Good morning sir, pls hide my identity
I am married for 3 years and have no kid yet,and have tried different hospitals and herbs still nothing like pregnancy,so anytime my husband and I have issue he always use it to m0ck me that I have done bad things in the past that's why am not getting pregnant. His family tried for me at the beginning of our marriage but now they have left me to it, it's only my parents that are helping me to find solutions to get pregnant. My hubby has stopped giving me feeding money, he doesn't buy me things, at times he will come home late claming there is no child he want to come meet at home. So two weeks ago,he came home late at night and drunkk, I was asking where he was coming from he said same statement that I can't ask him because there is no child he want to come meet at home,I was an*gry , we began to exchange words and he dragged me out of the house,and locked his door. I stayed 3days in my friend house before his mother took me back to his house.....wit all these happenings, am fed up and want to div0rce him. Pls I want to ask if it's the right decision because am just enduring the marriage , there is no happiness in it at all
Credit: Esan People Blog