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The Living Mastery Welcome! We're covering the topic of life and self mastery through the way of mind, spirit, and higher consciousness.

Go beyond the conditioning of the world and know the Truth. 💚🌟

Treatment for abundance & supply by Ernest Holmes. 🌟

Treatment for abundance & supply by Ernest Holmes. 🌟


Emmet Fox: Prayer of Abundance

Today, I accept God’s gift of abundance. Today everything that I AM and have, that is Good, is increased. I identify everything I do with success. I think affirmatively. And with all my prayers, I accept abundance. Whatever I need, whenever I need it, wherever I need it, for as long as I need it, will always be at hand. I no longer see negation or delay or stagnation in my undertakings. Rather, I claim that the action of the Living Spirit prospers everything I do, increases every Good I possess and brings success to me and everyone I meet. Everything I think about and do is animated by the Divine Presence, sustained by the Infinite Power, and multiplied by the Divine Goodness. In Jesus Christ’s name I pray, who lives and reigns with the Father and the Holy Spirit One God forever and ever. Amen.

Gratitude affirmation. 🍀

Gratitude affirmation. 🍀

I am victorious with God! 🌟

I am victorious with God! 🌟


"Yoga teaches that “real life” must be confronted in a new way. There has to be conscious expansion of the possibilities we are willing to accept; otherwise, self-imposed limitation will never go away on its own. To create this expansion, Yoga relies on two things: attention and intention.

The law of attention holds that whatever you put your attention on grows.
The law of intention says that the world “out there” obeys your deepest desires."

~ Deepak Chopra


"It is error for anyone to submit his will to the control of any personality. The personal exercise of will by personal understanding is short-sighted and selfish; hence it is never safe to allow oneself to be led by the direction or advice of another. Practice the presence of God until you open your consciousness to the inflow of the omnipresent, all-knowing mind, then affirm your unity with that mind until you know and fully realize, through the many avenues of wisdom, just what you should do. This acquirement of a knowledge of the divine will is not the work of an instant; it results from patient and persistent spiritual study, prayer, and meditation. Even Jesus, with His exalted understanding, found it necessary to pray all night. All who have found the peace and the power of God have testified to the necessity of using prayer in the soul's victory."

~ Charles Fillmore


"Don’t crave money and don’t fear it. Put your time, thought, and energy into reality, which is the flow of creative intelligence. The clarity of this teaching is almost blindingly obvious. Who doesn’t prefer reality to illusion? Unfortunately, the answer is “all of us.” To be fixated on money is an offshoot of being fixated on materialism. The one follows from the other. Basing your life on getting more material things, however, is enough to close off the path of consciousness."

~ Deepak Chopra


"I believe that not only is one's body subject to the control of the mind, but that, also, one may change environment, "luck," circumstances, by positive thought taking the place of negative. I know that the "I Can and I Will" attitude will carry one forward to Success that will seem miraculous to the man on the "I Can't" plane."

~ William W. Atkinson


"...Jesus Christ thought himself so clear and strong in his consciousness of good, or at-one-ment with the Father, Perfect Principle, that he could thus cleanse the consciousness of all the people. "He is the propitiation for our sins; and not for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole world."

The acknowledgement by you that there is but one Mind universal and that you take upon yourself other's sins and cleanse through your pure consciousness their shortcomings, caused by their ignorance of this great truth, will free you from any belief you may have reflected. Jesus Christ said, "Forgive them, Father, they know not what they do."

If you are not constantly conscious that God is the source of your being, and that he is universal Justice, Purity, Peace, Wisdom and Love, you wander from your polar star, and ere you are aware you are dashed upon the rock of selfish personality. You give way to a fit of anger or jealousy, you lust after the flesh, or envy your neighbor his possessions. "We have sinned (gone into error, fallen short), because we have forsaken God."

In every such thought you are galvanizing it to phenomenal life vampires that will prey upon your consciousness in disease and trouble, unless you unformulate their personality by denial, which is an acknowledgement that there is only God; that "Universal Perfection reigns as supremacy; that all intelligence and life manifested in form and claiming to be something independent of the whole, is but a self deceived nothing."

~ Unity School of Christianity

"It is wisdom to trust God wholly for supply; such trust takes away all agonizing fears of lack. Make yourself positive ...

"It is wisdom to trust God wholly for supply; such trust takes away all agonizing fears of lack. Make yourself positive in the consciousness that God is with you and that no man's thought can interfere with your success. This attitude of confidence and trust will give you life, energy, vim, power. If you are half-hearted, half awake, you do not accomplish much. Put the life of Spirit into everything that you do. God is life and energy; when you are filled with His vitalizing power you are strong, alert, active, ready always to do your part.

