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Girl Talk Community Hey girlfriends! Grab a drink and catch our weekly girl talk episodes that are released on our favor

Hello ladies!Have you ever felt like God has asked you to do something big?  Something that challenged you and maybe you...

Hello ladies!
Have you ever felt like God has asked you to do something big? Something that challenged you and maybe you even felt this is impossible.
Our guest today has an incredible story of God calling her and she just simply said YES!! That yes has turned into many miracles and blessings from God. Jeni’s one calling or assignment has now turned into a non profit called - 500 turkeys and she along with many, many givers are the hands a feet of Jesus that feed over 1,000 families each year for Thanksgiving.

It is often said when God gives the vision He gives the provision and that has been proven in this amazing testimony of Jeni Bolton.

As you listen to this testimony - you will see how incredible our God is and you will be encouraged that whatever vision you feel God is giving you and feels too big… A simple YES is all He needs. He will provide.

Click the link below to listen and check the show notes for a link to the 500 Turkeys website to learn more.

Hello ladies! Have you ever felt like God has asked you to do something big? Something that challenged you and maybe you even felt this is impossible. Our guest today has an incredible story of God calling her and she just simply said YES!! That yes has turned into many miracles and bles...

Hey ladies, Have you ever tried to pick up a fork with a closed fist??  I know it sounds crazy - Why would anyone even t...

Hey ladies,

Have you ever tried to pick up a fork with a closed fist?? I know it sounds crazy - Why would anyone even try that?
In today’s podcast I share a journey I have been on with the Father. I discovered the Father is pouring His love out and I had my fists closed tight and was not in a position to receive it. Listen in to todays podcast to hear all about the table He has prepared for us with everything we could need, but we must be in a position to take and receive it.

As you walk on your journey - I want to encourage you to let go of what you might be holding on to and turn your hands up and open as you are ready to receive all He is pouring out to you.

Click the link below or listen on any podcast platform

Hey ladies, Have you ever found yourself at the end of the day with a million thoughts in your mind and feeling all the ...

Hey ladies,
Have you ever found yourself at the end of the day with a million thoughts in your mind and feeling all the emotions??
I have been there so many times and it can be overwhelming and difficult, but I have also been on the other side.
I have been to the end of the day and thought now that was a great day!

On today’s podcast I am sharing with you the best tip to get to the end of your day and not feel like life is out of control… or at least your mind feels like it’s out of control.

It’s super short, so easy; it has transformed my life and I know it will yours too… Have a friend your thinking about that feels that out of control feeling at the end of the day - Tap that share button and send this podcast to them! We want all woman living a life of freedom - the way God intended us to.
Listen on any podcast platform or click the link below.

Hey friend, Have you ever felt as though you are walking through a desert season, maybe a valley, or a quiet time in lif...

Hey friend,
Have you ever felt as though you are walking through a desert season, maybe a valley, or a quiet time in life?
In today’s episode I share some personal thoughts and experiences I have had and some revelation the Lord has brought to my attention recently.

If you are in a desert season or might be one day - Grab your favorite drink, notepad, pen and listen as I share a few tips to help when you are in that desert, valley or quiet time of life.

Do you know a friend currenlty walking through this season? Send them this episode to encourage them through their season.

Click the link below or listen on your favorite podcast platform

Hey ladies, Have you ever felt like you were just completly lost?  Like you know each day is important and has purpose a...

Hey ladies,

Have you ever felt like you were just completly lost? Like you know each day is important and has purpose and meaning, but sometimes you just feel like what am I even doing??? Just stuck in the mundane of life….

Friend, I am there with you and I read a devotion the other day that really encouraged me to think more and ask myself - What am I asking God to do? The scripture used was one I have heard so many times - Ephesians 3:20 “Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us.”

