I am absolutely positively obsessed with Jordan’s Jungle💚 I think I will take a road trip one day just to go because I want to see it that badly! The booth was enough to make me want to see it but once I watch the videos, I made it my mind 😂 I’ve never laid eyes on healthier plants and a plant store. If the booth makes me feel like this I can’t imagine how the actual store is 🥰#jordansjungle #greatbighomeandgardenshow #planttiktok #plantshop #houseplants #plantshopping
I did not know that we are not supposed to shovel snow after 45! Either way, I don’t like shoveling and I would much rather use the leaf blower to get rid of the snow instead! try and if you don’t feel like shoveling or I guess if you’re over 45 😳thank you @MyTwiceWidowedLife for the PSA. (This is her sound) I’m definitely going to listen. #easysnowremoval #snowremoval#leafblowingsnow #snowblowing #snow
It was my first garden show, and I absolutely loved it! It makes me want to go to all the home and garden shows I can every year. It took me a while to walk around, but I enjoyed every minute. The displays were so elaborate, especially for indoors. More of the displays and my entire visit will be up on the tube this weekend hopefully if you want to check it out! #greatbighomeandgardenshow #homeandgardenshow #homeandgarden #gardening #HomeImprovement
There are some great potting soils for great prices, but here are a couple of my favorites. I also have some high end favorites, but I don’t always have a high-end budget 😂 most of them get the job done, but I usually try to go with organic if possible with not too many additives. I usually do the amending myself, so it doesn’t matter that much. Do you have a favorite soil brand? #gardening #soil #gardeningtips #gardeningforbeginners
"After women, flowers are the most lovely thing God has given the world" - Christian Dior Flowers are too beauiful to give up bcause you think you don't have a green thumb. In my opinion,green thumbs are made by having the right information and experience. Growing plants is easy once you find the right conditions. Follow along and l will help you take care of the garden from the time it wakes up until it's time to put it to bed ☺️ Spring is coming fast so it's time to startpreparing! #beginnergardening #gardening #gardentipsandtricks #flowergardening
The stick in my hair 😂😂 Rain, shine, sleet, or snow I have to keep my bird buddies happy! Birds are so beneficial to have in your garden and they are so nice to watch from the porch. Plus it gives me a chance to be outside working in my garden in the winter a little bit. Do you feed birds in your garden? #birdfeeding #birdfeeder #gardenwildlife #gardening #wildlifeinthegarden #wildbirds
Work smarter not harder! Using a leaf blower to remove the snow took me less than 10 minutes and I was back inside with hot chocolate. It's totally possible to be lazy, and still be considerate of others at the same time. I don't mind yardwork anyway # snowstorm2024 #snowremoval #leafblowingsnow #snowblowing #snowday
Got to my hosta clean up way later than usual this year, but it actually was so much easier because of it! I don't know if it will be this warm every year to be able to do this, but l did enjoy being able to pull them out of the ground. my number one tip for hole free hostas is clearing out the old leaves every year. Trust me it makes a big difference. #hostas #hostacare #gardeninghelp #gardentips #perrenialgardening #gardeningforbeginners #gardencleanups
Cleaning my vegetable garden it s always easy when use the chop and drop method. can't think of it easier and more beneficial way to wrap it up. Plus, it always feels so good to give nutrients back to the soil after it provides so much for me during the growing season.🥰#vegetablegardening #backyardvegetablegardenden #gardencleanups #chopanddrop #gardeninghelp #gardeningforbeginners
Once you plant zinnias, you never have to buy zinnia seeds again! They are such a great beginner cut flower as well as a great flower to learn how to collect seeds from. One single flower holds probably 100 seeds so you get plenty! #seedcollecting #zinniaflowers #cutflowergarden #flowerbedcleanup #gardeningforbeginners #gardenhelp