Demonstrations of life and prosperity go hand in hand. One who is half alive cannot be truly prosperous. The prosperous man feels the quickening power of Spirit. He who believes in lack of any kind cannot be fully alive. The house must be established in the understanding that in Spirit there is no lack anywhere (in life, in supply, or in anything else), before the chambers of the house can be filled with all manner of precious and pleasant riches."

By: Unity School of Christianity

  God Our Support (1927 and 1964) [Editor's note: The PDF has writing that says this tract would be studied with Lesson Three of the Unity Correspondence School Lesson (Preparatory).] THE promise is "Ask, and ye shall receive." Do you ask for supply, or do you try to get it in other ways? The ...

"In believing Him (Jesus Christ) to be the only begotten Son of God, we have confounded His higher consciousness or Chri...

"In believing Him (Jesus Christ) to be the only begotten Son of God, we have confounded His higher consciousness or Christ consciousness, which is the only begotten Son of God, with His lower or Jesus consciousness. He recognized His identity in God as the Christ, the Son of God; He also recognized His consciousness of self, the son of man. So each of us is a son of God. We shall come into conscious recognition of the Christ Mind, making the conjunction between our mind and God's mind, just as soon as we let go of the limitations of mortal sense. God has but one Son, the Christ, the one ideal man. This divine conjunction was accomplished by Jesus, and the Christ shone out through His mortal self and illumined it, until it lost its personality and disappeared into divine individuality."

~ Charles Fillmore

 TruthUnity Editor's notes:


"If we read boots written by cynical, sarcastic minds, who are so warped as to be able to see only the faults of others, and at last unable to see good anywhere, we bring on ourselves their unhealthy thought current, and are one with it. The arrow always tipped with ill-nature and sarcasm is deadliest to him who sends it. In other words, the man who is ever inviting and cultivating this thought current, is inviting the unrest, disease and misfortune it will assuredly bring to him, and when we get too much into his mind we invite similar results."

~ Prentice Mulford

Affirm! 💚🌟

Affirm! 💚🌟


"Money does not bring peace and satisfaction. Men fail because they worship Mammon, and men worship Mammon because they have not discerned the light. They have not entered into the understanding that God, the omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscient One, is the source of all and that man may draw from Him without limit."

~ Charles Fillmore


"You may be avaricious and stingy to a degree that the very blood in your body is being dried up, and your nerves shaking and palsied with the fear of future poverty. If so, a new set of ideas must be made active in your domain. Commence at once to "let go" of your all-consuming ideas of gain. Think about generosity and begin to be generous. "It is more blessed to give than to receive" (Acts 20:35). You can prove the truth of this, and be blessed with a new influx of life and health by giving.

On the other hand, you may be poor; you may have cultivated the idea of small things financially. You believe that you cannot give because your income is so limited. Your remedy is to cultivate ideas of abundant supply. Claim God as your inexhaustible resource, and that all things are yours. But in order to set in motion the dammed-up current of your thoughts you must also begin to give. You may have to give pennies to begin with, but give them in the name of your opulent God. Say with your heart's love as you send them forth,

"The love of God through me multiplies you.""

~ Charles Fillmore

"The law is always a mirror reflecting your mental attitudes. Therefore, if you say, "I can have a little good," it will...

"The law is always a mirror reflecting your mental attitudes. Therefore, if you say, "I can have a little good," it will produce this small amount of good for you, but if you say, "All the good there is mine," with equal certainty it will produce a larger good. If you believe that wherever you go you will meet with love and friendship, with appreciation and gratitude, then this will become the law of your life."

~ Ernest Holmes

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"Q: What Is "the flesh"?

A: The next temptation all of us must meet is termed "the flesh." This is symbolized by Jesus' temptation to turn stones into bread. As with "the world" we must come to see that this is a state of consciousness formed by man's wrong concept of substance that clothes the soul, that forms the outer visible structure of man we call the "body." If there is but one substance out of which all creation is formed, then what we term "the flesh" must be this same substance.