I stopped and realized if I truly believe that He can do more than I ask am I asking for enough? I shared some quick thoughts on todays podcast click the link below to listen 💕

The Girl Talk podcast is woman encouraging woman - Send this podcast episode to that friend who you know is stuck in the mundane of life right now - They will feel loved and encouraged that you thought of them to share some encouragement.

Hello ladies, Lies are everywhere and they are extremely dangerous to our thinking - the more we speak and think them th...

Hello ladies,

Lies are everywhere and they are extremely dangerous to our thinking - the more we speak and think them the more embed in our minds they become. The enemy wants nothing more than to trap us in a circle of lies and depressing thoughts. I have found personally the freedoom and peace that comes by recognizing the lies and disagreeing with them.
Friend we have the authority over these thoughts and lies. We are told in scripture to take EVERY thought captive.

Magagnotti and I are sharing some of the commone lies we find in our life and hear from other friends often.

We want to encourage you to listen and search your mind and heart to see if you find any of these lies in your thought process. If so please know there is freedom and peace to be found by getting out of agreement with that lie.

If this episode leaves you with more questions or a desire to chat more about this conversation - My message box is open - I’d love to share with you friend more details on how I have found so much freedom and peace by getting out of agreement with lies from the enemy. 💕

There is so much beauty in living life free from the bo***ge of lies and in agreement with how our Father has called us to live.
Click the link below or listen on your favorite podcast platform

Hello ladies, Have you ever found yourself weighed down with the stress, worry and cares of the day?⭐️ If you are anythi...

Hello ladies,
Have you ever found yourself weighed down with the stress, worry and cares of the day?

⭐️ If you are anything like me - I find myself there many times and sometimes many times in one day.

I read a devotion recently that really helped me see how to cast your cares on God in a different light.
The devotion talked about playing catch with your Father. How fast can you take that worry or stress that you picked up and just throw it right over to your Father. ⚾️
1Peter 5:7 is not a new scripture and most of us have probably had it memorized since we were little, but this devotion shed a different light on the verse and I felt so encouraged after reading it. It was one of those devotions where you feel the smile on your face getting bigger and bigger as you read it becuase you feel His love and peace.❤️

I shared all these thoughts with you today on the podcast - I know you will leave feeling encouraged and share it with a friend who needs the encouragement too. 💕

Click the link below to listen - Playing now on all podcast platforms.

Hi ladies, Dawn Magagnotti and I had the opportunity to talk recently; as business owners this conversation came up and ...

Hi ladies,
Dawn Magagnotti and I had the opportunity to talk recently; as business owners this conversation came up and we just knew we needed to share some thoughts with you friends.

We are talking about running a business with the Kingdom in mind. We all in some area are “running a business” whether we are running a business, an employee in a business, running a household - We each have a calling and how can we run that calling with the Kingdom in mind especially while we continue to juggle all the areas of life.

❓ Some of the questions we dive into are :

❓Are we seeking the Kingdom first?

❓How do we walk through each day having the Lord first of mind?

❓Are we more excellent than the world?

❓Are we acquiring the knowledge needed?

❓Are we living each day in peace?

❤️Take a few minutes to listen to these thoughts and share with a friend who comes to your mind. Let’s all seek to run each day with the Kingdom in mind first!

Click the link below to listen and send to a friend❤️Girl Talk - Community Girl Talk Community


The latest Girl Talk podcast with Dawn Magagnotti was packed with so much encouragement and truth.

We talked about success - What does that look like in business and daily life. Click the link below to listen and be encouraged!
Girl Talk Community Girl Talk - Community


Hi ladies,

So often in life we look towards becoming successful, but what is true success?
Often we can look at “success” as an amount of money we have or a level to arrive at in a job, but can we be successful without these?
Is it possible to be “successful” as God would define success and be “poor”?
How can we live each day successful and what does the Bible tell us about success? This conversation with Dawn Magagnotti was so insightful and encouraging.
I encourage you ladies to research and seek the Fathers heart on these questions.
When we can get into agreement with what God calls success and live that way every day we can find a level of peace and freedom that is incredible!
Listen on any podcast platform or click the link below.


