets hit instead of Rollins. Rollins hits the curb stomp on Roman and then Punk. There’s no ref to count . . . IF YA SMELL
Rock comes out. He’s in a ref shirt (sleeves cut off obvi) he enters the chamber. Rollins starts to berate him for taking so long. Rock then hits Rollins with the Rock Bottom. Rock lays Punk on top of Rollins and Punk wins the chamber.
This past Monday, Punk said he’s the devil when in reality the rock is the devil and Punk sold his soul to main event Wrestlemania. Chamber ends with Rock and Punk Shaking hands like Austin and McMahon at the end of Mania 17.