However, when we connect "the flesh" with the thought of temptation we know that it is not the flesh as we see it, but the error beliefs about it that we are dealing with. When a person suffers imperfection, disease, illness in his flesh body, he feels bound and he may think that he desires release from the body itself. With under-standing he finds that it is not release from the body he desires, but release from the limitations he has imposed on the flesh. It seems to man, in unenlightened consciousness, that the appetites of the body are his master; but once illumined to the truth that his body is "the temple of the Holy Spirit" (I Cor. 6:19), or as we often term it "the temple of God," he realizes that appetite is not really physical but spiritual. The desire for physical food has back of it the urge of God to give man spiritual food, the "bread of life." When first tempted, Jesus said, "Man does not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God" (Matt. 4:4)

If a man seems to be in subjection to wrong appetites or habits of the body, it is because he has not been spiritually educated to understand and control these appetites. When the soul is not given opportunity for legitimate expression, then the body finds wrong ways of expressing the misunderstood appetites. Medical science has found evidence that a child or an adult who has an uncontrollable desire for food actually feels rejected, unhappy, or frustrated. There can, therefore, be no condemnation of one who seems not to be able to control appetite for food, but rather a prayer for enlightenment so that balance may be restored. Even insatiable desire for intellectual knowledge can be a type of "mental appetite" that Is indicative of the soul's desire for the spiritual food that alone can satisfy. Any imbalance in the body can be traced to imbalance in the mind. So, the overcoming of "the flesh" must be recognized from its meta-physical symbolism, and the true overcoming thus takes place in the mind with the raising of the consciousness to the Truth that we are spiritual beings."

(From: Unity Correspondence School)

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"Q: How is man restored to divine harmony?A: There is but one man, one divine Idea: the only begotten, the Christ; the r...

"Q: How is man restored to divine harmony?

A: There is but one man, one divine Idea: the only begotten, the Christ; the real of every man which is to come forth through "manifest man" in his thinking, feeling, speaking, acting, and reacting. When we understand this truth and conform all our thinking to it, order and harmony will characterize all our manifestations in mind, body, and affairs. Through man God is bringing into outward manifestation that which exists in the ideal. To measure up to his possibilities, man must understand divine law and his relation to it.

Jesus Christ understood God and man. He not only recognized man's relation to God as son but He knew what man's true work is in expressing that sonship. When "manifest man" looks at the universe in which he lives, he often discounts his own value to the Creator. He thinks he is only here for a brief span in which time he must strive for material possessions, must "make a living." When enlightenment comes, man sees that life is eternal; that he need not strive for material possessions and position for they are the "added things" that come from seeking God's kingdom (realm of divine ideas) and His righteousness (right use of the ideas). He realizes that he is not here to "make a living"; as Charles Fillmore once expressed it, "Man is here to live his making and his making will make his living."

Having established the truth that divine ideas are his inheritance, man comes to appreciate material things as the manifest forms of those ideas. Only as he takes hold of the ideas that are the spiritual patterns for all form will man find the satisfaction he sought in the search for things of themselves.

With the new viewpoint of his own purpose in life, man sees other people in a new light. Especially does he see children as belonging to God, and not personal possessions. He no longer makes idols of his children or of his possessions."

(From: Unity Correspondence School)

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Welcome! 😀 We're covering the topic of life and self mastery through the way of mind, spirit, and higher consciousness. Go beyond the conditioning of the world and know the Truth. 💚🌟

RACE CONSCIOUSNESS "Q: What is meant by "race consciousness"?A: The race thought is the thought, concept, or belief that...


"Q: What is meant by "race consciousness"?

A: The race thought is the thought, concept, or belief that is common to the greater part of humanity, whether it be good or ill. Among the error thoughts held by the race are those of sin, poverty, disease, death, and the belief these appearances are inevitable in human experience. Another race thought is the belief that materiality is the real. In the blindness of ignorance, man does not see Spirit manifest everywhere. He thinks God to be separate from His creation; he believes that the world and his body are lacking the eternal life and light of Spirit.

These and other adverse thoughts of the race work in the minds of men and produce all kinds of inharmonious conditions. Every one who would overcome must have the understanding of Truth, in order that he may deal with causes intelligently and produce the effects that he desires. If he says, "I don't see what I ever did, that I should suffer," or "My friend is so good, it cannot be that his thinking causes his troubles," he is exhibiting his ignorance of the law of mind action and the power of thought. The negative race thoughts are working in the subconsciousness of all persons who have not fully established themselves in the Christ consciousness. Every overcomer finds that he must deal firmly with these negative race thoughts by putting them out of his mind, and in their place putting thoughts of Truth.

Q: How do limited race beliefs become a part of the consciousness of the individual?

A: The dominant error race beliefs get into the subconscious of men by being carried from generation to generation, forming what is termed experience, until they are accepted and made a part of everyday beliefs and habits of mind and action. When one is quickened by Spirit and awakens to the knowledge that he is the offspring of God, this realization consciously unifies his thinking with the ideas of Divine Mind and he begins to express and manifest more of God's perfect life.