Hi ladies,
I am excited to share Part 2 with you. Stephanie Jones is sharing the importance of giving to gifts to ourselves personally.
I love how Stephanie talks about giving herself the gift of a sunset. 🌅
This talk will encourage you to pay attention to your personal needs and the simple gifts that you can give yourself to fill your spirit!

Take a minute to enjoy His creation today - The creation of yourself as an individual and the creation all around us. These gifts will refresh and fill our spirits!

🎙Click the link below or listen on any podcast platform

Girl Talk Community Girl Talk - Community


Hey ladies, Did you know it is proven that people who give are happier than those who do not.
Stephanie who is also known as talked all about giving on the latest GirlTalk Episode.
Part 2 comes out soon, but you won’t want to miss the Part 1 - listen on any podcast platform or click the link below.


Hey ladies,
Have you ever given yourself a challenge to accomplish?? Stephanie Jones gave herself a challenge to give a gift every day for a year and she accomplished that goal and continued past 365 days.
Stephanie - also known as the Giving Gal - shares with us how this impacted her, why she set out on this goal and some ideas on what gifts she gave - she did not spend a ton of money during this. This changed her life and so many people that received the gift she gave. I know you will be inspired by Stephanie and you will see the sunshine just poures out of her.
* What gift will you give someone today? Even a smile is a huge gift for someone to receive 😊

Find Stephanie online at ⁠⁠ or follow along with her on Instagram and Facebook - she is one of the positive, encouraging accounts you want to connect with!

You can find the Girl Talk Podcast on all podcast platforms or click the link below.


What were your conversations about today?
When your friend picked up the phone to share the latest gossip was your number the first she dialed?
Leah Denson shared so many powerful truths on this Girl Talk episode. The choice to change the conversations you are involved in can lead to some relationship changes, but stay true to who you are and want to be!

If you missed this episode click the link below to listen. It is GOOD!


Hi ladies,

Have you ever noticed that we as woman can be quick to judge?? Sometimes we don’t even notice we are judging or maybe we are unknowingly engaging in judgmental and hurtful conversations. My friend Leah Denson shared a conversation with me around this recently and I wanted her to share with you ladies too. No, this isn’t one of those flashy and exciting episodes, but it is truthful and I found it so helpful in my life. Leah has a heart of gold and spoke some incredible and powerful truth on this episode. I know it will be eye opening for you ladies and has an opportunity to help you navigate to new conversations. Listen to the entire episode on any podcast platform or click the link below.


Hello ladies,
We have shared with you a couple times now about listening prayer and today we are sharing an incredible exercise that takes listening prayer a little different.
JoAnn Mathewson and I were so moved by this exercise we learned from our coaches and are excited to share this with you ladies.
Whether you are feeling discouraged in life or motivated this picture of your life that the Father gives you will be incredible.

We would love to hear from you ladies. We would love to connect more with you ladies. Come send a message to the Girl Talk Community on Facebook or Instagram or send a direct text to Jo or I - we would love to hear about the snapshot picture the Father gave you for your life.
Ladies don't forget you are loved just as you are more than you can comprehend!


Hey ladies, We are 8 days into the love month. Have you joined the group of ladies reading through the Power of the Praying Wife this month? .
It is not too late - join JoAnn Mathewson and several ladies experiencing the changing power of prayer in their life and their spouse.

Listen to the entire episode on any podcast platform or click the link below.
Praying over each of you ladies this week 💕


Hello ladies!! We are excited to be back in the studio together with you! We are starting the 2023 season with an excellent talk with JoAnn Mathewson .
JoAnn shares in this episode how she personally has seen the power of using the book by Stormie Omartian - The Praying Wife.

Ladies as much as we love the pink, the red hearts, chocolate and all the fun - pretty things that go along with Februrary the truth is we are in a battle!! - Everyday we are in a war - The enemy wants to steal, kill and destroy and marriages is a huge target for him.