When man believes only in a physical heritage as his source of life he manifests the limitations and imperfections of that state of consciousness. These limitations are the result of expressing beliefs that have been learned and accepted from human ancestors from whom one believes he has descended. When man learns that he is by nature divine, is in reality Spirit manifested in physical form, his thoughts begin building a new consciousness. He begins to express and manifest spiritual qualities or ideas, which are his inheritance from God."

From: Unity Correspondence School, Series 1, Lesson 5

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OVERCOMING"Q: What is overcoming?A: When rightly understood, all overcoming is seen to be an inner realization of victor...


"Q: What is overcoming?

A: When rightly understood, all overcoming is seen to be an inner realization of victory over error states of consciousness. Sometimes, however, one's conscious thought may give him no hint of the overcoming which he needs to do in his subconscious phase of mind. However, when Spirit begins to quicken and transform him, it will reveal the need of a new state of mind.

Q: What two mental steps are taken in overcoming?

A: There are two definite steps that one must take in the process of overcoming:

The first step is for the individual to place himself consciously by faith in the Christ consciousness and hold himself there by training his thoughts to think on God ideas. This step is taken by the conscious phase of mind, the intellect or thinking faculty. One must consciously open his mind to divine ideas and must refuse to recognize anything but good. Thus the change from error consciousness to spiritual consciousness is accomplished in one movement.

The complete transformation, however, comes as the result of a second step taken by the subconscious phase of mind (realm of feeling). The thoughts of good are taken into the storehouse of the subconscious phase of mind and produce states of mind that eventually bear fruit in the outer.

The working of Truth from the inner, the within, to the outer, from consciousness into the body and affairs, is what is meant by working out one's own salvation. It is incorporating divine ideas of life, love, light, substance, intelligence, into one's consciousness and letting these ideas be expressed in his thoughts and feelings, in his words and actions, that he is saved from all false thinking and its effects in his life here and now. This is working out one's own salvation. "Be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind" (Rom. 12:2). Holding oneself mentally in the Christ consciousness by faith consciously connects one with the Truth of Being. Truth quickens the mind and renews it, and the renewed mind transforms the whole man."

(From: Unity Correspondence School)

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"In order to express God's kingdom on earth, man must first comprehend and establish it in his own consciousness. He ent...

"In order to express God's kingdom on earth, man must first comprehend and establish it in his own consciousness. He enters into conscious unity with Divine Mind (or the kingdom of God "within you") through coming to the realization that "I and the Father are one" (John 10:30). In other words, he eliminates from his consciousness all thoughts that do not accord with Absolute Good, thus producing a state of harmony (heaven) within his own mind. This elimination of untrue concepts and the establishment of true ideas within man cause him naturally and without effort to come into right relations with his fellow man. Thus he has allowed the kingdom of God to come through him and enabled heaven or harmony to be established "on earth."

Scripture asserts that "the kingdom of God is within you" (Luke 17:21), but that "the kingdom of heaven is at hand" (Matt. 3:2). The deeper meaning of the word heaven, from the word auranos which Jesus probably used, is "expanding." As man's human consciousness is developed spiritually and he becomes conscious of the kingdom of God and its inhering ideas, his consciousness expands so that the ideas of the kingdom of God may be expressed. The true expression of these divine ideas produces order, peace, and harmony in the outer world."

(From: Unity Correspondence School - Series 2 - Lesson 1: The True Character of God)

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"It is important that you maintain a strict censorship over your thinking. Just as you watch your garden that foreign se...

"It is important that you maintain a strict censorship over your thinking. Just as you watch your garden that foreign seeds shall not fall into it, producing a growth of undesirable plants, so you must refuse entrance to any thoughts you do not wish to see manifested in your life. Guard well this garden of your mind. It is God's garden of your soul. It is your Garden of Eden wherein may grow your fondest desires and hopes, blossoming into fulfillment. Or, if you permit, the weeds of destruction, fear and doubt, will choke out the beauty of hope until despair alone remains."

~ Ernest Holmes

THE GOLDEN KEYBY: EMMET FOXScientific prayer will enable you to get yourself or anyone else, out of any difficulty. It i...



Scientific prayer will enable you to get yourself or anyone else, out of any difficulty. It is the golden key to harmony and happiness.

To those who have no acquaintance with the mightiest power in existence, this may appear to be a rash claim, but it needs only a fair trial to prove that, without a shadow of doubt, it is a just one. You need take no one's word for it, and you should not. Simply try it for yourself.

God is omnipotent, and we are God's image and likeness and have dominion over all things. This is the inspired teaching, and it is intended to be taken literally, at its face value. The ability to draw on this power is not the special prerogative of the mystic or the saint, as is so often supposed, or even of the highly trained practitioner. Everyone has this ability. Whoever you are, wherever you may be, the golden key to harmony is in your hand now. This is because in scientific prayer it is God who works, and not you, and so your particular limitations or weaknesses are of no account in the process. You are only the channel through which the divine action takes place, and your treatment will be just the getting of yourself out of the way.

Beginners often get startling results the first time, for all that is essential is to have an open mind and sufficient faith to try the experiment. Apart from that, you may hold any views on religion, or none.

As for the actual method of working, like all fundamental things, it is simplicity itself. All you have to do is this: Stop thinking about the difficulty, whatever it is, and think about God instead. This is the complete rule, and if only you will do this, the trouble, whatever it is, will disappear. It makes no difference what kind of trouble it is. It may be a big thing or a little thing: it may concern health, finance, a lawsuit, a quarrel, an accident, or anything else conceivable: but whatever it is, stop thinking about it and think of God instead -- that is all you have to do.

It could not be simpler, could it? God could scarcely have made it simpler, and yet it never fails to work when given a fair trial.

Do not try to form a picture of God, which is impossible. Work by rehearsing anything or everything that you know about God. God is wisdom, truth, inconceivable love. God is present everywhere, has infinite power, knows everything, and so on. It matters not how well you may think you understand these things: go over them repeatedly.

But you must stop thinking of the trouble, whatever it is. The rule is, to think about God. If you are thinking about your difficulty, you are not thinking about God. To be continually glancing over your shoulder in order to see how matters are progressing is fatal, because it is thinking of the trouble, and you must think of God and nothing else. Your object is to drive the thought of the difficulty out of your consciousness, for a few moments at least, substituting for it the thought of God. This is the crux of the whole thing. If you can become so absorbed in this consideration of the spiritual world that you forget for a while about the difficulty, you will find that you are safely and comfortably out of your difficulty -- that your demonstration is made.

In order to "golden key" a troublesome person or a difficult situation, think. "Now I am going to 'golden key' John, or Mary. or that threatened danger": then proceed to drive all thought of John, or Mary, or the danger out of your mind, replacing it with the thought of God.

By working in this way about a person, you are not seeking to influence his conduct in any way, except that you prevent him from injuring or annoying you, and you do him nothing but good. Thereafter, he is certain to be in some degree a better, wiser, and more spiritual person, just because you have "golden keyed" him. A pending lawsuit or other difficulty would probably fade out harmlessly without coming to a crisis, justice being done to all parties concerned. If you find that you can do this very quickly, you may repeat the operation several times a day with intervals between. Be sure, however, each time you have done it, that you drop all thought of the matter until the next time. This is important.

We have said that the golden key is simple, and so it is, but of course it is not always easy to turn. If you are very frightened or worried, at first it may be difficult to get your thoughts away from material things. But by constantly repeating a statement of absolute Truth, such as: There is no power but God: I am the child of God, filled and surrounded by the perfect peace of God: God is love; God is guiding me now; or, perhaps best and simplest of all. God is with me -- however mechanical or trite it may seem -- you will soon find that the treatment has begun to "take." And that your mind is clearing. Do not struggle violently; be quiet, but insistent. Each time you find your attention wandering, switch it back to God.

Do not try to think in advance what the solution to your difficulty will be. This is called "outlining" and will only delay the demonstration. Leave the question of ways and means to God. You want to get out of your difficulty that is sufficient. You do your half, and God will never fail to do God's.

"Whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved" (Acts 2:21).


Look at your life. Look at your bank account. Look at your health. Look at your relationships.⁠

Your external world is your application of your mind and your external world has been 100 percent created by where you have chosen to place your attention. ⁠

That's why it's vital that we learn to master our attention and we keep it and we move it to the places that actually serve us as opposed to places that do not serve us. ⁠

Look at the last 10 minutes. Where was your attention? Was it on Facebook or was it on Instagram or was it yelling at somebody in traffic?⁠

Seriously look at the last 10 minutes... where has your attention been?⁠

Was it on: Why do I have no money and bad health? And why do I feel bad and I'm stuck and I hate my job and I'm getting a divorce and it's really messy and more fighting over the kids and why am I a failure in life? And how come I have no control? Why do bad things happen to me? ⁠

If you find yourself somewhere that you don’t want to be in life it’s because that’s “where your attention is.” If you want something different, then move your attention.⁠

Mastering your attention is the key to getting what you want in life.⁠



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