This February JoAnn and several friends are going to battle with the enemy by reading through this book together. We would love to invite you ladies to join this group of life changing ladies as they encourage each other through text messages and share real life and the power of God’s work through prayer. Connect to Jo by messages or message the Girl Talk page and we will connect you with Jo. .
We are excited for all that is to come this year through the Girl Talk Community - Don’t let the enemy steal, kill or destroy any part of your life this year!!


Hey ladies, let me introduce you to my friend, author, public speaker, coach - but commonly known as the Giving Gal - Stephanie Jones. Stephanie has written a couple books, but we are specifically highlighting her Christmas books today.
I started December reading The Uncommon Christmas this year and I have found myself looking at the Christmas season a little different. Truly keeping Christ the center of all the fun and exciting season of Christmas. Follow along with Stephanie to find out more about the giving gal and grab a book for yourself and a friend - You will enjoy the different focus each day leading up to Christmas!

Hi ladies, With the Holiday seasons here that often means a lot of family time… Family time sounds nice, but often their...

Hi ladies, With the Holiday seasons here that often means a lot of family time… Family time sounds nice, but often their are stressful times and even maybe some toxic releationships. I am so excited to share my sweet friend Alli Vadas and her incredible story and how she overcame some difficult family relationships to become the successful and happy lady she is today! Take a minute to listen to this story and be encouraged on how to handle some difficult family situations.
👇 Click the link below to listen on any podcast platform👇


Hi ladies,

Have you ever considered or maybe just curious about adoption? There is such a need in the foster system and even adoption for children.
had a passion to adopt and still has a passion to foster children and speaks from her heart about her personal experience and love for these children. 💕
👉 This is Part 1 of a 2 Part recording so stay tuned for next week as we share even more.
If you have more questions or interest please reach out to Nikki.
If you are local to the NWI area we have a wonderful program in the area with Baptist Childrens Home to help moms who are struggling and need a little help for a while.


Nikki Butcher’s prayer for years has been “Use me for something bigger.” Nikki became a mom and in the busyness of life didn’t know exactly how that prayer would be answered, but after praying for her neighbors for 10 years an incredible opportunity opened. Nikki through a serious of events that can only be described as God’s work began a Bible study in her home which led to several salvations. We as woman have so many opportunities around us everyday to share Christ. You will be blessed as you hear Nikki’s testimony and Jamie’s heart of love and encouragement.
Catch the entire episode on any podcast platform


Hi ladies, I am excited to share my friend deyoung with you today! Carolyn is a mom of 4, very involved in the family business Interiors and shares a little with us today on how she balances her life. I love how confidently Carolyn knows herself and sticks to boundaries that help her be her absolute best for her family and work.
PS- DeYoung Interiors in St. John, Indiana has it all so grab your wallet and shop away!


I love how Jamie explained the puzzle of life. God is working on a masterpiece of each of our lives! Let’s have the patience to let Him work!
Click the link in the bio to listen to the entire episode.


Hi ladies, I am excited to bring this powerful episode to you today! Our guest Jamie Fankhauser is a single mom who started and currently runs a very successful business BUN's Soapbox in Valparaiso, IN. If you are looking for some encouragement on what step to take next, how to move forward, how to find your purpose in life and so many more wonderful nuggets of encouragement and truth this is the episode for you!
This is an episode you will not want to miss and be sure to share this encouraging episode with your friends.
Click the link below to listen to the entire episode.

Emotions are not good or bad. When we feel big emotions we can ask ourselves these 4 questions to understand why we are ...

Emotions are not good or bad. When we feel big emotions we can ask ourselves these 4 questions to understand why we are having the emotions. We talk in detail about the investigator tool on the Girl Talk episode 75. Girl Talk is on all podcast platforms.


Hey ladies, As a woman we are the opposition of death. We are the keeper and sustainer of life here on earth. What an incredible opportunity and power we have been given. On this episode we have JoAnn Mathewson (mom of 2 girls), Cecy Almanza (mom of 4 kids), and Megan Trumbo (mom of 6 with 1 on the way). We are excited to share all the details about giving birth that often don't get talked about. Share this episode with another girlfriend who will benefit from hearing all the never talked about parts of birth.
Click this link to listen to the entire episode 👉

Please reach out to any of our guests for a further conversation.


Finding your purpose in life is so important. I love how Chandra Klein Pallikan encourages and supports her daughter to try a variety of things at a young age. This helps her understand what she enjoys, is good at, has a passion for - all leading her to discovering her purpose in life.


Kids will face a challenge and a struggle and who will they run to? I love how Mathewson is cultivating an open communication with her girls from such a young age. Don't miss this episode on Girl Talk- Episode 74 - What are we teaching our children?

Hey girlfriends, just a quick mid-week reminder.  God can not lie and He says you are flawless, beautiful and sublime. Y...

Hey girlfriends, just a quick mid-week reminder.
God can not lie and He says you are flawless, beautiful and sublime. You are His treasure and He desires to do life with you! 💕


Hey girlfriends, What are we teaching our kids?? On this episode , and I are talking about children - How to introduce the hard topics and when to start talking about the difficult subjects in life.
Psalms 127:3-4 “Behold, children area a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb a reward. Like arrows in the hand of a warrior are the children of one’s youth.
Two books are mentioned in this episode. The Story of Me by Stan and Brenna Jones, and A little spot of emotions by Diane Alber


Hey Girlfriends, When we start to search for our identity and understand who we are we must be able to answer these questions.
1. Who is God actually?
2. Who am I?
Do you know who you are and do you know who God actually is? I want to encourage to start asking these questions and search for the answers. You will discover a confidenc, freedom and peace knowing who you are and who HE is!


Where does our Identity come from? Where are we finding our identity? How does God actually see me?
What is the fact? What is the story I am telling myself about that fact?
What is listening prayer?
Lesli Bixby shared all these deep questions and answers with us at our recent Girl Talk Event. Grab a pen and paper and settle in as you listen and enjoy the journey of discovering who you are!


Hey Girlfriends, Listen in as Lesli Lamb reminds us - We have a PURPOSE!! The world needs YOU! This Friday we will share the full talk from Lesli Bixby so stay tuned!

Hey girlfriends, What a wonderful time of fellowship and encouragement we had at our first Girl Talk Event!  If you were...

Hey girlfriends, What a wonderful time of fellowship and encouragement we had at our first Girl Talk Event! If you were unable to come we will be sharing the talk on our podcast so be on the look out for it!
💕Stay tuned for more get togethers in the future! Loved spending time encouraging each other💕
Remember- You are the daughter of the King, you are chosen, you are wanted, you are loved, you are not ALONE!


Hey Girlfriends, We are praying for each of you and can't wait to fellowship with you all tomorrow evening!
⭐️ Bring your prayer journal as Lesli Lamb talks about listening prayer and Identity.
Have a wonderful day of appreciation for all those who gave so much for the freedom we are able to enjoy every day.❤️🤍💙
See you tomorrow evening (May 31st) 6-8pm at 8585 Broadway Merrillville, IN (The Wells Fargo building - conference room on the first floor) JoAnn Mathewson Ashleigh Kelso


Hey girlfriends, We are so excited to see you Tuesday evening! May 31st from 6-8pm in Merrillville, IN. We have a few spots left- send us a message and we will reserve a spot for you!


Our first in person Girl Talk event is May 31, 2022 from 6-8pm in Merrillville, IN. We are looking forward to a night with girlfriends enjoying fellowship, charcuterie boards, drinks and homemade sugar scrubs! We are excited to have Lesli Lamb speak on Identity and How does the Father see us?

Come join us girlfriends for a wonderful evening! Ashleigh Kelso JoAnn Mathewson




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